Why does my husband always yell at me? If a man screams, what to do? Why is this happening

Happy New Year to you my loves!

Someone got an iPhone as a gift, and drunken screams for someone... We will deal with this injustice.

Screaming, humiliation and insults in the family are often underestimated. It seems that this is nonsense, because everyone is yelling, going crazy and calming down. But that's just how it seems. If a man began to insult, humiliate or raise his voice - these are very alarming calls. They ring about the beginning of the end of your relationship. This is your last opportunity to make things right, and if that's not possible, get out of the relationship with minimal losses before it's too late.

Reasons why a man yells, insults and humiliates a woman

    asserts itself. At work or in the circle of acquaintances, he is not respected, and he takes revenge on those who are weaker and cannot hit him back. Or you are more successful in life than him and with his cries he is trying to show who is the boss in the house. First of all, to yourself.

    you yourself insult him, humiliate him, raise your voice and try to correct him, because he is not like he should be. Even if you do not say rude words, then keep in mind that for a man, humiliation can be different. For example, you try to control him, lisp in public, criticize “on the case”, put pressure on guilt and pity, joke about his qualities and sexual abilities, and so on. The list can be long and in many ways unexpected.

    you didn't fight back in your time. Once it all started with small, not very pleasant, but not too offensive name-calling, raising your voice, barely noticeable criticism of you and other little things that not every woman can notice and pay attention to. Read more about such small signs, as well as why this happens and what to do about it, read the article. You were silent and pretended that everything was in order, because you did not want to swear over trifles. Then he became bolder, and you endured, because “at that time, because of this, she kept silent, this time it will be strange and illogical to be indignant, I’m afraid to seem like a fool.” He understood that with you it is possible and nothing will happen to him for it. Relaxed and things went too far.

    his inferiority complex. He considers himself a nonentity, and so that you do not leave him, he is trying to morally kill you. He says that no one needs you besides him, all crooked and slanting, another in his place would have long ago taken a mistress or left you altogether, but for some reason he endures.

    you are too dependent on it. morally and/or financially. A man understands that you won’t get away from him, you won’t have anything to live on, you won’t refuse his benefits, and he takes advantage of his position, tyrannizes you for everything.

    he takes revenge on you. For insults or betrayals, for parting with him, for the fact that you are somehow cooler than him. Maybe he is offended by the whole world and offends everyone who gets in his way, and you just fell under the distribution.

Whatever the reason, it is important to stop insults URGENTLY at ANY cost. After all, where they offend - there they will start to beat, and where they beat - sooner or later they will finish. And if they don’t, then respect, passion and love for each other will disappear, they will be replaced by resentment, disappointment and hatred. You probably don't want it. So let's decide what to do with it.

How exactly NOT to respond to his insults

🚫 insult back. This will aggravate the situation and lead to a break;

🚫 threaten to break up and not do it. He will understand that the price of your word and dignity is zero;

🚫 make demands in a hysterical outburst. He is unlikely to hear them, and definitely will not take them seriously, so you must first wait until everyone calms down;

🚫 hope that this will pass and the situation will somehow change itself. Will not change! Your intervention is needed;

🚫 to justify him: “well, he drank, what a demand from a drunk”, “yes, his boss brought it, I won’t be here with my grievances”, “he has a frantic temperament, he will yell and cool down”, “it’s my own fault, not so I cooked / stroked / looked at ”and so on. There are no and cannot be excuses for insults! He is an adult and is able to be responsible for his actions, and even control himself;

🚫 complain to parents, relatives, friends and random passers-by. You forgive him later, but they don't. Read more about the dangers of complaining about your husband.

How to respond to insults from a man

0. If you yourself have a mustache - swear, yell at him and let go of his barbs.

This is not the place for a family! Irony and sarcasm destroy relationships no worse than alcoholism and lovers. Laugh at anything with him, but not at each other and not at what is dear to another. Then the fun will strengthen your relationship.

Start changing, even if you think that he deserved insults for his behavior. Moreover, ask him to control and evaluate your efforts in working on yourself. Say, “Honey, I realized how wrong I was. Please forgive me. There should be no obscene abuse and humiliation in the family, because we are the closest and most loving people to each other. We must be able to negotiate in a human way. From now on, I promise not to call you these terrible words, for which I am then very ashamed, and not to raise my voice. Let's come up with a punishment for me if I break. And a reward for me if I don’t utter a single offensive word about you for a month.

If you come up with a good enough reward and an unpleasant punishment, then the method will work. Then extend the experiment for six months. When he sees that you are trying your best and holding back where you would have given him a three-story one before, he will automatically begin to monitor his speech. After all, he will feel respect and love in your efforts.

1. It's just starting to show up, and it's not your fault.

A man sometimes began to behave ruder than usual, raise his voice at you or the children, make ambiguous jokes about you, not even wanting to offend you, just by accident.
Do not under any circumstances let this go! Otherwise it will get worse.

For example, he affectionately patted you on the stomach and called you a “little hippo.” Anxiety! Very likely, "fat cow" is just around the corner, regardless of your weight. Therefore, inflate your lips in a picturesque way and grumble: “Why are you calling me that, I don’t like such a nickname. I like the way you used to call me..."

He raised his voice at you. Don't hide your emotions, you don't like it, do you? Show him your upset face and say, “I can’t help it, but when I get yelled at, I feel like crying or yelling back. And I certainly can't understand what they're saying to me. I don't get the point. Therefore, please speak calmly, I perceive it much better and will be able to hear you.

He swore in front of you. Not at you, but simply used an obscene expression in your presence. If you endure this, your rating in his eyes will automatically drop a little, and in the end, mats will fall on you already. Therefore, tell him (first wait until you are alone): “I am very uncomfortable with such words from you, they upset me and spoil my mood. I don't know why I'm so sensitive. Others are indifferent to me, I react less to them, and you are my closest person, which is probably why such a strong reaction. Do not swear, please, in front of me, if it's not difficult for you.

2. He's in trouble, he lashes out at you.

The main thing here is not to try to endure, not to hope that over time everything will settle down and he will calm down. He will get used to being yelled at, and he will no longer need reasons. Don't learn later.

And even more so, do not try to be softer and fluffier with him in response to insults! With an emphatically tender attitude, you want to support him, smooth out his difficulties and not pay attention to temporary mood swings, and he develops a false reflex that if he wants an affectionate wife, you need to bark at her.

And certainly insulting him in response is not an option at all and not the support of a loving wife.

Instead, at the first irritable tone, tell him, “Darling, I understand that you are having some difficulties right now. I know perfectly well that you will cope with everything, because you always coped and generally well done! But I can't bear it if you take it out on me. This is unfair and offends me to the core. Tell me how to relax you. How do you want me to relieve your stress? I know a lot of nice ways…”

3. You have started all this, and he is already swearing and swearing at you with might and main.

Either he asserts himself for a long time at your expense, is offended by the whole world, takes revenge on you or you are too dependent on him ... GUARD! We need urgent sanctions!

Set boundaries. Say: “I love you and I understand that it is hard for you. But I will not tolerate indecent behavior in my address from anyone, especially from the closest and beloved person. The next time I hear even one hurtful word from you, you and I won't talk for 3 days. If this happens again, we will part for 2 weeks. But if this does not help, after that we will part forever.

Moreover, he should be the first to put up with you after 3 days and after 2 weeks. Waiting for you to roll yourself? Let it wait! Until he appears with flowers and apologies, you cannot put up with him. Because he doesn't really need you. If he needs to try to earn your favor, then he will appreciate him much more, and will try not to bring him to parting.

If he brought it to the third time, then you part with him. Reacts indifferently - so be it. If he knocks on your doorstep, does things (helps you and your parents, takes them away, brings them, gives money, treats your cat, gets your brother a job) and tries in every possible way to win you over again, then if you wish, you can forgive him for the last time, but at least in 2-3 months, so that he has time to really change. Let him try his best! And he will understand that it is much easier and cheaper not to mow than to rake later. It will come to him that he really risks losing you, and only then will he overestimate your role in his life.

The fourth time, of course, should not be. After all, some men, by nature prone to sadism, get married very quickly on purpose (in the very first months they say: “You are my destiny, as you saw, you immediately understood”) and have a child so that the woman could not escape. First sweethearts, and then show their true nature. Therefore, the borders must be ironclad. If you have already run into a tyrant, at least you will leave with minimal losses. And you will be more selective in the future.

If he asserts himself at your expense and reproaches you, although you are more successful than him, then there is an interesting way to stop this. Start praising and admiring him. Give thanks for what he does (along with setting boundaries, of course). After all, in such a perverted way, he may be trying to get respect and love from you. And if you are more successful than him, then it is difficult for you to respect him, and there is nothing more to admire, because you are cooler. Search and find reasons. Here, of course, thorough work is needed, because first of all he must be forgiven for previous offenses.

4. "Excuses".

First, he insulted you drunk or in a narcotic frenzy. By themselves, these bad habits do not bode well. If you put up with it - your business. But for insults, this cannot be an excuse! He will zatyuk you, and of course over time will start to beat. Therefore, it is urgent to stop the disgrace.

Wait until he's sober and tell him, "I don't like your booze, but I respect you and leave it up to you to decide whether or not to drink. But I will not tolerate any insults, and your inadequate condition is not a good reason. Therefore, if you cannot control yourself after drinking, then you will have to part with either alcohol or me.

In this case, you yourself will have to completely abandon alcohol, wine gatherings with friends and parties in bars. The law in the family should apply to everyone, especially if it is a dry law. Otherwise, he will feel lonely and flawed, everyone can, but he can’t. The consequences are unpredictable.
And here again, it is important not to play the game "I left to return." He chooses vodka - let him live with it. Otherwise, you will lose yourself and then you will not collect the pieces.

Similar behavior with his explosive temperament. Let them learn to take care of themselves. He is an adult and does not yell at the boss, no matter how he pisses him off? Is there at least one person in the world with whom he chooses expressions? It means that he is quite capable of controlling himself. Why are you worse than his boss?

If he yells at everyone indiscriminately, then it is obvious that he is inadequate. RUN!!! To begin with, of course, you can suffer with a psychologist if your husband agrees to contact him. It helps some, although the path is not easy.

Another common excuse is like a woman you are the one to blame. The borscht is sour, the arrow on the trousers is uneven, it didn’t wake me up in the morning, I didn’t smile at the meeting, it gave me a reason for jealousy. This is not a reason to yell and humiliate! If someone does not like something, then usually people talk and agree on a human way, instead of tyrannizing the other. Therefore, the solution is the same as in the previous options.

A separate speech if he is jealous for no reason. For example, someone molested you and you rejected the insolent person, your man saw this or you yourself told him. And then a surprise - he gets angry and says: "If a woman is harassed, then she gave a reason." Many make a mistake and begin to justify themselves to him, to fawn and convince him of their loyalty. But he insulted you with his distrust!

What will happen if you respond to insults with affection, I already wrote at the very beginning of the article. Instead, say, “You are an amazing worthy man. Only a worthy woman can be next to you. If you think that I am unworthy, then I will immediately vacate this place next to you so that the one you consider more worthy can take it. So you doubt me?"

About jealousy in a relationship and how to deal with it if you or he is jealous - I will write in future articles. So sign up for whatever suits you.

The belief that only women scream and hysteria is greatly exaggerated. There are many men who prefer to "loudly" state their point of view. And okay, when a man screams about, but when he opens his mouth both on business and without business, then something needs to be done.

Indeed, what if the husband yells constantly? He is not embarrassed by those around him, his son sitting next to him does not stop him, he does not pay attention to anything. At first you tried to prove something, then you also started screaming. There was a time when you hoped that if you kept quiet, he would quickly calm down. But nothing changes, the husband continues to behave this way.

Let's start with the main thing: it is impossible to remake a person. And this is the main mistake of all of us: we believe that we can make our other half look like ourselves and instill our views on life. Sometimes we spend our whole lives on this re-education, and as a result, we understand that nothing can be changed. It is impossible to change a person, but to retrain - you can try. No one will guarantee that you will be able to direct the behavior of your beloved man in a different direction, but do not sit with your hands folded!

Any conflict can be resolved. The main tool in resolving this situation is to talk about what is happening. You must speak calmly, without raising your voice in any situation. Do not expect that your chosen one will immediately agree with you and immediately correct himself. Most likely, he will again break into a cry, trying to explain to you why he is behaving this way and, most likely, he will say that you are provoking him. Better get ready for it right away. You have to endure it, no matter how hard it is. Believe me, he is only waiting for this, so that you start screaming like him, and then you will hear: “It’s your own fault. You scream - and I answer!
So, from time to time, speak and speak, inspire and inspire ... Remember, as they say: water wears away a stone.

It is very embarrassing when the chosen one raises his voice in front of outsiders. Parry calmly. If there are friends nearby, say: "Darling, let's discuss this later." If he doesn't stop, move away from people. Let him speak. Never listen to insults in front of anyone. This will then be sure to be spread around the world, plus, it will also be multiplied many times over.

If the husband is overly emotional, that he constantly screams, you can still fight it. But if the husband yells, and even raises his hand, then you need to move on to action. If a man refuses to change, then think about whether you will endure such hell further. Perhaps it is worth gaining strength and breaking this vicious circle.

In a happy marriage, there is no room for screaming at all, is there? But why, then, do some husbands raise their voices against their wives, and what should a woman who lives with a noisy husband do? ..

What to do if the husband yells (and does it often) - the non-banal women's site will tell the site.

The husband constantly raises his voice: how to deal with it?

For a person of any gender, a cry is a distress signal: if a person screams, it means that he is very ill, hurt or scared, it means that he has exhausted all constructive ways of communication and solving some problem. We start yelling if we are not heard at all, and the problem is acute and urgent. We give vent to our emotions with the help of a cry, if these very emotions have accumulated a lot - if we were not allowed (or we did not allow ourselves) to “let off steam” slowly, rest and switch.

Any psychologist will confirm that for an adequate, mentally healthy person who is not in extreme conditions, screaming is justified only in the most extreme cases.

And therefore, “Beautiful and Successful” advises to realize that if a husband is constantly yelling and dissatisfied with everything, he has a mental problem. The wife should not think about what dish to present halva and marzipans to her padishah today so that he does not get angry. She should think about how to arrange a meeting with a spouse with a psychologist, psychotherapist, and maybe a psychiatrist. And think about whether she is able, in principle, to live with a person with such a psyche?

The fact is that if a husband is constantly yelling, then it is naive to think that he is yelling now, and then suddenly a magician will fly in a blue helicopter, and this man will turn from a psychopath out of control into an adequate person who solves all problems through ordinary conversations without a promotion. vote. Won't turn. Or it will turn for a short time - for example, if you categorically threaten him with a divorce.

Such husbands absolutely do not respect the feelings of their wives while they are around, while they behave like helpless victims, dutifully taking any cries and discontent at their own expense. But as soon as the wife decides that she’s had enough, pack her bags and go to her mother, then yesterday’s dissatisfied aggressor will come running to beg, swear and swear that he understood everything and will no longer ... If you forgive him and return, then for some time he will be restrained, but everything will return to normal as soon as he feels that the woman has become attached to him enough and is again ready to endure the op.

And yes, you should not consider it a significant argument that once, at the beginning of your relationship, this man was not like that, did not scream, seemed to be quite balanced. The fact is that, nevertheless, a strong one for some time has a beneficial effect on people with mental disorders - they can control themselves and seem absolutely normal. But the further, the less “bright gaps” will happen - so think ten times over whether you really want to spend your life with this person.

How to behave if your spouse yells at you?

Let's talk about how to solve the problem of "my husband is yelling at me" at the very moment when he is yelling. How to behave?

You have every right to behave in a way that will protect you as much as possible - emotionally, psychologically and physically. To leave without listening to the op is normal! It is up to you to decide how far and for how long to go - for ten minutes to another room, or for an hour to take a walk on the street, or spend the night with relatives or a friend. Your task is to secure your psyche, not appease.

Yes, he will be offended. Perhaps he will consider you a bad and inattentive wife. But understand that a good wife for a constantly yelling husband is an unrequited victim. Better be a bad wife, but not a victim!

You shouldn’t “mirror” and yell in response to your spouse - you won’t come to a consensus, you won’t add peace in relationships, you will only exhaust your nerves once again.

But what about thinking about why a husband is yelling at his wife - maybe you really are doing something wrong, maybe he has objective reasons to be unhappy? But in fact, too much reflection on this topic will not do any good either. If only because if this is not an isolated case in your relationship, but a regular practice, then you are “bad” so much that, in principle, you cannot (and should not!) Adjust to all the requirements of this man and please him in everything. The rule of “starting with yourself” will not bring good results when in front of you is an aggressive, unrestrained person who has completely different ideas about life than you do. Fitting into it doesn't mean losing yourself, giving up your individuality and devaluing your personal ideas of "how good" and "how to"?

Start with your husband. Tell him very directly that you do not want to listen to him when he raises his voice, but are ready to talk about everything and discuss everything quietly and without shouting. Say that you deserve not to be yelled at - not because you are some kind of arrogant princess, but because it is a natural human right not to be subjected to psychological violence and to defend yourself from it. Specify your actions in case he continues to yell - you will leave, you will not listen, you want to leave. Yes, this is an ultimatum - but without ultimatums you will not be able to get out of the position of a defenseless victim!

If you are valuable to your husband and loved by him, he is obliged to reconsider his behavior and stop yelling. But life shows that people who are rarely prone to screaming and aggression change seriously and for a long time - so we advise you to really seriously consider whether to save this marriage ...

Family quarrels and constant conflicts with her husband: how should a wife behave if her husband constantly screams?

When adults get married, they should understand that disputes and quarrels can arise in family life. Without them, the development of the pair is, in principle, unlikely. Different upbringing, different social status, habits formed in childhood and adolescence, approach to raising children, moral values ​​and outlook on life can become reasons for serious quarrels and conflicts.

The beginning of quarrels and cries of the husband

Strong feelings that suddenly arise can connect completely different people. But, after some time, “one or the other” begins to interfere in the process of cohabitation. There are life situations in which the husband and wife are accustomed to behave differently. If conflict situations sometimes happen in your family, but you and your spouse hear each other, always find a solution that suits both parties without resorting to insults, you should not worry - in a dispute (and quarrels) you have every chance to find the truth. The ability to find helps to maintain a healthy environment in the family and a favorable atmosphere in the family.

But if even in a calm conversation a husband yells at his wife for no apparent reason, behaves too impulsively and even aggressively, his behavior frightens and hurts, you should think about whether you need such a relationship?

But rather, are you ready to put up with such a relationship model. Do you want to save your family? If so, how to resist screams and scandals? You may find our tips and tricks helpful.

Why does a husband yell at his wife? Looking for reasons

If the behavior of the husband has changed a lot, he cannot restrain himself in a conflict situation, he constantly screams, breaks down for any reason, try to understand why quarrels begin. To do this, go back to the very beginning, analyze what you said or did before the corresponding reaction followed. In no case do not blame yourself, it is important here just to find the “grain” from which the quarrel grew.

The reasons for the husband's cries can be:

  • problems at work;
  • alcohol, drugs, gambling;
  • psychological stress;
  • fading of feelings;
  • low self-esteem;
  • age irritability;
  • hereditary scenario.

If your loving and caring spouse suddenly starts screaming, it is quite possible that something is bothering him. He may have problems at work or financial difficulties that he cannot tell you about. Aggressive behavior can be caused by the use of alcohol or drugs. Gamers, alcoholics and drug addicts (if they cannot get what they need) behave inappropriately, too aggressively, throwing out guilt and dissatisfaction on the closest people. If you are sure that all of the above reasons are not related to your situation with your husband, then most likely the roots of your current problem are in the past.

If your husband grew up in a family where screaming was in the order of things, where the father and mother only resolved family conflicts and disputes in this way, he does not even imagine another scenario of behavior. Most often, a man repeats his father's pattern of behavior unconsciously, even if he himself suffered from such relationships in childhood and promised himself never to behave this way with his family in the future.

Husband constantly screams: what to do?

If you got inside this “porridge”, and even firmly mired in a relationship model where you are a woman who constantly endures her husband’s cries, it will not be easy to get out and radically change the situation. Any deviation from your humble behavior will be perceived as a rebellion and will cause even more discontent of the spouse. So that the husband’s regular cries do not lead to more disastrous consequences, start acting gradually. Below you will find some recommendations. Their basis is constructive work on yourself and your emotions, since you are unlikely to be able to “remake” your husband, your main key is your personal behavior.

So, to subdue a screaming husband, try:

  • not be the initiator of conflicts;
  • do not focus your husband’s attention on everyday trifles and do not “nag” if he (in your opinion) earns little or pays insufficient attention to you;
  • do not raise your voice and do not develop a conflict (hold back, even if you have something to say, but you understand the consequences of your “justifications”);
  • listen to complaints calmly and with restraint (it is not necessary to immediately rush to do everything point by point, but this situation cannot be ignored);
  • solve problems in a calm conversation (after the husband calms down, try to say all the accumulated claims again. Introductory constructions help well, like “Did I understand correctly that ...?”, “You said that ...”, etc., which neatly continue the thread of the conversation, but do not turn what was said into a claim);
  • do not load your husband with household chores if he is the only breadwinner and earner and really gets tired at work (you don’t need to create a scale of his fatigue, just decide once and for all - after work your husband wants to rest at least a little. It makes no sense to demand that he immediately take out the garbage, “since he hasn’t taken off his shoes yet” or “quickly wash the dishes” - this will only inflame the emotional background);
  • cleanliness and a delicious dinner should await the home of a tired spouse (devastation and hunger will obviously not make him calm and satisfied);
  • praise him, say that you love him and hug him more often (perhaps he lacks your attention or he “dropped out” of family life in the bustle. Be the initiator of a warm relationship, and do not wait for the first steps on his part - you have a family, not competition to conquer each other);
  • analyze every situation, conversation, act that led to a scandal and a quarrel (maybe you missed something and the problem really exists);
  • realize that such relationships are not normal and try to change them for the better or break them;
  • contact a specialist (a psychological approach can greatly simplify the work on relationships, but, unfortunately, it is often not easy to figure out what to do alone. Try to go to, perhaps the problem is not only that the husband is constantly screaming, and lurks much deeper ).

Sometimes even very good wives, hostesses and beauties who love their husbands very much can marry a man who is used to resolving conflicts in a raised voice, without choosing expressions.

This means that you are a victim in these circumstances. No matter what you do, a spouse who repeats the negative behavior of his father in similar circumstances will always have good arguments to bring you to tears and make you guilty.

How to respond to the cries of a husband

If all your efforts do not lead to positive results, if you feel worse from constant quarrels and conflicts, if you have children who have to constantly watch the showdown between parents in a raised voice, you should think about how to end this relationship. Everything is simple here: if you feel bad and you are sure that nothing can be fixed, why endure and wait for something?

Tears, persuasion and even threats will not help. People don't change if they don't want to.

Only an experienced specialist can often save a family where the husband screams and the wife suffers. Relationships can take years to build. Whether they remain in such relationships due to financial dependence or any other reason, women suffer silently in such marriages. They don't talk about their problems at work or with friends. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of women who are constantly yelled at by their husband, insulting and humiliating, decide to break off the marriage.

Sometimes such a decision is made by women who have been married for 10 or more years. The main motive may be their depression and lack of mental strength and physical health to continue trying to save the marriage.

However, you should not miss the possibility that your screaming husband himself needs support, his screams and breakdowns at you cause problems for him as well. The best solution here would be to find a good psychologist to analyze not family, but personal problems of the spouse. It is possible that he is under severe stress due to circumstances that have nothing to do with you.

If it is difficult for you to decide to break off relations with your husband, who constantly harasses you with screams and scandals, for your own sake, think about your children, about their and your own future. They are doomed to inherit your pattern of behavior and suffer in the same way in family relationships. Therefore, if your husband is constantly yelling at you, and all your attempts to “calm down” him are in vain, understand that he will not change, and then you have to choose: endure and suffer or leave and stop suffering once and for all.

Psychologists it is believed that passion and passionate feelings between lovers last about three years after they met. Truly, happy families living in absolute harmony are rare. Most spouses eventually begin to quarrel, conflict with each other, and sometimes stagnation occurs in relationships.

Changes in the form of behavior can be manifestations of such stagnation. For example, a spouse can periodically switch to raised tones in communication with his beloved.
Only in fairy tales can there be serene relationship between people. Only those families who want to be together are able to maintain their tender love.

Psychologists advise to understand yourself. Ask yourself more often why the beloved was so beautiful that you lost your head from love. But after the wedding, you cannot recognize him - he has changed and become completely different. All sorts of little things in his behavior began to annoy you. All the virtues of a loved one can be overshadowed by minor details.
Of course it doesn't go to any comparison with a man screaming and it's definitely not a minor aspect of the relationship.

Your marriage will come with time end, if you began to find fault with the shortcomings of a partner, but equally progress in relationships (at least) will not appear if you are indifferent to such manifestations as screaming. A man needs to be loved, to remember his virtues more often and, if possible, provide support.

No need to merge together, for happiness. Most psychologists are sure that a small distance is necessary between spouses. Because too much frankness hurts, little secrets will benefit spouses.

However, in certain situations, you need to be honest. Although you need to make an effort on yourself and overcome possible fears. As two important areas of prevention, one should note independent reflection and understanding of the cause of a man's cry (we will talk about this later) and clarifying such manifestations with her husband.

Of course, and here it follows exercise a certain delicacy. In general, screaming is not typical behavior for a man, especially in. Crying in the family is a manifestation of weakness (for the most part, especially if the reasons are minor).

In this regard, you again need navigate on the positive development of the situation and not to take into account this weakness as such, but to start looking for reasons. It is possible that you do not provide your spouse with the necessary emotional support, or your behavior disappoints the man. Still, you are an active participant in the relationship, and you should understand your own responsibility.

How sad it is, but many men " break down"on wives after any negative situations with other people or after their own wrong actions. Of course, this is difficult for a woman, but it is also a sign of a woman's lack of ability to create emotional comfort in the house, such an atmosphere that a man could feel if plunged into to be the best, to be filled with new aspirations, to understand for the sake of what it is necessary to continue to act in this world.

It is in this direction that prevention male crying should guide the strategy of female behavior. Yelling at a man in response or cursing is sometimes advisable, but for the most part this is only a sign of unspent sexual energy. If everything is in order with you in this respect, then you should show tolerance and over time, if you create a favorable atmosphere in the house, treat the cry with understanding, the man himself will understand how ridiculous such behavior is and will appreciate you even more.

In conclusion Here are some more practical tips for you. For many, they may seem frivolous, but in fact, it is from the aforementioned and similar nuances that your relationship and your coexistence are formed. Read the tips from the Meduniver website in the psychology section and maybe some will be useful to you.

1. If your spouse watching a football match, you should not walk in front of him and sigh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with TV, football, chips and a little beer. Try to watch the game once with your husband, maybe you will also like this kind of entertainment. And if you still can't watch football, find some interesting activity for yourself during the football broadcast. In this case, both of you will be satisfied.

2. Many wives they are very susceptible and, having heard a refusal from their husband, for example, in buying new shoes or a trip to their mother's garden, they start hysteria at the same moment. Most psychologists call this behavior simple blackmail, and many men do not tolerate women's tears and may turn to screaming.

3. What to do if husband- arguing? You don't have to stand up for yourself. Arguing is not good, but it is also not necessary to constantly flow in everything. If you still decide to argue with your spouse, try to give him as many facts and arguments as possible, but you don’t need to go too far, you are still a woman.

4. Your husband- A fan of spending free time with your friends? The weekend is approaching, and you are already fully in your thoughts about how your husband will go out to have fun with his comrades, and you will have to spend time alone at home. No need to sit at home and wait for your loved one. And the likelihood that a considerable scandal will break out upon his return is quite large. You need to be smarter, let him go without shouting and quarrels, let him go to his friends to watch football or go fishing. And you yourself go to your friends or visit your mother, or even better, go shopping. You will see how quickly and imperceptibly the weekend will fly by without any scandals and disputes.

5. Often men do not understand women's hints. Sometimes, it is better to say directly, otherwise the husband will not be able to understand for a long time what exactly you want. This will allow you to make the relationship more productive.

We wish you harmony in family relationships!