How to get to know your boyfriend better. How to immediately understand that a man is using you: bringing the manipulator to light The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you

In our search for happiness and love, we often stumble upon the same problems. But unfortunately, girls fall for the tricks of a bad guy more easily than fish fall for a worm. And we are not talking about charming macho characters, but about men who can really make an already difficult life completely unbearable. How to spot a bad guy? Read our material!

He thinks negatively

Absolutely everyone likes to complain and whine sometimes, but, you must admit, when a man whines more than once a week, it begins to be alarming. The weather is bad, his friends are stupid, he’s been harassed at work, he doesn’t feel well, and in general, life is a pain. Don't you have enough problems of your own? Why do you need his difficulties?

He's reserved

An introvert is not necessarily a deaf-mute recluse. But if you come across a closed, gloomy silent person, you will have to either accept the lack of dialogue in your relationship, or get out of his way and not interfere.

He shows off a lot

A new car, an expensive wallet, a stylish business card, and also the latest phone model, and so on. If you are interested in finding out what else new he bought for his beloved and how much cooler he is than you, go ahead! Otherwise, you're out of luck.

He is interested in your income

It’s one thing when you’ve known each other for a long time or live together and share a common budget. It’s completely different when, upon meeting you, he begins to be interested in how much you earn. We're willing to bet that one day he'll start asking you to take out a loan for him.

He's overly aggressive

A beautiful girl stimulates the release of testosterone in the male body, but hypermasculinity is not aggressiveness. If a guy is too harsh in places, it means that it is difficult for him to control his emotions. This is a bad sign.

He's not happy with you

If he constantly corrects you in conversation, makes mean jokes or criticizes you, then he is unlikely to strive to make you happy. Rather, he begins to mold you into the girl of his dreams, breaking and distorting your personality. And then he will leave. After all, when a toy gets boring, it is thrown away.

He's not confident in himself

This can manifest itself in different ways. Even jealousy out of nowhere is a sign of insecurity. He may say that he is afraid of losing you, that you should not go anywhere without him and meet with friends. In fact, he is not confident in you, but in himself. And this is already a disease.

He always disappears somewhere

Business meetings, business trips, a lot of work, meets relatives at the airport... At the same time, he does not answer messages and calls, he says that something happened with the phone. If he can't find time to be with you, you should think about whether he really needs it. And you?

He constantly twitches

Suspicious individuals cannot behave calmly. If he is lying, he will constantly twitch: scratch his nose, scratch his ears, sweat, stutter, laugh stupidly - whatever. Shifty eyes also reveal liars and hysterics.

When a man uses a girl, it's an unhealthy relationship. If you feel that your boyfriend is only paying attention to you at certain times, this may be an indication that he is being unselfish towards you. We bring to your attention an article from which you will find out whether your man is using you.

1. You always pay for two

Sometimes his salary didn’t arrive on his card on time, then he forgot his wallet, then he bought medicine for his mother, then he spent everything he had on a gift for a friend, right? And even if your expenses are small - well, two hamburgers instead of one, and you take a taxi together, and you live in your apartment, it’s logical for you to pay your utility bills yourself. But, dear, even if your income is higher, this is not a reason to open your wallet always and everywhere! If you pay for a man all the time, he’s definitely taking advantage of you!

2. You temporarily support him financially

Based on the previous point, if you have such a relationship, it is logical that you give him money for pocket expenses. Oh, he’s having temporary difficulties, he’s been fired, he’s writing a dissertation, he’s looking for himself and has no time for work? Of course, it is more convenient to take the money that is carefully offered to him. Remember - never, under any circumstances, should you give a man your money! Firstly, this simply kills his masculine essence, and secondly, the world is full of men who will happily take care of you, not to mention themselves.

3. He communicates with you when he needs something.

Do you often cannot reach your man on the phone? He is constantly busy, he doesn’t want to go to the theater, or go out of town on his day off, but as soon as he needs something, he immediately appears? This is a clear sign that he is manipulating you.

4. He becomes passionate and affectionate during certain periods.

It's sad to say, but men often fall in love when their libido demands release. That’s when he remembers that you are his woman, and, of course, for this “reason” you must obey his passion. Manipulation through sex is disgusting - and when it is done by a man, it is doubly unpleasant. It’s up to you to decide whether to succumb to his charms and allow him to use you, or still find the strength to break off such a relationship that is unworthy of you.

5. It's always your fault

Does your man accuse you of ruining his mood? Says it's your fault he can't find a job? Are you always to blame for your quarrels? Is it your fault that he doesn't want to have sex with you? So this is an ordinary manipulator, let him go to the garden!

6. He never buys you anything.

Do you often buy him gifts, but he buys you nothing? Or once a year on March 8th he brings a rose and makes a long speech on the topic that large bouquets are vulgarity and window dressing, but one flower will say more about his feelings than 25 roses? He definitely needs something from you, but he’s not going to give his best in return.

7. He doesn't court you

He never picks you up at work, doesn’t go shopping with you, doesn’t help you clean the apartment, but at the same time he assures you that he can’t live without you? He definitely can’t - after all, he probably needs you for something. But definitely not to take care of you, the way a man is supposed to take care of a woman.

8. He doesn't care about your feelings.

Is your man not interested in how you feel, what worries you, what problems you have? Does he not notice and does not want to notice how he offends you with his behavior? This is another clear sign that he is using you.

Ecology of knowledge. Psychology: How to determine whether a young man loves you? To do this, you need to analyze your relationship, remember how he behaves in your presence. Accordingly, how can you understand that he doesn’t love you?

How to determine if a young man loves you? To do this, you need to analyze your relationship, remember how he behaves in your presence.

Accordingly, how can you understand that he doesn’t love you?

There are some signs by which this can be recognized.

A man in love can be recognized by the following signs:

1. In your presence, he begins to preen himself: straightening his clothes and tie, smoothing his hair, straightening his shoulders and seeming to become taller.

2. A man listens to you carefully and tries to fulfill your requests.

3. A man is looking for a meeting with you and - important! - makes an appointment himself. If you say to him, “Maybe we can meet?”, and he replies, “Well, come on,” you’re making an appointment with him, and he just doesn’t refuse. Many girls interpret this development of conversation as an initiative on the part of the man. Nonsense. Don't deceive yourself.

4. A man catches your eye more often than he should.

5. When meeting, a man is primarily interested in your affairs, and does not try to talk about his own.

6. A man is happy to help you.

7. A man wants to introduce you to his friends and parents.

8. A man, speaking about himself and about you, uses the pronoun “we”.

9. A man discusses plans for the future with you, and you are present in these plans.

10. In your presence, a man is transformed, some special interest and ardor appear in his eyes, his gaze lights up, the man is filled with inspiration.

Signs by which you can understand that a man does not love you:

1. He is not looking to meet you. Everything happens as if by itself, but, in general, if you analyze your dates, the initiative always (or in most cases) comes from you.

2. He doesn't set you apart from other women in any way. You do not feel that he pays more attention and care to you.

3. When you meet, you listen for a long time about his problems and circumstances, he tells you for a long time about the renovations his mother is doing, but at the same time your problems and circumstances do not arouse his interest, he listens to you out of politeness.

4. He tells you about his plans for the future, but you don’t hear the phrases “You and I,” “We are together,” etc. You are not in his plans.

5. During a date, your boyfriend gets a call from his mother, sister, and acquaintance, and he calmly chats with them for a long time, making you bored.

6. If in a similar situation his mother calls him, and he leaves you without hesitation for the reason that “mom urgently needs to rehang the shelf.”

7. The man is “pulling the tires.” It seems that he maintains the relationship, but is in no hurry to develop it. In this case, he most likely either looks at you as an acquaintance with whom he can discuss his problems, or he keeps you, as they say, “in reserve.” Not the best option for family life.

8. Every time you try to find out what he thinks about the prospects of your relationship, you hear the phrases “I’m not sure”, “I’ll look for a girl who will suit me”, and you should especially be wary of the phrase “It all depends on you” - This means that he abdicates all responsibility for your fate and invites you to prove that you are worthy of him. Agree, it doesn’t look much like love. The phrase “I'm afraid to ruin your life” does not mean that the man treats you so kindly. He is not afraid of ruining your life, but he is afraid that he will have to marry you. As smart people say, if you want to understand what a person wants, don’t listen to what he says. We need to understand what he wants to say.

9. A man is in no hurry to introduce you to either his friends or his parents, even if you ask about it. If you walk around the city and meet his friends, pay attention to how he introduces you to them: “Lena” or “My girlfriend”? Or forgets to introduce you altogether? Is he embarrassed that you were met together?

This might interest you:

10. He often tells you about his past and present girlfriends, without fear of hurting you.

Finally, the most important thing is that such questions do not arise out of nowhere, and if you once asked yourself them, it means that something is wrong in your relationship. published

Lilia Malakhova

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 9 minutes


There are many reasons why married people hide their marital status. The most basic reason is the reluctance of women to start serious relationships with married men and then suffer, feeling like an alternate airfield. A woman makes contact more easily with a bachelor, and the relationship goes horizontal much faster. A married man from an outside relationship is looking for adrenaline, attention and “dessert” in the usual monotonous “menu”. A woman is not always so observant that she can spot a married man even before she falls in love with him completely and irrevocably. As a rule, this happens exactly the opposite. How can you tell if a man is married?

Test for the “nepotism” of a man

The most common ways to check a man for his marital status:

  • Call your mobile phone and check under what name are you entered in his address book? .
  • Give a gift (, wallet, etc.). Check to see if the gentleman will wear it.
  • Make inquiries online.
  • Investigate his mobile phone.
  • Ask to visit , examine the situation in the apartment.

Of course, this detective game is not everyone's cup of tea. A decent girl will not carry out surveillance and scan messages. Moreover, doubts in a man are the first sign of mistrust. And without trust, no relationship will last long. But if, nevertheless, the worm of doubt bites from within, then you can take a closer look at the gentleman and try to determine the status of a man by known signs.

How to find out that a man is married. 10 distinctive features

  • The surest signs are passport stamp and wedding ring on the finger. Often married men take off their wedding rings so as not to embarrass possible passions. But in this case, the mark of the ring will always be visible on the ring finger.
  • Behavior and appearance. A married man is always calm - he has a rear, in which his wife is always waiting for him with a delicious dinner and washed shirts. Even showing care and showing signs of attention, he keeps his distance. Outwardly, a married man is always well-groomed and tidy. You won't see mismatched socks, a torn button, or a tacky tie on him. Also, you will not see tight exclusive panties on him. Most likely, these will be ordinary parachutes.
  • On weekends and holidays he is never near you . A married man, as a rule, meets his “whims” on weekdays. And if it does appear on holidays, then meetings never take place in public places, and telephone conversations are very stingy with emotions. Of course, a married man will not take you to a party, beach or social event - there is too much chance of him being seen with you. He won't hug or kiss you in public either.
  • Married man never (or extremely rarely) stays with you overnight . This is perhaps the most obvious sign that he already has a family.
  • Married man will never invite you to his home . In the best case, it will be a friend’s apartment (or a rented one). At worst, he will invite you to his place when his wife is away. Although, it is quite possible that he simply does not want to introduce you to the parents with whom he lives. But this also does not speak well for your relationship. If your meetings usually take place in hotel rooms or in your apartment, then you don’t have to delude yourself - he doesn’t perceive you as more than a toy for carnal pleasures.
  • Married man will not introduce you to friends, parents and relatives . Also, he himself will not ask for such acquaintances.
  • Married man rarely talks on the phone in front of you . As a rule, he constantly leaves the room because he either has an urgent business conversation, or runs out of cigarettes, or needs to go to the toilet. If you entered at the moment of his conversation, and he quickly ended the conversation and looks clearly embarrassed - this is also not the best sign.
  • Married man does not give a phone number at all, or always calls himself , explaining this situation with their busyness (mother’s illness, which cannot be disturbed, etc.). Calls and SMS to a married man in the evening and at night, as a rule, remain unanswered. If he spends the night with you, then he completely turns off his mobile phone. Most likely, your name in his phone book looks somehow special. For example, “plumber”, “Vovka”, “Nastasya Pavlovna” or “Alla, purchasing manager”.
  • A married man usually doesn't wear your gifts . No jewelry, no wallets, no items of clothing. And, of course, he won’t take gifts like valentines-hearts and other love gifts home. These gifts will either stay at your home, at his work, or end up in a nearby trash can.
  • Married man doesn't like to be photographed together . Because such a photo is direct evidence of his infidelity. Of course, he won’t carry your photo around with him and won’t frame it at work. He is always secretive. As a rule, a married man’s passion does not know his address, his exact place of work, or any specifics. All attempts to declassify it are met with hostility, jokes or simply moving the topic in a different direction. He also very limited in spending on va With. As a rule, his gifts are a chaotic phenomenon, observed only at the moment free funds appear. Otherwise, coffee in a regular cafe, chocolate for tea.

If you could not determine whether your man is married, but continue to doubt it, then ask him about it directly. Even if he doesn’t have enough courage to answer truthfully, then the very manner of the answer can say a lot. And if your doubts were unfounded, then a direct question (and subsequent direct answer) will calm you down, dispelling your doubts.

It is much easier to find out whether the chosen one is married by looking into his eyes. But what if there is no such possibility? If your relationship has not yet gone beyond the Internet? How to determine whether he has a marital status by looking at the monitor screen? By what signs?

How to determine if your virtual boyfriend is married?

  • He won't give you his phone number, Skype, ICQ.
  • He never calls you from your home number and does not want you to call him.
  • It's not his photo that's posted online. , but a photograph of a stranger, an actor, or just a funny picture.
  • Instead of real name he uses a pseudonym everywhere .
  • When communicating with you on Skype or ICQ, he constantly leaves the chat rather abruptly . As a rule, this is explained by the appearance of his wife next to him.
  • When asked directly about marital status, he laughs it off , changes the subject or even “runs off to run errands.”

Even an experienced adult woman can be deceived and not understand that in front of her is a married man. What can we say about romantic young girls, whom love blinds, deafens and completely blocks their intuition and instinct of self-preservation. Sooner or later, as we know, everything secret becomes clear. What to do if you suddenly realized that your man is married? There are not many options for the development of events. If you forgive him for this lie and remain close to him as a lover, then, most likely, You will never rise higher than this status. One day he will play enough, or you will get tired. It happens, of course, that a man files for divorce and creates a new family with his mistress, but the percentage of happy families created in this way is negligibly low. It is impossible to build your happiness on the ruins of someone else's.

There are happy women who absolutely know that their significant other has sincere, deep feelings for them. But there are those who have to figure out what is hidden behind the beautiful words of their young man: love, lust, lies, emptiness.

How do you know if a man loves you or if a relationship with you is just a game for him? Ask directly? But it’s so easy to lie.

It is better to look not at words, but at actions. And also look for the right signs that will definitely indicate the strength and genuineness of feelings.

How do you know if a man loves you by his behavior, look and other signs?

To find out exactly what your man feels, you just need to take a closer look at him. Move aside for a while your own feelings that blur your view and analyze his actions, words, gestures, etc.

You will easily understand whether he loves you or not if you do not deceive yourself.

1) 10 phrases that men say when they love

  1. "I love you".

  2. “Let me introduce you to my friends/colleagues/family...”

  3. “You are the most beautiful and smartest, I am so lucky to meet you.”

  4. “How many children would you like to have?”

  5. “In the future, I plan...” (you are also in these plans).

  6. “I want you to know more about me.”

  7. "I'm afraid to disappoint you."

  8. “I miss you so much, even though we haven’t seen each other for only two days.”

  9. “I'm worried/worried about you.”

  10. “Dress warmly, it’s cold outside. Please have lunch, don't go hungry all day. I bought fruit and medicine at the pharmacy and am already on my way to you.”

Of course, phrases can be formed in other ways. But I think you understand the general meaning.

A man who loves will not:

2) Actions of a man that will indicate that he loves you

If you come across a silent or stern man who says little but does a lot, do not rush to blame him for not loving you. Just analyze the young man’s actions, not his words.

Actions of a man who truly loves his woman:

3) 10 more additional signs that will indicate that a man loves you

  1. Looks full of love and a desire to admire you when he thinks that you don’t see it.

  2. The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you.

  3. An adequate response to your mood: the desire to console when you feel bad, maintaining cheerfulness when you feel good.

  4. Constant presence and desire to help when you are stressed, in a bad mood, depressed, during PMS, etc.

  5. The pride a man feels for your victories and achievements.

  6. Lack of selfishness in terms of sex and the desire to please the woman you love, and not just take care of your own satisfaction.

  7. Knowledge and understanding of your tastes, hobbies, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc.

  8. The value of your opinion for him is undeniable.

  9. A loving man will not take out his bad mood on you and pour out his problems on his head in order to throw out his anger, and not to get help or practical advice.

  10. The desire to please your friends and parents, to gain a foothold in your life and become an important part of it.

How to find out that a man does not love you, so as not to waste time on him?

We, women, are creatures of a different make-up than men, so we cannot always understand them.

In my female opinion, the easiest way to understand whether a man loves you or not is to simply feel it. If something confuses you in a relationship, if you don’t fully believe him, and even if you often ask yourself the question: “Does he love you or not?”, most likely there is no true love.

There is sympathy, affection, passion, perhaps love, but this is not enough to marry a man. Where is the guarantee that when you are already married, he will not meet someone he will love with all his soul?

But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this.

A male friend of mine, a psychologist by profession, told me several signs that will definitely indicate that a man does not love you: