Ekaterina Vilkova: “Sometimes I make my husband hysterical with tears. Which Russian stars have lost noticeable weight The family and children of Ekaterina Vilkova

As well as the series “Palm Sunday”, she has long been loved by the public thanks to her bright appearance and acting charm. Several films with her participation are released annually, and, as a rule, these works are warmly received by viewers.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Vilkova was born in the city of Gorky (today Nizhny Novgorod) in the summer of 1984 into a working-class family. The girl's birthday fell on the zodiac sign Cancer. Ekaterina’s nationality is Russian. The father of the future actress worked as an electrician, and her mother worked as a watchman. The family, like all Soviet people of that period, suffered from shortages; the child had to wear his older brother’s clothes.

And a year later, Vilkova embodies on the screen an almost cartoonish image of the coach of the women's snowboard team in the film “Only Girls in Sports.” The attribute of the heroine Catherine is her lips painted with bright red lipstick. And immediately the artist manages to convey real drama in the frame - she appears in the project as Senior Sergeant Kiryanova.

One of the brightest roles in the performer’s work is the image of the main character Ksenia Baskakova in the series. Thanks to diplomacy and ingenuity, the young girl manages to resolve various problems that inevitably arise on the territory of an exemplary Soviet hotel.

In 2016, the comedy series “Hotel Eleon”, a spin-off of the sitcom, was released. The film tells the story of comic and dramatic situations within the teams of the five-star Victor restaurant and the Eleon boutique hotel. In this film, Ekaterina Vilkova showed herself brilliantly, playing the role of Sofia Yanovna; critics and viewers called the film the best in the actress’s career.

2017 was a successful continuation in the actress’s career. In February, the film “Classmates: A New Turn” was released, in which Vilkova played the role of Sveta, and in October the film premiered.

Personal life

The actress is married to her colleague. Ekaterina Vilkova and met at a gas station. A romance broke out between them, ending in an official wedding; the lovers got married in 2011. During the “bride ransom,” the groom had to climb to the 4th floor of his beloved’s house.

Ilya Lyubimov, the actress’s husband, religiously observes the traditions of Orthodoxy, so the couple did not limit themselves to the registry office and got married. The sacrament of the wedding took place in the Church of the Holy Martyr Antipas.

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Ekaterina Vilkova and her husband Ilya Lyubimov

Vilkova and Lyubimov are raising two children: a daughter named Pavel, named after a character in the series “Palm Sunday,” and a son, Peter. Although there are rumors that parents chose names for their children according to the calendar. Ilya and his wife often give interviews to glossy publications, so Ekaterina’s personal life is under close attention of the Russian press.

The actress is glad that her husband completely freed her from household chores, so the woman rests more and devotes her free time from filming to children. When a celebrity works, a nanny looks after the kids, and a housekeeper is responsible for cleanliness. Nevertheless, the Russian performer is no stranger to housework.

Online Instagram users constantly discuss the actress’s photos, claiming that from a certain point Ekaterina has lost a lot of weight, and her parameters have changed somewhat (the film actress’s height is 170 cm, weight is 53 kg). Many users believe that it is work that radically influences Vilkova’s life, since she has practically no free time due to filming.

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Losing weight by giving up your favorite sweets and turning your attention to sports can be oh so difficult... And yet many have succeeded!

The editors have collected top stars who prove by their example that losing 10, 20, 30 or any number of kilograms is absolutely possible.

Anna Mikhalkova

Anna Mikhalkova, who has always been a charming chick, managed to truly surprise her fans. One fine day, the actress just came out having lost 10 kg! And even after the birth of my third child. All that remains is to applaud!

Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova, a wonderful Russian actress, who was not spoiled at all by the extra pounds, nevertheless decided to get rid of them. The star demonstrated the results of her work on herself on April 16 at the Golden Mask awards. All those present immediately drew attention to Pegova’s slimmer figure, emphasized by a fitted dress, and showered the girl with compliments. It is still unknown what helped Irina lose weight, but everyone is looking forward to the fact that sooner or later the actress will share her secret to being slim.

Christina Aguilera

During the period when Christina gained a lot of weight, she was not always recognized on the street. Aguilera fought with her weight for a long time, but then she came to terms and told fans that she felt comfortable with her weight and had no plans to lose weight.

But it was not there. In a few months, Christina changed beyond recognition. In a month of hard training and a strict diet, the star was able to lose 10 kilograms!

In the first month, Christina decided not to torment herself with fasting, but chose the “1600” diet, which consists in dividing the daily diet into five meals, and its total calorie content is no more than 1600 kilocalories. This diet helps you get rid of the habit of overeating and helps you move to the next level - a more restrictive diet.

From size XL, Christina lost weight to the coveted S! “I feel sexy and seductive,” Christina does not hide from her fans.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The beauty evolution of Svetlana Khodchenkova is truly impressive, because the actress has lost almost 20 kg, and in the film “Bless the Woman” she is completely unrecognizable. In the image of a buxom beauty, Svetlana was also attractive, but for the sake of work she decided to be closer to accepted standards.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson is an example of someone who is okay with criticism in her direction. After the birth of baby Drew Maxwell Johnson, the star mother gained more than 30 kilograms and could not lose weight, which made her very worried. When the star began to receive comments about her figure being too curvy, Simpson decided to take control and take care of herself.

The result is obvious! In six months, minus 30 kilograms! Fans of the star were shocked when Jessica shared photos of herself in a swimsuit on Instagram.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina on her Instagram often boasts of her pumped up abs and physical fitness. The TV presenter really has something to be proud of, because being slim is not a gift from nature, but solely her merit. Ksenia experimented with many diets until she finally came to the most correct system - healthy food plus fitness.

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova looked very organic in the role of the plump, gossipy nurse from the TV series Interns, but she also decided to lose a little weight. Svetlana lost extra pounds after the birth of her daughter - by her own admission, the actress simply began to move more.

Tara Reid

In pursuit of the ideal figure, many people see no limit. The American Pie star gained 10 kilograms for her role in the film several years ago, but then began to lose weight, and when it was time to stop, Tara decided to lose “a little more.”

The actress never made great efforts to lose weight: a little sports, proper nutrition and fasting days - Tara’s recipe.

As a result, many fans conclude from Tara’s figure that the actress has anorexia. But Reid doesn't see the problem and believes that you can never please the public. “I’ve gained weight – I’m fat, I’ve lost weight – I’m anorexic! I don’t want to depend on the opinions of others,” the star admitted in an interview.

Rene Zellweger

Zellweger succeeds best in sacrificing her figure for the sake of the role. For the sake of “Bridget Jones's Diaries,” Renee gained weight and lost weight, then for the role in “Chicago” she lost weight... And in the end - an offer to participate in “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.” For the last role, the star had to gain 6 sizes in a short time!

After the last “diary”, Renee turned to specialists to get back in shape. First, a gentle diet was chosen, which would prepare for a more restrictive diet. The nutritionist created a special light program for the actress, which excluded flour, sweets, fatty foods and alcohol. Zellweger's diet included turkey, tuna, salads and steamed vegetables. All products could be consumed without oil and salt.

The strict diet consisted of one grapefruit, apple and orange for the whole day, as well as 2 liters of water and herbal teas. The actress was on this diet for a whole month and achieved results. Now the “grapefruit” diet has become less strict: half a grapefruit before each meal.

Recently, Renee completely shocked the public. Zellweger not only lost weight, but with the help of specialists changed her face beyond recognition.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak began having problems with excess weight after the birth of her child, but the singer did not lose her head, pulled herself together and lost 15 kg! Anya’s secret is simple: work, work and work again. Ani was very active in sports and dancing, which, of course, is noticeable in her toned figure.

Ekaterina Skulkina

It would seem that being overweight did not bother Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Skulkina at all. On the contrary, weight was an integral part of her comic images. However, Catherine herself was tired of the image of a plump woman - the actress decided to radically change her image and lost 15 kg. We can’t help but notice that now Skulkina really looks great!

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew has never had problems with being overweight, but when a role in a promising project is at stake, stars make any sacrifice. For his role in the film “Dallas Buyers Club,” McConaughey lost almost 20 kilograms!

The actor did not hide his unusual diet from his fans. Matthew drank Diet Coke, ate a few egg whites and a piece of chicken for breakfast, and then continued drinking Diet Coke.

Having learned about this method of losing weight, experts were worried: such a diet could lead to big health problems. The one culinary treat that Matthew couldn't resist was tapioca pudding.

McConaughey admitted that he lost 3-4 kilograms every week, but such a diet shook his psychological state.

Zach Galifianakis

The same cheerful fat man from the famous comedy “The Hangover” not only changed his image for the new role, but practically changed beyond recognition. Since the actor rarely appears in public, fans and colleagues were shocked at the premiere of the film Birdman.

Unfortunately, the actor did not comment on his changes, but only asked not to pester him with questions. Zach believes that every person, regardless of his profession, has the right to his personal life.

Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina approached her role in the recently released film “Battalion” responsibly. She cut her hair into a crew cut and lost weight beyond recognition. To achieve her goal, Vilkova went on a very strict diet, but according to fans, Vilkova’s appearance can tell that she has health problems.

After giving birth, Ekaterina went on a strict diet, which, according to her, made the path to slimness easier.

Russian cinema has long established itself on the world stage, thanks to talented performers. For example, Ekaterina Vilkova can be called the face of Russian cinema, who has already managed to star in important productions and TV series, having won the trust of numerous fans. Moreover, during her career, the actress managed to demonstrate personal success and acting skills.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina was born in 1984 in Nizhny Novgorod. Despite the fact that her family was not rich, she tried to prove herself both in kindergarten and at school. Over time, she turned into a real star. Now her height is 170 cm, and her weight is just over 50 kg. With all this, Vilkova is only 33 years old, but she looks amazing. This suggests that she carefully monitors her figure in order to delight her fans not only with her performance on stage, but also with her stunning beauty.

Biography and personal life of Ekaterina Vilkova

From an early age, Katya learned to live independently, since her parents were constantly traveling or at work. My father worked as a local electrician in Nizhny Novgorod, and my mother worked as a waterman.

According to Vilkova, as a child her character was tempered through sports. After all, Katya managed to attend such sections as rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, basketball, volleyball and much more. She was lucky enough to become a candidate for master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. However, she still chose the acting path. Of course, her parents supported her, creating all the conditions for the development of cinematic art.

As a teenager, Vilkova spent days and nights in the acting workshop, although she understood that she would not become a real star in Nizhny Novgorod. After graduating from high school, Ekaterina set off to conquer Moscow by entering the Moscow Art Theater School.

She didn’t waste time at the Moscow Institute; she studied during the day, and in the evenings she auditioned for various shows and series. She got her first serious role in mid-2005. We are talking about a film like “Satisfaction”. In this film she gained invaluable experience from Sukhorukov and Domogarov.

Today, the actress has her own filmography, which is impressive in its scope:

  1. "Demons."
  2. "You can't catch us."
  3. "Full breath."
  4. "Fathers and Sons".
  5. "Hipsters."
  6. "Book of Masters".
  7. "Black Lightning".
  8. "Palm Sunday".
  9. "Christmas trees."
  10. "PiraMMMida."
  11. "On hook!".
  12. "Exchange Wedding"
  13. “What else do men talk about?”
  14. "White Guard".
  15. "Three Musketeers".
  16. "Kuprin".
  17. “And the dawns here are quiet.”
  18. "Hotel Eleon".
  19. Hotel "Russia".

Today, Ekaterina Vilkova is considered a very popular actress, so she works in several projects at once, including “Poor Girl” and “Poor Shaman.”

As for Hotel “Russia” (TV series), the film was released on Channel One and caused a large number of positive responses. The series clearly conveyed the era of the Soviet Union, when important events for the country took place at the Rossiya Hotel. Party leaders, SRC agents, foreigners, athletes, and crime bosses stayed there. At that time, the USSR was preparing for the Olympics, and in the hotel there were local showdowns, where the authorities turned the heads of the participants in the film.

According to Ekaterina, her character initially struggles with emotions and feelings, but at some point she gives in to passion. In the film, she is completely immersed in a love relationship that draws you in with its unusual story.

Family and children of Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina has a daughter, Pavel, and a son, Peter, from her beloved husband, Ilya Lyubimov. Immediately after the wedding in 2011, Vilkova and Lyubimov began to take care of family life, and already in 2012 a daughter appeared, and two years later the actress gave birth to a son. Despite all the rumors and squabbles, Vilkova does not like to talk about her family, and if she mentions her relatives somewhere, then only positive things.

Many fans are interested in the question, are Taisiya Vilkova and Ekaterina Vilkova sisters? However, the girls are simply namesakes; this information is quite available on the Internet. Although Katya and Taisiya are very similar in appearance, resourceful fans immediately noticed this. It is worth noting that Taisiya is also a famous Russian actress, despite her 20 years.

Son of Ekaterina Vilkova - Peter and Pavel

Ekaterina Vilkova had a second child in 2014 - son Peter. Like Paul, the son Peter was born out of love and from one person. In this regard, Vilkova is old school. Before meeting Ilya, the actress had only a few romances, which ended in a sad separation. But after a certain time, happiness still overtook Catherine.

Daughter of Ekaterina Vilkova - Pavel

Pavel's daughter was born in 2012, a year after the wedding. This event brought the star couple closer than ever; this news spread throughout the CIS countries. By the way, they named their daughter after the Palm Sunday character. From an early age, Ekaterina teaches her children the right way of life and instills simple morality in life. After all, being a kind person and loving life is not an easy task. The couple does not hide the fact that their children are their dope; they recharge Ilya and Ekaterina with positive energy.

Ekaterina Vilkova's husband - Dmitry Lipskerov

As for her personal life, Vilkova preferred older men. Her real romances began to happen at a theater university. First, Ekaterina dated Pyotr Kislov for several months, then Mikhail Shevchuk won her attention. However, neither this nor this romance lasted more than 6 months, then Vilkova did not think about the family at all. Before getting together with Ilya Lyubimov, Katya briefly had an affair with the writer Dmitry Lipskerov.

In 2010, Ilya began dating Vilkova, and already in 2011 they had a beautiful wedding. Now on the Internet you can see photos of Ekaterina Vilkova with her husband and daughter. Moreover, every frame is a masterpiece, as their family is amazingly beautiful.

Despite the huge choice of admirers, Catherine settled on a colleague from the shop. Let us remember that Ilya and Ekaterina met at a gas station. During the wedding, Lyubimov had to climb to the fourth floor to see his bride.

At the moment, the actors are raising two wonderful children. Very often the family likes to be photographed for various publications, including glossy ones.

Photo by Ekaterina Vilkova in Maxim magazine

In addition to the fact that Ekaterina regularly appears in revealing outfits on Instagram, she is invited to appear in magazines for men. For example, she managed to show off her naked body in Maxim magazine. Of course, this news shocked a huge number of fans. On the cover, the actress was naked and in a swimsuit, and the candid photographs made her look at the actress differently. After all, this image made it possible to look at her in a new way.

A photo shoot for the magazine brought her fruit, and the actress began to be actively invited to star in TV series and films.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Vilkova

It is known that Vilkova spends a large amount of time at work, which negatively affects other aspects of her life. In this regard, many users express their concern in the comments to the photo.

Catherine has become a real idol and example for many fans, as she has her own clear convictions in this life. Sometimes she shares her thoughts on social networks, which makes her subscribers very happy. With her strength and talents, she managed to achieve high results in acting. She believes that if her parents had not supported her as a child, she would hardly have been able to reach such heights.

The most striking films in her career include the following films: “Supermanagers”, “On the Hook”, “Exchange Wedding”, “Raider”. Of her latest works, the most striking was “Hotel Eleon,” where she played the hotel director. The acting in the series is amazing, the dialogues and actions are thought out to the smallest detail. Fans are eagerly awaiting the next masterpieces from Vilkova.

Ekaterina Vilkova is not only a popular Russian cinema actress, but also a wonderful wife of actor Ilya Lyubimov and a caring mother of two children. Ekaterina Vilkova, her husband and children often take part in joint family photo shoots and give interviews about their lives. As the actress admits, she managed to find a balance between career and family and set her priorities correctly.

Early years, childhood, family

The future star of Russian cinema was born in Nizhny Novgorod (then it was the city of Gorky) in 1984. The family had nothing to do with creativity: the father was an electrician, and the mother held the position of a watchman. The family did not live well; Katya often wore her older brother’s clothes. The girl always grew up as an optimistic child, believing in a bright future and in her dream. Among the child’s hobbies, sports occupied a leading place: Katyusha was seriously involved in gymnastics and even became a master of sports. From childhood, parents taught their daughter to have an active lifestyle.

By the way, journalists often write that Ekaterina and Vilkova and Taisiya Vilkova are sisters. This is wrong. Katya has only an older brother, and with actress Taisiya Vilkova they are simply namesakes, although there are similarities in their appearance.

One day Katya went on vacation to a camp and began attending an acting club there. At first it was something of a hobby. At the age of 14, Katya decides that she can try to enter the theater, since she is good at speaking and performing. In 1998, she entered the theater school named after E. Evstigneev. While studying at the acting department, the young talent plays Ophelia on the stage of the theater in Nizhny Novgorod. The time had come to get a higher education, and Vilkova decided not to hesitate and went to the capital to continue studying for her favorite profession.

Ekaterina Vilkova: her star journey

Moscow submitted to the purposeful girl. In 2003-2006 she studied at the Moscow Art Theater School. The future star wanted to play at all costs, even in a small episode, so in her free time she went to numerous auditions and auditions. In 2005, the young actress had the chance to perform a small episode in the film “Satisfaction.” The first work, although it was insignificant, taught Vilkova a lot. She began to feel more confident in front of the cameras, and also learned some experience from her star colleagues on the set - Viktor Sukhorukov and Alexander Domogarov.

In her final year, Vilkova’s graduation project was the production “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones.” The teachers praised Ekaterina’s work very highly and said that she would be successful in the theater. However, the actress liked filming more.

After graduating from theater school, the budding actress begins auditioning for leading roles. Gradually, the film industry submits to her. From 2006 to 2010, Catherine’s filmography already includes about 15 films. The star did not become a hostage to one role, but showed the viewer different images. Critics and viewers especially praised Katya’s work in V. Todorovsky’s film “Hipsters,” where she played the stylish girl Betsy. After this role, the doors to big cinema opened wide for the performer.

Around the same time, film adaptations of the classics “Fathers and Sons” and “Demons” appeared on the talented girl’s track record.

In 2009, the artist further increased her popularity by playing in the science-fiction action film Black Lightning. In this film, Vilkova perfectly managed to convey the image of student Nastya, who makes the main character believe in herself. This was followed by the melodrama “Palm Sunday,” which Catherine also embellished with her participation.

Fans of Katerina Vilkova are looking forward to new films with the participation of a celebrity. It must be said that Katya does not stop there: new wonderful works appear in her filmography. In addition, the actress acts not only in films. In 2010, she was involved in A. Lominsky’s video “You Knew”, and a little later she played in the Dan Balan video. And in 2011, she participated in “Ice and Fire,” a famous television project on Channel One, where stars demonstrate their abilities in figure skating.

Ekaterina Vilkova - personal life, children, husband

In 2011, Ekaterina’s personal life changed for the better: she married actor Ilya Lyubimov. The couple met by chance at one of the events. The relationship did not arise immediately. The actors met later in the temple, which Ilya often visited. A more detailed acquaintance took place here. For most of his life, Ilya Lyubimov led a rather idle lifestyle. But in recent years he radically changed his life and became a believer. For complete happiness, all that was needed was the woman he loved, and after meeting him in church, the actor realized that Catherine would become her. In May 2011, the couple got married. A year later, the first child was born - Pavel's daughter. And in 2014, Vilkova became a mother for the second time, giving birth to a son, Peter.

As the actress has repeatedly admitted in many interviews, after meeting her husband, her life was divided into “before” and “after.” Together with her husband, daughter and son, she feels like the happiest woman in the world. Joint photos of the couple often appear in various publications; in them you can clearly see how harmonious these people are together.

The actress learned to combine career and family life. Although the star admits that family comes first and, if necessary, she would not hesitate to choose it over her career. The husband is sympathetic to Catherine’s busyness and does not create any conflicts about this, so the girl is beautiful.

Ekaterina Vilkova today - the latest news about her life

Ekaterina Vilkova, thanks to her talent and, of course, perseverance, became a real cinema star. She took part in diverse films and some Russian television projects. Fans actively follow not only the filmography, but also the personal life of their favorite. They discuss and comment on her photos on Instagram, which Katya often posts for her subscribers. Recently, followers have been concerned about changes in appearance

Down with fat and thick thighs, a woman all over the bed is no longer in fashion! The whole world promotes a healthy lifestyle and physical activity. Everyone has suddenly become slim and fit, and burgers and alcohol are gathering dust in a dark corner. PEOPLETALK will tell you which of the Russian stars started following a healthy diet and began to look great.


Nastya Kamenskikh has taken her figure seriously and now gives advice on losing weight to others, regularly posting on Instagram . The singer flatly refused sweets and starchy foods. For breakfast, Nastya eats oatmeal with a green apple, and for lunch, meat and vegetables. She prepares the food herself, spending an hour and a half on it. The singer takes groceries with her on trips and does not consume soda or fast food.


Polina was on a strict diet: one day she ate only rice, another - chicken, the third - only vegetables or light vegetable soup. And strictly until six o'clock in the evening. And of course, heavy physical activity helped her. The singer lost about 35 kg. Now she no longer goes on diets and follows a healthy diet.


Victoria starts her morning with a liter of water, and after some time eats a little papaya or a green apple to start her digestion. For her, the ideal breakfast is buckwheat. Victoria’s main rule is that you need to eat anyway, otherwise you won’t lose weight. Thus, the model is actively involved in sports and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Victoria denies that she followed any diet.

Anastasia Denisova (29)

Anastasia excluded sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks, fried and salty foods from her diet. The actress observed three-hour intervals between meals: a hearty breakfast, a light snack, a protein-vegetable lunch, a snack, dinner, and a light snack again. I drank three liters of water daily and exercised twice a week.

Anna Mikhalkova (41)

Anna Mikhalkova began to lose weight immediately after she gave birth to her daughter. The actress assures that she did not adhere to any diet, since she was breastfeeding the child, and this could have a bad effect on the baby’s health. Two months after giving birth, Anna began filming and her weight loss may also be due to her difficult work schedule.


Maria gained 27 kg during pregnancy. The actress was helped to lose weight by split meals and reducing her diet to 1200 kcal per day. There were no special restrictions on Maria's menu. This includes cereals, fruits, meat, fish, a lot of vegetables and even sweets. Maria is also actively involved in fitness, which she returned to a month after giving birth.


Physical activity helped Ksenia lose weight after giving birth. The TV presenter’s menu at that time looked like this: a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, lean meat, fish, whole grain cereals. The girl still follows a similar diet plan now. She also gave up sweets, pastries, white bread, fast food and carbonated drinks.


Tina has never been overly plump, but recently she began to carefully monitor her figure. We can see on the TV presenter’s social network how she actively plays sports and follows a healthy diet.

Ekaterina Vilkova (30)

Ekaterina lost weight for filming the film “Death Battalion.” To get herself in order, the star went on a strict diet, adding exercise to her schedule. The actress excluded all flour products from her diet and significantly reduced food portions.


Pelageya appeared noticeably slimmer during the third season of the “Voice” project. The singer does not hide the fact that she carefully prepared for filming, and spa treatments and a healthy diet combined with exercise helped her lose weight.

Roza Syabitova (53)

The main matchmaker in Russia, after an unsuccessful romance, decided to change her life and get in shape. To do this, she used the well-known salt-free diet in combination with physical activity. The main rule is fractional nutrition: the entire daily amount of food is divided into five to six meals. Rosa drinks at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water every day and has a fasting day once a week. Flour and meat dishes, as well as bananas, grapes, packaged juices and sweets are completely excluded.

Tatyana Arno (33)

Tatyana began to lose weight after she bet with Ksenia Sobchak (33) that she could lose 10 kg in a month. The actress managed to do this. Her menu: carbohydrates in small portions in the morning, and only proteins in the afternoon. Tatyana went to the gym every morning and took special pills that a friend brought her from France. These tablets improve digestion, but only work if you combine them with diet and exercise. As soon as the actress included this drug in her program, she began to lose weight faster.

Ekaterina Varnava (30)

Ekaterina assures: in order to lose weight, you don’t have to do anything special. Personally, she began to work a lot, started having breakfast, whereas previously she only drank coffee in the morning, and realized that under no circumstances should she go hungry. 15 minutes before eating, Ekaterina drinks a glass of water, which significantly reduces her appetite. The TV star does not engage in sports, because she already spends a lot of calories on the set.