Everything for breakfast in bed. Breakfast in bed is where the perfect morning begins! Holiday breakfast for your loved one

The history of International Women's Day on March 8 stretches back to 1908, when in New York, at the call of a women's organization, a 15,000 rally was held, demanding equal rights with men in wages, as well as for women's suffrage.

In 1910, in Copenhagen, an international women's conference was established. On this day, it was planned to hold events that should draw attention to women's problems: domestic violence, lower wages, rape, and more.

The UN annually celebrates International Women's Day as women's right to fight for equal rights and emancipation.

In our century, in the countries of the former USSR, March 8 is traditionally celebrated as a women's holiday. On this spring day, men give flowers and gifts to their beloved women, and “the original meaning of this day has long been forgotten.”

For us, March 8 is associated with the smell of mimosa, an abundance of colorful tulips, and in general with spring. Hence the spring high spirits, you want love and affection.

Every man tries to do something nice for his woman on this day. Give flowers and prepare breakfast for your beloved, something unusual, and serve it in bed.

And of course, many of our men are faced with the question: what and how to cook for their beloved wife or girlfriend in order to surprise her? So we will try to help them, prepare an unusual breakfast.

10.Video recipe:

Read recipes for how to prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one at home here.

Baked bananas for breakfast for your loved one

Very tender, tasty and satisfying breakfast

We need:

  • 4 bananas, peeled
  • 1/2 lemon, juice
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 100 ml yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 5 pcs dried apricots (can be raisins)
  • 50 g chopped walnuts


  1. Cut the peeled bananas into two halves lengthwise. Place them in an oval bowl (cut side up) and pour lemon juice over them to prevent them from darkening.
  2. Steam dried apricots with boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with yogurt, egg, nuts, dried apricots and honey.

Cottage cheese must be low-fat and well squeezed, then it will not “spread”

4.Place the resulting mass on bananas.

You can place various berries on top of the bananas prepared for baking: currants and raspberries.

5. Place the pan with bananas in the oven with a grill on the top shelf, bake for 8-9 minutes at 50% on the grill.

You can bake bananas in a regular, but preheated oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

The presentation of the serving can be done using melted white and dark chocolate, also with strawberries.

Diet salad with avocado for your girlfriend

We need:

For the salad:

  • avocado (300 g)
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 250 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g feta cheese (or feta cheese)
  • 150 g onion
  • green salad leaves
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 pcs cherry tomatoes

For refueling:

  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil the chicken fillet (cook for 20 minutes). Cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, add salt and marinate in apple cider vinegar.
  3. Cut cucumbers, feta cheese, and cherry tomatoes into cubes, separately.
  4. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  5. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  6. Let's get to the refueling. Mix all the ingredients, first squeeze the garlic through a press. Salt and pepper.
  7. We collect the salad. Mix fillet, onion, cucumbers and avocado into one bowl. Pour the dressing over the mixture and add feta cheese, mix everything carefully. Salad ready.

The salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise or replaced with sour cream sauce, adding mashed yolk from a boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard.

“Fried Egg” cake is a delicious gift for March 8th

We need:

  • 1 can canned peaches
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 1.-2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 10 g vanillin
  • 0.5 kg puff pastry (can be bought frozen at the store)
  • 50 g butter


  1. Sprinkle a piece of dough with sugar and roll out into a circle, 0.8 cm thick. Using a glass, cut out circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm. And form baskets, with small sides, about 1-1.5 cm in height.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with butter and arrange the dough baskets. Brush their edges with lightly beaten yolk. Prick the centers to allow air to escape during baking.

If it is possible to use silicone muffin tins, then grease the tins rather than the baking sheet.

3. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla, sugar and 1 yolk and mix thoroughly. We divide the cottage cheese in proportion to the number of baskets received.

4. Place the peach halves in the middle of the basket, cut side down, and cover them with cottage cheese around them. Cover the top with egg and bake in the oven for 1-15 minutes at 175 degrees.

You can serve it with coffee or tea, your favorite one, right in bed.

Persimmon and orange salad with pomegranate

We need:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1-2 persimmons
  • 2-3 tsp. yogurt


  1. Wash the persimmon, remove the receptacle and cut into large cubes.
  2. Peel the orange from the skin, partitions and also cut into large pieces.
  3. Peel the pomegranate and separate the seeds.
  4. We put pieces of persimmon and orange mixed into the bowls.
  5. Sprinkle with a handful of pomegranate seeds and pour over yogurt. You can sprinkle any nuts on top.

Tangerines in chocolate glaze

An unusual breakfast dessert for your girlfriend can be prepared using this recipe.

We need:

  • 1 kg tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa
  • 8 tbsp. water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon

We need:

  • 1 kg tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa
  • 8 tbsp. water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon


  1. First, we peel the tangerines, you can divide them into slices, or you can whole them, their surface should dry.
  2. .Preparing the glaze. To do this, mix cocoa, sugar and water in a saucepan. Place over low heat and bring the glaze to a boil while stirring. And simmer over very low heat for 5-6 minutes until the sugar caramelizes. Remove from heat and cool until the glaze begins to thicken.
  3. Dip the prepared tangerines into the glaze, envelop them on all sides and transfer them to plates.
  4. Drizzle more glaze over top and sprinkle with pine nuts and cranberries.
  5. Garnish with lemon slices and serve when the glaze has hardened.

Using this recipe, you can make any fruit chocolate and make any presentation, whatever your imagination suggests.

Cottage cheese casserole - an unusual breakfast from ordinary products

A very tasty, healthy dish, easy to prepare, which suits breakfast like no other dish.

We need:

  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. semolina
  • berries and fruits to taste (can be frozen)


  1. Mix cottage cheese, semolina, sugar, egg and beat.
  2. Grease the mold with oil. Place fruits and berries on the bottom and fill with the resulting mixture.
  3. Brush the top with egg yolk or sour cream.
  4. Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes or bake the casserole in the oven for 20-30 minutes

You can see another recipe for cottage cheese casserole.

Curd dessert - the most delicious breakfast in bed

We need:

  • 200 g baked milk cookies
  • 5 peaches (canned can be used)
  • 2 tbsp. gelatin
  • 4 tbsp. water
  • 1 cup cream 35%
  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 100 g powdered sugar


  1. Pour gelatin with water, proportion 1:2.
  2. Whip the cream.
  3. Chop the peaches into small pieces.
  4. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add whipped cream and beat. Add powdered sugar to the mixture and beat everything again.
  5. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a steam-water bath and pour it into the cottage cheese. Stir the mixture.
  6. Crush the cookies with your hands and mix with the curd mixture. Peaches are also added here.
  7. Take a baking dish, transfer the resulting mass, press down and put in the refrigerator for 45 minutes until the gelatin hardens.

Peaches can be replaced with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, kiwi, basically to your taste or your favorite.

Strawberry parfait for a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We need:

  • 200 g strawberries
  • 100 g baked milk cookies
  • 200 g 30% cream
  • 120 g sour cream
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 90 g powdered sugar


  1. First, mix sour cream with powdered sugar
  2. Separate from the sour cream, whip the cream with vanilla sugar.
  3. Carefully place the cream into the whipped sour cream and mix it. We have a mousse.
  4. Crush the cookies with your hands.
  5. Cut the strawberries into 4 parts.

7. Place the resulting products into the bowl in layers: 1st layer - cookies; 2nd layer - strawberries; 3rd layer - mousse and so on until we have used all the products. Decorate with whole strawberries and cookie crumbs.

Favorite drink: hot chocolate for breakfast for your beloved

Due to the content of theobromine in cocoa, it has an invigorating effect on the body, but is milder than caffeine. Cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. The ancient Aztecs used it to prepare the aromatic drink “chocolatl,” which is the “ancestor” of the modern drink, beloved by many, hot chocolate.

We need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa powder


  1. Let's boil the milk.
  2. Mix sugar with cocoa, pour in a little milk, stir so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk.
  4. Cook the drink, stirring, over low heat for about 15 minutes.

I think if you serve your girlfriend one of the proposed recipes for breakfast or a romantic dinner, she will be very grateful to you and will answer you with her tenderness and love!

Most people love surprises, not only to receive them, but also to give them to their significant others, especially pleasant and tasty ones. A quiet weekend morning is ideal for an unexpected surprise, because breakfast for your loved one in bed is a classic of romance, talking about love and care! A beautiful tray or even a specially purchased table is ready in the evening; all that remains is, almost without breathing, to sneak into the kitchen and start creating!

Romantic breakfast - options and ideas

If you have long been planning to please your man with breakfast in bed, then a table or tray should really be at your disposal. As well as beautiful napkins, flowers and a full refrigerator of products for the implementation of specific plans.

If the idea came to your mind impromptu, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is inspiration and competent initiative, and you can improvise a table! As for the lack of tablecloths and flowers, your beloved sleepyhead may not notice it at all. Especially if his attention is absorbed by something tasty. The main thing is to think about what to cook for your loved one for breakfast, and we will be happy to help you choose!

What should I cook for my husband for breakfast?

If he prefers hearty, “serious” food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then pancakes are clearly not an option. The following recipes will suit you:

Scrambled eggs in bell pepper or bread

  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • White loaf or toast bread – 1 slice
  • Black pepper - to husband's taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


Pour butter into the frying pan and, while it is heating, cut out hearts in the bread. They should take up almost the entire space so that the egg can fit in it. Place the bread in the pan and brown the pieces on one side. Turn them over and immediately pour an egg into each so that the yolk remains intact. A lid is not needed here and, if desired, you can sprinkle the top of the bread with grated cheese, black pepper or herbs.

Bread can be replaced with red bell pepper (1 pc.). It needs to be cut into rings approximately 1 cm high. They must be even! This is important, otherwise the egg will simply leak out. In the same way, fry the pepper on one side, and, turning it over, drive an egg into each ring. We decorate and add spices according to the taste preferences of the man we love.

"Hearty" scrambled eggs

For such a manifestation of tenderness and love you will need: sausages - 2 pcs.; eggs – 2 pcs.; frying oil; salt, spices, herbs - to taste; matches or toothpicks.

While the oil is heating up in the frying pan, we clean the sausages from the film and cut them lengthwise, but not all the way - leave about a centimeter - one and a half so that they do not tear when we roll them.

For better elasticity of the sausages, keep them in hot water for a couple of minutes. We bend both ends in the opposite direction so that the shape resembles a heart, and fasten them together with a match or toothpick.

Now the oil is hot enough to add! Just like with the bread and peppers, we only need to brown one side. Turning it over, break one egg into each mold, add salt and pepper and fry without a lid over open (slow) heat.

Sandwich with omelet

For such a breakfast for a man we need: toast bread or regular white bread - 2 slices; eggs - 3 pcs.; processed cheese; tomato, cucumber, parsley and dill; oil for frying.

Beat the eggs with salt and spices, pour them into a heated frying pan and, while the omelette is frying, cut the cucumber and tomato into thin slices, chop the greens.

If we have bread for toast, cut it in half to make triangles. Cut the well-fried omelette into the shape of bread. All is ready! Now spread the melted cheese on the bread, sprinkle with herbs and place one slice of cucumber, tomato and omelette on top of each other. Cover with another piece of bread, spread the cheese again, but on top. Sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit!

Salty croutons

A great option for a romantic breakfast for your loved one!

Ingredients for making croutons: half a baguette or a few slices of a regular loaf; milk – 30 ml; egg – 1 pc.; processed cheese; salt, spices, oil for frying.

While waiting for the oil to heat up in the frying pan, beat the egg with milk with a fork, add salt and add spices. Dip pieces of bread into the mixture, hold for a few seconds, letting them soak, and place on a hot frying pan. After frying the croutons on both sides, transfer them to a napkin to absorb excess fat, and then spread melted cheese on one side. Decorate with greenery!

Secret: if you want to prepare a romantic breakfast, you can cut heart-shaped pieces from the bread. It's not difficult - just take a paper stencil, put a slice on it and trim off the excess along the edges. Then you will get golden, salty hearts!

If your man is partial to desserts, he will love the sweet version of croutons. With them you will get a real French breakfast.

Sweet French toast

For sweet croutons we will need: 4-5 slices of baguette or muffin (any bun will do, preferably a slightly dry one); egg – 1 pc.; milk - 30 ml; sugar – 1 tbsp. l.; cinnamon and vanillin, butter.

We do the same as in the previous recipe, but instead of salt, add sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife and the same amount of cinnamon to the egg and milk mixture. Sweet croutons can be fried in butter - this will give the dish a special taste and aroma that goes so well with butter dough. The loaf slices will soak faster than regular bread, so we won’t keep them in the egg mixture – just dip them. Fry the croutons on both sides and, blot the fat with a napkin, place on a plate.

You can serve sweet croutons with honey, cream or fruit, or you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with a mint leaf.

Oatmeal, sir!

Don't be alarmed, it's not so bad - it can be an amazingly delicious dessert!


  • Oatmeal – 1 cup
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Salt - according to taste preference
  • Sugar (or honey) - to taste
  • Walnuts – 5-6 halves
  • Large fresh or frozen strawberries - 4-5 pcs.

Pour milk into the oatmeal, bring to a boil, add salt and sugar. Leaving the porridge to simmer over low heat, cut the strawberries into quarters and chop the nuts. After 5 minutes, add most of the chopped berries and nuts, leaving a few for decoration. After letting it simmer for no more than one minute, put the porridge on a plate and decorate with strawberry slices and nuts.

Heart shaped pancakes

This is a great option for a romantic breakfast, say, on Valentine's Day. It is prepared in a very original way.

Required products: water - 2 glasses; egg – 1 pc.; flour - 400 g; sugar – 1 tbsp. l.; salt - as much as you like; oil for frying.

Mix all ingredients and beat into a batter. We check it for salt and sugar, and then pour it through a funnel into a plastic bottle. We make a hole in its lid (with a hot nail or an awl) and, pouring the dough in a thin stream onto a heated frying pan, draw hearts. They can be made openwork, or you can fill the outline completely with dough.

Your imagination will not leave your loved one indifferent!

If the man you love doesn't eat breakfast...

After so many goodies that you want to cook and try yourself, the most offensive thing is to find out that your loved one categorically does not like breakfast.

It happens! He casually said that he couldn’t swallow a single crumb before noon, or that you had been living together for a long time and knew for sure that the “room” with a romantic breakfast wouldn’t work and after bed he really couldn’t eat anything. Then the most that will arouse in him your zealous desire to feed him is an embarrassed: “Darling... Can I leave it until lunch, huh?..” There will be no limit to mutual disappointment! Meanwhile, this is a common phenomenon - almost a third of the population of the civilized world does not bother their body with food in the morning.

Do not despair! There is a magic remedy! You can brew your loved one a cup of coffee for breakfast! Yes, yes, it's that simple! Find out what varieties he prefers, whether he drinks coffee with milk, cream or black. Or maybe he likes it without sugar, but with a slice of lemon.

It is not necessary to draw hearts on the lush creamy foam or try in a panic to give this shape to a spreading lemon. You just need to prepare what he is used to in the morning and serve this breakfast in bed. Men are not as picky about the appearance of food as women. They pay more attention to its taste and timeliness. Try it, you will see that your loved one will appreciate your care!

If you think that breakfast in bed is a stupid romantic idea and that you generally need to eat in the kitchen and not in the bedroom, then we advise you to think about it again. It seems like such a small thing, but it will certainly make your loved one happy. Believe me, you will need very little time and skill to make a simple, quick and very beautiful breakfast.

Idea No. 1

You don't need to hire a chef from France to cook. Moreover, you don’t have to cook anything at all, since supermarkets have been selling ready-made products for a long time.

What will you need? A regular tray, cereal, two buns, an egg (yes, it needs to be boiled), milk, a cup of coffee (the alarm clock in the photo is just for show). All! Is it difficult?

Coffee makers from the Hit Purchase store will help you prepare aromatic coffee for breakfast. Sweet cappuccino, strong espresso or invigorating Americano - you will find a coffee maker for any type of coffee on the store’s website.

Idea No. 2

Another simple option is with a small vase and flowers. Otherwise, everything is elementary.

What will you need? Regular tray, egg cup, croissant, egg, juice, vase, small flower.

What could be better than a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning? A juicer will help you prepare it. You can view the detailed characteristics of the products by following the links.

Idea No. 3

Look how elegant and appetizing berries and cream look in a simple glass. In addition, an elegant set of tableware was used for serving: two plates, a cup and a teapot. Surely you have at least one tea set at home (from your grandmother). Maybe it's his time? Stop gathering dust in the closet!

What will you need? Wooden tray, tea set, glass, egg cup, juice, egg, berries, whipped cream, bread, coffee.

Idea No. 4

And this is a breakfast option for two. Very tasty and appetizing. You can assemble such beauty in 5–10 minutes, but what romance!

What will you need? A large tray, two pairs of tea, two plates, juice, croissants, buns, eggs.

Idea No. 5

The beauty of this serving is in the beautiful tray. This is what brightens up the simplest breakfast. The tray is easy to grab by the handles and rearrange. Unusual glasses were used for serving, but we can easily replace them with classic mugs.

What will you need? Original tray, two glasses, plate, milk, cookies.

Idea #6

And again a tray with elegant metal handles. Please note: the author of the composition did not care much about the design, but the presentation still turned out cool. Take at least a neatly folded towel or a flower in a tiny vase. In one word - beauty!

What will you need? Original tray, tea pair, plates, towel, vase, flower, butter, jam, bread, coffee.

Idea No. 7

It looks like this breakfast was put together from everything that was in the kitchen. Uncomplicated and simply brilliant! A napkin with pretty flowers on which the plates stand gives the zest to this presentation.

What will you need? Tray, beautiful napkin, large white plate, tea pair, jug, glass, coffee, juice, tomatoes, cheese, crackers.

Idea #8

Interior stores sell many creative tables. For example, this one is covered with bright paper with a floral pattern. This way, the table becomes the center of attention, and all you have to do is prepare pancakes or toast and serve them with jam.

What will you need? Original tray, tea pair, pancakes, jam.

Idea No. 9

Breakfast for true aesthetes is thought out down to the last bun. There are white napkins, a shiny jug, juice, berries, sweets, and several types of jam. Take note if you want to make an impression.

What will you need? A simple tray, white napkins (small towels), white dishes, berries, coffee, juice, jam, buns, water, cream.

Idea #10

A great summer breakfast for those with a sweet tooth. We are not sure that one girl can eat so many cakes in the morning, but it is immediately clear that the author of the composition tried his best. Once again we see a stylish tray with handles and flowers in a vase (you’ve probably already learned two indispensable attributes of a romantic breakfast in bed).

What will you need? Tray with handles, vase, flowers, cake dish, tea pair, glass, sugar bowl, plate, watermelon, juice, coffee or tea.

Idea No. 11

If you're serious about going to bed, consider buying a special table. It is convenient to carry, kneel and fold. And if you put a vase with a rose on it and use bright dishes, then any breakfast will turn into a romantic surprise.

What will you need? Breakfast table, several plates, a cup, a vase with a rose, a glass, berries, a croissant, whipped cream, coffee.

Idea No. 12

A beautiful table can be not only wooden, but also wicker. It does not fold, but instead of legs it has small pockets for a book, newspaper or napkins.

What will you need? Wicker breakfast table, two glasses, plate, jug, cups, egg cup, tea, juice, egg.

Idea No. 13

To surprise and please your loved one, you don’t need anything supernatural; sometimes one small detail can create a festive mood. In this serving, the main feature of a beautiful breakfast is the original bread stand (however, the tray also deserves attention). Agree, eating such a breakfast is a pleasure.

What will you need? Tray, teapot, cup, bread stand, gravy boats, butter, jam, bread, tea, berries.

Idea No. 14

Another cool breakfast table option, this time it's clear and made of thick plastic. This presentation will appeal to those who do not like romance, but prefer strict style and practicality. Nothing extra - just healthy, tasty food and the latest news.

What will you need? Transparent table, mug, glass, plate, yogurt, bananas, nuts, tea, juice.

Idea No. 15

Breakfast for fans of minimalism and food that does not harm your figure. No croissants or buns - only muesli and berries! If your significant other carefully monitors his body, he will enjoy such a simple but healthy, nutritious and low-calorie snack.

What will you need? Tray, bowl, cup, coffee, berries, muesli, yogurt.

Idea No. 16

Perhaps the most romantic and bright breakfast in our selection. Such a morning surprise will win the heart of any girl! Men, remember.

What will you need? Vase with flowers, plate, mug, box for berries, jar of jam, milk, pancakes, jam, berries, coffee.

Idea No. 17

Breakfast will look much more festive if you place identical coasters under each dish.

What will you need? Tray, bowls for berries, tea pair, jug, berries, milk, pancakes.

Idea No. 18

You will be surprised, but this table is made from the lid of an old suitcase. Anyone can make one: unhook the lid from the main part and put beautiful fabric or paper inside. All! What you put inside is no longer important.

What will you need? Suitcase, fabric, two tea pairs, jug, vase, flowers, croissant, berries, coffee.

Idea No. 19

This craft table can also be made from an old box, if you use only its upper part.

What will you need? A table from a box, a pair of teas, a vase with a flower, a candlestick, napkins, coffee.

Idea #20

When the beautiful mini-table setting is ready, don’t forget to add notes with declarations of love or good morning wishes. Attach them to toothpicks and stick the sticks directly into the food. You'll see how nice it will be for your other half to read your little messages.

What will you need? Table, teapot, mug, plate, glass, cutlery, vases with flowers, tea, buns, berries, juice.

How do you surprise your significant other in the morning? Tell us in the comments and share your ideas!

Romance should never leave a relationship. Otherwise, life will become uninteresting, monotonous and boring. Under no circumstances should everyday life destroy relationships. To prevent this from happening, you just have to keep your soul open. You need not to be lazy, show signs of attention to your soul mate, give gifts. We are not talking about global or very expensive things now. After all, cute little things are no less important. One of these can be for your beloved (beloved). It's very easy to do this. But it will be incredibly nice for your loved one to see something like this. With such a simple gesture you will once again show how much you value him.

Romantic breakfast for your loved one. What should it be like?

This can be done just like that, without any reason. Although you can, of course, prepare breakfast for your loved one for his birthday and bring him to bed. This act will be a wonderful start to the holiday. You can also make a cup or coffee instead of breakfast. The drink will be complemented with delicious cookies or chocolate. If you think that breakfast for your loved one should be beautiful, then you can do everything just like in the movies. For this you will need a special table. It is needed so that you can deliver breakfast to bed.

If we talk about the menu, then you shouldn’t prepare masterful dishes. To create such delights, you will have to get up very early. You can prepare light dishes for breakfast for your loved one. Heart-shaped dishes, special table settings, flowers and, of course, a great mood will add romance.

If your significant other does not like to sleep for long periods of time and is an early bird, then the best option would be to make pancakes or sandwiches. Such a breakfast for your beloved woman needs, of course, to be supplemented with coffee or tea. If your girlfriend is a night owl who sleeps for a long time, then, on the contrary, you can cook something hearty, because you have more time for it. You can make an omelet, casserole, cheesecakes or porridge and complement this breakfast with your favorite cup of aromatic cocoa.

Note that you can prepare sandwiches in the shape of hearts. Cut bread, cheese and sausage this way. You can fry the omelette in a special silicone heart shape. If you are preparing porridge or salad, then decorate the dish with chopped chocolate or nuts on top. So, if you are planning to cook breakfast for your loved one, then read the article further. There will be different recipes for dishes that are suitable for this occasion.

French toast

For cooking you will need:

  • one baguette;
  • 100-140 grams of sugar;
  • 250 grams of soft cream cheese;
  • one tablespoon of orange zest;
  • 1/3 cup walnuts (chopped).

For the batter you will need:

  • a quarter glass of milk;
  • two tablespoons of butter (required for frying);
  • four eggs;
  • a teaspoon of vanillin.

Making toast

  • First of all, prepare the filling. To do this, combine sugar, nuts, zest and cheese. Mix everything well. Then put it in the refrigerator.
  • Take a baguette, cut into slices three centimeters thick.
  • After that, cut each of them lengthwise, but not all the way. This creates something that looks like a “pocket”.
  • Place buttercream inside the slice (about a teaspoon).
  • Press the baguette down a little to cover the filling.
  • Then beat the eggs into a bowl, scramble them, pour in the milk, add vanilla and stir.
  • Then dip all the pieces of baguette into the resulting mixture.
  • Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan. Fry toast on it until golden brown. Serve with cheese or jam.

French toast

How to cook breakfast for your beloved man? For example, you can make French toast.

For cooking you will need:

  • a handful of corn flakes;
  • six eggs;
  • baguette;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • powdered sugar;
  • four tablespoons of maple syrup (or liquid honey).

Making croutons

  • Take a baguette, cut it into circles (their thickness should be 7 mm).
  • Then break the eggs into a deep plate. Stir them with a fork.
  • Then add syrup (or honey) and mix thoroughly.
  • Crumble the flakes and then add to the egg mixture.
  • Next, place the baguette pieces there.
  • Leave them there for about five minutes. This is necessary so that they are thoroughly soaked.
  • Then heat the frying pan and add butter.
  • Then fry the toast on both sides until golden brown.
  • To remove excess fat, place croutons on a paper towel.
  • Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar and pour honey.

Chocolate pancakes

For cooking you will need:

  • one glass of flour and the same amount of milk;
  • two tbsp. spoons of melted butter;
  • one egg;
  • one packet of vanillin;
  • one and a half teaspoons of baking powder;
  • cocoa powder (1/3 tbsp.);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

For the syrup you will need:

  • four bananas;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • two tablespoons of syrup (or honey);
  • one glass of brown sugar;
  • half a glass of cream (choose thicker).

Cooking pancakes

  • Melt the butter, add syrup and sugar. Heat, stirring, and bring to a boil.
  • Then pour in the cream. Reduce the heat. Cook over low heat until a caramel-like mass is obtained.
  • At this time, prepare the pancakes.
  • Mix all dry ingredients together.
  • Then add egg, butter, milk. Beat well.
  • Then bake the pancakes in a frying pan with butter.
  • Take bananas and cut into slices.
  • Place them on each pancake and pour some syrup over them.


To prepare such a delicious breakfast for your loved one as an omelet, you will need:

  • Tabasco sauce;
  • six eggs;
  • salt;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • salt;
  • cherry tomatoes (five pieces);
  • feta cheese (half a cup);
  • pepper;
  • black bread crackers.


  • Break the eggs into a deep plate.
  • Then add salt and pepper there.
  • Then add a little Tabasco sauce.
  • Next, mix everything.
  • Then add milk.
  • Beat the mixture with either a whisk or a mixer.
  • After this, add tomatoes, cheese and strawberries to the resulting mixture.
  • Then pour the resulting mixture into a heated frying pan. Place on medium heat. Cook the omelette until it is completely cooked through.
  • Then serve it with

Apples in batter

For cooking you will need:

  • four apples;
  • flour;
  • 100 ml kefir (low-fat);
  • one chicken egg;
  • vanillin.

Cooking apples in batter: step-by-step instructions

  • First of all, wash the apples.
  • After this, remove the core.
  • Then cut the fruits into circles.
  • Now it's time to make the batter. To do this, combine the egg and kefir. Add a little flour. This is necessary in order to make a dough.
  • Then add more vanillin (a pinch).
  • Then prick the fruit circles onto a fork and dip into the batter.
  • Next, fry on both sides in oil until a crust forms.
  • Serve apples in batter with sour cream and fresh berries.

Puff tongues

To prepare you will need:

  • one package of ready-made dough (puff pastry);
  • sugar (for sprinkling);
  • 150 ml strawberry jam (or marmalade).

Making puff pastries at home

  • Thaw the dough in advance.
  • After that, roll it out.
  • Then cut into long triangles.
  • Brush them with beaten egg.
  • Then put jam on the wide part and roll the product into a roll.
  • Then place them in a preheated oven for about fifteen minutes.
  • Brush the finished products with egg and sprinkle with sugar.

Fruit salad

For cooking you will need:

  • one large banana;
  • one tangerine;
  • kiwi;
  • one ripe mango;
  • three strawberries (for decoration);
  • fifteen grapes (be sure to choose a seedless variety);
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • jar of yogurt (natural)

Preparing the salad

  • Cut the banana into slices.
  • Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut into quarters.
  • Cut the mango into cubes.
  • Divide the tangerine into slices, cut each into several parts.
  • Divide the grapes into halves.
  • Cut the strawberries into thin slices. Set the berries aside.
  • Mix all the fruits in a plate. Then add yogurt, stir and garnish with strawberries.

Hot sandwiches

For preparation you need:

  • four slices of bread (white or black);
  • salt (to taste);
  • sweet pepper slices;
  • ham;
  • two walnuts;
  • ground pepper (to taste);
  • thin slices of tomatoes.

Step-by-step breakfast recipe for your loved one

  • Crush the walnuts.
  • Then place ham, a slice of tomato or pepper on a piece of bread.
  • Then sprinkle chopped nuts on top of the product and place cheese there.
  • Then microwave until the cheese is completely melted.

American hot chocolate

For cooking you will need:

  • six tablespoons of cocoa and the same amount of sugar;
  • 600 ml milk;
  • whipped cream (required to decorate the drink);
  • a pinch of cinnamon and salt;
  • a teaspoon of grated orange zest;
  • three tbsp. spoons of cream;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla.

Preparing the drink

  • First mix salt, sugar and cocoa, and then pour in milk.
  • Then put it on the fire and heat it up. Stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Then pour in the cream, add cinnamon, vanilla and stir.
  • Pour the heated drink into cups and garnish with zest and cocoa on top.


For cooking you will need:

  • two pieces of chocolate;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • a tablespoon of sugar and cocoa.

Preparing cocoa

  • First mix sugar and cocoa.
  • Then pour in slightly warmed milk and stir.
  • Then pour in the remaining milk.
  • Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, and pour into cups. This drink will ideally complement a romantic breakfast for your loved one.

Morning smoothie

For cooking you will need:

  • one glass of yogurt (natural);
  • half a banana;
  • six ice cubes;
  • 100 grams of strawberries, blueberries or any other berries.

Making a smoothie

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender. The result should be a homogeneous mass.
  • Then pour into a tall glass and garnish with a mint leaf.

Ginger tea

To prepare you will need:

  • boiling water (500 ml);
  • two centimeters of ginger root;
  • a tablespoon of black tea.

Making aromatic tea

  • Pour the tea leaves into the teapot and add chopped ginger.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Leave for three minutes.
  • Then pour into cups.

What to cook for your loved one/for your loved one?

Romantic breakfast– this is one of the easiest ways to surprise your soulmate and give her a lot of pleasant emotions! Moreover, you can prepare such delicious surprises not only in honor of any holiday, but also just like that, for no reason (especially considering the fact that for this you will not need a lot of time or a lot of effort).

So, what should you cook for your loved one or for your loved one? The answer must be sought in the taste preferences of your half. So, for example, if he or she loves sweets, then you can prepare some kind of dessert, decorated according to the occasion. In addition, a factor when choosing a morning dish may be your favorite product, on the basis of which it will be created. In general, even a banal scrambled egg with a cup of coffee in the morning will be a pleasant surprise!

There are no gender differences in romantic breakfast dishes. The main thing in them is your attention to your soulmate, and the positive emotions that you will give her with your attention and your care!

If you are at a loss and cannot find a suitable dish for a romantic breakfast, then you are welcome to visit our website for photo recipes, where, for sure, you can find what you need! And although such dishes are completely simple to prepare, with the instructions that come with the recipes you will cope with the cooking process much faster and easier. In addition, step-by-step photos visualize the process of creating a romantic culinary masterpiece and tell you how best to serve this or that dish!

Breakfast in bed ideas

A romantic breakfast in bed is a variation of a romantic breakfast, differing from the original only in that the food can be served to your partner immediately after waking up in bed. To do this you will need either a tray or a special table. Otherwise, such an idea will turn out to be a failure, because holding a couple of plates on your knees is a real test.

In general, ideas for breakfast in bed are no different from an ordinary romantic breakfast. It must include a main course (sandwiches, snacks, salads, etc.), as well as some kind of drink (tea, coffee, juice, etc.). You can learn more about options for a romantic breakfast in bed from the photo recipes given in this section of our website!