How to apologize to a man. How to apologize to a guy or a man

From time to time, each of us has quarrels and conflicts with others. Well, if they do not affect the relationship. But sometimes it happens that misunderstanding or resentment leads to a break. To prevent this from happening, you need to apologize, to atone for your guilt by deed.

This is where difficulties arise if the girl herself offended the guy. There is a fear of being ridiculed, rejected, humiliated. What is the best way to apologize to a man correctly, and is it necessary to do this in principle? Find out about women's life hacks that are guaranteed to return the favor of a loved one.

How can you apologize to a man?

It seems that it is difficult to say the usual "I'm sorry." But in reality, not all girls dare to plead guilty, even if the situation is petty, everyday. Pride interferes, the insults caused by a man are remembered, or do you think, what if it will work like that? And if the matter is serious, for example, treason or a lie, you will have to repent of all sins at all, and it is not known which side it will come out in the future. There are thousands of answers.

But in fact ... any man feels when a woman hides something or treats him superficially and lightly. It is the attitude, not the act itself, that hurts the most. If a man is dear, it will be right to remain honest with him. Do you feel like you did something wrong?

Say, "I'm sorry. I can be unbearable, but I love you very much. Think about his feelings. In this case, it is not necessary to reveal all the cards. If you have done something serious, the truth can hurt a lot. In most cases, it is enough to express regret about what happened and assurances of love.

How to apologize and when to do it

Many of the fair sex are interested in when it is better to ask for forgiveness from a guy so that it is not too late. If the offense is not too serious, then you should apologize immediately. A long wait in this case will make the man doubt your feelings, he will think that you consider your behavior to be normal and will continue to do so in the future. In other words, he can wind himself up.

If you quarreled on a grand scale, then it is better to postpone the conversation with an apology. Surely at first the guy will be very angry and can rashly say too much. In this case, you can apologize touching sms. After a day or two, when emotions subside, you should meet and talk heart to heart. It is important to pay attention to some details.

Suitable environment

The place where the conversation will take place with a man is of no small importance. Many do not even realize how much the environment affects the train of thought and decision making. If a person feels uncomfortable, he stops delving into the essence of your words, does not penetrate, but strives to quickly end the dialogue and leave.

And vice versa, if there is cosiness and comfort around, it is warm, smells good and nothing distracts, you don’t want to leave this place. Therefore, when trying to apologize for something serious, try to create an environment that will relax and arrange the guy. For example, it's good to talk:

Avoid talking in a hurry, in front of other people, his friends or your parents. Remember that a quarrel is a matter of only two people.

In your own words

It's natural to get nervous before a serious conversation. However, excessive excitement can lead to stupor. At the most crucial moment, all the necessary words can fly out of your head, especially if they do not come from the heart. Therefore, you need to prepare for a conversation with a man. Try to put yourself in the place of the offended. What does he feel now? How can you soften his heart? Feel the situation. Now sit down and write a letter.

When the time comes for a conversation, try to say everything that you wrote looking into your eyes. If for some reason this cannot be done, give the guy a written letter. Just do not try to copy text on the Internet. Exposing plagiarism is easy. If the words are not yours, the guy may suspect insincerity. Better a slightly clumsy, clumsy apology, but your own, from the heart, than a beautiful, but copied work.

Words of apology in SMS

The apology SMS option should be considered as an additional one or used when the conflict is insignificant. In the first case, a short message will show the guy that you repent of your act, but have not yet decided to talk openly. In the second case, the text message will be a sign that you are bored and want positive communication, and the quarrel occurred due to a common misunderstanding.

So, what can you write to a guy if you are at fault:

  1. “Let's forget all the insults, so as not to lose love. Let's just start all over again, because kissing is much more pleasant than swearing and blaming!
  2. “Let's make up soon, tea has boiled in the kitchen for a long time. Let's have a drink, eat a candy and quickly go to bed!
  3. “I am so ashamed of having offended you. I am very worried and I hope that you will forgive me"
  4. My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.

Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.

All in injections, wounds, I will snuggle up to you,

I ask for forgiveness in an affectionate prayer.

Hurry, my love, hide your thorns,

If at least a little sorry for my hands "

  1. “The cutest, most faithful, I acted like a bitch. I don’t know what I found, I eat myself! Let's make it up?"
  2. “I love you and miss you. I don't know how to live without you. I'm sending a text message, I promise to fix everything "

Most importantly, try not to dramatize the events. The girls love it, but the boys don't. Try, on the contrary, to approach the problem with a bit of humor. Good mood is the key to success.

What not to do during an apology

Many girls and women make the same mistakes. And instead of the cherished forgiveness, they get a break in relations or fall into submission to a man, endure jokes, humiliation and insults. To prevent this from happening, take note of a few rules:

And of course, you should not rush the guy. Give him time to think about the situation and your words. He has every right to do so.

Apologizing and making excuses are two different things.

Some people don't understand the difference between asking for an apology and trying to justify themselves. To apologize means to admit one's fault, without any amendments and buts. To justify is to find an excuse. For example: “Yes, I lied to you, but just because I was afraid of your reaction, you are sometimes very harsh.” If you want to be forgiven, and the relationship improved as soon as possible, you need to apologize without amendments. You can explain your behavior later. For example: “Sometimes you overreact, I get scared to talk about something. Can you be more restrained? I think it will benefit our relationship."

Apologize to your husband to improve relations in the family

A successful marriage is one where both are willing to compromise for the sake of a good relationship. Sometimes the wife has to take the lead, apologize and try to strengthen the union. For the result to be positive, try not only to ask for forgiveness, but also to renew your relationship:

Use your imagination, you know your husband like no other. Surely there is a loophole that will help win his favor, return love and understanding to the relationship.

Is it worth it to apologize to a man at all

Men like proud women who value and respect themselves. But does this mean that they do not need to apologize? No. If the offense inflicted is serious, then even the strongest love and admiration will not help. Rather, on the contrary, love will turn into hatred and a desire for revenge.

Therefore, if you are really wrong, it is better to confess. But do not forget about female charms. Come to the meeting dizzyingly beautiful, attractive. A man should look at you and understand that this cannot be lost.

Being able to ask for forgiveness is an important social skill that is necessary for deep harmonious relationships. It is good if a woman can admit that she is right calmly, without tears and tantrums. Why? Yes, because it is the woman who sets the emotional background. Men are aware of this. A comparison can be made with the wind. Women can light a fire or put it out, it all depends on her skills.

As for tips on how to build a conversation, they apply to absolutely any request for forgiveness. Be sincere, make eye contact, speak in a calm voice. You can hug a man or take his hand. Think at this moment a little more about him than about yourself.

In conclusion, you can justify yourself to the guy, explain your act with a good reason, but he will never forgive you. This is also the ability to forgive and forget insults. Not all people are capable of this. Take the man's decision for granted and don't beat yourself up if the answer isn't what you wanted. Your person will always understand and find the strength to forgive.

Lada, Moscow

Many women are sure that they know the answer to the question "should I apologize to a man." And their answer is absolutely no. The weaker sex, due to its nature and partly upbringing, often expects the most important steps from the male side. But is this approach correct?

Quarrels, even in very harmonious relationships, are almost inevitable, and a lot depends on how competently the conflict is resolved.

Is it necessary to apologize if the man is right?

Over the years, many parents have raised girls like impregnable princesses. Therefore, calling first, and even more so asking for forgiveness first, is unacceptable for many modern women. Unfortunately, these beliefs often hurt them greatly and make it difficult to develop a fulfilling relationship with your loved one.

It is not easy to understand a man. Although the male logic is from the female one, it can be very easy to hurt the feelings of the stronger sex. Having survived a quarrel and calmed down, one should reasonably weigh who was to blame for it, or who bears most of the blame. If a man turned out to be more of a victim than a perpetrator of a situation, he definitely deserves an apology.

How to apologize?

Saying "I'm sorry" is almost always difficult, even to your loved one. Many women are tempted to just write an SMS message. But in most cases, especially if the conflict was serious, this is not worth doing. Try to apologize personally, having thought in advance what exactly you want to say. This is especially important if you live together. If not, you should make an appointment when you both have free time. Not only words are important, but also the intonation with which they will be pronounced. A man will definitely appreciate your act and accept an apology if you talk about the situation in calm tones.

In what situations should you not ask for forgiveness?

To achieve harmony, relations must be as equal as possible. There are several cases in which you should not apologize to a man first:
  • you doubt that you want to continue a relationship with this person;
  • you always apologize first, and your chosen one never admitted his guilt;
  • you (from the position of the mind, not the heart) are sure that you were right;
  • a man inflicted a serious insult on you, offending you to the core.

In what other situations is it necessary to apologize?

It depends not only on how much you value this relationship, but also on the severity of the quarrel. Most conflicts between a man and a woman, although not born from scratch, are not catastrophic either. They are usually not worth putting the relationship at risk, and any loving person, regardless of their gender, must sometimes sacrifice their pride and apologize first.

As the ancient sages rightly noted, it is human nature to make mistakes, and only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Every day we voluntarily or unwittingly hurt others. Sometimes these are minor sorrows that we do not notice, sometimes they are a deadly insult that remains in the heart of each of its participants for a long time.

It would seem that two simple words: "Forgive me." But how, sometimes, it is difficult to force yourself to pronounce them! Many are convinced that a woman is always right, which means she should not apologize under any circumstances. However, numerous studies prove that sincere apologies are pleasant for both men and women themselves, who carefully prepared the “apology concert”.

Hundreds of articles have been written to help those who do not know how to apologize beautifully to a man. Eminent psychologists advise how to dress properly, what to say and how to position yourself relative to the sun so that you will certainly be forgiven. They offer collections of universal “magic” tips that will teach you how to sincerely apologize to your beloved guy, how to return the favor of a strict boss and justify yourself to a grumpy neighbor. We decided to move away from common recommendations and tell you how to apologize to a guy in an original way.

The most important rule: an apology must be sincere and come from the heart. And then - turn on the fantasy.

Apologies are practical

The first thing that comes to mind when you say “ask for forgiveness” is a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Some men may be pleased with this "gentlemanly set", but most will consider it a waste of money. Therefore, it is necessary to give something that is useful in the household and that the tongue cannot be called useless.

If a man has long dreamed of having a mug with Winnie the Pooh, joining the club of penguin flippers (yes, yes, there is such a one!) Or voicing a cartoon - everything is in your hands. Fulfill this little dream, and in return you will receive forgiveness and a good mood to boot.

How to apologize to a man? The saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is more relevant than ever! Cook your young man his favorite dish or experiment with something new: seafood, national cuisine, desserts. Perhaps the guy himself will join the cooking process, and joint work brings together like nothing else.

Sorry romantic

At first glance, many men are pragmatists, but often a volcano of emotions lurks under external restraint. Try adding a touch of romance to your apology.

If you have a couple of days to collect your thoughts and "think about your behavior", use this time to seriously prepare. Options:

"I'm sorry, I won't do that again!" to the enigmatic: “In the evening I will apologize personally”;

- if you are "friends" with graphic programs like Photoshop or Corel, make up a small comic book story or photo collage on a given topic from your joint photos. If you are at odds with the computer, you can dedicate a short story to the guy, in which you and he will be the main characters. Again, you can not limit your imagination and write an erotic story, mentioning details that are known only to you and him. Surely no one has ever apologized to him in this way!

- Order a limousine that will take your sweetheart to work. Effective and unique.

- along with an apology, present a box with a bunch of small notes. Let the offended person pull one note a day, and you will have to do what is written there: massage your heels, cook lasagna, play strip cards, etc.

- if a young man does not even want to listen to your words about the meeting and your readiness to apologize, invite him to visit mutual friends, go to nature, ride horses or swim with dolphins. Let the proposal come not from you, but from the friends themselves. At some point, each of those present will have important enough things to leave the premises and leave you alone. And there are the right words.

Apologies with humor

You can apologize to a guy with ease and humor. The most “budget” option is to tie yourself with a bow, pick up a bunch of balls, make a pitying look a la Puss in Boots from the second series of Shrek. Few people can resist seeing the quintessence of repentance in front of the door.

Perhaps the best proof of repentance will be your chatty tongue, presented in a beautiful velvet box to the offended. Only without fanaticism: give an artificial tongue or a tongue made of jelly. The main thing is to choose the right words.

You can deviate from the standards and go not through the door, but ... through the window. True, this method is suitable if the guy lives no higher than the third floor. A tower car is hired by a construction company. Find out in advance when the young man will definitely be at home, and knock softly ... Few people have the willpower not to accept the apology and slam the window in front of the apologetic girl.

A personal visit can be supplemented with a small symbolic gift. For example, a military helmet, which "will protect life together from adversity," or a brick, which "will become the foundation of a strong relationship."

If your man appreciates practical gifts, and you want to play pranks a little - register a plot on Mars in his name. Or on the moon. The young man will be next to those 9709 lucky ones who already own such plots and will be able to hang a certificate confirming ownership on the wall. The last argument for reconciliation may be your offer to go to the observatory together and look through the telescope at "your" site.

    Kisa_ 01/13/2012 at 12:19:32 pm

    Help me with an idea how to apologize to my husband

    My husband was late yesterday at work, they were celebrating something. He came late and not quite sober, began to pester. And I'm so tired during the day, the child's teeth are being cut. I didn’t want to eat anything, I cried, I made such a mess. In the evening, she barely got to sleep. I immediately rushed to eat and clean up. I didn’t have time to finish my meal when my husband came with his flirting. No, just say, I'm sorry, I'm tired and I still have a lot of work, so I broke something, said too much. In short, the husband was offended, defiantly went to bed. I ate, drank tea, calmed down and came to put up. Reconciliation very quickly transferred to bed, it turned out very well) And everything would be fine, but I didn’t get enough sleep, I got up in the morning, and everywhere yesterday’s mess. I can't cook, I have to wash the dishes first. It is impossible to pass without stepping on the irguha, and so on. The child yells, wants to be held in my arms, I can’t cope with one hand. Husband is late for work, can't take it. Well, take it and blurt out that it was necessary to clean it up yesterday, and not put up with it. The husband sighed and left without saying anything. And I felt so ashamed, there are no words. Well, who pulled the tongue? No, keep silent, drink valerian and gradually begin to rake everything up ... Now I think what would be so pleasant for him to do. The problem is complicated by the fact that in the evening friends who are passing through the city and whom we have not seen for a long time want to visit. Therefore, a romantic dinner and everything like that most likely will not work ...

    • bambalero 01/13/2012 at 03:23:50 PM

      come - just apologize)))

      kiss, hug.
      or even now - just call.

      Byaka 01/13/2012 at 08:27:30 PM

      I would give on the ears, but did not apologize. ()

      • Byaka 01/13/2012 at 20:50:38

        More precisely,

        I personally try to organize my life in such a way that I don’t take it out on anyone. I try to organize help for myself in advance, and not to row all alone, so that later I can break loose.

        Don't be the bitch in me! She doesn't get enough sleep, poor thing.

    • ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 13:28:50

      something you are driven. Look at your husband. He will come in a normal mood, pretend that everything is fine. Why apologize all the time?

      Get used to it and you'll regret it

      • Femily 01/13/2012 at 01:44:40 PM

        why can't you apologize? I'm without a hit. just wondering)

        • ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 02:05:58 PM

          Because the husband screwed up himself yesterday, I don’t think he is sure that his wife is guilty. And she will prove her guilt to him)

          You can and should apologize. But not a little. The husband puffed out his lips - and the soul rushed to heaven, dear, what's wrong, sorry, sorry.

          In the same way, it's easy to say: "I'm sorry if I was harsh. You see, I'm so tired ..."
          So the author wants to be just beautiful, almost on one knee in front of him. For the fact that at home srach, her husband drank and she rakes it all.

          • Kisa_ 01/13/2012 at 02:46:06 PM

            Well, I don’t constantly apologize for every little thing, with or without

            it just turned out to be a good night, and after this I am ashamed of the morning. Well, there is a mood to come up with something a little more than just "well, I'm sorry." For a long time they didn’t arrange holidays, but here, though small, but an occasion.

            • ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 17:25:10

              Your feelings are quite understandable, and the holiday does not have to be timed to repentance))

          • mom_Ira 13/01/2012 at 14:07:43


            FEmily 01/13/2012 at 02:32:12 PM

            well, I’m just *forgive me*)) after reading your post, for some reason I decided that I don’t need to apologize at all)

            In any house, a woman always has her own separate room, and there she
            having fun with might and main: he wants to cook borscht, he wants to wash the dishes :)

            • ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 05:47:41 PM

            Carmen 13/01/2012 at 14:31:06

            What did the husband screw up? came slightly drunk (not drunk!), wanted to love his wife

            the wife first sent it away, well, he left - and did not begin to lay it out on the kitchen table through her "I don't want to"
            the wife sat, calmed down and went to her husband to love, and it was good for them, and she did the right thing!
            what is the problem?
            Well, in the morning I saw bedlam and was upset, blurted out something wrong in my hearts - who doesn’t happen to?
            in my opinion it is quite reasonable to apologize precisely for blurting out too much
            and ask your husband to help with cleaning on the weekend

            • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 14:37:27

              I, too, if I drink to my husband, I pester, so what?)

              Work is not a wolf, work is work

              Kisa_ 01/13/2012 at 02:47:59 PM


              ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 05:23:33 PM

              "Crying, made such a mess, barely put to sleep" - just macho, any wife should be happy to have sex at the same second, even if she eats and is tired))

              • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 20:24:20

                so it was about the child, and not about the husband - "cried, made a mess, barely put to sleep"))))

                and the husband did not seem to demand sex at the same second
                offered - yes, but did not demand
                went to sleep and patiently wait until his wife still wants
                she wanted and came when she wanted
                and the husband, mind you, did not fall asleep, but still waited for his wife, and fell in love with her well, she was satisfied

                • ArtCat 01/13/2012 at 21:02:57

                  damn it)))) and I still thought - why was he crying?))) then I decided - well, I drank, I got emotional))

                  • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 23:25:56


            • Femily 01/13/2012 at 02:33:08 PM


              In any house, a woman always has her own separate room, and there she
              having fun with might and main: he wants to cook borscht, he wants to wash the dishes :)

        • NetochkaNezvanova 01/13/2012 at 13:53:43

          Work is not a wolf, work is work

      • 45689 01/13/2012 at 13:51:41

        Yeah, the husband himself probably went to work with a clear conscience, despite the fact that he didn’t help you clean up, and you are worried about how beautifully you will apologize.

        value yourself

      Carmen 13/01/2012 at 13:33:17

      oh, this cleaning was given to you!

      Is it really more pleasant to clean up in the middle of the night than to have sex with your husband?)))))
      you all did the right thing by going to put up, but in the morning you just could not restrain yourself from fatigue and tension
      text your husband something affectionate, and in the evening just explain that you are very tired and broke

      060306 13/01/2012 at 17:48:37

      Well you are awesome!!

      It is very joyful that there are families in the world in which a quarrel looks like this:
      The tipsy husband came home from work late and the tired, hungry wife was guilty before him, because she did not immediately respond to his advances, but first finished her late dinner!
      Fortunately, she corrected the situation and they reconciled.
      The second quarrel plunged his wife into such a hopeless state that she asked a whole bunch of experienced advisers with a question. The subject of the quarrel was terrible: a slight regret about the expediency of yesterday's sex. Husband's anger is terrible "he left and didn't say anything".
      The saddest thing is that a romantic dinner cannot be organized today!
      You are lovely, lovely, lovely!

      • Grateful 18/01/2012 at 16:56:48

        :))))) It's you - lovely! +

        I laughed ... Exactly my thoughts, only coolly stated :)

        I am very grateful to God for the miracle that He performed in my life - for my daughter!

        Witch-the-Vich 01/18/2012 at 21:13:04


      vanilla 01/13/2012 at 05:36:20 PM

      but in general it happens)) is called fatigue syndrome)))) just accumulated during the day.

      well, or something about the full moon, the cycles of transformations into a werewolf, that the moon is in Aquarius and the sun is in a fiery house ...))))

      So tell him - I'm sorry, I broke ....))))) and immediately put him in an armful and under the sheet! =)

      life can be colorful (c) I. Pelikh

      dow 13/01/2012 at 14:34:19

      Not quite sober? I can't stand it, I wouldn't get anything at all.

      • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 14:38:23

        and you don’t stick to your husband drunk? :) everyone is so chaste - I’m already ashamed)

        Work is not a wolf, work is work

        • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 14:41:33

          :)) I would have been more alert if I hadn't started pestering...))

          • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 15:12:32

            ggg =-) my husband even teases me when I drink .. he knows that I will harass :)

            Work is not a wolf, work is work

            Kisa_ 13/01/2012 at 14:58:35

            )) me too

        • dow 13/01/2012 at 15:02:44

          I'm coming, but he can't)))

          • NetochkaNezvanova 01/13/2012 at 15:13:21

            why shouldn't he? *wild smile emoticon*

            Work is not a wolf, work is work

            • dow 13/01/2012 at 15:17:07

              I stink

              • FEmily 01/13/2012 at 03:47:16 PM

                so drink too, when both stink - it's not so scary)

                In any house, a woman always has her own separate room, and there she
                having fun with might and main: he wants to cook borscht, he wants to wash the dishes :)

                NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 15:20:27

                oh yeah, i forgot =-)

                Work is not a wolf, work is work

      toffee2 01/13/2012 at 02:25:01 PM

      On the next weekend, leave at 8 am and come back at 10 pm+

      husband's list:
      Breakfast for the child to wash everything, throw laundry, hang up, stroke, go out with the child for a walk, come cook a fresh lunch for the child and you, feed, wash everything - put to sleep, play with the child, prepare an afternoon snack, feed - wash everything while the child hangs on his leg prepare dinner for the child and you, then wash everything, including the stove and the kitchen, the child to play, then prepare the bathroom, bathe, feed, lay down ... and in the evening, when the child pulls seven or ten more times, begin to clean up the toys, wash the floor ... and now here, when he cleans this floor, you come in, under your coat, smell of perfume, such a beautiful and playfully behind his ass - throw your mop. me and the baby ... continue????

      • Kisa_ 01/13/2012 at 02:51:27 PM

        )))) it is necessary to arrange such a preventive

        Porto_Franco 01/13/2012 at 05:23:27 PM

        :)) It's cool that you described the work of moms on maternity leave.

        I have 2 children and everything is about the same.

        NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 14:34:15

        probably only I read, watched movies, hung on the net during my child’s lunchtime nap ... these 2-3 hours have always been my rest +

        I'll tell you differently (you're talking about a child after a year, I guess?)
        got up: breakfast porridge threw cereal and porridge is ready in 15-20 minutes .. it cooks almost by itself .. if the cottage cheese is put and eaten ....
        the wash was thrown and it is washed for 2 hours without your participation. hung out in 5 minutes ... you can iron once a week, and many do not iron at all
        let's go for a walk
        returned and cooked soup in 30 minutes (and if there are blanks, then it’s a matter of 5 minutes to abandon everything and forget) 2 plates were washed while the child drums with pots, clothespins, draws
        fed and put the baby to bed .. sleep next to you for 2 hours or do whatever you want
        dinner is prepared by a double boiler, for example, or an oven .. itself .. cut in 10 minutes and forgot again
        play with a child
        washed the floor, how much is that floor?
        That's actually all the difficulties =-)

        it is necessary to buy a dishwasher, then in general a resort .. I don’t have it yet \u003d-)

        Work is not a wolf, work is work

        • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 14:54:02

          I, too, in the sleep of children never did any homework

          it was MY time to read, watch movies, polish my nails...
          I got up in the morning, and I cook breakfast and lunch at the same time, I myself ate the same as children on complementary foods - cereals, simple soups, boiled meatballs ...
          then a walk, after a walk the finished dinner was eaten and sleep
          in the evening we cook dinner with the children, along the way, they cleaned, washed, and hung something
          up to six months, all this is perfectly done with a child in a sling, and in a good mood, you can put it off in a deck chair,
          after six months, children find something to do on the floor, well, or at least sit on one hip, and the other hand does something there ...
          in general, I don’t remember that I had some kind of terrible fatigue on maternity leave ...

          • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 15:11:35

            I am encouraged by your posts :) so far I have one, but in the future I would like another baby .. so the option of a 3-year vacation is still possible :)

            Work is not a wolf, work is work

            • Grays_07 01/13/2012 at 04:17:59 PM

              maybe it's a vacation, provided that with many other factors -GUD.

              I gave birth to the second, and also managed a lot (we eat simple, I could easily score for cleaning). And I worked from birth to six months of the children without problems. (The child sucked her breast quickly, then either slept or played on her own)

              but from time to time I had a terrible feeling of moral and physical fatigue. and everything was annoying and irritating and I wanted to kill someone. in two years with a tail of a child, she went to work with pleasure.

              unless, if the family is unpretentious in food and cleaning (and the like),
              then this is a reason to call the decree a vacation ????

        • 060306 13/01/2012 at 17:35:44

          I'm the same

          Daytime sleep is everything! I managed to cook and clean and read, and I managed to hang on the Internet. Now more lessons have been added, but now I can do several things at the same time, but I still have time to read.

          toffee2 01/13/2012 at 02:42:35 PM

          the children are so different - I ate standing with a child in my arms, and she also didn’t sleep for up to a year during the day, at night almost from the maternity hospital and not during the day. My husband came - jumped for an hour and the children were good until 9 in the morning, and in the morning he left and everything was fine for me new...
          To cook the same dinner - but where is the child? She doesn’t sleep, you put her screaming until she turns blue .. And after a year she walks with her tail ... No .. She doesn’t sit in a stroller - they sold her and goes on foot where she needs, and not me, you can get to the store an hour to go with tambourines ... In general, she even started watching cartoons after 2.5 years and just so that I would sit NEARLY ... Now I can do EVERYTHING in an hour and a half, it's a habit, while dad and little girl are outside - mom is an electric broom ... but it's on the weekend...
          And the husband comes home from work to rest, and the wife fell asleep at work and woke up at work.

          Women who eat after 18-00 and do not get fat are definitely WITCHES! (C)

          • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 15:08:20

            if the child is under one year old, then it is still easier if the GV is of course. except that after 6 complementary foods, but there at first they cooked one zucchini, an egg, an apple they gave a bite ... this ... then cooking is more complete +

            I got complementary foods for the spring and I generally gave jars often, because seasonal vegetables were old potatoes and carrots

            up to 6 months in my arms all the time, but also 3 dreams a day ... 2 for sure .... baldness ... as I remember now, I fell on the sofa, the child under my chest, covered myself with books, magazines, remote controls and went crazy :)... if I didn't sleep, then of course I entertained, like everyone else .. then I crawled, began to play a little myself for the same 10 minutes
            She threw dinner when the child was sleeping or put him in a deck chair or a children's chair, gave toys one at a time and he threw them away .. just enough time to cut ...

            I don’t want to be crucified, but it seems to me that a lot depends on the attitude of the mother herself ....
            there were, of course, brain explosions, there were hard days, but they had already faded in the general impression of the decree, which, after all, seemed like a rest

            Work is not a wolf, work is work

            Kisa_ 13/01/2012 at 14:56:12

            a little over a year old

      it happens_everything 01/13/2012 at 16:42:55

      Why apologize??? He rested, then give him love .... He was supposed to help you. and then you can go further

      from homework that no one really notices, you get much more tired than at work. In general, I think that there is nothing to apologize, but you know better, maybe you are not telling something ...

      999 01/13/2012 at 03:49:46 PM

      Sori, of course, someone else's family, someone else's relationship, but at least you have some help?

      999 is the largest 3 digit number
      Natka and beloved son Olezhka (07/14/2004) and daughter Yulia (07/17/2009)

      Fayna 01/13/2012 at 01:03:12 PM

      I think in your case it is enough to explain to your husband that you are tired and said too much. Normal

      husband must understand everything and without apology

      And non-running hours are right twice a day

      CrazyO 01/13/2012 at 12:43:17 PM

      O_o???? the husband walks, relaxes in a lizhku, and the woman cleans up / is ready to marvel at the child and gives to her husband

      and for tse guilty vibachatsya????
      IMHO - following your words about the deputy of that schob to be reconciled, it was necessary to tidy up the husband mav bi get up and help tidy up, or to promise to work in the evening.

      • Katarina 01/13/2012 at 06:19:05 PM

        I think so too, but men don't think so :(((

        Pulka 01/13/2012 at 23:57:42

        On the other hand, what if?

        Making money, getting killed at work...
        Came home - relaxed, playful ... and there - vixen. Satisfied. And she again in the morning.

        Damn, I would have such a man who would make me forget what work is and put me at home with a child in my arms, I wore it, honestly.

        The smartest man in the world is a bastard. He knows everything.

        01/13/2012 at 12:49:41 pm

        1 - he also returned after the holiday

        Well, after reconciliation, I would get up a little early in the morning and help with the cleaning.

        • koptiva 01/13/2012 at 12:53:56 PM

      • Kisa_ 01/13/2012 at 12:52:17 pm

        Well, my husband earns money for us, he doesn’t go out very often

        and I believe that it is my task to cook and keep order in the house. At least while I'm on maternity leave. I have one child, not 2 or 3 like many. I think I should manage on my own and try to put less stress on my husband with household chores. He is quite tired and also wants to rest. He plays with the child, sometimes bathes and walks, in my opinion this is enough.

        • CrazyO 01/13/2012 at 13:25:10

          well, let's go pobut i dіm your robot, ale now

          you have "strained" on the robot - the capricious child and you don’t get it, if you want to see it, you can rozrohuvat on the wise and sympathetic of the nearest people.
          Tse yakscho not to go into the por_vnyannya tsіlodobovoї і without vihіdnih work mami і work in the office.

          • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 13:55:52

            oh, don’t say .. work is different .... and such that the decree will seem like paradise +

            honestly, I don’t understand these arguments: well, when there are two children, yes mai bi ... but when there is one child, then why say that it’s just such hard work ... well, there are moments when it’s hard, but basically it’s rest .. honestly .. 3 years on maternity leave was by the way

            Work is not a wolf, work is work

            • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 14:39:09

              even when there are three children +

              I don’t see any problems at all for a housewife mom to maintain a city apartment with all amenities and household appliances in a state of order
              and I also consider the decree a vacation))
              and male harassment is sometimes off topic, not because of confusion and fatigue, but because of postpartum hormones
              when the hormones return to normal, then the mess will not give a damn if all the children sleep peacefully and there is an opportunity to pay attention to their loved ones))

              mama_Ira 13/01/2012 at 14:05:27

              Not everyone thinks the decree is paradise and relaxation, many plow on the decree ....

              at a friend’s - a girl, she slept only in her arms - grandmothers taught her in the first week, she ate poorly, slept poorly until she was 2 years old, periodically vomited up what she ate, she had to be fed again, she was very capricious, constantly screaming, if something didn’t So. favorite toy - mom, she didn’t recognize others, except with mom, she didn’t want to settle down with anyone else .... now the girl is 5 years old, dad wants a second, and mom said if Bush is on maternity leave, mug, if not, with one is enough for me .. she has a fear of a second child ...

              • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 14:12:49

                well, as grandmothers like to say: "as they taught" +

                I wrote above that my son was very tame ... me and the boob .. the boob and me .. everything ...
                “I didn’t eat well” - well, it depends on the attitude .. I wasn’t interested in this question and I’m not particularly interested, because my son eats according to his appetite ... he doesn’t want to, maybe he doesn’t eat
                "I was capricious" - so who has ideal children? we bring up slowly ... and also washed together, and we had to go to the toilet together

                I see that it all depends on the attitude of an individual mother ...
                my husband was with the child himself several times, once a week on vacation with his son (he was exactly 3 years old) I was at work .. my husband said that compared to his work, this is paradise .... still remembers ...

                Work is not a wolf, work is work

                • Kisa_ 13/01/2012 at 14:32:00


                  sometimes it seems to me that the only way to get praise or sympathy is to tell how difficult it is for you. And since we want this often, we tell how difficult it is for us almost constantly. And if you constantly say something, then you yourself will not believe for long. So it turns out that for many, motherhood is very difficult. Although in fact most of the cases can be turned into a game and done together with the child. I also wash with him and go to the toilet. While I'm washing, we're having fun splashing water, and while I'm sitting in the toilet, the reb happily unwinds toilet paper))

                  • Murzilka_01/13/2012 at 02:48:56 PM

                    Well, I don't know, it was very hard for me.

                    I went to work like a holiday. My husband does not eat many foods, I had to cook according to his tastes, and not what I like. He doesn’t eat what has been cooked for more than a day, and he doesn’t eat the same thing, plus cooking separately for the child, since he doesn’t eat healthy food, plus constant cleaning of the floors, as the child climbs there, and the dirt from the corridor spreads instantly, plus only 4 hours at least on the street with a child (you still need to get there). And ironing, and at least somehow give time to the child, and wash him, and physical education. Then the child slept only with us, and since the husband was large and you couldn’t wake him up from a cannon, I slept between him and the child, they would squeeze me, I’m afraid to turn around so as not to wake the small one, and so all night, small breasts like a pacifier in Holds my mouth, if I take it away or falls out, I immediately roar. Those. I slept very badly at night. In general, I went to work, I was happy. A child in kindergarten is generally a buzz.

                    • Kisa_ 13/01/2012 at 14:53:38

                      I don't argue, it's different

                      NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 15:01:46

                      I, too, by the way, despite the charms of the decree, fluttered to work with pleasure :) +

                      yes, of course, if your husband is such a "gourmet", then it was really hard for you ....
                      By the way, my son also slept with us until he was 2 years old and with a boob in his mouth, but somehow I got used to not even waking up at the same time :) but I know that not everything suits me .....

                      Work is not a wolf, work is work

                  • NetochkaNezvanova 13/01/2012 at 14:36:16

                    Girls, I also told my husband 3 years of the decree, which is not so sweet for me)) so as not to relax)

                    Work is not a wolf, work is work

              • Carmen 13/01/2012 at 14:59:03

                I have a little girl like you describe

                maybe if she was the first, it would be hard for me too ... I don’t know ..
                and with the third it was all perceived much easier

        • Katarina 01/13/2012 at 06:19:54 PM

          he will get used to it and after your decree it will be difficult for him to get involved, help and division of labor should be the norm ... at least some things ()

          On Likar, wherever you step, there are mines everywhere :)

          Sexuality won't ruin anything, not even Uggs (c)

          mama_Ira 13/01/2012 at 13:05:48

          I have a similar situation ... only my husband works, but

For a long time it was believed that the behavior of a girl should correspond to the image of a proud and impregnable beauty. Parents often bring up girls in terms: do not call, do not write, do not apologize. These beliefs are completely incompatible with the desire for harmonious relationships.

In human relations, both personalities should be equal. Only in this case it is possible to build a harmonious and long relationship based on respect and trust.

However, in life there are situations when one person offends another. Cinema and literature are teeming with images of offended women, bypassing male resentment. The very combination of the words: “man” and “resentment” seems ridiculous to us. Although this is the reality of life.

Do I need to apologize to a man?

Male psychology differs from female psychology in many ways, which do not include the perception of resentment. Insults, offensive words, humiliating actions affect the stronger sex no less than the weaker one. With the difference that a woman has always been allowed to express her emotions: to cry and suffer. And from a man from childhood they demand masculine behavior, which does not include tears. However, resentment does not become less significant for a man. He simply does not have the opportunity to express his emotions as vividly as the female gender.

Does a man take offense more easily? Of course not. The mental pain of a person depends more on personality traits than on gender. The law of harmony and karma is simple: if you offended someone, apologize.

The choice of method of apology directly depends on the depth of resentment. The most important thing in an apology is not the process, but the result. In other words, it doesn't matter how you do it, it's important that the guy forgives you. You can’t ignore resentment, even if the guy behaves as usual. Remember that the pain of resentment tends to accumulate like a snowball. And one day a simple careless word can destroy a long relationship.

A few rules to keep in mind when apologizing to a guy:

  1. Determine how much you offended him. To do this, analyze your words (actions) and his reaction. It should be borne in mind that male psychology does not tolerate complaints and suffering. It is necessary to capture changes in his usual behavior in order to understand the depth of the impact. It is from the depth of his resentment that the depth of your guilt and the method of apology will depend.
  2. Give him a compliment. Small hurtful words or actions can be compensated with compliments. At the same time, it is important to note that you are wrong. Here are examples of some statements of this kind:
    “How could I say yesterday that you are greedy? You are the kindest."
    “I want to see you as soon as possible, look into your deep eyes, which yesterday I unfairly called small.”
  3. Use your sense of humor. Come up with a funny explanation for an offensive word or offer to make fun of yourself.
    For example: “I didn’t paint my lips today, because unpleasant words about you flew off these lips yesterday ...”.
  4. Text your boyfriend or send a funny picture with emoticons on social networks.

When choosing a poem, remember that it should be light, short and funny so that the offended guy can read it with pleasure. When looking for pictures, you should not stop at the very first ones in search engines. Just imagine a situation where your boyfriend has already seen her, choosing a way to apologize to you.
If the situation is serious and the offense is deep, then simple ways to apologize will not work here. Take this seriously, because your future fate may depend on the resolution of this problem.

How to apologize to a guy?

  1. Determine the degree and essence of your guilt. Guilt must not only be defined, but also spoken out, choosing a clear wording: incorrect behavior, ignoring attention, excessive attention to another person, a forgotten date. The formulation of the essence of guilt is important, because. this is the definition that will sound during the apology. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the guy will define your act differently. And during the dialogue, a situation of inconsistency may arise that needs to be resolved.
  2. Schedule a meeting. You should not apologize by phone or text message if the result is not the process, but the result is important to you. During the apology, you need to have eye contact and free time to talk. Therefore, you should not conduct such dialogues in between work or "on the go" on the way home. The meeting must be specially organized. Both should be ready for it: both the guy and the girl. At the same time, the girl is preparing to apologize, and the guy should be ready to listen to them.
  3. Do not say too much. It often happens that when meeting, girls begin to say not the planned words, but unnecessary expressions that, as they think, justify them. Should not be doing that. Apologies with clear language should not be supplemented with unnecessary excuses. Say only what you have planned and wait for the guy's reaction. If the meeting is not accidental, then he also has something to tell you. Only after the guy’s words proceed to further dialogue. Remember: you came to ask for forgiveness and you should not move into an accusatory position.
  4. Give the guy time to think. It is not always possible to achieve results immediately. The guy needs time. Imagine a situation where resentment dictates specific images and reasons, and a dialogue with a person represents a completely different situation. How easy is it to change your beliefs? Pretty hard. And it takes time to accept the position of another person. Give it time and just wait for the result.
  5. Don't be intrusive. Keep your dignity even in the most unpleasant situations. Do not impose your apologies on the guy, do not humiliate yourself with unnecessary words. Do only what you must, and leave the choice to him. This will emphasize both your own and his significance. Let the decision to forgive be his own decision, and not an answer to requests and prayers.
  6. Make a decision to forget the situation. Make it a principle for your couple that you cannot accumulate mutual grievances. After forgiveness, the act must be forgotten and never returned to it.

To be able to forgive and to be able to ask for forgiveness are important concepts necessary for deep harmonious relationships.