Do-it-yourself volumetric numbers from paper. How to make volumetric figures for a birthday

Production time: 1 week for 4-5 hours a night.

materials: thick cardboard (large box), good large scissors, double-sided adhesive tape, PVA glue (or super glue), a simple pencil, a compass, a protractor, a long ruler - 50 cm, thin colored office paper, decorative ornaments if desired.

1. Draw a beautiful number 2 . To begin with, we lay out the Cardboard box, measure and draw on it the necessary borders of the figure (width: height). Next, we take a compass and draw 2 circles in the upper part of the workpiece in this way - first a small one, then set the distance between them (this will be the thickness of the number) and draw a large circle. Next, draw a straight line from the center of a small circle that bisects the 90 angle. Further, everything is clear from the figure.

I needed a figure with monograms, and therefore I also had to draw outlines by hand based on the figure drawn with a compass and rulers. It turned out like this

Here you can see the gaps on the folds of the box, after cutting them out, they need to be sealed with the remnants of cardboard.

2. Cutting. You need to cut in small steps, gradually bending the number up.

3. Pasting the workpiece with paper and adhesive tape . Before moving on to decorating the front with flowers, it is necessary to glue the back with paper of the desired color.

The front side must be completely glued with double-sided adhesive tape. As you move, you will need to peel off non-sticky paper from it (mustard color, I don’t know how to explain;)).

the previous photo shows how At first I experimented with paper for flowers - I tried corrugated paper, papyrus, but in the end I settled on office paper. She fit the best.

4. flower decoration .

Flower preparations are best done in the course of actions, and not in advance, because their sizes are different, and in some places very small flowers are needed.

So, we make a flower: we take a sheet of office paper and cut out an arbitrary circle.

Then we twist this spiral from the outer edge to the base (in the photo I marked it with a cross), grease the base with glue, press the folded part and glue it to the number (on the tape).

The size of the flower depends on how far the spiral is lowered and on the width of the spiral. Tighter - a small flower, wider and more relaxed - a large one. Thus, we decorate the whole figure.

Our finished version

The number 6 is the hero of many fairy tales and other genres of oral folk art. Among the people, this number was considered unlucky, and they tried to avoid it. However, today, when old superstitions are gradually fading into the past, it is very interesting for children to study this figure, because it is so similar to an inverted nine.

To draw the attention of children to the study of numbers, use riddles, poems, proverbs, tongue twisters, little rhymes and sayings. Whatever class a child goes to, he will always be interested in seeing photos, pictures and presentations. Coloring can play a big role in the development of fine motor skills.

Photo pictures

An excellent technique for attracting the attention of preschoolers and children who go to grade 1 can be the question: what does the number six look like. The guys can answer that it looks like a nine, if you turn it over. And what else can a six look like? Let the children express their assumptions, sometimes the most unexpected ones. Such questions stimulate the development of fantasy, creative thinking. You can also ask the guys what a Roman numeral looks like. She looks very unusual, and looks like an old woman leaning on a wand.

To make it easier for children to show their imagination and find associations, a picture, photo, presentation will help you, where you will find many objects similar in appearance to the number 6.

Poems, counting rhymes

Floorboards, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, riddles will be excellent assistants to teachers and parents in working with children. You can download them on our website. Children who go to grades 1-4 can be given a homework assignment to pick up a rhyme where the number and number 6 will be involved. Let them pick up the material and learn it by heart.

Riddles play a huge role in the development of thinking. They are a special kind of oral folk art, in which a description of an object or phenomenon is given, and the child must guess what it is about. Riddles use a special kind of artistic expression called metaphor. Riddles about numbers will help kids better remember what the number and number 6 look like.

Proverbs and sayings are also genres of folk art, but they acquire a more instructive character. Proverbs and sayings can be used during the lesson for children who go to grades 1-4 in order to develop speech. Children can be asked to find proverbs and sayings at home, where the number 6 sounds. Such tasks develop independence and the ability to think. It is not without reason that proverbs have become an expression of folk wisdom.

For the development of speech, poems, tongue twisters or poems by modern authors are perfect. Tongue twisters exist not only folk, but also author's.

If you take poems for classes with kids, then it is better to use poems written by S. Marshak, A. Barto and other well-known modern authors. Such poems are created especially for children.

Visual Techniques

A great opportunity to interest preschoolers in learning the number 6 is coloring. Also, the coloring will be useful for children who go to grades 1-4 for the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Excellent visual aids for working with the guys will be a picture, presentation, photo. Interesting photos can be shown on the video, they can be included in the presentation. The number “six” can be placed on the photo, surrounded by objects that the kids need to count. Also, the presentation can be aimed at getting acquainted with examples where the number 6 is involved. You need to solve them with the teacher or together with the parents. The presentation and photos are on our website: they can be downloaded for free.

How to write?


Number Composition

Developmental tasks and recipes

I propose to print and complete simple and interesting tasks about the number 6.

So what's in store for us?

  1. You will need to count 6 multi-colored hearts.
  2. Find the number 6 among the other numbers and circle it.
  3. Count umbrellas, lightning bolts and monkeys (there will be 6 of them).
  4. Draw a line and find the number 6 hidden in the hearts.
  5. Circle the large number 6, starting from the arrow, with multi-colored pencils.
  6. Draw 6 stars around the moon.
  7. Find the number six in the picture with the bunny and color it.

The tasks themselves about the number six can be downloaded for free here.

Recently, large and small numbers made of cardboard, created especially for kids, have been popular: they are used for birthdays and other themed holidays. We have collected for you the best options for do-it-yourself volumetric numbers from paper: schemes and templates will help you quickly make the desired combination of a number series and use it in your idea.

What are numbers for?

As a rule, figures are made for. They look unusual and delight all the guests of the house: the grandparents of the baby are especially touched, because the number not only decorates the room, but also eloquently indicates that the baby has become older. The numbers serve great backdrop for thematic photos: the baby can pose with numerous relatives or on his own.

Numerical figures do in any event agency, however, parents will save a lot by making such crafts with their own hands. Their production is extremely easy and does not take much time: good imagination and creative skills will help you create paper numbers that will look no worse than purchased ones. About how to do it and what is needed for this in detail we will tell in the article.

Materials for manufacturing

If there is a very small baby in the house, and you have not yet got hold of stationery, we advise you to immediately go to the needlework store. Create a note in the phone, so as not to forget the tools that you need to purchase for future crafts:

  • Cardboard
    The size depends on the size of the number you are going to make. For a large number of numbers planned to be used as props for a photo shoot, it is better to prefer A4 thick cardboard. if there are huge crafts in the plans, you will have to be creative and find large boxes of large household appliances. The easiest way to do this is to ask at the store: usually sellers are happy to give away unnecessary packaging from goods.
  • Scissors
    Take comfortable scissors: when cutting cardboard, they should not rub the places of contact with the skin.

  • If you still don't have a clear idea in your head of what your number should look like, choose the colors that you will like the most in the store. Otherwise, select the material according to the idea.
  • Twine
    Get a couple of skeins of twine if the planned event will be held in a rustic style.
  • Construction stapler
    A stapler is needed when working with thick cardboard. Without it, the creation of three-dimensional figures will become almost impossible.
  • glue gun
    Required for fastening parts
  • Rulers, pencils, erasers
    Materials are needed for the design and marking of numbers on sheets of cardboard.
  • Additional materials
    Purchase additional materials as needed. These include: textiles, beads (beads), napkins and colored paper, knitting threads, tinsel.

We make a frame of volumetric figures

Big numbers have a big advantage: child can play with them and rearrange to any place in the apartment. At the same time, a well-made figure will last more than one year.

Follow instructions if you want to make a volumetric figure:

  1. Decide on the sizes. Depending on this, choose the material: ordinary A4 size cardboard or a large refrigerator box.
  2. On a piece of cardboard draw number by hand or using a template. Templates are given below.
  3. Cut out the number. Use scissors or a utility knife for this. If you cut out only one shape, then the craft will turn out flat: you can hang it on the wall or make holiday skewers with the age of the child.
  4. For a three-dimensional figure, prepare two identical numbers. In addition, cut out strips of cardboard that will serve as a layer between the templates. Band width define depending on the size of the number.
  5. Attach two templates and inner strips with a construction stapler, paper tape or a glue gun.
  6. Decorate the resulting frame, depending on the idea and materials at your disposal.

Variants of volumetric figures from improvised materials

We have made extensive compilation volumetric figures created by craftswomen especially for their kids. Some options are given with a description, so you there will be no difficulties with the performance of particularly complex figures.

Gorgeous colored paper numbers are made very easy, however, they often take several days of painstaking work to create. If you want to make a neat craft, take the creation of decorative elements into your own hands. baby can render minimal help: submit sheets, choose colors or glue decor elements in the indicated place. detailed instructions for decorating letters with paper flowers is indicated in the photo tutorial.

Numbers from buttons

Such a figure will come out in a tidy sum if you are not a craftswoman with a collection of buttons. Glue the buttons on cardboard or paper, dropping a little superglue into the middle. If thin cardboard is used and the figure does not exceed the size of an A4 sheet, the buttons can be sewn on with contrasting threads. This will give the craft special charm.

The figure with images of a baby or a family is performed in a three-dimensional and flat version. To fix photographs on paper need glue PVA or small scraps of adhesive tape.

fluffy number

Looking at such creations it is difficult to hold back a smile: they are soft and fluffy want to touch them. Imagine how nice it is for a baby to cuddle up to a three-dimensional figure?

Making it easy: select the threads for knitting the desired colors. Next with follow instructions:

  1. Wind the threads around the object of the desired size. It can be a regular mug or planter.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, fold it in half. Bandage the core.
  3. Cut the threads along the edges, fluff. The soft pom-pom is ready.

Thread craft

Another option for crafts using knitting threads. Just wind the frame as it shown on the picture. You can arrange a composition a single color or mix several contrasts. For a rustic party, use twine.

Corrugated paper numbers

In this performance fantasies there is where to roam. A variety of colors and decoration techniques will help you create a figure to your taste and needs. Here are the simplest frills, and flowers, and the usual pasting: look carefully at the photo and draw ideas from the finished work of young mothers.

From napkins

Do not think that numbers made from improvised materials will look ugly, because the work of the master is afraid. Examine the photos below: all volumetric figures are made by ordinary women. In the process of work, they used only templates of numbers and napkins that ended up at home. Try it too: the result will exceed expectations!

The simplest option, requiring a minimum of effort and cost. Purchase wrapping paper, appropriate in style to the event, and wrap the frame of the figure. Despite the simplicity, the result is very nice. Examples in the photo.

Purchasable Items

If there is no time to cut flowers and think through the details, purchase in store ready decor elements. It can be flowers, beads or wrapping paper for flowers.


This option is suitable for lovers of needlework. With the help of modern fabrics, you can create amazing drawings and compositions on numbers from ordinary cardboard and paper.

Making DIY crafts is easy. It just takes a little time, patience and a couple of fresh thoughts. You can get them from the Internet, including from the article “Do-it-yourself volumetric figures from paper: schemes and templates”.