The law of karma and the cleansing of karma. How to clean karma on your own and save yourself from failures How to clean karma from negativity

Hello! A lot of people offer to purify the vessels of karma for a lot of money. Not sure they are not scammers. Each person can do cleansing, liberation of the soul from negative energy. Let's look at how to clean karma yourself.

Laws of Karma

Any unseemly actions can give us a negative answer. Often the answer does not come immediately, but after a certain time. Sometimes the Universe accumulates a response, then the reaction can be quite tangible, if not to you, then to your children or grandchildren.

On the contrary, the Universe also responds to good deeds with good. It may not be right away either.

Karma is sometimes ruthless, but fair. Before her, everyone is equal - both kings and beggars. To put it simply: if you do good, “it will come back to you…”. And evil is evil and backfires immediately or later. Even thoughts will respond with action.

Symptoms of unworked karma

It’s good if you carry out cleansing from negative karma according to the following program:

  1. Open all windows for 10 minutes, opening, say: “I take away the sins of my ancestors, I release them into the free wind. I don’t love and don’t live with them, I miss life with them.
  2. Sprinkle holy water on every corner of your dwelling, then wash yourself with holy water and wash every inhabitant of your house. At the same time, say three times: “I wash your sins off me. Forever, Forever. Let it be so".
  3. Walk with a burning candle around the house, say: “I drive away the remnants of evil. The one whose name I do not name will be frightened by fire.
  4. Dig some dirt in a park where no one walks, no cars drive, put it in a corner by the front door. Let it lie down for 1 month so that the land will collect the weak sins of all generations. Then wash the floor.

Do not anger God, fix what can be fixed, wait for deliverance from problems and it will come. Cleansing karma will help make life better.

How the Higher Powers Help People

Higher powers never refuse people to help if they sincerely ask, while doing good deeds.

You can ask for forgiveness of sins. To do this, it is not necessary to go to church every day; at home, you can also pray in front of the images. When reading a prayer, vibrations that heal the soul occur, a person is cleansed. Prayers in nature are especially useful. Join the fast, refuse entertainment, do not swear, avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Our Spiritual Helper

Mantras are spiritual guides. The sages of the East say that there are mantras for every person, for every need. For example, to attract money, the mantra must be read every day for 1-2 months. The number of repetitions is 3.9, 27, and preferably 108 times. Take your beads and get started.

It should be named specifically, for example, “I direct the fruits of reading this mantra to buying a home, buying a car, getting an education ....” at the same time, imagine, feel the joy of the acquisition.

Treat the recitation of mantras with reverence. Retire, take a few deep breaths, dive to its depths. Pick one and read on.

  • OM GURAVE NAMAH - the mantra of Jupiter is recited on Thursdays, on the day of Jupiter. Can be strengthened by charitable deeds.
  • OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSMI BYO NAMAHA or OM SHRI MAHA LAKSMIEY NAMAHA - is read before the image of the Goddess Lakshmi, the mantra of wealth and gaining material wealth.
  • OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH - worship of Ganesha. The mantra will help attract money, keep it, remove obstacles in business

The mantra for cleansing karma of great power will help calm the soul, mind, cleanse karma. It must be listened to for 21 days in order to be cleansed not only in this incarnation.

The magic hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva is considered miraculous because it helps to get rid of depression, chronic diseases, negative thoughts, anger, envy, hatred. Listening or reading a mantra, a person's consciousness moves to another level, the soul is purified.

The words of the mantra for purifying karma:


There is even special music that acts in such a way that a person's karma is reset to zero. It can be listened to online.

healing practice

Meditation performed slowly, with concentration, will help heal the whole family.

  • Stand up, press your feet together, close your eyes, breathe a little.
  • Exhale all the tension, feel that you are a particle of the Universe, and light flows into your head, energy penetrates, the body seems to be washed, cleansed, energy flows circulate in it.
  • Now clearly imagine how parents are standing on both sides, then they put their hands on your shoulders.
  • Behind them are grandparents and so on.
  • If you do not remember your ancestors, then mentally designate them in the form of human figures.
  • It turns out a pyramid, at the top of which is the oldest man.
  • Invite him to stand in front.
  • Ask him for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart for bad deeds, respectfully ask him to clear karma.
  • After receiving forgiveness, ask to bless the whole family.
  • Do the same with the oldest woman of her kind.
  • You will feel the powerful support of a kind, you will see how all its members glow with purity. Everything bad is destroyed, a new bright life begins. A person, having done such a meditation, will no longer be angry with his ancestors, because the family has been cleansed, it has united to become a reliable support for the living.

Lighten your You can if you follow these tips:

  • Don't get in the habit of complaining about your fate so as not to worsen your karma.
  • Take your mistakes and failures with humor and a joke. Irony to yourself will help to overcome any obstacles.
  • Show more compassion to parents, the sick, the elderly, the infirm.
  • Do not turn to healers, cleanse your own cross.
  • Be brave, fate does not like weak whiners.
  • Even with complete hopelessness, there is always a way out. Don't miss your chance to find it.

Salvation from failure

In the ancient world, they were used more actively than now. As it turned out, they will also help to remove negative phenomena from our lives, and very quickly. You can make a rune stave and wear it as an amulet.

Becoming a "Crystal" will help remove the negative influence of karmic knots.

In the clause, say exactly what you want to remove. Be sure to add - without harm to (name). If you can’t articulate exactly what you need to be saved from, just talk to him as with a loved one. Name all the runes as a sign of respect for them.

  • The carrier must apply it to the leaflet.
  • You can activate it with fire, incense or breath.
  • A drop of blood should be dropped into the center on the point.
  • Cleaning period. It all depends on the accumulated negative.
  • After the expiration date, thank the runes for the work, burn the leaflet.
  1. Be ready for positive changes in your life:
    Teyvaz, Ass, Laguz, Kano, Algiz, Vunyo
  2. Find the root cause, realize it, accept:
    Evaz, Ansuz, Plastur, Raido, Laguz, Stunginn kaun, Dagaz, Soul, Inguz
  3. Remove reason:
    Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa, Stan, Dagaz (2), triple Madr + Ir (World Tree), Turisaz (2), Inguz.
  4. Remove negative energy:
    Soul Cano mirror. Perth Ass Laguz Dagaz Quort Perth Kano Fehu Oss Ansuz Aesk Plastur.
  5. Focus on a new goal, accept everything positive:
    Otal Algiz Ior, Khalk (Chalc), Soul Vunyo

Purification by hunger

How does hunger cleanse karma? Since ancient times, it has been considered a general cleaning of the soul and body. After fasting, lightness appears in the body, the head thinks better. Healing occurs at all levels. Moreover, after fasting, such talents and abilities that a person did not even know about can open up.

Fasting is a healing remedy for diseases, bad karma, negative thoughts.

Fasting should start from day 1, then you can increase the duration of the hunger strike. A long hunger strike should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, but a short one - at home. Find the works of P. Bragg, G. Shelton, Arnold Ehret and with the help of fasting, try to rise to a new level of spiritual development.

Finally: for the proper purification of karma, read the online books of Sviyash. Alexander Sviyash tells in an accessible language how to clean karma on your own and improve your life.

The question of the purification of karma became more relevant after the esoteric science gained its popularity. When life does not please you with happy moments, problems arise at work, and there is complete bad luck in your personal life, esotericists recommend paying attention to karmic debts and their solution, since they are often the cause of all failures. What should you do to improve your life?

The concept of karma and its varieties

Basically, the concept of "karma" is interested in already established individuals who have a certain life experience. Faced with difficulties, the question often arises, “Why should I?”. However, it is better to reformulate it into the following questions for yourself: “What can I take away from this for myself” or “What will I learn?”

Asking himself such questions, a person gains an understanding of the highest justice, otherwise it can be called karma. In other worldviews, this is called God's providence or even Newton's third law. Whatever name is given to this phenomenon, for all there is one law of the universe. So what is karma?

By karma is meant the result of all the deeds of a person, good and bad, that have been committed in all his lives. These deeds determine the fate of the soul. There are different types of karma, which have correspondingly different effects.

  • Family karma. The soul is reborn within one community, that is, in one family. Such souls interacted with each other all the time, took life lessons, or created the ground for them. All family members are responsible not only for themselves and their actions, but also for relatives, and this responsibility is borne for deeds in all reincarnations.
  • Personal karma. A person is responsible for everything he has done in past incarnations. The current incarnation regulates the conditions of existence, regulates life and determines its process.
  • Family karma. Having created his family, the individual shares the karma of his spouse. And it consists of personal or tribal karma. This increases the measure of responsibility of each family member.

Personalities who fall into the community begin to interact, give and receive karmic debts, and also receive karmic experience. At the same time, conditions are formed in which the soul will gain experience in subsequent reincarnations.

Also, experts distinguish other types of karma. For example, the karma that corresponds to the place of residence, the karma of the people and the country, and even the karma of the Universe.

Why clear karma?

Karma contains all the information about the reincarnations of the soul, both positive and negative. Every sinful thought or unrestrained word, unfulfilled obligation or crime leaves its heavy imprint on the human soul. Gradually, it becomes impossible to bear this burden, and he begins to suffer, as a result of which diseases and even mental insanity may occur.

It is important for a person to realize that punishment in the material world can be easily avoided by paying off or showing cunning, while in the spiritual world there are other laws, and punishment will certainly come. Until you realize your guilt and understand your mistakes, the punishment will work.

Having cleared the burden of karma, you can return to the path of development, discover new facets of your personality and get rid of bad habits. The deeper and stronger all personal sins are worked out, the happier life will become.

Ineffective ways to clear karma

There are a large number of ineffective ways to cleanse karma that are filled with the Internet. You should be aware of them and not waste your time.

  • Prayer. This method assumes the following: a person must repeat the ritual with the reading of the words of the mantra for a certain time, and his karma will become pure. There is no repentance or human development here, which means it's just stupidity. It is impossible to deceive and sin for several reincarnations, and then correct everything by reading a prayer.
  • Burning karma. This method consists in the fact that it is necessary to write out all your sins and life mistakes on a piece of paper, and then burn it, while reading the text of the spell. For such rituals, “esoteric specialists” often take money, but no result follows. The reason is the same as in the first paragraph - a person does not do any work on himself and does not realize his sins.

In order to achieve the forgiveness of your sins, you need to tune in to a long and painstaking work on yourself, try to change your bad habits and character traits, and, in the end, return to the path of goodness.

The work of clearing karma takes place on several levels: physical, emotional and mental. The first level involves actions to correct errors. The second level implies the emotional background that accompanies a person's actions. If the feelings are not sincere, then the actions will not matter. The third level means the message that our thoughts and desires carry. Good or evil?

Effective cleaning methods

The only effective method of correcting karma is purposeful work on oneself. It is important to give up everything sinful and embark on the path of cognition of spiritual laws. What is needed for this?

  1. Good deeds. The good you bring is the best way to get rid of your sins. The more good deeds you do, the more goodness and happiness you will have. Here it is important to correctly determine which specific actions will have the greatest impact on karma in your case. Just notice what is most lacking in life and what causes suffering. Perhaps you suffer from a serious illness or have a weak immune system, as a result of which you constantly pick up some kind of sores? Then take the time to care for sick people, donate money to charities or clinics (avoid scammers and make sure that your financial assistance is used for its intended purpose). Help homeless animals, visit the elderly, etc.
    If you feel a constant need for money, then you need to act as follows: donate at least small amounts to help those in need: buy food for elderly neighbors, feed cats and dogs, give toys to orphans. There is an important rule - you can not give money to those who are quite capable of providing for themselves, but are simply lazy. From this, your karma will not only not improve, but will also take the opposite effect. Use these analogies to do other good deeds.
  2. Exclusion of destructive actions.
    There is another situation - a person pays great attention to good deeds, but does evil in another area, for example, pollutes the environment or harms certain people. You should analyze your life and exclude everything destructive.
    Do not harm nature, remember how many times you threw a cigarette on the pavement or a bag past the trash can. Maybe you don't clean up after yourself after spending time outdoors? Treat the environment with respect and gratitude.
    Build relationships with loved ones. All conflicts and quarrels adversely affect your karma, so try to forgive insults and live in harmony with others. Is the situation escalating and a scandal is brewing? Find kind and fair words, and try to convey them calmly to the interlocutor. The child does not clean his room and you scream again? Explain everything to him, and then play as a reward. Saw your husband because of his employment? Give him a pleasant surprise in the form of a delicious unusual dinner, and he will make time for you.
  3. Prayers and meditations.
    We have already said earlier that reading prayers for forgiveness will not help clear your karma, however, in combination with actual actions, they make sense. Spiritual practices allow you to send a "request" to the Universe and hope for a result. It is important to correctly ask for what you need. For example, in the event of a constant financial shortage, do not say "I want to have more money", you should express yourself "I have money and I have enough of it for everything." That is, express your desire as if it has already been fulfilled.
  4. Asceticism.
    Observance of austerity is the toughest way to purify karma on your own. What is needed for this? Firstly, you will have to adhere to a strict fast - completely abandon junk food and eating meat. This will not harm you, but will benefit your body, and soon you will feel extraordinary lightness.
    Try to spend more time in nature - devote the weekend to hiking in the forest or relaxing on the shore of a pond in a tent. The energy of water, earth and air favorably affects karma.
    Read prayers regularly, refrain from intimacy. Especially the last rule applies to those who are used to relationships with unfamiliar people and do not have a permanent partner. Get rid of swear words in your speech, refrain from negative thinking. It is worth focusing exclusively on the good and positive.

Use every moment you live to improve your personality, try to gradually give up all bad habits and improve your life. Good deeds and positive thinking will best cleanse your karma.

HOW TO CLEAN GENERAL KARMA For me, KARMA comes from the Russian word "pocket". It's as if you came to the New Life in "new clothes", and you already have something in your Pocket, some kind of load. And it happens that it’s not so easy to go with this load .. After all, until the subconscious (and, as you know, its main function is survival!) Doesn’t free Your Pockets from this load, the Person really doesn’t Live yet, not getting what he wants in Life, or getting something completely different from what he wants.. You ask – how does the manifestation of Karma happen in Life? Yes, it's very simple - in the form of diseases, chronic diseases, all sorts of troubles that happen to you and around you .. This is when you cannot achieve balance in Life, find your Path, meet your "soul mate", give birth to a child, etc. etc. Moreover, if we take diseases of the Karmic plan, then their manifestation, as a rule, does not have pronounced causal relationships, i.e. they come suddenly, as if from nowhere. If everything is translated into computer language, then KARMA is a "virus" that damages your biocomputer, as a result of which constant failures occur in the system, it cannot work at full capacity and periodically breaks down. In religious teachings, the concept of KARMA is often inextricably linked with the concept of "sin" - violation by Man of the laws of Nature and the Universe. Note that sin is not just when a Human, for example, a couple of times during one Life, got angry, and when he manifested himself so inharmoniously for a long time, he gained a certain critical mass of anger, as if he had already crossed a certain line. That's when the sin "Anger" is recorded in your subconscious. After all, sin is a violation of the laws of the Universe, when you, as it were, separate Yourself from Others, get out of the state of Unity and Love. And this record becomes Karmic if it is not worked out in the incarnation in which it was made!! By the way, records of sins (as well as other programs - "birth curses", external induced programs, etc.) can be "seen" by a Person working with the Thin Plan and who can "read" this record from your subconscious. Often, all that is needed is a photograph (image) of a person. In general, for me, karmic sin is like a computer program that is in "Startup" (that is, it is active even before you open your eyes and wake up) and which greatly affects your life. As a rule, with this "program" YOU CAN'T CONSCIOUSLY DO ANYTHING, tk. it lies deeper than your understanding. At the same time, Your Karmic program always works in such a way that You are not able to see it - You can only see the negative results of its activity. For the iniquity of the Ancestors, the Descendants suffer up to the fourth generation, according to the faith of the Hindus and the ancient Slavs - up to the seventh.That is, everyone "serves" the punishment not only for their own deeds, but also for the deeds of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and even more distant relatives. It is safe to say that as a punishment for the sins of the fathers, diseases fall upon Us: for example, oncology, as a rule, affects People whose family was drunken alcoholics.However, the matter is not always limited to dangerous diseases.Have you ever wondered why many smart, beautiful, economic and generally wonderful girls in all respects stay in the girls?Most likely, their family were women who either suffered from unhappy love all their lives, or were the object of mental anguish of some fan, or for the sake of a whim engaged in Divination for the purpose of a spell. As a result, the so-called Generic knot was formed, which is very difficult to untie. Another striking example of the Gene Knot is the widespread problem of childlessness today. If our Ancestors were religious enough and did not terminate the pregnancy. Even living in poverty, believing that "God gave a bunny, he will give a lawn," after religion was declared "opium for the people" and abortions were legalized, many women got rid of 7-8, or even more children. And the murder of a child in the womb at any time is a crime, the punishment for which will be borne not only by the failed mother, but also by her entire Family up to the seventh generation! In order for Life's failures and illnesses to leave Us, it is first necessary to determine whose Mistakes We are paying for at the moment, for our own or for great-grandfathers? Unfortunately, it's not easy. After all, in Our current Incarnation We work off not only the sins of Our Ancestors, not only pay for Our current mistakes, but also answer for all those unrighteous deeds that We committed in previous Lives. However, you can understand something on your own, having looked more closely at the problems and realizing that what is happening in Our Life is not accidental. If, for example, We have never deceived anyone, but someone constantly deceives You, then, most likely, You are working off the Karma of the Ancestors. But if you had an abortion, and now you cannot get pregnant or bear a child, you should not sin against your great-aunt - you created this problem for yourself. Any action is equal to counteraction, we still remember this from the course of high school. In the first case, we launder the Karma of the closest Relatives, in the second - we pray to our Gods and ask forgiveness from the unborn baby for Our sin! There are several ways to clear Karma. This is prayer, and self-improvement, and repeated waxing, and even burning the skeleton of ancestors .. There are also special exercises: every day for a month you need to imagine your Ancestors for an hour, starting with the very first representatives of the Family (even if you don’t know who They are). were), and themselves healthy, rich and successful .. Suppose your great-grandmother lost her first child during childbirth, her husband, after the safe birth of her daughter, died in the Civil War, fighting on the side of the whites. And she, having survived the horrors of the Stalinist regime, died of stomach cancer in a hospice in a foreign country. It is important to convince yourself that she was happy. Difficult? Yes, it's difficult. But - it is possible, especially if before that, in the same way, in your mind, you washed the energy of your great-great-great-great-grandmother, about which you know absolutely nothing. Your imagination will help you. The main thing is to give up meat and alcohol for the duration of the exercise, have the will to win and practice every day for at least half an hour, without missing a day. The place and time of the exercise is not so important. Undoubtedly, We are serving punishment for the sins of our ancestors and for our own misdeeds. But it is in Our power to change Life, close Karmic Debts and be happy. GENERAL KARMA IS CLEARED BY SINCERE REPENTANCE.. And this is the only Thing in Healing that I cannot do for you! What is sincere repentance? Subconsciously everyone understands this. In my opinion, this is the STATE OF LOVE WHICH YOU ENTER when you REALIZE YOUR UNITY WITH THE WORLD and ask forgiveness from the Creator (God, the Universe, the Absolute, Your Gods ..) for your inharmonious manifestation and violation of the Laws of the Universe. But it often happens that people cannot do it on their own. Why? There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, We are so lost in the Head that it is not so easy for Us to return to the Heart and sincerely repent. In addition, Our Ego interferes, which firmly holds Us and does not let us. Secondly, my Practice shows that the main part of Karmic sins lies in PAST INcarnations, and so on. A person does not remember them, then he cannot remove them accordingly (although, let me remind you, their record is constantly stored in His Subconscious and, if necessary, it can be easily read). . And finally, it is not enough just to remove the Karmic sin (to erase the "Program"), it is also necessary to purify the Aura and restore the Aura, as well as restore the work of the Chakras, Channels, etc., because. such Programs bring significant discord into many Human systems and not only on the subtle plane. Only BY CHANGE YOUR VIBRATION (by erasing the "Karmic record of sin"), you CAN CHANGE YOUR DESTINY! By the way, I also refer to the issues of impossibility to get pregnant (infertility) in the same place. In addition, the Time has come when more and more High Souls begin to appear on Earth, which, even theoretically, cannot enter the body at conception, because have a different (higher!) vibration level. By the way, this explains the presence of the so-called "hereditary diseases", when, along the same line, the grandmother, mother and daughter have the same disease. In fact, if the mother of the child has, for example, the Karmic record "Fornication", then at conception, the Soul enters, which has the same or similar Karmic record, because. Vibrations in frequency must match (according to the principle "similar to similar"). Like this! Hence the conclusion (for future Parents!) – the same Children are born in Light, Pure and High vibrations of Parents! So every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. But the consequences of Karmic sins are truly enormous. Aure! AND THE OUTER WORLD LIKE A MIRROR JUST REFLECTS YOUR INTERNAL CONTENT TO YOU! In addition, having Karmic sins, a Human, as a rule, has a very low level of Energy. The fact is that Karma is like a "frozen Energy", which is in Thin Bodies and does not "work". People come to me for an appointment with up to 80% of their Life Energy “frozen” in this way! You represent! You live and use only 1/5 of your natural potential ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE KARMIC RECORDS (DISEASES, PROGRAMS)! SO, HOW TO RESPECT YOUR KIND: And if you feel that you are internally ready, that your time has really come, then everything will work out for you: You need to make a LIST of your relatives, members of your direct Family, taking into account everyone from the first to the seventh generation. Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts are not included in this list. You need to write down the following names: you are the first tribe, your father and mother are the second tribe, your grandparents are the third tribe, your great-grandparents are the fourth tribe, and so on. . Write down those whose names you know. The name is unknown - just mark the box on the family tree (it is convenient to mark the men and women of the Family with different colors, for example, red and blue). Next, we need a candle, any, no matter what, wax, helium, paraffin, its color is also not important, the main thing is not black. The candle should be hourly, that is, burn for 1 hour. According to the Family Tree - a list of all your Ancestors, start reading prayers (mantras or any words that are appropriate for your understanding, most importantly coming with all sincerity from the heart) repeating everything three times in a row for each member of the Family that you included in the list. And the most difficult thing concerns those whom you do not know in your family tree or know very little: All Worlds have Spirits and Energies, therefore we work with the Energy of Fire and the Spirit of Fire. We light a candle, we ask the Element of Fire, the Spirit of Fire to open the Energy channel to the bright Higher Forces, then we ask the bright Higher Forces to open channels from you to all People, Spirits, Souls, Higher Selves, to whom you brought insults, evil, negativity, in Past Lives, in this Life and it doesn't matter if these People are alive now or not. Ask for forgiveness, and send Your Love through the Heart Chakra (Anahata) to Everyone, the Light Higher Forces and to whom you have harmed. While the candle is burning, you must ask for forgiveness for so long, when 5-10 minutes remain, then you yourself must forgive everyone. At the end, thank the Element of Fire, the Spirit of Fire, the Light Higher Forces and Everyone who you asked for forgiveness and forgave yourself, ask the Light Higher Forces to close all Channels. The cinder should be taken under a tree or thrown into the water, all this is done with gifts, you must leave the gifts near the tree, or if you throw the cinder into the water, then throw coins with gratitude to the Spirit of the area or to the Spirit of the water. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT AFTER THE CLEANING: Anything can expect you. Loss of a job, loss of finances, loss of a loved one, etc. all this must be treated with understanding, because. for your deeds and the deeds of the Family, they will take something that seems valuable to you, but after the loss you will find something new and truly necessary. As they say, in order to gain something valuable, you need to lose what you don’t need, and they will take this unnecessary from you. But since We live in the material world and People see Their values ​​in the material, material, and they will take it, if a Person appreciates the Spiritual more than the material, then they will take the Spiritual. The main thing is to treat this with understanding, without regret, then they will give more than they lost. Just do not think that having lost 1000 rubles, you will immediately receive 10,000 rubles, they will simply let you earn them. Whoever begins to regret will not receive anything, or may lose even more. In this way, we are taught to live correctly and appreciate what we should value most. But if you live for a long time according to your conscience, the values ​​​​are set correctly, then they will not take anything, but only give even more. Who cleanses His own and Ancestral Karma, but then again bears negativity, the demand will be great, as they will be punished in twins, that is, what was filmed will return and be added from the top. But do not be afraid! Whoever is afraid does not receive anything, but only gains, even if you stumbled and realized the Mistake, then this will be Knowledge and Wisdom for you that you should not step on the same rake twice. And finally, not a single purge of Karma will help Dark People who work with Dark Practices to the detriment, only awareness and movement towards the Light will allow you to clear Karma, so think Lighter, love the Light, go to the Light, bring the Light, Do not forget to Pray in your Vain Gods and always remember about Karma .. and you will all be happy and joyful.

No one has yet documented the existence of karma. Just as no one has yet been able to reliably prove its absence. This article is for those who believe in the existence of karmic debts and want to make their current life easier by eliminating them.

What it is?

In simple words, karma is the memory of the soul, which is formed both in this life and in previous ones (mainly in previous ones).

Mistakes and sins of past lives can constantly remind of themselves today.


Has no expiration date

Karma is the baggage that our soul carries with it from life to life. And getting rid of this baggage is difficult. It cannot be left in the storage room.

Not a single person in our life appears by chance

This also applies to the karmic connection between a man and a woman, and the relationship of fathers and children, and even fleeting meetings with sellers in stores.

Therefore, if some people in your life cause a lot of trouble and trouble, try to answer four questions:

  • Why did they come into your life?
  • What can you teach them?
  • What can they teach you?
  • What kind of karmic burden can you work out by communicating with such people?

The faster and more correctly you answer these questions, the faster you will calm down, and the easier it will be for you to carry your burden of communicating with people who are unpleasant to you.

Reverse role

If in a past life you stole, then in this life you will become the object of robbery. But this does not mean that karma is always a punishment, as many believe. She can be good too.

And if in a past life you helped someone, then in this life someone will help you.

Changing roles also takes place among close people. So your parents in this life could very well be your children in the past.

Teaches, not punishes

Even bad karma is not a stupid punishment. It is designed to teach you how to live differently. And for this you do not need to be reborn again. You can change the style of your behavior already in this life.

But for this, you should conduct a thorough introspection, understand what shortcomings in your character and behavior make you step on the same rake all your life.

Karma can be cleared by yourself if you follow the 5 steps outlined below.

5 steps of cleansing


Before getting rid of karmic debts, you need to understand which area of ​​life they affect the most. In what area of ​​life has stagnation occurred? Is it a career? Or love? Or the inability to establish contact with loved ones?

Reflect honestly and thoughtfully on what obstacles stand in the way of the desired goal.

Be sure to remember how and when the problems started. For in order to untie the karmic knot and move forward, you must first return to the past and find the place where the knot began to tie.

Here, many may object that it is impossible to return to past lives. And this is not required.

Remember what you stumbled on in this one. And not once, but stumble constantly. For example, you constantly find yourself a job that you want to run away from in a week. Why is this happening? Understand. You probably make the same mistake all the time when selecting vacancies. You are most likely buying something.

For example, you always choose a job closer to home because you do not want to spend a lot of time and energy on the road. But your unworked traveler karma requires you to travel daily. There is no escape from this. Try to find a job on the other side of the city, and perhaps your career will take off.

Breaking harmful ties

Without any remorse, cut off or at least minimize contact with those who invade your energy field.

Such people are called. However, no matter what type the vampire belongs to, he always complicates an already difficult life.

So realize that you need to distance yourself from him. This should be done politely but decisively. But before you end the relationship, understand what this person was meant to teach you. And then communicate with people, already based on the lesson learned.

Let's say that a narcissistic vampire invaded your life, who constantly flaunts in front of you and deprives you of strength. Drive him away, but start paying more attention to other people around you.

In this material, you can read in more detail about how they arise, and what are the methods for getting out of toxic bonds.

Overcoming weaknesses

Karma reverses our abilities. And weaknesses can become the reverse side of the coin of the strengths of the personality in past lives, if you exploited these strengths too zealously.

But this does not mean that in this life you have to come to terms with your weaknesses and become their victim. Not at all.

If you try to overcome your weakness, to fulfill what you are afraid of, then your affairs will go uphill rapidly, as you will clear bad karma yourself. But only if you overcome your fear, and do not learn to skillfully avoid the circumstances in which it manifests itself. In this case, the effect will be the opposite: you will not only worsen the quality of your own life here and now, but also increase your karmic burden for the future.

Working off debts

How? The universal advice is simple: behave towards other people the way you would like them to behave towards you:

  • do good even when it is not expected of you (especially when it is not expected of you);
  • take care of yourself, and do not shift this responsibility to others;
  • try to take care of others (those who really need it, for example, the elderly, not adult children);
  • stay away from various dubious affairs and enterprises, even if they promise you a considerable and easy profit.

Learning Forgiveness

It's hard. But you must realize that the more people in your life that you have something to forgive for, the heavier your karma. And this is not their fault, but your soul.

It is necessary to understand, acknowledge and let go of all your grievances. Of course, you should let go sincerely, and not for show.

If resentment is not released, there will be no opportunity to improve the current life and facilitate the next one.

Karma came to you from past lives. And now she is with you here and now. However, this does not mean that you cannot change anything in your life. You very much can. It just requires doing a lot of things that take you out of your comfort zone.

What kind of karma is and how it affects life is described in detail in a separate article on. And now we will talk about the application of the law of karma, or the so-called Boomerang rule, which is talked about so much, but not very well understood what kind of law it is and how it works as a law. And most importantly, why.

There are three types of karma: reincarnation karma, family karma and personal karma.

The karma of the clan is formed in connection with the accumulation of the sins of the clan, and this is a special case, and a person earns a personal one himself, and then, with an excess of events, transfers it to the next incarnations. This, in particular, explains the conditions for his appearance on earth in certain conditions, with certain health, appearance, predispositions according to fate. It affects both health, and the fate of a person, and his financial situation. How the kind of krama is cleansed is said in the article about And now let's go directly to the most personal variety of karma.

How a personal karmic program is developed

Man is weak and subject to many temptations and negative deeds. You can call them sins, you can call them vices, it doesn't matter. For simplicity, we use the standard notation - the seven deadly sins. The strongest of them is pride, vanity, and it is he who generates and stimulates all the others.

Let's take a look at the situation right now. If someone was offended, then it is easier for an ordinary person to take offense, take revenge, get angry, slander and condemn the offender, rather than think about why this happened and what can be done to change the situation and prevent it in the future.

At a primitive level, a person creates the beginning of a negative situation: he remembers evil, carries negative emotions in himself. On the energy plane, low-frequency vibrations corrode his soul, while prayer and repentance, forgiveness, love - that is, high-frequency vibrations - could heal his soul and dissolve the karmic knot. This is how personal karma is formed.

Themselves thoughts - still half the trouble. But a person is inclined to act, guided by anger and resentment. And resentment is nothing but the destroyed laws of expectation. The man thought that everything would be as he wanted, and that he, being so good, would be treated well. And they treat him badly. And if he does not accept this as an event and a lesson, then the emotion of resentment is fixed and gives rise to a desire to act to the detriment of someone.

So, evil begets evil. And the evil you have committed is your personal karma. And so in a circle. By the way, at present the mechanism of working off personal karma has been accelerated for all mankind.

How is cleaning done?

Through the return of karmic knots and the person's awareness of his "bottleneck" in behavior. By the way, even pragmatists, whom life clicks on the nose for, for example, condemning others, learn well such lessons.

At the energy level, the karmic body is polluted with clots of negative energy, which not only attracts new negativity, unnecessary people and situations, but also prevents white karma, that is, accumulated positive vibrations, from manifesting. Unfortunately, dark energy has a denser karma structure and suppresses light vibrations faster if there are few of them and they are not reinforced. This explains the fact that it is easy to slide down an inclined path, but difficult to climb.

We teach the law of karma - how is its cleaning going?

To begin to fulfill the law of karma, first accept as a fact that for most people their consciousness and subconsciousness are not controlled by them, but by negative programs. It is with them and their attempts to generate anger and aggression in people that we are fighting. And at first it’s more logical to simply remove them so that their vibrations do not interfere with working on yourself. Diagnostics of the subtle field will show whether there are entities and negative programs in the mental field, and only after they are eliminated, it is much easier to behave correctly and, for example, not to get annoyed or offended in response to an unpleasant event. There is simply “nothing” to be offended in a person, since he ceases to feel events through the prism of an alien dirty veil. In many ways, our negative actions are generally done not by us, but by living energies, entities. It is they who stimulate both to throw out the negative and to do wrong, as in an eclipse, in order to get an extra portion of the negative that they feed on.

Therefore, in order to cleanse karma, you need to help yourself eliminate all the laws of interference on the path to purifying your destiny. And only then you can observe the law of karma, which, in general, is very simple and logical, and in many respects corresponds to the biblical rules and canons of other religious treatises.

  • Do not do to others what you do not wish to yourself.
  • Do not condemn or discuss other people's fates (since the emotion invested in condemnation will return to you in the form of similar events).
  • Do not be offended, but try to understand.
  • Do not lie and do not slander.
  • Do not create debt (material and spiritual, such as promises).
  • Do not encroach on the freedom of life, action and thought of another person.

How is karma cleared?

The law of karma usually allows you to do the cleansing automatically, through self-experience of karmic situations and learning. And the more a person has done in his life, the longer it takes to unravel the knots. By the way, they can manifest themselves not in this life, but in the life of, for example, your children in the form of diseases. Not pleasant either.

How to stop and stop the creation of karmic knots?

Engage in spiritual development and try to understand the reasons for the operation of the boomerang karma mechanism. It is also imperative to check the state of your family tree, because it is quite possible that your actions are guided by engrams of your kind. The law of karma is harsh but fair. And this is the great salvation of mankind. After all, if you understand how they work, it is much easier to defend yourself from a new negative karma. Just “You have to do the right thing. And if you don’t need to, you don’t need to do it, ”as Winnie the Pooh used to say.

Is it possible to cleanse with the help of rituals of magic?

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that magic will not live your life for you. And personal karma needs to be controlled by you. And none