Meaning of grapevine tattoo. Grapes tattoo Grape vine tattoo for men

A tattoo in the form of a grapevine can be called feminine. Flexible branches have long been identified with a calm, pliable character and a thin figure. A woman can be intoxicating, like wine from a generous vine.

A tattoo can be applied to almost any part of the body; it can be combined with a variety of elements and varies in size and color. The theme gives the tattoo artist the opportunity to show his imagination.

Christians believed that the image of a vine is an image of peace, like the image of a dove.

Residents of ancient Greece believed that the grape vine was a symbol of Dionysus, the deity who patronized winemaking; it was considered a kind of sacrifice for him. The Celts interpreted the image as a symbol of determination and strength. Pagans believed that the vine was a symbol of eternal life and rebirth. An analogy can be drawn with images of a tree, a phoenix and the sun.

The image of a vine is also considered a symbol of hospitality, fertility and abundance. This is an image of prosperity, wealth and luxurious life. The vine is also an image of development, the desire for inner growth, purposefulness, wisdom and resourcefulness. It is a symbol of youth, positivity and joy.

A vine tattoo is often complemented by leaves and tendrils - enhancing the symbolism of growth and prosperity. There are also tattoos that depict a grapevine with light butterflies fluttering around it.

The image is applied to the back, ankle, hips, shoulders and calves.

To figure out what a tattoo with a picture of a vine means, you need to know the attitude towards grapes of the peoples in whose territory they grow. The ability of the vine to obtain moisture even from dry soil in order to nourish rich bunches of grapes is amazing. Therefore, the vine is identified with wisdom and tranquility. The vine gives life - it is an image of hope and love of life, joy in admiring the world around us.

In many ways, the interpretation depends on the manner of depicting the vine, on what it is: young and flexible or strong. In the second case, the image will be interpreted as self-confidence. The wine produced from the grapes produced by the vine quenches thirst and intoxicates. Therefore, we can say that the owner or wearer of a tattoo can calm with his voice, energy and beliefs.

Some peoples compare this symbol with the tree of knowledge. Even wives were compared to fruitful vines, in a sense this is an image associated with marriage. The vine is considered a positive symbol that can speak of high aspirations and a desire to do good. The image cannot be interpreted unambiguously, because each owner has his own opinion about the interpretation and chooses the meaning that he likes best.

A grape tattoo signifies wisdom, calmness, confidence, fertility, abundance, determination, resourcefulness, inner growth, wealth, luxury, prosperity, energy.

Meaning of grapes tattoo

Grape tattoos are very popular. Now every second person who has tattoos on his body, one of them will depict a bunch of grapes. This tattoo distinguishes its owner with special sophistication and originality.

People have always associated grapes with prosperity and fertility. For a long time, people have been making wine that only the highest social class could afford.

In our time, such associations with grapes have not disappeared anywhere. People get grape tattoos to make their lives luxurious and rich.

In Ancient Greece, grapes were closely associated with Dionysus, the god of wine, who was depicted as a young, handsome youth. He spent his life in feasts, and his festive table always included bunches of grapes.

The ancient Greeks believed that by eating grapes and various drinks from the juice of their berries, they would remain forever young, live in abundance, and their life would be cheerful and carefree. It is thanks to these meanings that grapes began to be increasingly depicted on people’s bodies.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, grape berries began to symbolize the blood of Christ, the vine peace, as well as fertility, and the leaves help in solving complex problems.

Therefore, a person who decided to get a tattoo with the image of a bunch of grapes and leaves strives to help people, guide them, and resolve all conflicts in a peaceful way.

In Celtic culture, a bunch of grapes personified a determined person who knows how to use his strength, and among the pagans, grapes were associated with immortality.

Grapes can be depicted on the body with a vine, which, in turn, will symbolize development in business and spiritual growth. The vine also means calm and wisdom, cheerfulness and hope, because the vine is flexible and strong and has the ability to receive moisture even from dry soil.

A tattoo with a picture of grapes will look great on an ankle, shin, shoulder, or shoulder blade. Also, a bunch of grapes is often depicted with various colorful birds and bright butterflies, which not only looks elegant, but also expands the symbolism of the tattoo as a whole.

The tattoo is suitable for both men and women. If a woman decides to get images of grapes, then for her the tattoo will symbolize fertility, childbirth, as well as calmness and feminine wisdom.

For young girls, the meaning of such a tattoo will be somewhat different, namely the image of grapes will symbolize youth, cheerfulness and a positive mood.

Men who decide to choose a drawing of a bunch of grapes as a sketch for a tattoo will be characterized by this choice as reliable, noble, brave and generous people. Prosperity will come into their lives, and they themselves will become more energetic.

Who is it suitable for?
This symbol is equally popular among guys and beautiful ladies.
A person applying such a symbol tends to idleness. The ability to have fun at any moment in life.

Such a person is a reliable support for his family and friends. He is generous, noble and very cheerful.
But a love of planning funds and budgets is hardly his strong feature.

Places and style of tattoo.
What is especially attractive about this type of tattoo is its versatility. A tattoo in the form of a bunch of grapes can be made using any technique.
Also, a grapevine will be an excellent additional touch in the design of another tattoo or will look beautiful and harmonious as a separate independent tattoo.
The natural shape of the vine allows you to unleash your imagination when choosing places for a tattoo. A bunch of grapes can effectively wrap around the ankle, or can be placed just above the waist on the back.
Tattoos with the image of a bunch of grapes in natural size look especially impressive. If your master can work out every shadow and detail of the vine, it will become a real decoration of your body.
A whole branch with bunches of grapes will beautifully emphasize the gracefulness of a woman’s silhouette if such a tattoo is applied along the ribs.

Symbol meaning

The vine is a fairly ancient symbol.
U ancient Greeks grapes were considered a symbol of Dionysus, the god of wine and, at the same time, entertainment. He was portrayed in the video as a young, cheerful young man. Dionysus, as a rule, was depicted at the moment of celebration and feasting. An abundance of food, wealth, wine and fun is an integral part of the image of Dionysus. Thus, the meaning of a grapevine tattoo is: an eternal celebration of life, constant idleness and fun.

IN Christian culture the vine was considered a symbol of fertility. Also, grape juice (or wine) symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the atonement of human sins.

That is why wine is used in the rite of communion.

The grape leaf symbolizes Christian submission and readiness to follow the path paved by Christ. The vine brings calm and peace to the home.

Among the Celts According to their legends, grapes help to gain tolerance and wisdom. Symbolizes hospitality and abundance.

“Celts” are tribes of Indo-European origin, similar in language and material culture, who in ancient times, at the turn of eras, occupied a vast territory in Western and Central Europe. WikiPedia

The general meaning of such a tattoo can currently be formulated as “the ability to break through any difficulties, but still reach the sun.”
General characteristics of the symbol:

  • Generosity and nobility
  • Striving for inner harmony
  • Internal growth
  • Abundance

For women tattoo meaning slightly different:

  • fertility
  • childbearing
  • Abundance of "home"


In this video, a guy shows off his hand with a very realistic grapevine tattoo.

The imagination of a person who decides to place a tattoo of a grapevine on his body can be limitless. If it is a luxurious vine, it will highlight the seductive curve of your body. If you add various elements in the form of flowers, ivy, bunches of grapes, the effect will intensify.

These images always look attractive and people like them. But besides this, the meaning of a grape tattoo lies in the deep meaning of this image for the person who got the tattoo. Tattooing is applied consciously and has a specific meaning attached to it.

Even ancient people decorated their bodies with images of grapes or vines. In ancient Greek mythology, this sweet fruit was considered a symbol of Dionysus, the god of wine. He was portrayed by the Greeks as a cheerful, carefree and happy young man. There is always a bunch of grapes on his dining table and plenty of delicious food and drinks. This is how the Greeks portrayed their concept of abundance and satisfaction in life. Therefore, this meaning of the grapevine remained with subsequent generations.

Later among Christians, the grapevine symbolized fertility. But they also put another meaning into this symbol. Christians consider grapes to be a symbol of the blood shed by Christ. And the grape leaf is a symbol of Christ, who will save people, as well as the Christian church, which helps people follow the right path in life.

Nowadays, when tattoo culture is becoming more and more widespread, many people want to stand out from the crowd due to bright, catchy tattoos that attract the attention of passers-by. This is why images of fruits, berries and flowers are becoming so popular. And in this article we will try to determine the meaning of a bunch of grapes tattoo.

A Trip to the Past: The Symbolism of the Grapevine

The grapevine is often associated with wine and Greece, and for good reason. For the ancient Greeks, grapes were the personification of prosperity, abundance, wealth and luxurious life. According to ancient Greek mythology, a bunch of these juicy and sweet berries was an attribute of the god of wine, Dionysus. He was a young, attractive, always happy and carefree young man, and on his table, filled with delicious foods and drinks, there was always a grape branch. This is where the tradition of decorating jugs, amphorae and vases with images of these beautiful representatives of the flora began.

In the Christian religion, grapes became the embodiment of the blood of Christ, which he shed in the name of atonement for human sins, the vine is a symbol of his connection with his followers, and the leaf is a sign of humility, obedience and readiness to follow the right path. That’s why wine is used in church ceremonies and is considered a drink of purification and unity with God. Now, in our time, Christians believe that a bunch of grapes in the house brings comfort, tranquility, peace and prosperity.

This plant also found a place in Celtic culture. Grapes were believed to help gain wisdom, peace of mind and resilience, and were also associated with spiritual growth, self-knowledge and rebirth. The vine is often compared to the Tree of Knowledge.

Grapes in tattoo art

What could be the meaning of a grape tattoo, based on the attitude of our distant ancestors to this creation of Mother Nature? Of course, such a drawing in most cases carries a positive meaning. For representatives of the stronger sex, the image of a grapevine most often symbolizes determination, self-confidence and determination. There is an opinion that the owner of such a sign on the body will always be under the protection of higher powers. This tattoo is suitable for men with a strong spirit, stable in their beliefs, self-confident, striving for self-development and self-knowledge. It will characterize its bearer as a generous and noble person.

Of course, the grape tattoo, photos of which you can see in a wide variety of variations, is perfect for representatives of the fair half of humanity. Young beauties usually choose images of graceful, flexible branches with leaves and lush clusters. Also for ladies there are a whole lot of options for the arrangement of the pattern. This could be a delicate bracelet on the wrist or ankle, or maybe a branch running along the ribs or almost through the entire body, which will emphasize the beauty and grace of the curves of the female body. A grape tattoo would look good on the neck, shoulder or hips. In addition, the image of this plant for girls has a slightly different meaning than for men. On a woman’s body, the grapevine is a symbol of fertility, intoxicating beauty, calm, gentle disposition, home comfort, abundance and warmth.

Tattoo culture is very interesting and multifaceted. More and more original styles, trends and trends are appearing in it. For example, realism is considered one of the most difficult techniques to perform. A master working in this direction must be able to achieve maximum similarity of the tattoo with the original image. A drawing in the style of realism should not just look beautiful, but literally “come to life” on the body. This will require not only artistic talent, but also ingenuity, the ability to use various techniques, such as smooth color transitions, reflection, blur. Maximum realism of a drawing cannot be achieved without falling shadows, halftones, intermediate shades and a host of other effects.

Another quite interesting and popular style is. He is the personification of boundless imagination, fun, rebellion and a kind of recklessness. This is a youthful, very colorful, lively and unpredictable direction in the art of tattooing. New school has no color restrictions and opens the way to all kinds of experiments and even a philosophical perception of reality. The characteristic features of this style are bold and clear contours that make the drawing more noticeable and voluminous, and, of course, all sorts of bright colors, shades and accents. Bright, stylish, extraordinary, defiant and catchy - all this is new school.

Whichever of these styles you choose, your tattoo will look great and will definitely attract inquisitive, admiring glances. The main thing is to contact a professional and experienced master, and choose the right place for it. Large and round tattoos look best on the back, thighs or chest. For large vertically elongated sketches, shoulders, shins and ribs are suitable. By the way, scenes with grapevines look great for women’s tattoos under or above the chest. Well, if you chose a not very large picture, but you want it to be noticeable and become a true decoration, you can print it on your forearm.