Congratulations to the guy for a year. Congratulations to your loved one in prose

1 year relationship anniversary greetings

A year has passed since the cherished meeting,
How I saw you.
Loved for the look and speech,
For beautiful eyes.

May everything go smoothly for us,
May fate bring joy
And let everything be alright
Even next year!

“You are mine,” I whisper to the wind,
“Only mine” - you echo!
The most fabulous in the world
On this day I give you a bouquet!

Fears and doubts are left behind,
You step confidently and boldly into life.
Happy first anniversary of your relationship
I congratulate you, and let your feelings fly high.

And let all troubles, failures go out of the way,
Good things only happen to you.
You are together, this is the main thing, it cannot be otherwise,
I sincerely congratulate you on this bright hour.

Just a year. Not more and not little,
It's just a miracle - you found love!
Life has already tested you enough,
And now, like the first time, it’s time to fall in love again!
May your every day be full of meaning,
And the night under the month of romance is full.
May it soon be neither sweet nor sour for you,
But only “bitter” and the glass to the bottom!

Today is a year since you and I have been together,
We live loving each other dearly,
Let happiness flow like a slow song,
Sincerely giving us moments of tenderness!

I congratulate you on this holiday,
I've been flying with love for a whole year,
I wish that we will forever be in the world
They were just as in love with each other!

Congratulations on your relationship anniversary!
Friends, believe me, a year is quite a long time!
Sometimes a lot of water flows away in a year,
Or a new influx of life is coming!

I wish you that in your union
You drew the energy of goodness!
To become more and more beautiful every day,
And you always understand each other!

A year ago fate brought us together,
There are no happier days in life than these days.
You know, I've become a lot better,
From the moment you became mine!
With you I became a knight, a poet,
Every day is warmed by your warmth.
I admire that beautiful light
What shines in your heart!

What can I wish for you today?
Live without doubting anything;
For each other, do not burn - burn;
Joy, mutual skill
Teach each other wisdom;
Correct, thoughtful decisions
And all the best! And to conclude:
Happy first relationship anniversary!

It all started like a joke for us,
But imperceptibly we became closer.
Minutes have formed in days and weeks,
We've been together for a year and you are no more important!
The first quarrels and the first tears,
First holidays with you...
Hot summer, rain and frost...
Our total year floated into the distance behind the water.
There, ahead, I want to believe in it,
Other wonderful days await us!
Together we will open the cherished doors
To a world where there is a place for mutual love!

Winters and springs have flown by,
Exactly a year has passed.
He was important, fateful,
The boy found the girl.
And now I’m close in life
They go hand in hand.
They understand at a glance,
They live together happily.
We wish you so much
Another hundred, no less, times!
And as soon as we shout “bitter!”
You kiss a hundred times!


Collection title: Congratulations on the anniversary of your relationship to your loved one in your own words. It’s sad and lonely without you, my heart is torn into pieces and is waiting to meet you!

You are my incentive to do something, I adore you, you excite me again and again, and excite my blood!

You are in every second of my life... I breathe you... I live you... you are my loved ones!

I love you, my joy, and I want to always be with you. May our happiness be endless, and our love great and pure.

Live in the moment, love recklessly!

I adore you! I caught a ray of sunshine and kissed it, I will send it to you so that you remember about me!

I can feel you even if you are not around...

I know that this is not in vain. Being with you is happiness for me!

I really want to say, “I love you!”

Love is when you increasingly notice his habits.

The person who calls you by your last name most often loves you the most.

I adore you! I love you more than life itself, you are my happiness!

To begin with, I will write about my love, and when we meet, I will kiss you and strangle you in my arms!

I love you not for something, but I love you no matter what...

I want your SMS messages to wake me up in the morning. Well, as usual, you try for one thing, but a completely different one falls in love...

I love you with all your advantages and disadvantages... You are my meaning, my beloved, my angel.

The taste of your lips is sweet, you are beautiful! I love you very much and want you! There is no one like you in the world, my only and beloved.

Falling in love with the soul without touching the body is a talent.

May they lock me in your heart and throw away the key!

This heart is for those who have at least once said: “I love you”...

I adore you! Darling, I can’t live without you, I need you like air...

All glaciers melt when you touch me...

It seems to me that the sun no longer warms, and it seems to me that the stars are shining dimmer; The moonlight has become dull and joyless, and all because you are not around!

I miss you so much! I want to snuggle up to you, hug you, kiss you, look into your eyes and tell you in your ear that I love you very much!

You shine more often and brighter, so that time apart flies by like a moment! I miss.

On the street you can find absolutely everything: from change and ten rubles to the guy of your dreams...

I am happy to say that I love you madly! You are ideal, you are my hero, I want to always be with you!

I love you! I'm waiting for you my love! Come soon!

I’m attached to you and I miss you, I think about you and dream, maybe I’m tired of you, I don’t know, I’m just starting to write poetry...

It's hard to be friends when you want to kiss

0Waiting for an SMS from you, thinking about you.

I can’t imagine my life without you in it! I love you so much!

I wish you a successful day, I hug you passionately and sweetly, I hasten to tell you that without hiding you are my best!

Can you imagine what a terrible world I live in while you're not around? I miss you, my love...

I am crazy in love with you. May our love bloom stronger every day, may our feelings be the most beautiful, may the constellation of love always shine above our heads.

I want to tell the whole world that you are not dearer to me, that I miss you, I want to see you soon, my love!

A minute seems like an eternity without you. I'll try to fall asleep quickly so that tomorrow comes soon!

Strange things happen in my head, I constantly think about you...

These tears will cost you dearly, my love!

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy. I will wait for you, I will burn bridges, just be able to understand that in my heart there is only you!

Only pain reminds me that you were in my life...

Of all that is eternal, love has the shortest life...

Let my SMS warm your soul. My love for you is limitless.

Let love live in hearts.

You are the angel who gives me hope, you are my dream, my ideal. I love you, my unique, desired one, only you give me moments of pleasure and happiness!

A night without you is not a night, a day without you is not a day. Be near me quickly, I live without you like a shadow!

You have to love a girl so that she feels needed every second!

Guess the riddle: pretty, sociable, really wants to be with you...: Who is this, who?

Along the sand, leaving no traces - these are not wings... This is love!

My heart is locked until we meet, the key is your smile, as soon as I see her, I’ll open it right away!

Next to you I smile all the time, laugh and don’t notice the time!

My white snow, my blank slate, I am your role, you are my artist. Let's play in unison. I'm in love and you're in love!

I miss you without ceasing, every moment, every minute I would like to see you, look at you and say - I love you.

My sweet cat, I love you madly! I adore you!

You are the dearest and most beloved person, you are the sun that shines in bad weather, you are my joy, you are my whole world, I miss you madly, my sweetie.

I want to go where you breathe.

Call me whatever you want, bitch, fool, trash, but before that don’t forget to say “mine.”

You are my happiness, you are my dearest, I love you madly, you are my only hero!

I dream of flying with you to the ends of the world, where only we will be! I want to be with you hours a day! I love you and miss you so much...

Birds miss spring, they are cold in winter,

I love you, I dream of being with you always! I need only you

Thank you for these lips, thank you for these hands, thank you my dear, for existing in the world!

Love you. For the world you are just someone, but for me you are the whole world!

I want to come to you, I want you. And know one thing, I’m only yours!

I love it when we are together and don’t sleep until late at night... Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much!

I honestly go crazy when I’m not around you! I’m cold and very sad, and it’s completely unbearable without you!

My love for you is limitless. Just think about me for a minute! And call me.

The best moments in life are when your eyes look at me...

I called, shouted, and felt better.

You are my one and only! One such favorite! There is only one like this in the whole world! I want to be with you!

You just invited me for a walk, and I can already imagine how we are preparing dinner together...

I miss you, my beloved, just as flowers always wait for rain, so I wait for you! Hugs! Don't make me miss you anymore, I can't stand it!

Why love, why suffer... and then lose everything?

This is what happiness on Earth is! To love you

Next to you, the sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder, the world is a better place and people are kinder!

When I’m sad, I remember you, my soul immediately becomes warm and light. You are my happiness! I love you!

Nothing, nothing... Soon you will love me!

It’s probably no coincidence that the word I has one letter, and the word we has two.

I will quietly whisper: “I love you.”

It's better to be blind than to see you with someone else!

Without you, the world is boring, empty and lonely, and all I want is to be closer to you, to be very close to you...

I love you madly, as soon as I think about you, the world around me blossoms! Promise yourself to me, that’s my big dream!

The star of my love is burning, oh how beautiful it is! And being next to you is dangerous, because next to you I’m not myself!

I miss you very, very much: morning, evening and night. I dream about you, here is a text message for you. It cannot be expressed in words how sad I am when there is such a distance between us... - Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved in your own words.

What to gift:

The anniversary of a relationship between a guy and a girl is a very serious date, hinting at the possibility of marriage in the foreseeable future. After such a time, young people usually get used to each other and begin to think about starting a family. This question is especially relevant if both are over 20, have completed their studies, have a job and shared, even rented, housing. Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship in this case should be original, solemn and meaningful.

A girl or guy who wants to surprise their significant other on their anniversary should consider the following tips and tricks:

  • any congratulations on the first anniversary of a relationship should be pleasant, unexpected, hinting at love feelings and a strong connection;
  • you should think through each phrase in advance, prepare beautiful poems to write on a heart-shaped postcard;
  • The girl should definitely be given flowers: one red rose on a long stem, a bouquet of field daisies, a chicly decorated composition;
  • a greeting card should be symbolic, you should choose images of hearts, kisses, couples in love;
  • poems or wishes should be supplemented with some kind of gift, souvenir or small trinket reminiscent of the pleasant moments of the past year.

Options for congratulating a girl on her relationship anniversary

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved girl should be chosen beautiful and romantic. It is advisable to think over a spectacular surprise and ways to implement it. You can invite friends and sisters to participate to make the congratulation memorable.

Here are several options for congratulating your beloved on the anniversary of a relationship outside of marriage:

1. Agree with friends to raise balloons above your head on the day of an important date and line them up in the shape of a heart, the words “Love.”

2. Prepare a congratulation with a song accompanied by a guitar and record the message on video.

3. Organize a romantic breakfast in bed with a bouquet by the pillow or a pleasant evening with music and candles.

Ways to congratulate your beloved guy on your relationship anniversary

Congratulations to your beloved guy on his anniversary should be thought out in advance. Many people consider men to be unromantic and stingy with feelings, but most enjoy all signs of attention, gifts and reminders of important events. Lines in prose or poetry filled with love confessions will definitely be appreciated.

Here are a few ways to congratulate your loved one on the anniversary of your relationship in an original and interesting way:

1. Write on colorful pieces of paper 100 reasons why this person is worthy of love, put them in a beautiful jar. Each note can be tied with a ribbon with a bow, decorated with hearts or a hand-drawn design.

2. Write in advance a lot of pleasant confessions, compliments, congratulations on self-adhesive pieces of paper, attach them to the car parked in the yard in the morning. A simpler option is to cover the refrigerator with notes.

I remember clearly and perfectly,
How we met you.
I don’t even believe that today
It's been exactly a year since we've been together.

Where did this time come from?
How did these days fly by?
We just fell in love with each other,
And the days passed unnoticed.

We are celebrating a year today
We celebrate our holiday with you,
I congratulate you
You mean a lot to me!

I'm crazy in love with you,
I'm with you like in heaven,
It's very difficult for me without you,
I live only by you!

I wish us patience
And take care of our love,
Happy first anniversary
I'm falling in love with you again!

A year ago it all started
And the wish came true
Now I have you,
My half!

Happy first anniversary
The reason for my happiness
I wish us well
Always be united!

We've been together for a year, you and me, dear,
There was so much between us.
But I became happy with you,
And let the happiness last for years.

Let's overcome all the jumps,
We will take on any obstacles,
Just be with me dear,
And I will be with you!

Time passes quickly
And the year is already behind us -
A year of our relationship
We've been together for a year now.

A year of tenderness and passion,
A year of sincere love.
I wish you a lot of happiness
I'm for you and me.

I wish you bright colors
And wonderful, wonderful days!
Crazy, daring, hot
And fiery nights.

I wish it forever
Blood played in my veins,
And the joy is endless
And love is trembling!

I've been admiring you for a whole year,
I will never get tired.
I've been kissing you all year long,
I always want to be near you.
May our happiness grow stronger
Let our love live.
I'm just going blind in front of you,
I only want to be with you.

I don't know where to start
To convey admiration.
Today is a year since you and I,
We found love under the stars!

Do you remember how it all began,
When we met, we were all apprehensive.
We were afraid not to make a mistake,
And we were in no hurry to fall in love.

And today you and I
We are sitting under the moon again.
We look at the starry sky,
We want to live our whole lives together!

Happy anniversary,
I congratulate you
We've been together for a year now,
You mean a lot to me!

I hope we'll be close
We've been with you for many years,
I wish us patience
So that they do not know evil and troubles!

We carefully recognized each other
And they didn’t give vent to their feelings.
And today we celebrate exactly one year,
We test our feelings for strength.

Over this year we have become closer and dearer,
After all, many days have flown by.
And we realized that it was time for us
Tell each other: “I love you!”

Exactly one year into our relationship,
And for us he was very important,
We learned a lot together
They opened up better to each other.

I want to strive and achieve
To be a support, to feel support,
Create a hearth and a strong family,
To love and hear “I love” in response.

Everything happened to us in a year,
We met each other
We even quarreled at times
And they fell in love while playing.

Suddenly everything became so serious
It's too late to retreat now,
We can't live without each other
This is the merit of our love.

And it doesn't matter what the reason is,
But today is the anniversary,
And I wish you and I
Long may you wish with love!

How many years have we been together, my dear?
And I want to repeat, as before,
That I love you alone, dear,
That without you it’s even hard for me to breathe.

Thank you for everything, my gentle light!
It's like you were given to me from heaven,
You are my quiet, boundless peace,
My world is made of dreams, smiles and miracles.

From the first kisses, from the first sights
We knew what was destined
To be always close in happiness and misfortune,
And you and I will go through life.

If only a woman with a man
Loyal to each other, just like us,
With every hour, with every anniversary
They do not know cold and winter.

Let spring weave wreaths for us,
Let the nightingales sing hymns to us
About hearts that melt in hot bliss,
About hope, happiness and love!

One day we met, and the whole world changed, became shining and joyful. Thanks to you, life has made sense. The years fly by, but I will always clearly remember the day we became a couple. May warm feelings live in your heart, and may our love burn brighter and brighter!

My soul burns with fire for you,
Oh, my main hobby is
My love, today we are together
Celebrating the anniversary of our relationship.

Let the pheromone fly in the air,
There will be no end or edge to the feeling,
Since the crafty Cupid wounded us,
So may we never lose paradise!

Our feelings have a memorable date:
That first look and tender kiss
We once connected our hearts
Under the gentle rain of love streams.

Today is the anniversary of the relationship
We celebrate with you at this hour
I wish us the most wonderful achievements,
And so that love unites us stronger.

Happy birthday to love and our wonderful relationship, loving you with all my heart. I wish you to always be my happiest soulmate, bask in my care and tenderness, enjoy our sincere, amazing feelings, believe, love, hope and dream together!

Do you remember? Exactly one year ago
The feelings covered you and me,
And the look sparkled with happiness,
And the world was filled with dreams!

I'm drowning in your arms,
I enjoy your affection
In a wonderful sweet captivity
It's like I'm being born again

I love you with all my body and soul
Your smile, laughter, movements
And on this holiday ours is with you
I wish the fairy tale continues!

Today is a very important date for us.
Do you remember, we once became a couple,
We decided to be with you. So here it is:
Another year has passed since that moment.

You and I quarreled, we made peace,
But our hearts still beat together
And they fight to this day, the blood is agitated,
I know that love keeps us together!

So may you and I continue to be inseparable
We live day after day, not sad, not boring,
Let there be no compelling reasons for quarrels,
And we will celebrate a hundred such anniversaries!