Tattoo symbol of medicine. Doctors' tattoos - types of medical tattoos

People with chronic diseases leave information on their bodies for emergency physicians, reporting insulin-dependent diabetes, allergies or other diseases. It is believed that it was diabetics who came up with medical-themed tattoos and introduced fashion for them, if in this case it is appropriate to talk about fashion.

Medical tattoos- an alternative to information bracelets or tokens, on which vital information about the patient is engraved. Such accessories break or get lost at the most inopportune moment, so you can’t rely on them completely. And you always have your own skin with you, so medical-themed tattoos couldn’t be more relevant.

There is no uniform standard for the appearance of medical tattoos yet. Such information is not yet regulated by law and is not mandatory for doctors. Nevertheless, artists in tattoo parlors are increasingly receiving orders to perform tattoos on medical topics. The client hopes that in a critical situation such “body drawings” will help save his life. Or, conversely, do not save her - there are known cases of terminally ill patients writing a refusal to resuscitate on their bodies.

Most often, people order a medical tattoo about diabetes, asthma, allergies to drugs or products, hemophilia, epilepsy, and the presence of a pacemaker. It is recommended to write the diagnosis in Latin or English so that doctors understand it accurately. Medical tattoos are bright, clearly visible, and located in prominent places.

As a rule, they are done on open areas of the skin (for example, the hand or forearm) or where they can be clearly seen by emergency care providers (on the chest or on the front of the shoulder).

The attending physician must give permission to apply a medical tattoo - for example, with hemophilia or diabetes, there are a number of restrictions and rules for the safe implementation of this procedure.

A type of tattoo can also be used during radiation therapy. The doctor is interested in irradiating the affected area as accurately as possible and minimizing damage to surrounding tissue. Marking tattooed dots on the patient's body helps solve this problem.

Medical tattoos can also be used as indicators of blood glucose levels. The corresponding tattoo ink was developed by the Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. If the blood sugar level is too high, the tattoo will turn yellow. When glucose levels are low, it turns purple. If everything is normal, the tattoo is colored orange. It takes up to 20 minutes to change the color of the tattoo. However, this method is no less reliable than measuring blood glucose levels twice a day.

Blood type tattoo: blood type tattoos in the photo

A separate type of medical tattoo is information about blood type and Rh factor. In an emergency, such a tattoo can save doctors time and help save a person’s life.

Blood type tattoos are usually applied just below the armpit; they are very popular among military personnel.

At the beginning of World War II, almost all SS members had blood type tattoos.

The photo shows that they were performed on the inside of the left arm next to the armpit. This drawing was used as a source of information in case a soldier needed a blood transfusion. By the end of the war, such a “mark” became the exception rather than the rule. And it’s not surprising, because the tattoo made it possible to unmistakably determine whether a person belonged to the SS. After the end of the war, it was this “black mark” that helped identify many former SS fighters and get them tried.

Currently, blood type tattoos, as seen in the photo, are made by both men and women who are not involved in military service. And the location on the body of such “identification marks” can be different - from the hand to the thigh.

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Covering scars with tattoos, tattoos on scars

A separate area of ​​medical tattooing is the camouflage of scars from operations (often to remove breast tumors), scars and skin defects. There are known cases of extensive tattoos being applied after complete removal of the mammary glands in women in order to mask the consequences of the operation. It is a common procedure to camouflage scars with a nipple tattoo after mastectomy surgery on reconstructed breasts. Masters today are able to create even a three-dimensional optical illusion. A tattoo artist is also consulted after breast reduction or breast lift surgery to disguise depigmented areas of the areola.

There is no way to do plastic surgery without covering up scars with a tattoo. The tattoo artist can make postoperative scars lighter or put a shadow on them, depending on their location. In some cases, artistic tattoos on scars completely hide the scars, creating the illusion that the tattoo was made for a purely aesthetic purpose.

Scars after cleft lip surgery, post-burn scars and, in some cases, manifestations of vitiligo are also often masked in a tattoo parlor. Specialists can camouflage scars with tattoos to hide the effects of hair loss due to injury, cancer or alopecia, or to “complete” an eyebrow, mustache or hairline.

Tattoos, which were applied to the human body for medical purposes, have been known to mankind for more than five thousand years. This is confirmed by. And these days, those who are called to serve human health are trying to make tattoos become their reliable tool in this noble cause.

Apparently, scientists are not going to stop. Proof of this is the new developments of an international group of scientists from University of Technology Munich. Their idea is as simple as possible: a hospital resident, in order to save him from the regular and painful procedure of taking blood for analysis, gets a tattoo with special ink. Which, in turn, tends to change its color depending on the chemical composition of the blood.

The doctor just needs to look at the color of such a medical tattoo and draw a conclusion about the patient’s condition. It must be said that tattoos in this case should be applied in exactly the same way as in any tattoo parlor. And in order to eliminate the subjective view of the doctor, an application for mobile devices is being developed that can impartially analyze what is happening with the color of the tattoo. So far, testing has only been done on dead pig skin.

This technology will be several times cheaper than a traditional blood test

Currently, these medical tattoos are capable of monitoring the pH levels, glucose levels, and albumin levels in the blood. But the developers promise that they will soon be able to make tattoo ink available to doctors, which can be an indicator for all the indicators they need. It is also promised that this technology will be several times cheaper than the traditional blood test that is done today in any hospital. The results of these studies were published in the journal Angewandte Chemie.

Medical tattoos are becoming fashionable in Europe. Besides giving you the opportunity to express your individuality, a tattoo can also save your life.

Anyone who has received a license knows that when undergoing a medical examination, data on your blood type and Rh factor is entered into your passport. The same information can be applied in the form of a tattoo and in the event of an accident, in the absence of a passport, it will help emergency doctors. Of course, if you like tattoos.

Medical tattoos are also useful for people with diseases such as diabetes or epilepsy. Some doctors insist on standardizing medical tattoos. If someone wants to artistically arrange data about their health, then it is advisable to do this in a pre-approved place where the doctor can immediately find a diagnosis. For example, on the shoulder or in another accessible place. However, fashion is fashion, and time will tell how long it will take root.

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At the First World Assembly in Geneva, the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations (UN) became a symbol of medicine and pharmacy, a snake that wraps itself around a staff.

Tattoo sketch of caduceus, bowls with a snake, the history of tattoos goes back to the ancient civilizations of the East, Egypt and Greece, the New World, the snake wraps itself around the body of Isis - the patroness of healing in Ancient Egypt. Staff of Asclepius, around which a snake coils, was previously depicted as an untreated wooden stick with branches, which symbolizes the connection with the earth and a traveling staff, meaning the long journeys of the doctor, Caduceus of Hermes began to be depicted during the Renaissance. Paracelsus used it as a symbol of medicine pentagram, as an alchemical approach to recovery. During the Renaissance, the emblem of medicine became widespread. lily of the valley images, plane tree of Hippocrates, torch in hand And centaur Chiron, who taught Asclepius the art of medicine. Famous quotes that were placed on ribbons surrounding the candle can be used as an additional tattoo lettering: “by shining for others, I burn,” “by serving others, I destroy myself,” “while fulfilling my duty, I forget about myself.”

IN medicine of Tibet snakes do not wrap themselves around a staff or a candle, but around mirrors, personification caution, necessary for a doctor, and symbolize the need for clairvoyance, the ability to “see everything as in a mirror” to master the art of healing.

The international congresses on the history of medicine in Bucharest (1970) and Barcelona (1980) chose as their emblem a mirror with a snake entwined around its handle. This image also became the emblem of the International Society for the History of Medicine. The symbol of a bowl with a snake is common in Russia as an image of medicine.

Tattoos in medical community Labor Code of the Russian Federation are not prescribed and do not interfere with the performance of job duties provided for by the qualification characteristics of a medical specialist; however, labor relations with medical workers also have their own characteristics, which are regulated by “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory documents, in including internal instructions of medical institutions. A common requirement is the rule “everything below the elbow must be in its original form”, this is caused by the connection with the way of thinking of the requirement for clean hands and the stereotypes of the older generation of patients, whose nervousness must be taken into account in medical institutions: in the medical environment, tattoos, piercings and generally extravagant appearance - bad manners and not comme il faut.

Respectively, medical tattoos The following are acceptable to the doctor: body tattoos, upper shoulders, legs, excluding tattoos on the head, neck, open parts of the arms up to short sleeves. Tattoo designs of doctors tattoos most often indicate belonging to any medical profession, a general symbol of medicine, sketches related to ethics, logic and physics of the doctor’s perception of the world.

The best doctor is also a philosopher - a good doctor must excel in the three main branches of philosophy: ethics, logic, physics. Galen(129 AD Pergamon - 199 AD Rome).

Ethics is necessary for a doctor, since medical intervention should not have the purpose of making a profit for those who have understanding (may be the basis for deceiving the patient). The doctor must be logical because he must know how to consistently interpret the patient's symptoms; logic is crucial in refuting the baseless theories of colleagues. The importance of knowledge of physics stems from the fact that at that time, knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of living beings was easily accepted in relation to the entire cosmos and the Earth in particular. Knowledge of physics was like knowledge about nature in general. Objects that surround us are made of fusis, plants contain the fusis of nature, animals contain the fusis of the soul or psyche. Some doctors wear “do not resuscitate” or “do not resuscitate” tattoos, which is also associated with the psychology of the medical community, the philosophy of the value of life and suffering.

Sketches and tattoos on medical topics that “tell” about a disease include drawings of communities of patient groups and inscriptions that directly indicate the presence of some kind of disease, often chronic. This type of medical tattoo, the meaning of which is so that doctors can provide assistance in a timely manner, is also divided into several large groups: diabetic tattoos- often only the inscription is applied, in Latin or English. This is done so that in the event of an unforeseen situation, specialists immediately understand what we are talking about and what form.

Modern developments have led to completely new type of tattoos "health indicator" , they are innovative at their very core - they are new specialized type of tattoo ink, capable change colors and shades depending on the blood sugar levels, glucose or another parameter, such as nitrogen level, calcium or quantity leukocytes. The revolutionary nature of the method lies in the fact that now sick people can make themselves "health" tattoo and they will not have to take blood for analysis every day, buy consumables, devices and wait for the results of the blood test.

An image with a broken line imitating a pattern from a cardiogram - like this tattoo most often related to pacemaker and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, this kind of tattoo is applied in the area chest or shoulder, so that the resuscitation team can immediately see it. Tattoos among oncologically x patients. This is directly related to the radiation that tumor sufferers are exposed to. The tattoo is intended to clearly indicate exactly which place on the body is damaged by the disease.

There is a whole variety tattoos and a technician whose purpose is to hide scars, keloids, stretch marks after operations. Often used by women after caesarean section.

The mascot of the Hemiplegia Association "Can Do" means "you can do it" and that in the family there is a child with hemiplegia, tattoo refers to inspirational tattoo modern times, the child sees before his eyes a reminder that there are many wonderful things in this world, and that parents will not allow hemiplegia to slow down the recognition of this world due to illness. Parents hope that the tattoo will inspire their child to do great things in life.

To inspiring tattoos include reminding yourself that “it’s not my fault” - with a difficult, sometimes inadequate feeling guilt complex; serotonin formula tattoo with serotonin deficiency syndrome in the body.

Official logo National Eating Disorders Association“eat” as a symbol of recovery of the disorder. Hummingbirds are widespread as tattoo symbol post-traumatic stress and depression, as a reminder that it is okay to rise up from thoughts that are weighing you down. Patients with bipolar affective disorder, general and social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders - often tattoo marks as a sign of belonging and memory diaries make life much easier for such people.

Participation in group art therapy In order to attract emotions and feelings into your heart, it involves long-term contemplation of a color pattern before your eyes: red for anger, gray for sadness, blue for sadness, green for hope, yellow for happiness, etc. A year later, after recovery, many get a tattoo to remember how to prevent their heart from being broken into pieces again.

Tattoo of a doctor who was laid off: Plague Doctor in English. "plague doctor"- this is a modern response to the problem of reducing doctors and concern for culture of modern healing in Russia, healthcare means not so much medicine as such, but criticality of the health category, problems of Russian medical qualifications, integrity of physical and emotional status, compensation for high levels of stress among the country's population.

The doctor must be independent- not only as a poet, as an artist, but above this: as figure, who is trusted with the most precious things - health and life. - G. A. Zakharyin


There was, is and will be a fashion for tattoos, only the subjects for body painting change.

If earlier tattoo lovers decorated their bodies with various intricate patterns, cats, snakes and other living creatures, now... medical tattoos are becoming fashionable!

The thing is actually very useful and can come in handy in difficult times.

The purpose of a medical tattoo is to inform the doctor or any other person who is going to help you about your ailments. For example, if you are allergic to a particular drug, you can get a warning tattoo on your body. Then, if an accident happens to you, the doctor who will save you will immediately know about your peculiarity and will not inject you with a drug that your body cannot tolerate. You can also put an inscription with a message about any chronic diseases. It would be helpful for the doctor to know if the patient has diabetes or another serious illness.

In emergency situations, when a person is unable to report his illnesses and there is no one who could inform the doctor, doctors act “blindly”, at their own peril and risk. But the more the doctor knows about the patient, the more qualified assistance he will be able to provide. This is where a pre-made, indelible tattoo will come to his aid.

The main thing is that the doctor knows where to look. However, the new “fashion trend” is still very young, therefore, Most doctors don't even realize that useful information can be found on a patient's body. In this regard, many doctors are calling for the so-called “standardization” of medical tattoos. In other words, they offer to make decisions about where such tattoos should be located and what they should look like.

"We need to standardize these types of tattoos," said Dr. Saleh Aldasouqi, a professor of medicine at Michigan State University. "And we need to educate emergency responders about medical tattoos."

So far, no laws or agreements have been adopted in America regarding medical tattoos. Some doctors believe that emergency workers are not required to follow tattoo instructions.

However, a medical tattoo can play a decisive role in your salvation. So, think twice before adding a rose or an intricate design to your shoulder. It may be better to place information about your health on your body. Do you have no allergies or chronic diseases? Then leave a spot on your body for a tattoo with the diagnosis. You never know what will happen next.