How to design your own batman costume. Batman costumes Do-it-yourself batman costume from garbage bags

The eve of New Year's parties is almost always a headache for parents. Especially if the child wants to take on some special image, for example, a superhero costume. The hero of films and the animated series, Batman, enjoys great love among the guys. Of course, such a suit can be purchased at the store. But since such “fashionable” carnival outfits are not cheap, we suggest that you simply put your child in black trousers and golf, sew him a black one and a raincoat. True, the easily recognizable black mask of Batman is undoubtedly considered the fundamental part of his costume.

How to sew a Batman mask?

The most realistic do-it-yourself Batman mask is obtained by sewing it. You will need the following materials:

  • a piece of felt or an old felt hat;
  • scissors;

So, let's start making a Batman mask:

How to make a Batman mask?

If the previous method seems too complicated for you, we suggest you sew a very simple Batman mask. To make it, you again need a small piece of black felt. Also, prepare the following:

  • wide elastic band;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • safety pins;
  • threads in black and contrasting colors.

Batman carnival costumes

Batman (man-bat) is a fictional superhero. Batman is the secret alter ego of billionaire Bruce Wayne, a successful industrialist, philanthropist and lover of women. As a child, Bruce witnessed the murder of his father, physician Thomas Wayne and mother Martha Wayne, who were shot by mugger Joe Chill. Bruce vowed to dedicate his life to fighting for justice and fighting crime. He prepared for this both physically and mentally. To confront the criminals, he takes to the streets of the fictional American city of Gotham, where all the events take place, wearing a bat costume. With the help of several characters, including partner Robin, butler Alfred, police commissioner James Gordon, and the occasional superhero Batgirl, Batman confronts a criminal community, corrupt representatives of Gotham's authorities, and a group of villains, including the Joker, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Penguin. Batman does not have superpowers, he uses his mind, martial arts skills, knowledge of science and technology, and also shows an unbending will, the ability to inspire fear and intimidate his enemies. Batman, in his confrontation with criminals, never kills anyone and never takes revenge on anyone.

Have you been invited to a costume party or are you going to Halloween? Are you still wondering what to wear? Take a closer look at the superhero Batman. We offer carnival costumes of the main characters from Batman for you and your friends, for children and adults! The choice is very huge! We will help everyone to turn into Batman, the Dark Knight, Deathstroke, Penguin, Robin, Joker, Riddler, Bane, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Catgirl or someone else! Don't forget about accessories, and each hero has plenty of them! We have everything you need to create the perfect look for Batman or any other hero! So stock up on a good mood and forward to the fight against crime and for justice!.

Choose your Batman costume!

Carnival Batman costumes for the family

Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and fun? And certainly the whole family? We have for you a huge number of options for carnival costumes from Batman for you and your children. Dream up and decide who in your family will become Batman, the Dark Knight, Deathstroke, Penguin, Robin, Joker, Riddler, Bane, Batgirl, Harley Quinn or Catgirl. All carnival costumes of Batman and other heroes are presented in both children's and adult sizes. We are sure that everyone at the party will envy such a defiant, bright and friendly team!

Batman is a man-bat. Therefore, in order to transform into such a fairy-tale hero, you need to sew a bat costume, or, as it is also called, a Batman costume with your own hands.

This outfit is perfect for boys on New Year's Eve or any other carnival. It can also be used during staged games.

The Batman costume can be worn not only by a child, but also by a man. In this case, such an outfit is made in exactly the same way as a suit for a boy.

The costume consists of two parts: a mask and a cloak. You will also need trousers as an addition. They can be purchased separately at the clothing store.

The raincoat is made from an old umbrella. To do this, carefully remove the raincoat fabric from it. In this fabric, make a cut so that it turns out "under the neck".

After that, an incision is made in this cutout for inserting a zipper. Please note that the head must fit freely in this cutout. Baste and sew on the zipper with a sewing machine. Trim the neckline.

Take any pattern and sew on it a hat for a Batman costume with your own hands.

The mask is made of cardboard in the same way as any other carnival mask. Measure your forehead and draw a line of the same size on the cardboard. Add another 7-20 cm to its length. Fold the paper in half, draw another line perpendicularly. It should be the same size as the height of the forehead along with half the bridge of the nose. Form, based on the drawn, a mask, cut out places for the eyes and the mask as a whole.

Glue the ears to the mask. They are also made from cardboard.

Blend the resulting mask with ears with water-based paint and cover with black. As a fixer, use varnish or tape.

You can also use another version of the mask for the Batman costume, described in this video:

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A truly unique character. Over the years of its existence, the Dark Knight has not only not lost its popularity - each new generation admires this amazing hero. He is famous for his bat suit, which is both practical and functional. This is an outfit that will help to have a good time at any costume party. After all, making a Batman costume with your own hands will not be the slightest difficulty.

Image selection

Making a costume is easy, but it is only initially important to decide which of the many Batmans to give preference to. This character was created back in 1939 - since that moment the outfit has undergone numerous changes. But there are two most popular styles that fans of this cult hero most often choose for themselves.

The Dark Knight is Batman, who appeared after the famous Batman Begins tape. This hero, who acts as an exile. Romantic and mysterious image.

Batman Detective is the protagonist of popular comics. When creating a kids Batman costume with your own hands, you should choose this stylish and bright look that allows you to fully enjoy the upcoming holiday.

Stage 1: base preparation

To get started, stock up on a suitable jumpsuit or buy a black suit , perfectly fitting the figure and tightly fitting it. It should be elastic enough not to restrict freedom of movement at all. It is best to purchase a similar basis for the main outfit in a fancy dress store, which will surely have everything you need.

If there is a party on the street, and even a summer evening is sometimes surprisingly cool, then a do-it-yourself batman costume for a boy should be made based on neoprene, which is usually used by professional surfers to conquer the elements.

In the fight against evil, one cannot do without protection - armor is important when creating a costume. As a rule, they are black, and therefore you will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of black paint. At the same time, it is important to protect not only the back and chest, but also the arms as well.

A spectacular image will be complemented by inflated muscles playing under a tight-fitting suit. But if there is no time to run to the gym, and the party is about to come, then you can buy colored foam or material such as polystyrene foam, which can be repainted in any color. Such armor will add volume and help make the image more masculine and stylish.

When looking for how to make a Batman costume with your own hands, it is important not to forget, be sure to decorate it with a bat emblem. This is the main detail of the image, thanks to which it is easy to recognize the popular hero. The easiest way is to use a special template - just print it out, cut it out and stick it on cardboard.

Long black gloves are another key detail of the look. In length, they should reach the elbow - you can use ordinary household products, painted black. On each hand are dense, hard fins directed backwards from their owner.

A tool belt completes the look. It is a wide dark belt with special pockets used to store the main arsenal. You can easily make such a product yourself, using a piece of black fabric and several small boxes.

What tools does Batman use? There are several of them:




Focusing on the image of the hero, you can either sew a Batman costume with your own hands, carefully considering the necessary details, or buy it in a specialized store.

Stage: costume formation

After the main stages of preparation have been completed, it is worth moving on to the direct formation of the image - a Batman costume for the New Year with your own hands requires careful preparation.

The outfit will complement the free cloak rectangular in shape, reaching straight to the ankles. It is very important to try it on before the holiday in order to adjust the length of the product - it should not interfere and confuse. You can make it from any materials, for example, rip and repaint an old set of bed linen. If this is not available, then in the fabric store there will definitely be something suitable, be it cotton or satin.

Strict military shoes are best suited to the image of such a superhero. It can create a brutal and stylish look.

And, of course, mask . It reliably hides the face, protecting the character from extraneous attention. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the compliance of the selected product with the finished image. The Dark Knight wore an elastic mask that featured a heavily pointed nose. It reaches almost to the very mouth, covering more than half of the face.

Despite the presence of a mask, it will not be superfluous to use special makeup - this will help to designate circles around the eyes to create an impeccable image.

Option 2: Batman Detective

This option is created much easier and faster than the image of the Dark Knight. Tight clothing also acts as a basis - it is best to choose a gray suit. To make your appearance even more spectacular, it is worth making artificial muscles that give the figure an additional relief. Neoprene clothing is also suitable.

In a special suit it would be more convenient, but it is by no means the main detail of the image. Therefore, if it was not possible to buy a suitable outfit, then do not worry - you just need to choose the right gray clothes. The main thing is that it should be comfortable and fit well on the figure. Pants should be tucked into shoes. And, of course, you need a belt with tools, the presence of which will allow you to immediately understand which character the costume is dedicated to.

Over the main outfit, you should wear black shorts or shorts. Blue and dark gray shades of underwear are also suitable.

With the help of special foam or pads from the fabric store, give the body the desired relief. In extreme cases, small balloons that are only slightly inflated are suitable.

After that, armor is put on that will cover the back, chest and part of the arms. They must be decorated with a suitable pattern - this is a classic bat on a black or yellow background.

Batman's gloves are high, reaching to the elbow, decorated with 3 rigid fins pointing backwards.

The tool belt should be yellow, and in the center it will be decorated with a buckle with a symbol of the hero. On the sides are numerous arsenal used by the character. You can buy it at costume store , do it yourself or adapt the old belt for this purpose, supplementing it with the necessary details.

The presence of a wide arsenal of means to fight evil allows you to make the costume realistic. A rope, a walkie-talkie, a device that plots a route and a boomerang - all these details are easy to buy at the store.

When creating a Batman costume for the New Year for a child, it is worth making a long rectangular cape that perfectly completes the look. Its blue lining is in perfect harmony with the main suit. The “highlight” of such clothes is that the floors of the cloak look like bat wings.

The shoes are strict, high, reaching the knee. No embellishments, glitter or clasps. These can be military or ordinary dark-colored rubber boots.

Batman mask - you can buy ready-made or sew from elastic fabric. The main thing is that she closes her eyes, and her nose stands out with a sharp triangle.

Method 3: The company is more interesting!

It is worth not only sewing a Batman costume with your own hands, but also thinking over a paired look. After all, why not impress everyone at the party? An excellent company for this character will be:

Robin - a boy who is guarded by a brave hero. The main thing is that these two costumes correspond to the same period. It can be both a bright image and a spectacular black color that matches the image of the Dark Knight.

Joker - this costume is very easy to create. Stylish purple clothes in a classic style, makeup that makes the face snow-white, paints that allow you to outline the eyes, a green wig and red lipstick - the outfit is ready.

Catwoman - stylish, spectacular, graceful. Her costume is beautiful and sexy and goes well with Batman's style.

A few more villains such as Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, the Riddler and Two-Face can attend the party.


The chosen Batman costume will not give you super strength. And therefore, in the fight against evil, you have to rely only on yourself - regardless of the chosen appearance, the hero will be protected only by his good preparation and existing battle skills.

See, papercrafter, how to make a Batman mask.

Many people ask two eternal questions - how did life on earth originate and how to make a Batman mask with your own hands? We are happy to inform you that you have just found the answer to one of these questions. Comrades, we print, we look at pepakura, we read the forum and enjoy our man-made masterpieces. Moreover, we have more than one Batman mask, but we will throw off the two most successful of the available ones.

So, the first option on how to make a Batman mask takes 14 pages in pepakura. Although it has a few more pages than the second version, it is assembled a little easier due to the large number of small but simple details. It is worth noting that these instances of Batman masks differ from each other not only in the number of parts and complexity of assembly, but also in shape, appearance, so to speak.

How to make a DIY Batman mask -

The second version of the Batman mask takes 11 pages in pepakura. The polygonality of this mask is much higher than that of the first one. The details are mostly solid, which is good news, however, this is overshadowed by a large number of cuts and joints. In some places, they may not be cut, where the line is solid and there are no docking "ears", but I'm afraid that lovers of scissors will have a hard time here, so I advise those who have not done this to stock up on a scalpel.