Tattoo inscription on the arm on the eyelid together. Examples of beautiful inscriptions for a tattoo

Tattoo art! How interesting and versatile it is. Masterpieces created by masters are gaining great attention among young people and not only. Over time, tattoos do not become less relevant, but on the contrary, they are only realized more and more in new ideas. Among the creation of tattoos are especially attractive. Increasingly, inscriptions in Latin are being created. As a rule, they contain a deep meaning. Girls prefer a variety of zones for tattoo inscriptions. We present you the most creative of them.

When creating a tattoo, it is very important to correctly translate. This word or phrase will be with you for the rest of your life. Very often, online translators cannot convey the whole essence or convey it incorrectly. A person who is fluent in Latin will help you with this. Keep this in mind when looking for tattoo ideas.

The following inscription translates as "Find a way or do". Sometimes we all lack a sense of purpose in life. Such an inscription will not allow you to let go of your hands even at the most difficult moment.

"Seize the moment." Our life is fast, but beautiful, and there is definitely a place for pleasures and joys in it. To enjoy the moments and not miss anything - rather, this is the deepest meaning hidden in this phrase.

Love - how much meaning in this word! Girl with a tattoo on her back Love overcomes everything" seems romantic and gentle in nature.

"Here and now". This phrase is reminiscent of "Seize the moment" and reveals all the delights of life. Living here and now is perhaps the best thing we can do.

The next tattoo "infragilis et tenera" can literally be translated as "brittle and tender." Vulnerable people sometimes can not cope with what comes into their lives. Sometimes the only desire is to announce it to the whole world about your tiredness. And this is not bad. Sometimes it's important to take a break and rest.

"I'm not afraid of any evil." This inscription serves as an announcement or a kind of amulet - the owner decides for himself.

"Be, not seem to be" This is what this tattoo means. Most modern people are used to wearing masks. The meaning of this phrase is to just not be someone who you are not. Each person is unique in their own way. Why not emphasize it, instead of once again trying on a new mask?

What do you write on your body? Only you can answer this question. Code phrases, dates, tattoo prayers, quotes - all this can be used and applied as a tattoo.

Inscriptions, in addition to beautiful calligraphy, may have an additional design. For example, accompanying them with drawings will emphasize even greater creativity and originality.

"nihil dolere", which means "Nothing to be sorry about." Live to the fullest and have no regrets. Maybe this is the main secret of happiness?

Most often, inscriptions in Latin are certain motivational phrases that help and revive at certain moments. Which one to choose is up to you. An experienced tattoo artist will finally tell you how to properly care for a tattoo and maintain its original appearance.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but is considered dead, as it is not used in colloquial speech. The greatest minds of mankind spoke this language, so many aphorisms in Latin have survived to our time, which are in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo comprehend its meaning so that the image does not get tired over the years. Latin inscriptions are ideal for hiding the meaning of a tattoo from others.

"Fly on your wings"
"She walks with faith"
Seize the moment, live in the present

What to do? Choose an inscription from a variety of existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting to use to make the tattoo look beautiful? What part of the body to apply? All questions have answers.

Ideas for tattoo inscriptions

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main thing is the semantic load. Only a long choice of a meaningful phrase will lead to success. The expression can motivate, remind you of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but should not get bored. By piercing the body, you reveal to the world a part of your soul and moral values.

What to choose for yourself?

"Time flies"

"I'm completely imperfect"


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. It is possible to imprint on the body in Latin the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms. Among them the most popular are:

  • Magna res est amor - "Love is a great thing."
  • Amor Vincit Omnia - Love conquers all.
  • Amor et honor - "Love and honor."
  • Si vis amari ama - If you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - "I love and believe while I breathe."
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - "Life ends, but not love."

life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. The life motto, which you always remember, gives strength to work, the implementation of plans, the eternal struggle. Here are some of the relevant sayings:

  • Suum cuique - "To each his own."
  • Silentium - "Silence".
  • Procul negotiis - "Away with trouble."
  • Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars.
  • Vivere militare est - "To live is to fight."
  • Experientia est optima magis - Experience is the best teacher.

Women's inscriptions

The tenderness and sensuality of female nature differs from male rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies.
  • Amat victoria curam - "Victory loves care."
  • O fallacem hominum spem! “How deceptive is human hope!”
  • Abo in pace - "Go in peace."
  • Cantus cycneus - "Swan song".
  • Contra spem spero - "I hope without hope."

Reminders of the Transience of Life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give impetus to constant development, because you need to do everything. Death tattoos are relevant among people whose lives hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!"
  • Fatum - "Fate".
  • Jus vitae ac necis - "The right to dispose of life and death."
  • Malo mori quam foedari - "Dishonor is worse than death."
  • Me quoque fata regunt - "Rock subdued me."
  • Via sacra - "Holy way".

thoughts of freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebelliousness and the possibility of independent choice. For them, there is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos:

  • Homo liber - "Free man".
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro - "Shameful to sell freedom for gold."
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - "Life without freedom is nothing."
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae - "Absolute freedom of choice."
  • In arte libertas - "Freedom in art."

"A friend is the second "I""

Summing up, it is safe to say that each person is individual and can find a Latin winged expression to his liking. Like tattoos, they look harmonious and filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what life values ​​do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and body parts. After talking with yourself, it becomes clear whether a tattoo is needed or whether it is dictated by fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

"I'll bend, but I won't break"
"God feeds the ravens"

Tattoo artists offer 2-3 times more Latin fonts than Russian ones, because they are more popular. Chooses a tattooed one: ancient or modern font, print or script, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity, gothic, medieval and other fonts conquer with variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on websites offer to choose a font for a tattoo in Latin online. To use the service, you need to enter an inscription in Latin in a special field. After that, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on the saying.

If you decide to fill a tattoo in the salon, on whose website you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the master. If there is another salon in the city, just print the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend no less time choosing a font than the inscriptions. For outsiders, the form is more important than the content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo

When the inscription for the tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? Hide or not? How to arrange long text so that it is beautiful?

"We hope in God"
"I wish you success"
"Great things start small"

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the pain threshold of a person and the ability to tolerate the effects of a tattoo machine.

  • Hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, hand, fingers - where to fill the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing a large inscription on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in the photo, it is better to abandon the idea, as the employer may be confused by the fact of having a tattoo.
  • Tattoos on the wrists are not worn well, so it is better to refuse the idea.
  • The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people distinguish weak pain and a simple opportunity to hide the inscription. The zone is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.
  • The belly as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may be distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral zone.

"Waiting for a Protector"
  • The leg is also open to the creativity of the tattoo artist. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar, it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, pain is intensified, as there are many nerve endings.
  • It is also important to consider that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot that is in contact with the floor and on the palms.
  • Very painful parts of the body - chest and chest (for girls), sacrum (for guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

"And I'm in Arcadia"
"From sea to sea"
"Through the thorns to the stars"

Advice! Choose a master by portfolio. He may be a drawing genius, but not able to work with fonts. Look for someone who does amazing work as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo inscriptions

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also decorate their bodies with meaningful Latin inscriptions. Thus, they attract the attention of the public, deciphering the meaning of sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

Ksenia Borodina, after the birth of her first daughter, pinned her name on her hand. The idea was spied on by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who did not make a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back, which means “Both in body and soul”, and on her wrist - “The main thing in life is love.”

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can single out the illiteracy of the tattoo master, who can make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

Look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font
« I will always be the keeper"

Advice! T carefully check the spelling of each letter. The master may make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do the tattooed think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the feedback from the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: I have the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus on my lower leg. Translated, it means "Let's have fun while we're young." Many who know the meaning of the words ask what will happen when I grow old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70 I will feel like 20. For three years I have not got tired of the tattoo.

Elvira, 32 years old: At the age of 22, I was hit by a car, and I was on the verge of death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of relatives and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, I have had the inscription Memento mori on my shoulder. When it's hard for me, the tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me the strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: "Remember death."

The tattoo on the back of the thigh will be visible only in the summer

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. Therefore, under my chest I have a small inscription Audaces fortuna juvat, which is significant for me - luck accompanies the brave. Never regretted getting a tattoo. Rather than stuffing a drawing on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but accurate saying that characterizes a person.

Alexandra, 30 years old: I have been tattooing for about five years. Lately, Latin inscriptions have been in great demand, and I understand why. Their meaning is important to the owner. It becomes a real talisman for a person.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that people put inscriptions on the body that tell about the character of a person.

Advice! If you want to emphasize individuality and intelligence, choose Latin inscriptions from a variety of tattoos.

In the search for a suitable tattoo, Latin inscriptions with translation are far from the last place. The fashion for meaningless drawings has passed, and now people decorate the body consciously so that they do not have to get rid of the image in a few years.

Why exactly Latin?

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but is considered dead, as it is not used in colloquial speech. The greatest minds of mankind spoke this language, so many aphorisms in Latin have survived to our time, which are in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo comprehend its meaning so that the image does not get tired over the years. Latin inscriptions are ideal for hiding the meaning of a tattoo from others.

What to do? Choose an inscription from a variety of existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting to use to make the tattoo look beautiful? What part of the body to apply? All questions have answers.

Ideas for tattoo inscriptions

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main thing is the semantic load. Only a long choice of a meaningful phrase will lead to success. The expression can motivate, remind you of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but should not get bored. By piercing the body, you reveal to the world a part of your soul and moral values. What to choose for yourself?


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. It is possible to imprint on the body in Latin the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms. Among them the most popular are:

  • Magna res est amor - "Love is a great thing."
  • Amor Vincit Omnia - Love conquers all.
  • Amor et honor - "Love and honor."
  • Si vis amari ama - If you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - "I love and believe while I breathe."
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - "Life ends, but not love."

life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. The life motto, which you always remember, gives strength to work, the implementation of plans, the eternal struggle. Here are some of the relevant sayings:

  • Suum cuique - "To each his own."
  • Silentium - "Silence".
  • Procul negotiis - "Away with trouble."
  • Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars.
  • Vivere militare est - "To live is to fight."
  • Experientia est optima magis - Experience is the best teacher.

Women's inscriptions

The tenderness and sensuality of female nature differs from male rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies.
  • Amat victoria curam - "Victory loves care."
  • O fallacem hominum spem! “How deceptive is human hope!”
  • Abo in pace - "Go in peace."
  • Cantus cycneus - "Swan song".
  • Contra spem spero - "I hope without hope."

Reminders of the Transience of Life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give impetus to constant development, because you need to do everything. Death tattoos are relevant among people whose lives hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!"
  • Fatum - "Fate".
  • Jus vitae ac necis - "The right to dispose of life and death."
  • Malo mori quam foedari - "Dishonor is worse than death."
  • Me quoque fata regunt - "Rock subdued me."
  • Via sacra - "Holy way".

thoughts of freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebelliousness and the possibility of independent choice. For them, there is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos:

  • Homo liber - "Free man".
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro - "Shameful to sell freedom for gold."
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - "Life without freedom is nothing."
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae - "Absolute freedom of choice."
  • In arte libertas - "Freedom in art."

Summing up, it is safe to say that each person is individual and can find a Latin winged expression to his liking. Like tattoos, they look harmonious and filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what life values ​​do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and body parts. After talking with yourself, it becomes clear whether a tattoo is needed or whether it is dictated by fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

It is not enough to choose a saying filled with meaning for the image on the body. The tattoo should look beautiful and attract attention.

Tattoo artists offer 2-3 times more Latin fonts than Russian ones, because they are more popular. Chooses a tattooed one: ancient or modern font, print or script, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity, gothic, medieval and other fonts conquer with variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on websites offer to choose a font for a tattoo in Latin online. To use the service, you need to enter an inscription in Latin in a special field. After that, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on the saying.

If you decide to fill a tattoo in the salon, on whose website you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the master. If there is another salon in the city, just print the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend no less time choosing a font than the inscriptions. For outsiders, the form is more important than the content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

I'll get a tattoo on this and that

When the inscription for the tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? Hide or not? How to arrange long text so that it is beautiful?

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the pain threshold of a person and the ability to tolerate the effects of a tattoo machine.

  • Hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, hand, fingers - where to fill the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing a large inscription on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in the photo, it is better to abandon the idea, as the employer may be confused by the fact of having a tattoo.
  • Tattoos on the wrists are not worn well, so it is better to refuse the idea.
  • The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people distinguish weak pain and a simple opportunity to hide the inscription. The zone is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.
  • The belly as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may be distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral zone.
  • The leg is also open to the creativity of the tattoo artist. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar, it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, pain is intensified, as there are many nerve endings.
  • It is also important to consider that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot that is in contact with the floor and on the palms.
  • Very painful parts of the body - chest and chest (for girls), sacrum (for guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

Advice! Choose a master by portfolio. He may be a drawing genius, but not able to work with fonts. Look for someone who does amazing work as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo inscriptions

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also decorate their bodies with meaningful Latin inscriptions. Thus, they attract the attention of the public, deciphering the meaning of sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

Ksenia Borodina, after the birth of her first daughter, pinned her name on her hand. The idea was spied on by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who did not make a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back, which means “Both in body and soul”, and on her wrist - “The main thing in life is love.”

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can single out the illiteracy of the tattoo master, who can make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

Advice! Carefully check the spelling of each letter. The master may make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do the tattooed think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the feedback from the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: I have the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus on my lower leg. Translated, it means "Let's have fun while we're young." Many who know the meaning of the words ask what will happen when I grow old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70 I will feel like 20. For three years I have not got tired of the tattoo.

Elvira, 32: At 22, I was hit by a car, and I was on the verge of death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of relatives and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, I have had the inscription Memento mori on my shoulder. When it's hard for me, the tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me the strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: "Remember death."

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. Therefore, under my chest I have a small inscription Audaces fortuna juvat, which is significant for me - luck accompanies the brave. Never regretted getting a tattoo. Rather than stuffing a drawing on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but accurate saying that characterizes a person.

Alexandra, 30 years old: I have been tattooing for about five years. Lately, Latin inscriptions have been in great demand, and I understand why. Their meaning is important to the owner. It becomes a real talisman for a person.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that people put inscriptions on the body that tell about the character of a person.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

Often, a person does not have enough semantic load contained in a tattoo image, and he resorts to inscriptions to directly state his position or express thoughts and feelings. Increasingly, you can see men with a tattoo in the form of an inscription on the arm, back, neck, leg and not only. Tattoo inscriptions have a huge variety, it is possible to write any thought, choose any language and font.

When choosing a language for a tattoo, everyone is guided by their own criteria. Someone just likes the sound of the language, and someone is important originality, because a tattoo, for example, in Arabic script will definitely look non-standard.

If this is something sacred, personal, something that you do not want to talk about publicly, but it is of great importance, and you want to perpetuate it on your body, then such an inscription can be written in a language that your environment does not speak.

Most often, a tattoo inscription is performed in the following languages:

  • Arab;
  • French;
  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • English;
  • German;
  • Spanish;
  • Italian;
  • Hebrew;
  • Latin.

You can choose any language of the world, the main thing is to be able to correctly translate the text of the tattoo. In the past, one can recall that inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphs were popular, but now the trends have changed a bit, and more and more often these are inscriptions in English or Latin. Whatever the language, you need to approach the translation responsibly and find trusted sources.

The inscription tattoo on the arm for men can be done in different languages.

It’s great if there is a person in the environment who speaks an interesting language. As a last resort, there are linguists on the Internet who provide their text translation services. Masters recommend making tattoo inscriptions in the language in which the phrase was born.

In other words, write the text in the original. The tattoo will remain on the body forever, so a mistake made in writing may in the future lead to regret about what you have done. And what can we say about those cases when, due to a mistake in the word, the text in the translation had a completely different meaning.

English male inscriptions

This is the most popular body writing language. English is an international language, so a tattoo in English will not be a mystery to others.

a tattoo in English will not be a mystery to others.

The following inscriptions are often written in English:

  • I love those who yearn for the impossible. I love those who want the impossible;
  • You don't become what you want, you become what you believe. You don't become what you want to become, you become what you believe you will become;
  • You never feel the ache in the other man's tooth. Someone else's tooth always hurts less.

Inscriptions for men in French

Beautiful, melodic, singing - this is the French language. Everything light, beautiful and serene is associated with it. Tattoos in this language are more often chosen by men with a subtle nature, striving for the romanticization of life. The French language has been honored to have the glory of the language of love.

However, in addition to love tattoo inscriptions, you can utter philosophical thoughts, because the greatest aphorisms of French philosophers, such as Albert Camus, Rene Descartes, Voltaire, Auguste Comte, Jean-Paul Sartre and others sounded in this language.

Examples of phrases for a tattoo in French:

  • L'amour fait passer le temps, et le temps fait passer. Love kills time and time kills love;
  • Peut-être qu'une personne n'a pas tant besoin d'amour, que de comprehension. Maybe a person does not need love as much as he needs understanding;
  • L'esprit cherche et c'est le coeur qui trouve. The mind seeks, and only the heart finds.

Male Italian inscriptions

It would be appropriate to perform a tattoo that motivates not to give up, namely in Italian. You need to be careful with the translation of phrases in this language, because there are 15 tenses in it, and just like in Russian, the ending plays an important role.

Examples of tattoos in Italian:

Inscriptions in German

German, among Russian speakers, is one of the most common languages, so more and more often you can see tattoos in German. In terms of sound, this is a strong and solid language, and it will harmoniously combine with the bold meaning of the tattoo.

Some examples of phrases in German:

  • Das Leben ist ein Spiel. Life is a game;
  • Die Wahrheit bedarf nicht viele Worte, die Luge kann nie genug haben. Truth is laconic, for a lie, words are never enough;
  • Wer Wind sat, wird Sturm ernten. He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind;
  • Alles zu seiner Zeit. Jedes Ding hat seine Zeit. Everything has its time.

Spanish inscriptions

Dynamic and sensual intonation captivates with its sound. The owner of tattoo inscriptions in Spanish is like the Spanish language itself - unlimitedly temperamental and passionate, beautiful and graceful.

The owner of tattoo inscriptions in Spanish is like the Spanish language itself - unlimitedly temperamental and passionate, beautiful and graceful.

Variants of Spanish phrases for a tattoo inscription:

  • Mi vida-mi elección, mis errores-mis lecciones. My life is my choice, my mistakes are my lessons;
  • Mide el tiempo en momentos, no en minutos. Measure time in moments, not minutes;
  • Nunca te rindas. Never give up.
  • Solo tu te puedes hacer mas fuerte. Except yourself, no one will make you strong.

Inscriptions in Latin for men

A great option is latin arm tattoos for men. The inscriptions in Latin are intriguing, but they look attractive and aesthetically pleasing.. The most ancient language has been the language of science for many millennia. Latin is the parent of most of the world's languages. In Latin, all philosophical thoughts can be expressed as accurately as possible.

More often tattoos in Latin are chosen by men filled with life experience and spiritually enriched. The owners of such tattoos often claim that after applying the inscription in Latin, their life changes significantly.

Examples of tattoos in Latin for men:

  • Amor tussisque non celantur. You can't hide love and cough;
  • Quilibet fortunae suae faber. Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness;
  • Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas. Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Arabic inscriptions

The language of the wise men of the East. An important difference between Arabic and European languages ​​is that words are similar to ligature and are written from right to left. This is a whole art - each letter smoothly and beautifully passes into the next, it looks very aesthetically pleasing and neat.

This language is quite difficult to learn, even more so for a simple person, without a linguistic education it will be difficult to translate. Therefore, it is worth contacting a native speaker or using already popular sayings.

It is worth paying attention to the following variants of sayings in Arabic:

  • لانك قلت كلام ثمين على ناس رخيصة. العرب. Sometimes you are so sorry that you said expensive words to cheap people;
  • اشع مثل الالماس. Shine like a diamond;
  • . You cannot have a better future if you don't stop thinking about the past;
  • لِمَاتِ. Sometimes all insults pass, but words are not forgotten;
  • اجعل الله اولويتك. The Lord is above all.

For a tattoo in Arabic, a careful selection of the font is necessary, after all, an incorrectly chosen font can spoil the appearance of the ligature, and the beauty of the braided letters is the highlight of Arabic writing.

Hebrew inscriptions

For such a short existence, a large number of wise sayings sounded in Hebrew, which men can now use for tattoo inscriptions, for example, on the arm. Tentatively, the language was born at the end of the 19th century.

Examples of phrases for tattoos in Hebrew:

  • כשהנשמה מאירה When the soul glows, even the foggy sky radiates a pleasant light;
  • סמוך על לבך. Rely on your heart;
  • דרכו סוגה בשושנים. His path is strewn with roses;
  • אין דבר בלתי אפשרי. Nothing is impossible.

Translation into Hebrew is difficult, but there are forums where native speakers can help with translation. Do not trust online translators, often the translation is incorrect and incoherent. Carriers of Hebrew inscriptions, as a rule, attach a sacred meaning to the tattoo, even to some extent mystical. Like Arabic script, Hebrew letters are written from right to left.

Due to all this exclusivity of the language, even if the text of the desired inscription is translated correctly, tattoo artists can make unforgivable mistakes, therefore, in the course of the work of the master, if possible, you need to carefully monitor the process of applying each letter.

What inscription to stick on the hand?

The best way to tell society about your position is tattoos on your arm. For men, inscriptions can become a tool of self-expression. Hands are a prominent place, therefore, tattoos should be meaningful and speak as clearly as possible about the owner of the inscription.

The inscription should contain a clear description of the interests or goals, such a motto for life. For such people, the expression is ideal: "Fate is in my hands, and happiness is always with me." On the hand, you can fit both a long text and a small word, the main thing is to choose the right location.

On the hand, you can fit both a long text and a small word, the main thing is to choose the right location.

Hands represent a huge variety of places for tattooing:

  • shoulders;
  • forearm;
  • wrists;
  • elbows;
  • fingers;
  • back of the hand.

So, on a finger, for example, a couple of words can fit - a maximum, but on the forearm you can already roam. If there is a difficulty in choosing a tattoo, which will later be located on the arm, you can come to the tattoo artist for a consultation, he will show the sketches and offer his ideas.

Most Popular Quotes

In literature, music, clothing there are unchanging classics, as well as with tattoos - there are the most popular ones. A kind of classic body painting.

These include:

  • Illusion is the first of all pleasures. Illusion is the highest pleasure;
  • Law stands mute in the midst of arms.. When the weapon rattles, the laws are silent;
  • I may not have a lot to give, what I've got I'll give to you. You can take a little from me, but I'm ready to give everything that I have.

About love

A wonderful feeling that encourages men to act is love. Everyone has their own methods of expressing it, someone even resorts to writing the name of a loved one on the body. Often quotes are written from films, poems, songs associated with a loved one.

A few examples of phrases for a tattoo about love:

  • All's fair in love and war. In love and war all methods are good;
  • And I love her, the more I suffer. And I love her the more the more I suffer;
  • I'll never forget you. I will never forget you in English.

About family

Many men want to declare to the whole world about their devotion and love for the family. So, Angelina Jolie got a tattoo on her arm with the coordinates of the birth of her beloved children. Often, men tattoo the inscription “Family” on their arm - briefly and concisely, and gives an understanding to others about the priorities of the tattoo wearer.

Examples for tattoo inscriptions on the theme of the family:

  • A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband;
  • Family begins with children. The family starts with children;
  • Marrying means to halve one's rights and double one's duties. To marry means to halve your rights and double your responsibilities.

About friendship

Often you want a piece of a friend to always be there in difficult times, when your hands are already falling. Some get couple tattoos in honor of their friendship.

A few examples of aphorisms about friendship that can be turned into a tattoo:

  • A friend is someone who gives you the strength to be yourself. A friend is someone who gives you the strength to be yourself;
  • I got my friends, share a rain coat in the wind. I have my friends who share a raincoat with me in the wind.

It will be a real surprise for a friend when he sees a tattoo already done, in his honor, no doubt, this will pleasantly surprise him.

About life

Often men express philosophical thoughts on their bodies in the form of tattoos. And more often they do not manage with brief expressions, men give themselves the opportunity to roam. Sometimes, it comes to the point that the scale of the back is not enough to contain the whole essence of his philosophy.

A couple of options for philosophical phrases about life:

  • Wer die Menschen einst fliegen lehrte, hat alle Grenzsteine ​​verrückt (German). Who once taught people to fly, he moved all the boundary stones;
  • One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he afraid was he couldn`t do. One of the greatest discoveries that a man makes, one of the biggest surprises for him, is to discover that he can do what he previously considered impossible for himself;
  • What have they done to the earth, what have they done to our fair sister? What have they done to our Earth, what have they done to our beautiful sister?

About freedom

The tattoo inscription about love of freedom on the arm of a man has a special charm. Freedom can manifest itself in everything: individuality, confidence, independence, fearlessness, the absence of stereotypes and labels.

Examples of tattoo inscriptions on the theme of freedom:

  • A man is meant to be free. Man is destined to be free;
  • The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. The most important freedom is the freedom to be yourself;
  • Freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you don't feel them. Freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you do not feel them.

Motivational inscriptions

In men, motivating tattoos on the hands in the form of an inscription are very popular. A person often lacks motivation and incentive to act. Men who paint motivating phrases on their bodies are usually active and constantly evolving.

And everyone can have their own secret of success, their own rules for achieving their cherished goals, and they can put this rule on their body in order to always remember it.

A few examples of phrases that make you not give up:

  • Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself;
  • Never say never. Never say never;
  • Keep going. Keep moving;
  • Every morning is the time to start life again. Every morning is a time to start life again.

original small phrases

Brevity is the soul of wit. Small phrases are good for the first tattoo. Also, such tattoos are easier to hide under clothes if the work dress code does not allow having a tattoo on the body.

Examples of small phrases for a tattoo inscription:

  • Accidents are not accidental. Accidents are not accidental;
  • Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself;
  • Free your mind. Free your mind;
  • stay strong. Stay strong.

Celtic pattern

A tattoo in the style of Celtic patterns has a bewitching look - peculiar patterns intertwining with each other, creating a single pattern. The Celts themselves were sure that the mysterious ornaments had magical properties. Each character has its own interpretation.

You can see that in the curls of the Celtic images, areas resembling a labyrinth are visible, and this is no accident, because the Celtic philosophy says that life is a labyrinth through which a person goes, and it depends on him who and what he will come to.

Basic symbols and their meaning:

  1. Cross. Denotes 4 cardinal directions and their harmony. Protects from the harmful influence of unclean thoughts of enemies, instills wisdom in the mind.
  2. Heart. A love symbol denoting the eternal unity of the soul and body of two lovers.
  3. Birds. A sign of the will of the spirit and freedom of the body. The bird that brings good news is the dove, the raven is the opposite, and the heron is a symbol of caution.
  4. Snake. A symbol that protects human health. An analogy is drawn of how a snake changes its skin, and a person is constantly energetically regenerated. Also symbolizes wisdom.
  5. Shamrock. Today, the most common symbol of the Celts, found even in marketing, as the symbol has a powerful attraction of wealth as money and luck. The three leaves are the elements of fire, water and earth.

The Celts believed that mystical symbols were able to influence the fate of a person, because any symbol was a metaphor for a path that lasted for eternity.

full arm tattoo

It is the hands that are the most popular place for tattooing. Often you can see a situation where under the sleeves of an office men's shirt, there is a full-length tattoo. Also, such tattoos are called - sleeve. According to the stories of the bearers of full arm tattoos, everything starts with a small tattoo, then there is a desire to supplement the old image with a new one. And so the sleeve looms like a chain.

Of course, some immediately decide to make a sleeve, however, there are no sketches of a full-fledged sleeve anywhere. The sleeve is a rather large-scale work and no one wants someone to become the bearer of identical images on their hands.

Masters can help to create a sleeve sketch, but it will be an expensive job, it’s easier to independently select sketches of individual tattoos, gradually drawing a single picture, and as a result, just finalize the sleeve by filling in the gaps between the images.

The work is time-consuming and takes not a couple of dozen hours, but several dozen days, or even weeks, depending on the sensations of the person being tattooed and the recommendations of the tattoo artist. Some complex works are carried out for several years.

Full arm tattoo is a whole art gallery, a real work of art. More often, men choose monochrome tattoos, black and white, although sometimes there are tattoos in the entire palette. When deciding on such a large-scale tattoo, you need to be prepared for the excessive attention of others and an ambiguous reaction.

Choosing a font for a tattoo

Gothic, textured, graffiti, a la typewriter font can radically change the appearance of a tattoo, both for the better and for the worse. Usually men choose classic, standard fonts.

You can do without going to a consultation on fonts with a tattoo artist, there is always the opportunity to independently view the options. For example, in a text editor WORD. There are also sites that allow you to try out various fonts both with download and online.

Lettering that should not be done

Still do not perpetuate the names of unfamiliar women and friends. Very often, even with full confidence in the sincerity of feelings for a person, whether it be love or friendship, relationships can deteriorate and be interrupted, fading away, but the tattoo will remain.

If there is no clear understanding that even if you stop communicating with a person, there will be no feeling of regret about the tattoo, then there is no need to rush to make an appointment with the master. You should not make a tattoo in an unknown language, without the opportunity to turn to a knowledgeable person.

You should not make a tattoo in an unknown language, without the opportunity to turn to a knowledgeable person.

You should never rush to get a tattoo, despite the powerful desire to quickly apply the image to the body. Also It is worth considering making tattoos in a conspicuous place, for example, on the arms. Men often have serious positions in which peeking inscriptions and images from under the sleeves of the shirt are prohibited.

Summing up:

  • it is necessary to check the accuracy of the translation if it is an inscription in a foreign language;
  • decide which font is suitable for a tattoo;
  • choose a place for a tattoo;
  • find a good master.

Finally, a well-known fact can be cited as an example: American actress Angelina Jolie has already gotten rid of a tattoo with the name of former lover Billy Bob Thornton. But this lesson did not teach Angelina anything, and she again dedicated the tattoo to her new husband, Brad Pitt. After a recent divorce, Jolie plans to reduce this tattoo as well. Nothing lasts forever, don't forget that.

Video about men's inscription tattoos

Latin inscriptions for male tattoos:

The most common tattoo inscriptions among young men:

Sometimes, in life, events occur that I would like to leave a long memory. Tattoo lettering with translation is an interesting way for those who want to capture such moments. Express yourself, convey meaning to others, stand out from the crowd or create your own philosophy. All this is achievable with the help of a tattoo. However, it is necessary to understand how the tattooing process goes before applying the image to the body.

Before you get a tattoo, you need to know

  • The importance of size. A small format tattoo is not often beautiful. The simpler the image, the smaller the size can be. To work out small details, larger tattoos will be required. You also need space to work with color, shadows and transition. The reason for choosing the appropriate size and complexity also lies in the wearability of the tattoo. If the contour of the image is less than a millimeter, then such a tattoo will not last long, and you will have to update or interrupt it. The size of the tattoo also depends on the desired style. Some techniques and styles are simply not suitable for thumbnailing.
  • The right choice of the master. A professional master must have a high-quality and detailed portfolio, as well as certificates of completed courses and a medical examination. It is better to spend time looking for a sufficiently qualified and experienced tattoo artist than to fix a damaged tattoo and be treated for introduced diseases.
  • Beauty requires sacrifice? The process of tattooing can rarely be called pleasant. Pain is guaranteed. But the level of sensitivity of each individual. Also, the amount of pain depends on the place of tattooing and the time of work. Consult in advance with the master and choose the appropriate option.
  • Small spool but precious. A good tattoo cannot be cheap. The price of the master consists of his experience, skill level, complexity of the image and the place of its application, as well as the time spent on stuffing the tattoo. On average, the price of a tattoo starts from three to four thousand.
  • Time. Upon consultation with the master, you will find out the approximate time of work. But how much time the work will actually take is unknown, since the reaction of each is individual. In the process of stuffing, unforeseen situations can occur: from turning off the electricity, to the client not feeling well. Therefore, calculate the time with a "margin".
  • Getting a tattoo is not the end of your worries. Just apply the image and forget it will not work. A tattoo needs care, just like any accessory or body part.

Sunlight damages the image. Therefore, the tattoo site should be covered with clothing or protected with sunscreen.

The main enemy of a tattoo is the laziness of its owner. Strictly follow the instructions received from the master. Remember, the first fourteen days are the most important. It is on them that the longevity, purity and quality of the tattoo depends.

Little tricks when visiting a tattoo parlor:

  • Human skin tends to deform. Therefore, the tattoo should be restored every three to four years.
  • In no case should moles and birthmarks be covered with a tattoo. They should be avoided or included in the image.
  • To close a scar or scar with a tattoo, at least twelve months must pass from the moment of injury.
  • In no case should you come to a tattoo session in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, hungry or tired. All of these conditions directly affect blood pressure, as a result of which the tattooing process may be slowed down or impossible.
  • Feeling slightly unwell after getting a tattoo is a natural reaction of the body, so you should not panic.
  • If the tattoo is divided into several stages, then there should be at least ten to fourteen days between sessions.
  • It is possible to get rid of a boring tattoo. But, this is a very long and painful process. The tattoo is burned out with a laser, which leaves a mark on the skin. In addition, one hundred percent of the image will not be reduced.

Tattoo methods

The variety of ways to apply long-lasting images and phrases to the body is divided by technique, level of pain and time of application to the skin.

The human body is sensitive, so the tattooing process is painful with any method. You need to decide on the method of application and your level of preparation for the tattoo.

Method number one - needle

Two types of tools of this technique were invented: a needle wrapped in thread at the end, pisni - a sharply sharpened metal clip, paper clip or wire. The tool is dipped into the ink and microscopic pricks pierce the skin along the contour of the image. Due to this, the coloring pigment penetrates under the skin and remains there. Then the applied image is retouched with colored paste from ballpoint pens or pounded match sulfur.

Method two - stamping

A template is created from a dense rubber material, on which the desired image is located, along the contour of which needles are installed. The template is dipped in ink, leaned against the tattoo site, and with a sharp slap, the points are inserted into the skin by three to five millimeters. As a result, the pattern seems to be imprinted on the skin, and the coloring pigment penetrates into it. With this type of tattoo, the client experiences unpleasant painful feelings, and it takes a significant amount of time to work out the image.

Method three - a tool based on an electric razor

Pain is low, time consumption is increased. A significant disadvantage of this method is increased trauma.

Method four - blade

The skin is cut along the contour, then the pigment is rubbed into it. The procedure is characterized by increased pain moments and injury risk in the hands of an inexperienced master.

Method five - hardware tattooing

The image is applied with a specialized machine using a highly targeted coloring pigment. Sterility, accuracy and low pain impact are the hallmarks of such drawing. The needles in the device are disposable, the pigment is hypoallergenic. The client makes a choice of an adhesive-based template, according to which the tattoo artist applies the outline. The micro-needles of this device imperceptibly inject the dye and fix it into the skin.

The first four types of drawing an image on the skin belong and are used most often in the world of crime, in religious groups or in artisanal conditions of “freebie” lovers.


Tattooing is the introduction of dyes under the skin. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin allows the pattern to be fixed on the surface without penetrating into other layers. That is why there is no allergy to pigments. Reducing the risk of infection after tattooing is possible only if the sanitary and hygienic rules are observed by a professional master.
The sequence of actions when applying a tattoo:

  • Selection of an image, its coordination with the master, or the creation of an individual sketch.
  • Transferring the sketch to tracing paper, then to the body.
  • Treatment of the skin with a special disinfectant solution.
  • Piercing the contour of the image.
  • Filling the contour with color or colors, applying shadows and highlights.
  • Treatment of the completed drawing with an antiseptic solution, lubrication of the disturbed area with a healing composition, application of a protective bandage.
  • Following the instructions for caring for a tattoo will ensure the safety of the image, rapid healing and eliminate the risk of suppuration.

When tattooing, the place of the image can be anesthetized with anesthesia.

The location of tattoos on the body is unlimited. From fingertips to eyes can be involved in tattooing. However, there are the most popular body parts for tattoos.

Tattoos on the arm

The most common and popular tattoo location is the arm. Possible conservatism, traditions of location, simplicity and expressiveness of hand tattoos attract a huge number of fans. Nevertheless, the hand gives a wide scope for the imagination of the master and the customer of the wearable decoration. A lot of bends and "subparts" of the hands allow you to break the hand tattoos into several subspecies.

shoulder tattoo

The popularity of this species is the same, both among the female and male publics. In ancient times, tattoos on the shoulders symbolized the position of a person in society, his status, marital status, belonging to a particular family, and could also indicate the number of living and deceased relatives.

The main advantage of such a tattoo is the simplicity and speed of work for the master. The skin of the shoulder is less prone to the formation of wrinkles and folds, which will preserve the original beauty of the tattoo for a long time.

The practicality of this arrangement of the picture is due to the simplicity of hiding it from prying eyes, a certain atmosphere of intimacy is created for those who know about this tattoo.

Tattoo on the forearm

For people who want to emphasize their originality, a tattoo on the forearm will be a real gift. The gaze of the interlocutor, after paying attention to the face, notices the forearms. A small forearm space is by no means a reason for small images. A feature can be the puzzle effect, when tattoos on the forearms of both hands create a common picture when the hands are brought together, and separately carry a separate semantic load or remain a mystery to outsiders.

The process of stuffing a tattoo is practically not noticeable in this area and is very comfortable.

If a strict dress code is required at work, then forearms are not the best option. It is not always possible to close them with high-quality clothing, and this can cause inconvenience.

Wrist tattoo

Tattoos on the wrist are distinguished by their diversity. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity especially like to make small pictures and inscriptions in this part of the body. The application procedure is painless, and if necessary, the tattoo can be closed with a bracelet. The tattoo on the wrist itself is a kind of decoration and does not require a separate decoration of the image.

Tattoo on the elbow

Tattoos on the elbow part of the arm are in the least demand. But there are individuals who want to get a tattoo in this place. This procedure is distinguished not only by the pain of application, but also by the constant deformation of the image. The skin on the crook of the elbow is the most mobile, so you need to carefully choose the image. A good solution would be geometric and wavy motifs that are not contoured, but completely painted over inside.

Tattoo on the wrist

Tattoos on the hands are a very painful process. A large number of nerve endings and a thin skin cover makes the tattooing process palpable to the maximum. The unpleasant moments of this type of images will be the frequent updating of the image, because frequent contact with water, chemicals and mechanical damage destroys the original image. This part of the body is also inconvenient for the master, since the surface is uneven, has a huge number of folds, bulges and depressions.

The practicality of such a tattoo leaves much to be desired. However, exclusivity breaks all records. It is rare to find a person with a tattoo on his hand.

Tattoo on the palm

Tattoo on the palm is one of the most fashionable trends of our time. Painted palms are an obligatory attribute in many rituals of the East and Asia from ancient times to the present.

The process of applying a tattoo is almost painless, since the skin on the palm has a fair thickness. However, a small area imposes its own limitations on the size and type of tattoo. Most often, phrases or sayings are stuffed on the edge of the palm.

tattoo on fingers

The trend to apply a tattoo on the fingers came quite recently. But it is already in great demand. The fingers were decorated with rings, rings and chains at all times and among all peoples. Now, tattoos have replaced jewelry and bijouterie. There is no risk of losing such an ornament, and making a paired tattoo is the dream of every girl in love.

This is one of the most practical types of tattoo area. If necessary, you can hide or, on the contrary, focus on such a tattoo.

Tattoo all over the arm

For ease of designation, it was called the first association that comes to mind - a sleeve. The length of such a tattoo is determined in the same way as ordinary clothing sleeves: short, three-quarters and wrist-length.

The image loses sharpness of contours and saturation of colors over time. It is necessary to update the tattoo in a timely manner.

leg tattoos

Leg tattoos are very practical for those who wear pants, or for those who don't care about the dress code. More recently, a tattoo on any part of the leg was rare. Now leg tattoos are gaining momentum in popularity.

Moreover, this applies to both the strong and the beautiful half of humanity. Men most often prefer to tattoo the femur or shin, and girls prefer the foot, shin or ankle.

By location, leg tattoos are divided into three types.

Tattoo on the thigh

Drawing a tattoo on the thigh is not limited in size. This part of the body is most popular with girls, thus emphasizing the beauty, sexuality and attractiveness of female forms.

The practicality of this type of tattoo stands out among others. The only condition is to keep your body in shape. Otherwise, the tattoo, instead of the decoration function, will disfigure the body. The skin of the thigh is particularly susceptible to deformation due to body weight. Stretch marks may appear on it, which will irreparably spoil the image. However, you will practically not feel pain when applying the image.

Tattoo on the lower leg

The shin is the entire space of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Images are most often applied to the back and outside. If we compare the pain when stuffing a picture on the thigh, the lower leg is more sensitive. The code on it is close to the bone.

The practicality of a tattoo on the lower leg is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is a chic accessory for a hot summer, on the other hand, it is a limitation in clothing. This directly applies to girls who prefer short types of clothing. But if there is no embarrassment from the presence of a tattoo, then you should not even think about the dark side of the coin.

Ankle and foot tattoo

The image on this section is best positioned so that it can be seen in its entirety. For the most part, this concerns the male population, as they most often prefer large images.

Hairline can become an obstacle to stuffing a tattoo. But even for such a case, there are methods of application and care.

After stuffing the picture on the leg, you should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing until the skin is completely restored.

Over the past two decades, tattoos in the form of inscriptions have been very popular. They are divided into:

  • religious - quotes from the sacred books of world religions.
  • Commemorative - dates, names and numbers that have a sacred or memorable meaning for a person.
  • Initiates - inscriptions, wishes and names to relatives and friends.
  • sayings - a kind of life credo, said by one of the greats.
  • Own symbols - in this case, it all depends on the imagination of the customer.

Below are variants of the most popular phrases, sayings and sayings. Women's and men's inscriptions in several languages ​​of the world, as well as photo ideas for tattoos.

Font style for lettering.

Not only the meaning of the phrase is important, but also what font it will be filled with. The font style can be dissonant with the semantic load, so you need to choose the best tandem.

  • Sharp, straight lines, monochrome color, most often jet black, pointed letters are the characteristic features of Gothic. Such a font is suitable for men and clear, decisive sayings.

  • Soft, rounded edges are suitable for girls and expressions in smooth-sounding languages.

  • Universal font for both genders. Neutral, both to the semantic load, and for the native language.

  • Hieroglyphs. Special care must be taken with this font. Since each character can have several meanings. Often used hieroglyphs have Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Arabic roots.

  • Graffiti style. Modern street art has become related to the tattoo trend. Graffiti from the walls of houses was transferred to human skin. This style is suitable for young people and hip-hop fans.

The variety of writing styles is amazing. More than three hundred fonts exist today. Therefore, for a tattoo, you can create a good tandem from the options for combining the meaning of the image and the style of its outline.