Should I do it for my child? Is it necessary to do homework with a child: teacher’s opinion

Hello dear readers. Recently, the question of whether children should be vaccinated has become a very pressing issue. Parents are afraid of the possible consequences of vaccinations. In this article we will talk about what vaccines are in general, we will figure out whether they need to be done and what the consequences may be.

The principle of vaccination

In order for parents to understand the need to vaccinate their children, they need to understand what vaccination actually is. Killed or weakened antigens are introduced into the body, to which immune cells react, and active production of antibodies against this pathogen occurs. After antibodies have been developed, they remain in the body for some time. Their presence determines the protection of the child from a possible disease against which this vaccination was given. You should not think that during the administration of the vaccine, the child may get sick, since these microorganisms are weakened or completely killed. You must understand that if pathological microorganisms enter the body, the defense system immediately begins to actively act, thereby preventing the development of the disease.

Types of Vaccines

There are four vaccine options:

Pros and cons of vaccination

Of course, today you can meet many people who support vaccinating children, but there are also those who are categorically against it.

Arguments in support:

Arguments against vaccination:

However, it is worth considering that even in this case, the course of the disease is much easier and, as a rule, there are no complications.

  1. A breastfed baby receives immune protection through mother's milk.

However, it is worth understanding that after three months of age, the concentration of mother’s antibodies introduced into the body decreases significantly, and the baby becomes vulnerable to attack by microorganisms.

However, you need to understand that in the event of the development of diseases, consequences and death are also possible. And in the case of vaccinations, the occurrence of complications or side effects is more rare than the rule.

Routes of administration

The vaccine can be administered in five ways:

Precautionary measures

In order for vaccination to be as painless and without side effects as possible, the following rules must be followed:

Up to 12 months, the child will have to undergo a number of vaccinations: against hepatitis B, DTP, BCG, Haemophilus influenzae, polio and CCP.

If you refuse vaccinations, you need to remember that some of them are required upon admission to kindergarten or school.

Having an infant in your arms after vaccination, it is better not to rush to leave the hospital. Stay there for at least half an hour and see how the baby feels. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of side effects, even minor ones. Therefore, it is better to be close to medical personnel so that the baby can receive timely assistance.


The entire list of contraindications is divided into several types:

  1. True. They are indicated in the instructions for vaccines. Depending on the different vaccinations, such contraindications may be:
  • serious reactions to previous vaccinations;
  • when administering live vaccines: malignant neoplasms or primary immunodeficiency;
  • with BCG: intrauterine infection, body weight less than two kg, hemolytic disease (during the neonatal period), neurological disorders, systemic skin pathologies, immunodeficiency;
  • with DTP: neurological diseases that progress, the presence of seizures;
  • with CCP: anaphylactic shock to albumin; serious allergic reaction to aminoglycosides;
  • with the hepatitis B vaccine: allergy to baker's yeast, the presence of hyperbilirubinemia during the neonatal period.

Adverse reactions

The manifestation of negative reactions is a physiological, normal response of the body to the penetration of foreign agents. This is good, because this is evidence that the baby’s body’s immunity is actively starting its work. However, you should not think that if no reaction follows, then the body is inactive. These are just the individual characteristics of the child.

If serious adverse reactions occur, for example, hyperthermia above 39 degrees, you should urgently seek help from a doctor.

There are often cases when parents mistake the occurrence of some pathological process in the body for side effects. This, in fact, may be a coincidence.

Local side effects include:

  1. Redness.
  2. Edema.
  3. Seal.
  4. Soreness.

Such reactions are caused by the administration of the drug itself or by the inflammatory response to the insertion of a needle through the skin. Some vaccines contain components that provoke a local reaction. This is necessary to increase the number of arriving immune cells by increasing blood flow, and accordingly strengthen the immune system faster.

Common side effects include:

  1. Restless behavior, moodiness, crying.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Dizziness, headache.
  4. Rash.
  5. Deterioration of sleep, appetite.
  6. Coldness of the extremities.

The most common symptoms are hyperthermia and rash. As a rule, the second occurs after taking antiviral vaccines, in particular against rubella. Hyperthermia is often a response of the child's body. When an antigen comes into contact with immune cells, the release of pyrogens into the blood increases, which affect the increase in temperature indicators.

Possible complications

It is necessary to understand that such reactions are possible only in very rare cases, but it is worth knowing about them in order to be able to react in time.

  1. Serious allergic reaction. For example, anaphylactic shock can occur within just a few hours. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby, and at the first symptoms of an allergy, seek medical help.
  2. Convulsive seizures and damage to the nervous system: neuritis, meningitis, polyneuritis and encephalitis. In most cases, they arise as complications from the DTP vaccine, as a rule, if there is already a diagnosis of abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Vaccine-associated polio.
  4. Generalized infection after BCG. Manifests itself in the form of osteomyelitis and osteitis.

Of course, no one is immune from the fact that complications or certain consequences will arise after the introduction of a vaccine, but it is necessary to understand that refusing vaccinations poses a risk of contracting very serious diseases and can lead to much more serious consequences and even death. Therefore, you should take this issue seriously when making your decision.

And vaccinations were originally invented to prevent epidemics. However, as shown by the example of smallpox in England (the city of Leicester) at the beginning of the 20th century, when people began to refuse vaccinations and the epidemic struck again, the number of cases among unvaccinated people was extremely low. It turned out that most people with a normal level of natural immunity are immune to this disease. This experience showed that voluntary immunization, i.e., improved nutrition, hygiene, etc., brought much more benefits than vaccination, and without side effects. What is attributed to vaccination is often associated with improving people's quality of life and, as a result, strengthening their natural immunity.

Currently, widespread vaccination is driven by the illusion of a disease-free life. They are trying to convince people that they can live the way they want, don’t take care of their health, drink alcohol, smoke, have promiscuous sex, etc., and still remain healthy by getting vaccinated and taking a pill. This is a very strong, vicious delusion! If a person does not strengthen his immunity, then vaccination often remains powerless, and what is the surprise of parents that vaccinated children get sick with the diseases from which they were vaccinated. After all, no one hides the fact that vaccination does not provide 100% protection. However, they hide that vaccination undermines the child’s fragile immunity.

To be fair, there are cases when the risk of harm to health from a vaccine is lower than from a disease. Therefore, you need to consciously and sensibly weigh your decisions. Today we will talk specifically about vaccinations for children, since there are some nuances here.

Should children be vaccinated?

“Should children be vaccinated?” - the answer to this question requires clarification, since it is impossible to indiscriminately recommend whether or not to vaccinate absolutely everyone. You need to understand the conditions in which a particular child lives, what age he is, what lifestyle his parents lead and, accordingly, he, moreover, it is important how he was carried, and how he was born, how his mother ate before and during pregnancy , whether he was fed or is being breastfed and for how long and much more.

If we still try to answer the question posed (should children be vaccinated), then healthy children whose parents lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, drugs, do not smoke, live in a normal area and especially in a village or outside the city, children they are regularly hardened, eat properly, whose relatives do not suffer from tuberculosis, vaccinations, of course, are of no use.

The fact is that children from disadvantaged families are at risk. What is meant here is not material wealth as such, but the environment and conditions in which the child is kept.

To decide for themselves whether or not to vaccinate their child, parents must weigh the benefits and harms of vaccination. For example, it is extremely unfavorable for newborn children to be vaccinated in the first days of life, since the body has not yet had time to adapt to new conditions. And for the baby’s immunity this is incredible stress, because immunity from vaccination, on the contrary, is undermined. In addition, parents should know that vaccinations such as BCG and DTP have strong side effects, and in most developed countries they have refused to administer these vaccines to everyone, since they do more harm than good. Doctors in our country have long made no secret of the fact that these vaccinations often cause complications.

Let's take a look at what some vaccines are designed to protect against, which will hopefully help you weigh the risks of getting sick with these viruses today and make the right decision regarding vaccination.

BCG- vaccine against tuberculosis. The website dedicated to this disease says: “Russian tuberculosis is a social phenomenon, the roots of which lie in the low level of people’s quality of life. Cases of tuberculosis are more often recorded in places of detention.” The following are factors contributing to the occurrence of tuberculosis:

  • poor nutrition;
  • the presence of chronic diseases - pathologies of the pulmonary system, stomach ulcers, diabetes, etc.;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • addiction;
  • unfavorable living environment.

And at the very end, the authors of the site make a very sensible conclusion: “The main way to overcome tuberculosis is to popularize a healthy lifestyle.” If you look at the statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis in Russia, you will find an inverse relationship between the level of quality of life and the number of patients. Let us note that the level of quality of life is now growing. So, what is the probability that a newborn, kept in good home conditions, will develop tuberculosis? Here everyone must give their own answer based on their own situation.

DPT- vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria. As we said above, it can have strong side effects. In addition to the substances that make up its composition, the harm causes too much pressure on the immune system; this, in the days after vaccination, weakens the immune system so much that the child becomes vulnerable to other infectious diseases. And yet, let's look at the probability of a child getting sick with these diseases in the first months of life.

Tetanus bacillus can enter the body through injured epithelial tissue (skin, mucous membranes) from the ground, rusty instruments, nails, and animal bites. In order for tetanus to be activated, there must be no oxygen entering the wound, i.e. it must be a fairly deep wound. At the same time, a tetanus vaccination can be done separately if the need arises, that is, in the event of a serious injury, and not just like that, just in case. At the same time, homeopathic doctors claim that it is possible to cope with homeopathic remedies without resorting to such radical methods as vaccination.

Whooping cough transmitted by airborne droplets through direct contact with a carrier of the virus. After an illness, natural, strong immunity is formed for life. The effect of the vaccine is short-term and requires revaccination. In addition, the vaccine does not guarantee complete protection against the disease. Previously, people who were sick with whooping cough used to bring their children to them to recover from the disease, as they now do with chickenpox, for example.

Hepatitis B. In addition to BCG, in the maternity hospital, at the birth of a child, they are vaccinated against hepatitis B. It should be noted that this vaccine is genetically modified, which means that no one fully knows what effect it will have on the body in the future, however, like any GMO product. It should be noted that the hepatitis B virus is transmitted through the blood, saliva, urine, semen and other biological fluids of the carrier of the virus. Infection occurs when the biological fluids of an infected person enter directly into the blood of a healthy person, in the absence of immunity to hepatitis B. This can occur in the event of injury and the introduction of the virus, in the case of sexual contact with an infected person, or when using an unsterilized syringe. It turns out that the risk of getting this virus increases significantly when vaccinated. Attention, question: “Why should a newborn get this vaccination?” The most interesting thing is that even an infected mother cannot transmit this virus to him, provided that the placenta is intact and labor proceeds normally. In England, for example, this vaccination is given only if the parents are carriers of this disease.

We will not consider all the vaccinations included in the vaccination calendar, there are too many of them there, but I strongly recommend studying each one if you are not sure of your decision.

Right to refuse vaccinations

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to refuse vaccinations for himself and his children. According to Art. 5 of Law No. 157-FZ of September 17, 1998 “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, any person has the right to refuse vaccinations, also Art. 11 of this law states that vaccinations for minors are carried out only with parental consent. It should be borne in mind that the lack of preventive vaccinations entails:

  • a ban on citizens traveling to countries where, in accordance with international health regulations or international treaties of the Russian Federation, their stay requires specific preventive vaccinations;
  • temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational organizations and health institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics;
  • refusal to hire citizens for work or removal of citizens from work, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases.

The list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations, is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Refusal from vaccinations is issued on a form that must be issued at a clinic or educational institution. If the form is not issued for some reason, parents must write an application themselves. The Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 26, 2009 No. 19n recommends a sample form for refusing vaccinations for a child: “Voluntary informed consent to carry out preventive vaccinations for children or refuse them.” Since this form is only recommended, parents have the right to draw up an application in any form, in which they should indicate:

  • Full name of the parent, it is also recommended to indicate the date of birth and place of residence.
  • Full name and date of birth of the child.
  • Full name of the vaccination (or list of vaccinations) that is being refused.
  • Links to legislation are welcome.
  • Be sure to indicate that the decision to refuse is a deliberate one.
  • Date and signature.

There are plenty of examples of statements about refusal of vaccinations on the Internet; you can use them.

Difficulties you may encounter if you refuse vaccinations

It’s 2018, which means that an entire generation has already grown up without vaccinations, so in many regions of our country, social service workers have become accustomed to refusing vaccinations and often no longer react. At the same time, children safely attend kindergartens and schools. And yet sometimes some difficulties arise.

For example, if a child is not vaccinated against tuberculosis and has not had a Mantoux test, upon admission to a kindergarten or school they often require a certificate from a phthisiatrician. Until recently, people actively wrote refusals to visit a TB doctor, since he required a Mantoux test or an x-ray, which is extremely undesirable for a child. The fact is that among the components in the Mantoux test there are harmful substances, such as estrogen, which has a negative effect on the human hormonal system, and phenol, a toxic substance, an overdose of which can disrupt the functioning of the heart, kidneys, reproductive system and leads to suppression of the immune system. Which puts this procedure on par with vaccination. However, the indicators are often false positive in healthy people. According to the law, X-rays can be prescribed to children under 14 years of age only in extreme cases. But at the moment the situation has changed, and new, modern, accurate alternative methods for tuberculin diagnostics have appeared, one of which may make sense to undergo, so as not to waste time and effort on applications, refusals, prosecutors, etc.

  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction. Human physiological secretions can be taken for analysis: mucus, sputum, ejaculate and even cerebrospinal fluid. The test accuracy is 100%. True, the test does not distinguish deceased tuberculosis DNA from living ones, so in a person who has just recovered from tuberculosis, the test may show a false positive result.
  • Quantiferon test. Venous blood is used for analysis. Accuracy - 99%.
  • T-SPOT is an analogue of the quantiferon test. Recommended for HIV-infected people and those with severely weakened immunity. Safe for pregnant women and infants. Accuracy - up to 98%.

It should be noted that the accuracy of the Mantoux reaction test is up to 70%; this method is considered obsolete in the modern world. However, the only negative side of the alternative methods described above is their high cost.

In addition, there are situations when parents are threatened that they will not accept their child into kindergarten or school without vaccinations; sometimes they actually refuse admission and suspend them from classes. In this case, you need to contact the prosecutor's office; these actions on the part of the management of children's institutions are unlawful, unless it is a temporary suspension related to the epidemic.

Whatever decision you make, remember that the main thing when it comes to vaccinations is immunity! And it is laid long before the birth of the child, and also depends on how soon the umbilical cord was cut at birth, whether the mother breastfeeds the child and how she feeds herself. In the first years of life, while the child eats breast milk, he is under double protection, his own and his mother’s immunity, therefore, under normal conditions, children during these years rarely get sick and recover quickly. Also, do not forget to harden your children from the first days of life, go to the bathhouse with them and douse yourself with cold water!

Remember, the best alternative to vaccination is a healthy lifestyle!

To answer the age-old question - help with homework or let the child try on his own, we asked Irina Trushina, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Vice-Rector for Youth Work at Chelyabinsk State University, and Victoria Nagornaya, teacher of Russian language and literature with 20 years of experience.

Victoria Nagornaya: “Mommy, you are two”

— My opinion is harsh: in primary grades, especially in the first, the child needs help with his homework. After all, marks have not yet been set, and here we are no longer talking about completing the given task, but about developing skills. The ability not only to study, but also to organize your day, fold your briefcase, fill out your diary. All the colleagues I know use this principle to raise their schoolchildren.

In higher school, I’m not talking about fifth grades and beyond, I am against “babysitting.” Of course, you can’t refuse to help. We all remember from our childhood how our dads solved problems for us, in their own way, not as we were taught, but the answer was correct. And the mothers checked the essays and always found errors and typos in them. Nothing has changed: the exact sciences have only become much more complex, and children, accustomed to computers, have practically forgotten how to come up with interesting phrases themselves and write without errors: the computer will correct them. Therefore, if my daughter asks: “Mom, explain, I don’t understand,” I always go to the rescue. If not, she does her homework herself.

In the first grade, it is recommended to supervise the child. Photo: / Eduard Kudryavitsky

I advise you to convey one idea to your child. Now studying is your job. You don’t work for me, why should I do it for you? Let a dependent student first sleep through the first lesson, then get several bad marks, then come to class without a diary and a physical education form. Having gained cones, he will learn everything he needs on his own. Initially, you can control, manage from afar and unnoticed: for example, warn the class teacher about innovations in your family.

Parents sometimes find it difficult to cope with their children’s tasks themselves. Photo: / Nadezhda Uvarova

In my pedagogical practice, situations when parents do not just sit next to the child, but completely complete the lessons for him, alas, are not uncommon. But this is a disservice. Once, my colleague, a biology teacher, had a fifth-grader submit such an abstruse essay that he read excerpts aloud to us, but we did not understand what was being said. The parent, obviously a doctor of biological sciences, decided to shock everyone with his erudition, and revealed such knowledge about the inhabitants of the ocean that it clearly does not correspond to a ten-eleven-year-old mind. Moreover, the abstract was not copied from the Internet. He is abstruse, not smart. The colleague followed the old rules, thought about it and wrote on the title page: “Mom, you are two.”

Many people do not believe that a child will do his homework on his own if he is thrown, like a fry, on a long voyage. It will definitely happen. Don't raise drones. There is, apparently, some stage during which the schoolchild, having gone through it with his mother on homework, no longer wants to go on without his mother. Experience shows that wealth and family education have nothing to do with it. Mothers study for such children both in institutes and help at work. Is this what we want for our children? I'm sure everyone will answer "no." Let your child have three at first, but he deserves it.

As the leader said, “less is better.” I am a teacher, but I believe that not everyone has to be an excellent student. The main thing for a child is inner core, the desire to achieve something, adaptability to circumstances and independence.

Irina Trushina: “A situation of success is necessary”

— Every parent asks this question. The answer depends primarily on the child’s level of psychological and physical readiness for school. First grade is the time when the child adapts to new conditions, the system of interaction with adults and peers, and other rules for organizing his activities. In order for this adaptation to be successful, the help of a parent or significant adult is simply necessary. Helping you plan your time, rationally distribute tasks and rest, learn to alternate doing homework in different subjects so that switching from one to another gives you the opportunity to relax is very important, especially during the first year of school. It is necessary for parents to be able to find a middle ground between two extremes: taking responsibility for doing homework, preparing for tests and exams, folding a briefcase and putting order on the desktop even when the child is ready for this responsibility. Or complete non-interference in the child’s affairs. In the first case, there is a great risk that, having matured, the child will remain a “child”, an infantile person who does not know how to take responsibility, make decisions and make informed choices. In the second, if he has enough of his own internal resources, such independence will help him become stronger and grow up quickly, or vice versa - grow up unconfident and unable to ask for help.

High school students must do their homework themselves. Photo:

If the skill for independently mastering information has not been developed in due time - in elementary school, then parents have to “sit down for lessons” with a seventh- and ninth-grader. The problem of reluctance to learn independently in adolescence can arise not only due to undeveloped skills of self-discipline and self-control, but also due to impaired motivation. This may be due to a number of reasons: for example, the relationship with the teacher did not work out, or the child does not see the prospect of applying knowledge in a given discipline. In this case, it is important for parents to refrain from lectures and scandals, as this can only cause resistance and additional stress. It is best to focus your efforts on creating a “situation of success” in specific disciplines or educational activities in general.

1. When a person sees that the results of his activities are valuable for those around him and people significant to him, the child feels the “taste of success”, the motivation to carry it out increases (this could be a victory in a competition, calculations for the implementation of a project, etc. ).

2. Inclusion in a group of peers who are significant to the teenager, among whom it is fashionable to study independently, can solve the problem. Sometimes this requires moving to another grade or even another school.

3. Formation of perspective: for example, getting to know a profession during an exciting excursion to an enterprise will allow a teenager to see the possible outcome of his educational activities, and if this prospect is attractive, the child will be interested in systematizing the path to achieving this prospect, and therefore systematizing independent activity.

Whether it is worth helping a child with homework is a question that does not have a clear answer, but which worries the vast majority of parents. After all, on the one hand, the help of an adult when doing homework can improve academic performance. And often the child cannot even correctly understand the task, formulated more for assistant professors than for primary school students. On the other hand, there is an opinion among psychologists that helping a child with homework is harmful, as it supposedly deprives the child of independence and the ability to think.

What is the right thing to do in such a situation?! Should I do homework with my child? How can parents avoid fraying their nerves and go to extremes, and find the optimal balance between “Dad decides, but Vasya passes” and “Lessons are a matter for children, not adults”?

In our opinion, the majority of schoolchildren still need their parents’ help with homework, especially in the lower grades. Today's teacher has 25-30 children in his class, and the teacher simply does not have time to help everyone, identify what is not clear, what has not been covered, and show an individual approach to each student. This is why many psychologists and teachers recommended to parents at least at first it is necessary help children with homework . But parents' help should not consist of sitting at the same table, monitoring every letter, or even doing homework for the child. The main task of parents at this stage is to teach children to study, develop a regular habit of doing homework, interest, motivate, and create commitment. If learning takes place in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere, children learn to maintain concentration for sufficiently long periods of time, and a positive attitude towards homework is developed.

For effective help, without nerves, you must follow a few simple rules:

A clear schedule for completing lessons

Create a clear homework schedule. To do this, discuss with your child the time at which he will start doing homework and when he will finish. Try not to deviate from the schedule undesirably, because a clear plan instills discipline. The best time to do homework is considered to be 15-17 hours of the day. The most “active” time for children is from 11 to 13 hours and from 16 to 19. However, if you take into account that the fifth period usually ends at 13.00 - 13.30, and after school it is very good to relax, take a short walk, have lunch, then it’s just closer to 15:00 is the time to start studying.

It is convenient when these hours fall during an extended day group, where the child will have time to do his homework and can be free in the evening. But if your school does not provide after-school hours, it is worth setting aside this time to do homework. Let it become an important point in the student’s daily routine.

Breaks during lessons

While doing homework (especially if there is a lot of it), it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to rest. We did one lesson - a 10-minute break. At this time, the student can jump, run, do finger exercises, play with construction sets and dolls. In general, during this break you can allow the child to do what he wants (although it is advisable to exclude the computer and TV).

Workplace for lessons

Make sure your child has his own place to work. A schoolchild should not huddle at the kitchen table during breaks while his mother chops cabbage there. A good chair, a table for lessons with the right light. It is important that there is nothing unnecessary nearby - a TV, toys, CDs, construction sets. All this will distract and call for a game rather than a serious matter.

Tips on the order of completing the lessons. What you like first

Don't know which subject to start with? Some tips on how to do your homework:

  • Start doing homework with those subjects that your child likes best and that are easier for him. This motivates, you will gain confidence: I can do it, I liked it, I will continue to do my homework!
  • If your child switches to work for a long time, sways slowly, it’s worth, as a warm-up, to offer him to do easier tasks. If the situation is the opposite, the student quickly gets involved but quickly gets tired, it is worth starting with the lesson that is more difficult and requires maximum concentration.
  • It doesn’t matter whether you start with oral tasks or with written ones. The main thing is that when doing tasks in Russian, for example, the student first learns the rules, and then does a written assignment on this rule, and not vice versa.

There are no secrets to how to do homework with a child without nerves. One of the obvious components of psychological comfort for both the child and parents while doing homework is a calm atmosphere. Don’t expect that the ability to gather yourself and concentrate on completing a task will come to your student right away. All this will appear, but over time.

Therefore, parents need to be prepared for several stages in helping with homework:

The first stage implies that parents do most of the tasks together with the child. They are nearby and watch the student very carefully: they determine where there are gaps in knowledge, at what points the child begins to get distracted. It is very important that parental assistants do not have to do the task for the child, they just need to be there.

At the next stage, parents begin to trust the child with part of the work and not control it. Moreover, we choose, based on the previous stage, exactly the part that the child can definitely handle.

The third stage is when the child does all the homework himself, but you must be ready to help if necessary. You are nearby and will come if he calls!

The fourth stage will begin around the fifth grade, when the child will do everything himself and no longer needs help from his parents. For working moms and dads, this is a holiday. But in the evening, check the lessons and explain what remains unclear.

Point out mistakes

Don't be afraid of mistakes. Moreover, it is necessary to point out mistakes to the child. The only question is how to do it. The schoolchild has just raised his hand to write “maloko” instead of “milk”, and his mother is already shouting: “Error! I ruined my notebook! “It’s not surprising that in such a situation the child gets scared and feels insecure.

When checking a draft with homework, do not immediately correct them. You see that a mistake has been made, even several mistakes, invite the child to carefully look at what he wrote. Let him try to find the mistake himself. Correcting a letter or number on paper is easy, but low self-esteem in the future and fear of taking on anything at all because you were bullied in childhood will be much more difficult.

Sleep is more important!

You see that the child is tired, there is no need to force him to open his eyes and wade through the merging letters. If your child doesn’t feel well or is tired, help with homework, read a chapter or paragraph out loud. Seeing there's so much to do and little time left before bed, take on routine work like cutting while he does math.

Do you help children do their homework? Would you like homework to be abolished in schools? Take our survey

Do you help children do their homework?

The child receives most vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule during the first year of life. These are vaccinations against hepatitis B, epidemic (mumps), and.

It turns out that the child receives 10 or even more vaccinations, since they need to be done several times. Therefore, there is a large load on the immune system, which, like all other systems, is not yet mature enough in the baby.

How necessary is this then?

I believe that, for example, it is better to take the vaccine against tuberculosis in the maternity hospital, unless the parents are categorically against it. This is necessary because the epidemiological situation regarding tuberculosis in Russia is unfavorable.

And the vaccination can be done during the first two months without examination; then, if the child has not received it, an examination (Mantoux test) will be required. And only then, if the Mantoux test is negative, vaccination is done. This is again an additional burden on the child.

As for other vaccinations, you need to look at the risk of diseases and side effects, which can always happen. You also need to remember that every vaccine contains a preservative, that is, a toxic substance. Usually these are mercury salts or formaldehyde. The toxic effect is determined by body weight: the lower the child’s weight, the more toxic the vaccine is.

What vaccines are used for vaccinations?

Vaccines are either “live” or “killed”. “Live” are vaccines of weakened pathogens, which, upon entering the body, cause the production of an immune response, resulting in stable immunity to this pathogen.

“Killed” vaccines differ from live ones in that they do not contain live pathogens. In this case, only their antigens act, to which the body also develops immunity.

It must be said that “live” vaccines are generally contraindicated for many diseases, and, in my opinion, it is better not to do them at all. One example of a “live” vaccine is the vaccine against, which is given in the mouth in the form of droplets. According to the new standards, it should not be used.

Up to a year, a child receives at least 10 vaccinations, which load his not yet matured immune system.

Should vaccinations be done strictly according to the vaccination schedule?

I think that if a child was born healthy, lives in a prosperous family, does not yet go to kindergarten, does not play in the sandbox, it is probably worth waiting until a year to vaccinate. By this time, the child will grow up, the immune system will mature, some contraindications may emerge, and after that you need to resolve the issue with your pediatrician individually.

About . The risk of hepatitis B infection in a small healthy child is minimal, so it is not advisable to give such a vaccine in the maternity hospital right away.

If after birth it becomes clear that the child will have to undergo some kind of surgery or hospitalization due to his condition, or the child may be surrounded by patients or carriers of the hepatitis B virus, then it is better to start vaccination immediately according to plan in the maternity hospital.

Many parents are still afraid to do it. What does the doctor do in this case?

When people come to me with questions about vaccinations, I always encourage parents not to be afraid. Fear for the child or fear of vaccination on a mental level envelops the child like a cloud and has a suppressive effect on the immune system.

Any fear is a kind of shock, stress, and this weakens our immune system, thereby increasing the risk of disease.

If you are so afraid of this disease, get vaccinated and don't be afraid. If you are afraid of complications from vaccination, it is better not to do it, but do not worry. It will be more useful. It is important to find a balance here so as not to be afraid to let go of fear.

But parents are always worried about the health of their child. Isn't this normal?

If we consider a disease as some kind of evil or misfortune, then indeed, you got vaccinated, and you were protected from the disease and you will never get it. But illness should not be perceived as a necessary evil.

Childhood illnesses are a certain test for the child’s body, a certain step on the path to growing up and development. Going through a crisis of childhood illness, the child overcomes and burns away the negative hereditary material that interferes with his development. This is the deep meaning of childhood illnesses.

Each disease, on the one hand, carries with it certain harm and risk, but, on the other hand, certain benefits.

When we survive an illness and recover, especially if we use drugs that help the body cope with the illness itself, we become somewhat stronger. And the next time, faced with a problem, our body is no longer so helpless.

Childhood illnesses can be called a test for the child’s body, a kind of step on the path to growing up.

Why are parents afraid to get vaccinated? Are they really that dangerous?

Vaccinations, like any medical intervention, can have side effects. This is both an antigenic effect on the immune system and a toxic effect of the preservative on the body.

I think it is necessary to assess the risk from the disease and the risk from the side effects of vaccination for a particular child at a particular age and, based on the epidemiological situation around the child and these risks, decide on vaccination.

You can often find “horror stories” online about children dying after vaccination. Is it true that vaccination can lead to such consequences?

Any vaccination can cause complications. And the problem here is not in the vaccine, but in the body’s tolerance. The vaccine may well become an impetus for the development of some serious disease.

How to protect your child from this?

Antihistamines are used for this. This is a common symptomatic therapy so that a local reaction to the vaccine does not develop. I use homeopathic medicines to reduce the risk of these complications.

It is never known how a child will cope with vaccination. At the appointment, I usually advise which homeopathic medicines to take before and which after.

Vaccinations can only be done with the written consent of the parents.

Vaccinations cannot be done without parental consent?

Parents always have the last word. The doctor, for his part, must explain to them all the risks of both diseases and side effects. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure that vaccinations are an absolute evil or, conversely, that they are an absolute health benefit.

I believe that in this case, parents always need to resolve the issue with their pediatrician on an individual basis.

Firstly, a child may have certain contraindications to certain vaccinations; everyone’s level of health is different, and the risks of certain diseases or complications are also different.

In addition, there are parents who are afraid or categorically do not want to get vaccinated due to their beliefs. In our clinic, as a pediatrician, I advise parents on such issues, drawing up an individual vaccination plan.

It's the holiday season. What vaccinations should you get before?

If parents travel to countries where there is a risk of exotic diseases to which we do not even have genetic immunity, then it is imperative to get vaccines. Some African countries do not even allow you to cross their borders without them.

If a child is traveling with parents who are going to a particular country for work and plan to live there, then it is also advisable to get the vaccinations recommended for that country.

In Russia we currently have a fairly favorable infection situation compared to other countries. There is a lot of polio in Asia, it occurs. And due to the flow of refugees, there is a lot of measles in Europe. If people are going there with children, then it is better to vaccinate.