A quatrain about my father. The best poems about dad: long and short, touching and funny

Children, regardless of gender and age, usually prepare a poem for dad for his birthday. Here are collected beautiful congratulations from your daughter, son, as well as short poems for the little ones.

Congratulations regardless of the gender of the child

Joy, happiness, luck,
Bright moments in fate -
All this on your birthday
Dad, I wish you!

Whatever you want, with love
I'll give it to you on holiday.
Dad, warmth and health!
I love you very much!

I have a wonderful dad
So nice to know that.
And even nicer dad
Congratulations on your birthday.

Be healthy, energetic,
To mom - a stone wall,
Enterprising, practical.
Be frank with me.

Let your worries go away
Sadness will not touch the heart,
So that you with one smile
He could even move mountains!

Congratulations, dad, happy birthday!
And I wish that day after day
The best thing was the mood
So that it brings good luck to the house.

You are the most dear and beloved,
Be healthy and happy always.
May this day be unique
A bright star shines on you!

Today is an unusual day -
You were born into the world.
My closest person
There is no one more precious than you.

My dad is the dearest
And the best on earth
I thank you for everything,
You give me my whole life!

Be happy, dad, dear,
Be successful, love you.
In all ways, all over the Earth
May God bless you!

You are the best dad, no doubt
I will say without hiding:
“Daddy, dear and dear,
I love you so much!".

The bravest, the strongest -
This is my beloved dad!
He can do everything, he knows everything
And he helps me with everything.

Happy birthday,
My dear daddy,
Let the years not change -
Stay young!

May your health not fail you
May you always be lucky in everything,
May you always find happiness,
But the trouble is the opposite!

Daddy, daddy, daddy,
Happy Birthday to You!
I'll hug you tightly
And I’ll tell you lovingly:

You are the best dad in the world:
And you will console, and you will understand,
And in trouble, “stretch out your paw”
And you will go to great deeds!

I wish you happiness
And always be healthy.
Let all bad weather go away
I will love you forever!

Today is daddy's birthday.
I hasten to congratulate you.
Good luck, happiness, mood
I wish you, sincerely loving!

You are my hero from a children's fairy tale -
Reliable, brave, mischievous.
Just yesterday I was rolling a stroller -
Now we are walking with the whole family.

Don't look at the years, dad.
For us you are always the best!
May all sorrows be left behind
They will remain like clouds in the sky.

Let your health not fail you
And it will be strong for all years.
In all matters, you are always lucky.
And at home - sunny weather!

Dad, I'll tell you
That you are the best on earth.
I'm proud of you, father,
Even though we argue sometimes.

Let it be hard sometimes
We will always understand each other.
We will hug lovingly.
Happy Birthday to You!

The salad is ready, the cake is ready, the edge of the jacket is ironed,
All that remains is to wait until the clock shows five.

Tonight, at seventeen o'clock,
Guests will come to us for the holiday.
Everyone will congratulate dad on his birthday...
It's just an awfully long wait until five!

And then there are temptations all around:
Candy in a vase is hideously inviting!
A handsome cake is calling from the refrigerator,
All in roses, inscriptions, well, simply, the highest grade.

And with its smell and appearance it attracts,
It’s as if he’s saying: “Hurry up and eat me!”
Of course, I didn’t eat the cake...
I just got to look at it...

But my finger, without my consent,
I decided to commit another outrage:
I adjusted the rose, removed two bows,
And I almost licked the inscription for the birthday boy...

Then suddenly my mother quietly approaches me from behind:
- My friend, I see that the program for the holiday has begun.
And at that very moment the key turned quietly:
Well... the hero of the occasion has finally returned from work.

I got goosebumps and my eyes drooped,
And mom and dad were laughing and having a lot of fun.
The father, patting him on the shoulder, said: “Our son is an artist!
After all, this is not how a cake maker would decorate a cake in a pastry shop!”

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?

Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!

Happy birthday, daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!

Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
– Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

For you from plasticine
I built a car yesterday.
Mom didn't forget either
And I bought you a bag,
She didn’t let me get into it,
But there’s definitely something there!

Look down quickly:
There's your surprise under the bed!
You accept gifts,
Kiss and hug us!

I don’t know what to wish you big,
I still don’t know what everyone wants!
I want you to earn a lot
So that I have enough for toys again!

I also wish that you love your mother -
Then I will have a brother!
I will love him and raise him,
To be like you, dad!

My grandmother revealed a big secret to me yesterday,
That dad was also once eight years old.
He, like all boys, was sometimes mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey and got two marks.

I was lazy while exercising and didn’t wash my face
And I often drew little devils in my notebook.
I'm terribly surprised by dad's secret,
After all, this is exactly what he scolds me for.

Dad, my dear,
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations today
Your daughter, my love.

Don't be sad, my dear,
What years pass.
I'll be next to you,
Dear dad, always.

Just don’t be sick, I ask,
Be happy, dear.
Know that you are the best of dads,
And I'm proud of you.

My dear dad, congratulations.
It's so good when you exist.
I don't know better than daddy
I am your daughter - it's an honor!

Let your dreams come true
Health lasts for years.
May you be the best
And let happiness never leave you!

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!

The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame for this!

Dad, I love you, I hug you tightly,
Happy birthday to you!
Daddy, your kindness is simply amazing,
And the warmth gently warms your soul.

I am glad that your daughter is immensely happy.
The whole family wishes dad a happy birthday!
I wish you long years, vigor and strength,
May every new day bring joy!

Short poems for dad on his birthday

Dad, I love you,
Many hugs,
Happy Birthday to You

I’m in a hurry to hug you -
Dear daddy, happy birthday!
With all my heart I want to wish -
So that life is like Sunday.

Let every day be without fuss,
The eyes sparkled with happiness.
Let your dreams come true
Trouble and bad weather are coming around the house!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!

I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

It's dad's birthday
My dad will be proud of me:
I'll bake cookies
And maybe some cake.

I hope, dear readers, you were able to choose the right work for your unique head of the family. Have unforgettable moments with your closest ones!


Happy child 02.12.2017

Dear readers, today we will talk about very important people in our lives - dads. Somehow we talk more and more about mothers, poems are dedicated to them, gifts are given, we are now even very actively celebrating Mother’s Day, a relatively new holiday for us. But what about dads? After all, they also play a very important role in the lives of each of us. And when some holiday approaches, you want to congratulate them too, say a lot of good words to them and even, perhaps, choose poems that correspond to the occasion. This is exactly what our article today will be devoted to - poems for dad. Together with my blog reader Olga Kozhevnikova, we have prepared a whole selection of a wide variety of poems for dads, for a variety of occasions.

Let's thank our dear dads and dedicate poems to them - tender and touching, kind and funny. You can learn them with babies and older children. And teenagers will be happy to please their dads with kind poems.

It's great to be with him, he's so lively

“Dad comes home from work, dad takes off his boots,” he enters the room, and there... It’s a big holiday in the family - it’s dad’s birthday. Everyone is in a hurry to hug, kiss, eat delicious food, and the children, of course, will recite good poems. And let it be assumed that dads are not too emotional. But every head of the family, even the strictest one, will be extremely pleased to hear congratulations in verse from his son and daughter.

Do you remember, in our childhood, we stood on a chair or stool to recite poems for the holiday? We stood high above everyone (if the guests were sitting) and read like artists from the stage. And it seemed to us that we were the most talented and beautiful. The children may not be able to stand on their chairs now, but in any case they will be proud of such a performance.

Short poems about dad for little ones

Drawing for dad

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I'm the best to you
I'll give you the drawing.
Marta Morozova

I walk and walk all day
And I sing for daddy.
And when I become an adult,
I'll write the song myself!

Me and my whole family
Congratulations dad.
We love you, dad!
Me and our whole family!

Congratulations daddy
Happy holiday to you.
Be healthy and happy,
Take care of yourself.

Dad has work!
Dad is busy!
And no time with us
He should play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
Takes a day off
How great it is to be with him
He's so groovy!

Birthday poems for dad from his 5-7 year old daughter

How fathers love and pamper their daughters. For dad, a daughter is a little princess, the most beautiful, the most obedient, the most wonderful. And for a daughter, dad is always a hero and the best man in the world. He will always protect his princess and help. And how proud dads can be if they have several daughters at once!

Invite your daughter to learn these poems. No dad will remain indifferent when looking at his little beauty reading poetry for him.

I'm daddy's daughter, and you're my hero,
I want you to always be next to me,
So that you are young as always,
And they did not have power over you for years.

Dad, health and warmth to you,
So that life is fullest and brightest,
So that there is more love and kindness,
And you were never sad about anything.

Among all the men in the world,
Dad is the best for me
Happy Birthday Greetings
My daughter sends you yours.

You are the support of our family,
Our strong wall
My husband looks like you
I would like it for myself.

I wish you, dad,
Be vigorous and healthy
Achieve your goals
And be friends with luck.

Dear daddy, I'm so glad
To say that there is no better dad,
After all, you will break all barriers,
To protect me from harm!

I wish you on your birthday
To be happy and not to be sick
And only the right decisions
Always accept in life!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

My beloved daddy
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Birthday poems for dad from his 5-6 year old son

As boys love to repeat: “I will grow up and be like dad.” After all, dad is big and strong, he will always help and teach boyish wisdom. And when you ride on daddy’s shoulders, you can see everything to the horizon.

And, of course, a loving son will be happy to express all his delight and admiration for his father through one of the poems about his hero.

My dad is the best
I congratulate him now.
And honestly, I'm very, very happy
That we have such a dad.
He is kind, cheerful and brave,
He is handsome and very smart.
My dad - not in word, but in deed.
My dad is a champion in everything.

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!
Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
– Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

And today is dad's holiday,
Today is my birthday.
I want him to be happy
And ate a jar of jam!
I made a cake today
Together with our mother,
Today our dad has grown up,
Today I'm older!
But a year is not a problem,
Our dad is still young!
Be happy, always joyful,
Moreover, there is a reason!

If you go on the road with dad -
There is no fear in the heart.
Go around with dad
Maybe the whole planet.
Dear dad comes into the house -
Like a ray of sunshine.
Let everyone around know
That my dad is the best!
I'll hug daddy
With tender love,
I wish him
Happiness and health,
So that he is full of strength,
To love my mother and me,
To bring gifts,
Dad is the best!

Birthday poems for dad from adult children

How often, in the whirlpool of our problems and joys, we forget about dad and mom. And only the holidays bring the family together again. Sometimes you don’t need to buy something expensive at all - a simple verse congratulating dad on his birthday will give him more emotions than expensive gifts. So it’s better for adult children, too, not to forget how easy it is to please their father, but how much words of love, gratitude, and appreciation from an always beloved child will mean to him.

For me, father, you are the most beautiful of all,
As a daughter, I tell you openly!
Let festive, cheerful laughter flow.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart

For always being by my side,
I shared my successes and shared my sorrows,
Gave me a dream both in summer and winter,
You played with me and always joked...

Among deception, evil and vanity
He taught good and was selfless.
I wish you eternal kindness,
May you value life as before!

Thank you, daddy, for your childhood, for your love!
Thank you for the piece of your heart that you give me again!
For the warm memories, for taking me to the park!
For making your wishes come true, for everything you gave!

And you gave me a lot - love and kindness,
A little tenderness and happiness, a cherished dream!
You gave me humanity and taught me to believe in people!
He taught me to be fair and gave me a lot of ideas!

Today I congratulate you! Today is your birthday!
I wish you good health, don’t go to the doctors again!
Let your smile be tender, never hide it!
Don't be afraid for my mistakes! You taught me everything!

You know, dad, on this day I will say a lot.
Let's remember, dad, on this day about something so distant.
Do you remember, dad, you rocked my crib at night?
And the designer assembled and played hide and seek with me?
I remember, dad, how you solved problems with me,
And he taught me to write beautifully in a checkered notebook.
And I was happy about the fives in my diary, like a boy,
And I never scolded him too much for getting bad marks!
I want to tell you - dad, happy birthday!
Strength to you, good luck, goodness, happiness and luck!

Dad dear,
Here are our congratulations,
And read it, dear
Our instructions.

Live a hundred years
Catch luck by the tail,
Give advice to everyone
How to solve a problem

Love children
Forget your worries
Funny ideas,
Straight road

Never grow old
Don't give up on the years
Know everything in the world
And give us your love.

Father... What does this word mean?
It has love, peace and fear...
Fear of losing you, dear...
And I want not in words
Tell me how dear you are to me, friend!
How I love being next to you,
Scold, argue, or suddenly
However, I understand what I need.
After all, I am your son - and that means blood!
And you will be dear to me forever...
I give you my love...
Thank you, I made a man!

Poems touching to tears about dad

The birthday is over. The guests left, the tired but happy kids fell asleep, and only dad was still impressed by such touching gifts in verse. And let there be more reasons to please dad. Although do you really need a reason to do something nice for your loved one? Of course not.

Any poems about dad are touching, sometimes to the point of tears. Tell your daughter how pleased dad will be to know that she tried to learn and recite a poem for him, and she will take on this sometimes difficult task with great joy. And this section of our article is dedicated to just such touching poems about dad.

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with mom
You bring me happiness.
For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
And my soul is light.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

About dad

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold for the matter
And you praise with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You always protect
Where you need to teach
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers.
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated.
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!

There is a person in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile is heart
It has kept me warm for many years.

His care is in his hands,
Responsibility to family
He will always help me
Tell me something.

When I get older
He will suddenly grow old
I'll pour him some tea,
Sheltered from white blizzards.

I will be the best
Caring for him
After all, more than this life
I love daddy!

My dad

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
My daddy, I love you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And the sun will smile again,
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Poems in memory of dad

Sooner or later our dads leave us. But we never stop loving them, remembering them with warmth and telling our children about our fathers. And although our feelings and thoughts are not without sadness, we are still grateful for everything that our dads did for us, for loving, raising, teaching us and being the best for us.

When dad is away

The best advice is father's advice,
Wise and clear. Neither take nor take away, period.
I remember the features of your face
And I remain the same beloved daughter.
I remember you a hundred times a day
Or I chat with you in my sleep for hours,
I still haven’t come to terms with it... I blame myself
And that’s why I’m talking about you to heaven.
I remember with warmth the kindness of your eyes.
A cherished door awaits everyone in heaven,
I really believe that you are protecting us.
People leave their lives, but not their hearts.

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the most touching and beautiful poems about dad for children. These verses will be an excellent congratulation to dad on the holiday.


How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!

Poems about dad

Oh, so many songs and poems
There is something about mom in the world,
But still about dad
We haven't heard, believe me.
But he is more important in the family,
Everyone will agree with that.
And we owe it doubly,
Treat with love.
And without him we would be the same
They were not born.
We should thank him
Because we were born.
Or maybe he too sometimes
I woke up at night,
Worried about you and me
And I was very worried.
And he, although his love
It won't show openly
We know he “loves” his
In fact, it will prove to us.
But often for some reason we
We still offend dad
That he wants good
We rarely understand.
When you've been apart from him for a long time,
We miss you so much.
And that joy cannot be explained,
When we meet him.
And we know, again, as always,
He will greet us with joy.
And that loving in my own way,
He will respond to love

Poems about dad

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

My dad is so funny!
When he comes to kindergarten,
To take me home
Once - and he’ll sit on the floor!
I'm getting dressed - he's sitting.
I know this!
He sleeps in the group all the time,
If from the grocery store.
I won't wake him up
Neither with a ball nor with a stick.
I'd rather sit next to you
Do I feel sorry for time?
And when he wakes up, oh!
I'll sit on the sled
And let's rush home with him
We're going to the angry mother!

Like Dad
Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

About dad

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me

And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,

It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

E. Dolgikh

Daddy is sleeping
He worked hard for us -
With us across the field,
While playing, he ran around.
The ball was slipping away
Dad suffered, poor thing,
Sometimes making a cry
Mom is on us
Looks surprised:
"It's day outside the window,
Does our dad snore?”

My dad

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Congratulations to dad

I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
But I still don’t know how:
You are the best dad on earth
An expert in any matter!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, plan, saw.
Can you sing songs?
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But for me the most important thing is -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

Poems about dad

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t open my mouth, I won’t bungle you.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
Irons all the diapers,
Dinner will settle the issue.
Wash all the dishes
He will feel sorry for Grandma Lyuda.
He doesn't moan or whine,
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won’t ask for a reward.
He will put his daughters to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
Their apartment is beautiful!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

Congratulations to dad

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Poems for dad

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I'm proud and admire you,
No hands are more skillful, hearts are wider,
I am becoming more and more convinced of this!
All my life views
They look so much like yours
It's so great to have you around!
Be happy, my good dad!

A. Shmykov

Well, what a funny dad we have -
Always coming up with something!
So, he told me when he returned from work,
It's raining mushrooms outside.
I stared at the glass in amazement,
He asked me to give him a basket as soon as possible,
To catch at least a little mushrooms -
I'm also an avid mushroom picker!
Only the rain turned out to be simple -
It’s a pity that the mushroom hunt didn’t work out...
Dad will always come up with something
Well, what a funny dad we have!

Books from dad
A whole thousand!
Which one they won’t ask -
He'll find it right away.
Probably dad
He already knows everything
And he sits down alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream:
I'll grow up -
So many books
I'll read it.
And my son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: “I’m flying away!”
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Ah, cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!..

Poems about daddy

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.

I discovered the most terrible secret!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!

Tatyana Bokova

"My dad is a military man"
G. Lagzdyn

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He has complex technology
Army friendly!
He went more than once
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"The commander is from the infantry."

About dad

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

Poems about dad

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning...
Dad doesn't have a son, but I wish he could
He needs to kick a ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Understanding men's problems...
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, what can you do?
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and stealthily catches
The neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, no and no need...
Please accept congratulations from us,
There couldn't be a happier dad in the world,
What about dads with two daughters!!!

Congratulations for dad
O. Konaeva

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad and I definitely love him
I want to congratulate the military on this holiday...

Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

Bad advice
G. Oster

If you're down the hall
Ride your bike
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake for dad,
Dad is soft. He will forgive.

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

Fishing with dad
Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long fishing line.

I didn’t forget about the bait:
I dug it into a big jar
Two dozen worms.
That's it, look, I'm ready!

I worked hard
Even dad was surprised!
He praised my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

To dad

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Poems about dad

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If it’s cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my dad!..

I am stronger
Oleg Bundur

The sun is shining high
Singing about May,
Dad walks wide
And I don't have time
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I run, I don’t lag behind,
And I don't get tired at all
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking,
I ran twice as far!-
And dad shook my hand:
- You are right,
your path is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
At the toy store
And there’s a crush in the store,
I'd rather leave
But dad from the counter
There's no way to leave.
He says, sighing:
- What a beauty!
Can't stop looking at it
Let's wait a little longer.
This is what I wish I had as a child,
I would have grown up differently...

Poems about dad

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will say to me cheerfully: “Well, miracles!”
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- Yes, I was always next to you!

Poems for dad

Dad, Daddy, are you awake?
The baby is talking to you.
I'm here next to you in the dark
In mommy's stomach.
We'll see you soon.
Are you waiting for me, dear?
When you sing, you read,
I hear, I understand everything.
I have your nose and eyes
I feel your caresses,
Do you stroke my back, or my legs,
You tickle my heels...
You, dad, are dearer to me than everyone else,
And our mother too.
You are all my family.
I'll be with you soon.
I want to be born in love
It's a joy for you to show up.
Can I ask, dad?
Mom felt a tear.
Is this pain from me?
Or did salt get into the wound?
You won't hurt your mother, will you?
It's so difficult for her, you see.
My laughter will flow soon,
Crying, or rather, but not from grief.
This is my song, there is joy in it,
That will forever be with you.
And while I'm growing up,
You protect your mother.
Dad should be a support
Be patient, dear, I will soon be next to you,
Let's chat among ourselves.
I love you all already.
Wait, I’ll come to you soon...!!!

Poems about beloved dad

Dad reads books to me
I value my friendship with him
Each fairy tale for dad
I’ll retell that hour out loud

Then I’ll take the book myself
I'll read it out loud to dad
Dad will retell the story
It will take my breath away

This is how we read to each other
Let's retell it out loud
And it's so much fun in the apartment
And it’s so fabulous all around.

Congratulations to dad

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!

Happy birthday, daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!

Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
- Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

For you from plasticine
I built a car yesterday.
Mom didn't forget either
And I bought you a bag,
She didn’t let me get into it,
But there’s definitely something there!

Look down quickly:
There's your surprise under the bed!
You accept gifts,
Kiss and hug us!

Dad's professions
Nastya Dobrota

The pavement trembles and the engine howls -
It's my dad's driver coming to us.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.
It's piloted by Dad the Pilot.

Walks together with the military in a row
Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is our record holder in all-around?
We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

I’m not tired of chopping coal in the depths of the mountains
Dad, black with soot, is a miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -
Dad is a worker, he is a steelmaker.

Heals thousands of broken arms
At the children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The faucet will be installed and the blockage will be cleared.
Dad is a plumber, or a fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?
This is a famous dad-artist.

There is no unnecessary profession in the world!
Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

A fairy tale about daddy

They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.

Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
He and I are best friends
Where he goes, I go too.

He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten,
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting

He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We clean everything up.

It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it's hot there.

Wishes for dad

Ah, daddy! Today is a special day
Your birthday is a holiday for the whole family.
The best words are not enough for me to
Express all my feelings to you!

You have always been an example for me:
I walked through life along the road of labor,
Starting it with a simple engineer,
You became the head of the whole plant.

This is where education comes in very handy -
Smart people are useful to the country.
I followed in your footsteps without looking,
You will always help me with my studies!

Will you support with advice, kind words,
You will warm your daughter with care and warmth,
This has never happened before
So that you cannot help me with anything!

We feel good with you in the forest and at home,
You are a fisherman, a hunter anywhere,
The forest secrets are all familiar to you,
So let it always be like this in life.

Catch success like a goldfish
And good health, like a fox.
Walk straight! And joy and smile
I’ll bring you like a bird.

I'll light a candle in the cemetery,
Let it burn to the ground.
And I’ll whisper at the grave,
Well, here I am, daddy!
In the ground cold and damp,
Perhaps you're freezing?
Get up! Let's go home already!
After all, just like we miss you!
And stop calling it home,
There is a blind hole in the ground.
I want to hug you so bad
Also Brother and Mom.
Well come back! Stop sleeping!
Look how the sun is shining!
I'll help you get up from there,
Just let me know!
Tell me it's a joke
And we'll laugh together.
And holding hands, like in childhood,
let's go home!!

Again sadness squeezes its paws tightly
Digging his claws into the depths of my soul,
I miss my dad more and more...
Six billion people on earth,
But among them - not a single one, believe me,
Who could fill this void...
I live in hope of meeting after death,
Having crossed the threshold of Eternity...
Fatigue is accumulating more and more...
Let melancholy not separate your paws,
I remained there somewhere as a baby,
And daughters love their dads more...

Yes, I'm an adult, I understand everything,
but it doesn’t make life any easier!
I still miss you terribly!
Continuing to love just the same!
Continuing to think about daddy,
And remember him, the living one.
Touching the heart strings,
That it will never be raised.
That he will never be heard
That he will never wait.
He's probably higher than all the clouds
In God's unknown space...
He sees us, of course he sees us,
And just like us, he’s just as bored.
He flies after us like an angel,
To be at least a little closer to us.
Of course he would like to return,
But he will never be able to
In this world he will not wake up,
Nothing will warm his heart.
And that only makes it more painful,
But it’s impossible not to think about him.
Every day my soul becomes heavier,
And it’s hard to come to terms with it, daddy.
And damned time does not heal,
And it doesn’t heal these wounds,
And the emptiness inside cannot be filled,
I'm tired of fighting with myself!
I want to spit on everything, forget myself...
And return home with a smile.
See happy faces there
And so that daddy is alive again...

He was with me. Always and everywhere
Laughed, cried and was sad.
I will not forget the bottomless eyes.
And I know that he loved me.
I know no matter what happens
He always protected me
And only the memory remains for me
About him. And I blame myself
That I couldn't say goodbye
What I didn’t have time to understand
That I am destined to part with him,
Lose him forever.
I know for sure that I deserve it.
I couldn't save him.
But I loved you madly
And I will always love.
Let him not hear me now,
But I know what he sees
How hard it is to breathe without him
The one who called him father...

Days come, nights go...
And the heart cries and calls.
You know... somewhere very close
All the time... my daughter is waiting for you...
And my daughter... keeps her name in her heart...
Keeping it in my chest like a talisman...
And he whispers quietly (you’ll suddenly hear):
"I miss you so much... come..."
And you will come, having heard as if...
And you will protect your sleep...
And like fog you will melt away in the morning...
And my daughter... will wait again.
And the nights will follow the days...
I can't get the melancholy out of my chest...
My daughter keeps whispering... very quietly:
"I miss you so much... come...

When the stars light up in the sky,
One of them is yours - I know it...
For many years you have been shining with a bright light,
But here everything is the same, then winter... then summer.
The same day and exactly the same way to live... people strive.
Your family is tired of tears...
everything is as usual, but only without you.
Tell me, how do you live there in heaven?
Is there anger, envy and lies there?
This probably doesn't happen there.
and no one knows cunning and meanness.
You found peace there and found shelter for yourself,
and you know, they are waiting for you here as before...
Let them say that the years heal, the pain erases,
But why is the heart aching, there is no strength,
from the glance of one at your portrait.
Oh, how short your earthly life was,
My best dad, my closest person.

Time does not heal, time is kind
But my heart still hurts as before.
I won't meet you again, I won't hear you again
How are you, my dear daughter?

Unfortunately, we are not all given
To turn back what I wanted for a long time.
Time doesn't heal, time is in a hurry
It is this that decides all destinies.

We feel sorry for you that we didn’t have time.
Everything you wanted in this life.
It passed by, but alas, it cannot be returned.
I chose the path with the angel on my way.

Today marks 10 years since my dad passed away...
You've been gone for 10 years... 10 years...
10 years is an eternity...
10 years without you... 10 years...
Only now I understand - forever...
How so, dad, dear dear
Forever you left without saying goodbye
10 years, 10 years...
I’ve been suffocating for 10 years without you...
Dad, dear, look how we have grown -
children and grandchildren!
How we want to cuddle up to our chests
and forget about separation forever...
But now I’m only going to the grave
and I close my eyes tiredly...
10 years for a huge disaster,
10 years is not enough to forget...

Well, hello, dad. .. here, I came to you early.
Sorry I haven't seen you for so long.
I'm so confused, I don't know how to move on.
Trouble comes after trouble again.

Do you remember, dad, how we celebrated birthdays?!
How, rejoicing together, they joked and had fun.
How, all the bad weather seemed like an obsession to us.
How, together they sent TU to hell to attack.

Your advice came in very handy -
So that I can be the strongest in this world.
Believe me, I learned from them like the ABC’s.
I was able to teach my children using them.

Also, you, dad, taught me not to cry.
Don't give in to your destiny for anything.
And if it’s difficult, you should never fall.
And in this life, do not be afraid of anything.

Ehhh. .. if only I knew how much I miss you!
A tear fell! (I promised no tears).
From the heart to the earth, flowing through the soul.
To you, my dear, through the chamomile churchyard

The wind is blowing through the windows. dries wet eyelashes.
How we miss you! to forget on your shoulder,
Irreversible loss. It's like my soul was broken...
I still can’t believe that you are somewhere in stardust.
There is pain in the heart of memories. and lilac shadows
In indifference to the touch, I lie down on my knees.
The wind blows through the windows. it comes from you.
And you are missing in this world...not enough....

How hard it is in the world
Losing loved ones.
Nothing can replace it
Parental roots.
When my dad died
It was so hard! And the pain in my soul remains,
Even though many years have passed.
He rarely comes in dreams,
But in my thoughts I see
His portrait is distant.
The earth protects him, his soul flies
In the distant skies
He's watching me
With love and tears.
Sometimes it's not enough
His support for me, And my heart knows:
He is in heaven, not in the fire.
I really want to snuggle
And enjoy the meeting.
Just like in childhood, with all my heart! Hear his voice
Affectionate, dear,
Both strict and angry,
Parental like that.
How precious are moments?
All our sweet meetings, And these meetings can
Kindle the fire of the soul.
This fire will help
Will give me strength to live.
Father! Come to the meeting
At least in my dream!

You are now beyond the heavenly line
My beloved, dear person
Death with a merciless, hard hand
Took you away, dad forever

You won't give me advice
I won't see your loving gaze
I won't be warmed by you
Who is to blame for your death?

No! Nobody! It just happened that way
You are in God's arms now
My life has changed without you,
My heart became like a wounded animal...

Without you it beats differently
And sadness tears him to pieces
My heart yearns and cries
The soul is tightly squeezed in a vice...

I won’t disturb your peace with tears
I will live in bright memory
I learned to listen to silence
And love you endlessly...

Hello, dad, dear... how are you there?..
The most loving man in the world...
You know, if you count the years,
You'd have wrinkles now...

I would kiss them jokingly
Or she whined in her sleeve when she felt bad.
You would whisper that the years fly by
But I'm still such a fool...

I stopped dreaming about you completely.
If you don’t come, tell me, is this necessary?
With the rain, give me news - how are you there?.. -
I will be desperately glad to see her.

I'll tell you how I live,
What am I writing, who am I not looking forward to meeting again...
And that I'm barely staying afloat
All hoping that “time will heal.”

And it ticks rhythmically to the beat,
It takes a long time to sew seams - not for the weak.
You know, if you count the years...
Gray hair would suit you very well...

Dad, daddy, daddy... How much these words mean to us! After all, dad is the main man in our lives. A person who, without hesitation, helped and supported us in everything in childhood and will always do so. How to find those words that can express all the love and gratitude to him?

Poems about dad will come to our aid. We offer you a selection of sincere, emotional poems about dad for children and adults. After all, for our beloved daddies we will always remain children.

Dad's strong, brave hands...

Poems for dad


Oh, so many songs and poems
There is something about mom in the world,
But still about dad
We haven't heard, believe me.
But he is more important in the family,
Everyone will agree with that.
And we owe it doubly,
Treat with love.
And without him we would be the same
They were not born.
We should thank him
Because we were born.
Or maybe he too sometimes
I woke up at night,
Worried about you and me
And I was very worried.
And he, although his love
It won't show openly
We know he “loves” his
In fact, it will prove to us.
But often for some reason we
We still offend dad
That he wants good
We rarely understand.
When you've been apart from him for a long time,
We miss you so much.
And that joy cannot be explained,
When we meet him.
And we know, again, as always,
He will greet us with joy.
And that loving in my own way,
He will respond to love.

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: “I’m flying away!”
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Oh, these cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!
A. Shipitsyn

I love my mother, of course...
Only with dad you can
Climb volcanoes
Be a brave captain
Get lost in the oceans
To see distant countries,
To visit the battlefield,
Be straight with the ram,
Eat buckwheat with semolina,
Wash in the river, not in the bathroom,
And in the desert, on the dunes
Meet strange animals
Wade through the weeds
All expose the deceptions,
Wake up early in the morning
Admire the fogs
And make plans for the day,
And also airplanes...
Fix the taps at the dacha,
And, clinging to the vines,
As deft as monkeys
Run away from the iguana...
Let the pants be a little torn...
Suddenly I hear my mother's voice:
“All this, of course, is possible.
Just be very careful!”

I'm not scared next to my dad

Poem about dad from little daughter

Dad is strength, he is a stronghold!
Dad will pick you up from the garden,
Will bring fear to the boys,
To Earrings and Bears.
They will know how to call you names,
To offend daddy's daughter!
I'm not scared next to my dad,
I'm brave next to my dad!
He can't see behind the bow
How I tease everyone with my tongue.

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say kind words -
And the sun will smile again,
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dad, let's play horse
I'm tired of tag and blind man's buff.
He agreed, sighing for order:
How to refuse a fidgety daughter?
The baby is holding tight to the mane,
He waves his tail, flying over the hummock...
They rush - gracefully, beautifully -
Horse dad with horse daughter.

Dad I miss you…

Memory of Dad

When I put my daughter to bed,
I immediately think of you.
I see how you want to hold
Take the baby for a ride.

I see her screaming “grandfather!”
And rushes headlong,
To tell you daddy,
How we miss you.

I would like to inhale your papal scent,
The most, most necessary on earth.
And it’s March there too, in March,
Or is summer eternal everywhere?

Time is the best doctor in the world,
Only these wounds don’t heal,
If I were nearby, I would say, “Don’t cry,
This too, my daughter, will pass.”

I'll tell my daughter what you are.
The kindest, most sensitive person on earth.

You always have flowers lying around
Dad I miss you….

In the lives of tiny girls
And old women who have turned grey,
There is a special man -
He is loved and sinless!

He is the only one in the world!
He will replace anyone!
And life is on the dotted line
There is no other like it!

He doesn't sleep on a dark night
If you get sick...
He wants to help you
Since you can’t do it yourself...

He will protect you
And it will warm you with love!
He's sad with you
And laughs with you!

Teaches exact sciences
Helps to draw...
And he, the cunning one,
Loves it with all my heart!

He only remembers about you
He is in deep trouble...
Greedily catches at a meeting
Your thin hands!

He will support, teach,
And he will advise skillfully...
Your fears will be voiced
She will make you brave!

Confess bright feelings
He helps you!
To match the world's growth
He's offering it to you!

How familiar his smell is,
And the shirt and the hat...
I'll hug you and whisper:
"I love you dad!"
Elena Vesnova

Serious, tired, thoughtful,
With bloody hands.
You are the best! You are the best!
It’s awkward to say in verse.
Life stretches like a dark thread,
And time is a bee's sting.
Forgive me, the unlucky one,
That I offended you.
I'm trying to become independent
Sometimes I'm rude.
But know, my dear, the only one,
That I love you very much!


Neither oranges nor mint
You can't erase the smell of a car.
I remember knobby hands
And the fingers are missing phalanges by a third.
There are rough stripes of scars on them -
Traces of iron and labor.
And if they stroke your hair,
It's very rare, sometimes.
With such a hand the flowers are cheerful
It’s both scary and a pity to pick, -
With such a hand they take a heavy
Steel black part.
And it won’t wash off, it won’t wipe itself off -
The smoke ate into them, the fire burned through them.
But the battle banner of St. Petersburg
They carried, like me, a flag.
I remember a meadow covered with dew,
A long road in dust...
And those hands threw me up
And they threw it into the river: swim!
And I swam, and I obeyed them,
Learning to fight to the end.
I believe that the best has been done
By my father's hands.
Tamara Nikitina

Dad is not just a word

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one.
You scold about the matter,
And you praise with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect.
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers.
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated.
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand.
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!
Irina Gurina

In red, as if according to conscience,
A friend wrote that year:
From each - according to his ability,
To each according to his work.
My father is a character made of steel.
He crushed rocks into sand.
And where I passed - highways
The straightest sovereign roads.
Others built a fence
For dachas, for your own villas.
And he has accumulated gray hair,
But I didn’t save any money.
Luckiest Loser
Last pennies in the house
He spent on our problem books,
For chess, pencils.
I love. I respect you. How to conscience
I go to my father in difficult times.
From each - according to his ability.
To each according to his work.
Lyudmila Vasyukhno

Dad is not just a word.
This is a faithful, reliable man.
There is no other like this in the world,
Who would love without any reason.
Who would run away from work sooner?
To become a “superman”, “horse”,
I always walked in the park on Saturdays,
I would buy you chocolates.
Dad is a huge force
This is tenderness and bedtime stories,
When you are infinitely loved
And you live without fear and apprehension.
This is the one who will support you
When you're completely grown up,
He will kiss you and console you,
And he will answer all questions.
It can be prickly, like a cactus,
But his hugs are worth it.
Dad is a special status.
And not everyone deserves it!
Svetlana Chekolaeva

Fathers, do not abandon your sons!
Don't humiliate them with a gift for the date...
Everything can be changed in your destiny,
But just don’t leave your sons.

While they are small, their mother is responsible for them -
From the first tears to the evening fairy tale.
But how will they miss it later?
Male support and fatherly affection.

They definitely need to be imitated
To their fathers - that's why they are children.
Silently hold your own hand,
Go fishing with my father at dawn.

Resentment will overtake you or love -
Don’t leave... You are dearer to them all.
After all, in the veins of sons is the father's blood.
And no one can replace her.

Father's love is not for show.
We're not trying to be silly, that's the thing
But children are very dear to us,
Although we kiss them rarely and timidly...
Father's love is not in rosy tones,
We can be tough (that’s why we have strength);
We protect peace in our homes;
We will judge fairly, if necessary.
All our lives we serve as support behind our backs...
And children “meet us” by their actions.
For fathers, the reward will be dear,
When their children say: RESPECT!
Alexey Koltsov

My dad is the best in the world

Dad tells a story

I know the fairy tale by heart
From word to word,
But let him tell
Let be,
I'll listen again.
And I only want one thing:
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad,
Bad things won't happen.
And I ask dad again
First, tell a fairy tale.
Oleg Bundur

How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!


Dad has work!
Dad is busy!
And no time with us
him to play.
And we love him!
And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad
takes a day off
How great it is to be with him
He's so groovy!
Tamara Prokofieva

The best dad in the world.
He will teach me everything.
Any matter is controversial
And the work will not get boring.
Let's put the house in order
While mom is at work.
She will be immensely happy
From such male care!

Dad! You are the strongest!
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind!
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you.
But you and I know:
Your reflection is me!

My dad is the strongest, my dad knows everything...

Like Dad

I want to be like my dad!
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy.

And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.
Tatyana Bokova

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.
V. Bredikhin

I'm always there

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will say to me cheerfully: “Well, miracles!”
Where did you come from? I was surprised!
- Yes, I was always next to you!
Oleg Bundur

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
Let's sail on it for miracles.
I am the captain, and he is the hero.
He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon.
And if necessary, it will fight
With the sea monster himself.
I so appreciate his concern!
It’s like I’m in a vivid dream with my dad.
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

I discovered the most terrible secret!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!
A. Popov

We are secrets to each other
We trust our own
And everything about each other
We probably know.

How else,
How else -
We are friends, and this
Means a lot.

Dad and I have been for a long time
Men, not children
Can I for dad
Give everything in the world.

Same for him
It's not hard to do.
How else?
That's why he's dad!

Let these wonderful, heartfelt poems help you express your love for your dad in words. But remember that our fathers need love not only on holidays, they need it every day. Tell them about this more often, because even stern-looking men need the care of loved ones.

And here you will find many more beautiful poems with warm words for your family and friends:

A sweet, sincere song about a daddy's daughter that moves you to tears.