Online fortune telling “Will we be together. Online fortune telling “Will we be together Will we be together

It turns out that the dates of birthdays determine whether people will be together and their future together. To lift the veil of this future, you need to separately add up and bring to a single digit the birthday numbers of both partners. Next, subtract the smaller number from the larger resulting number and look at the difference - it will become numerology’s answer to whether this relationship will last or not and what awaits them ahead.

For example, one person was born on 05/01/1978, and his loved one was born on 01/22/1975. We calculate the number of birth of the first person, it turns out: 1+5+1+9+7+8=31=4, then his partner: 2+2+1+1+9+7+5=27=9. Next: 9 is greater than 4; This means that we subtract 4 from 9 and get 5. This will be the number of their pair.

Find out if people will be together using free online fortune telling by date of birth

Your couple is ideal, but there is still one drawback - you are constantly dependent on the opinions of others. Stop looking at the opinions of others and then everything will be just great!

You are like a key and a lock that complement each other, so your relationship will be long and happy. The main thing is not to spoil them with some little thing, for example, jealousy.

Alas, there will always be someone else between you - parents, friends, children, or even work. Therefore, your relationship may fail as soon as one of you stops tolerating interference from other parties.

Two natural leaders together is always difficult! Your relationship is built on competition with each other - work, money, goals and more, so they cannot last long, someone will lose the spirit of competition and everything will end as quickly as it began.

You are the lucky ones in life who never look ahead, live one day at a time, but at the same time, none of you is upset about this - you suit each other. However, living easy is not always easy, which means everything will depend on your endurance.

You are a wonderful couple, but only for sex. Otherwise, you are absolutely not suitable for each other. But, by the way, a lot of couples live for sex and have a very long and happy life.


When our soul sings from a new romantic feeling, we so want to know if it is mutual. In such circumstances, Tarot fortune telling “Will we be together?” will come to the rescue, which will show possible prospects for starting a relationship with a loved one. However, this is not the only situation when such an arrangement can be made. Sometimes it happens that a couple breaks up, but people’s feelings do not disappear, and one of the partners wants to know if it is possible to reunite again.

Rules for making charts for the future of relationships

Like any other readings on the topic of personal relationships, Tarot fortune telling “Will we be together with our beloved?” don't repeat it too often. It is enough to do it once, and repeat it only when circumstances change. If you are burning with feelings, but do not know whether your chosen one wants to be with you, it is enough to carry out one alignment to understand whether there is such a chance. Many people make the mistake of laying out the cards again after receiving an answer they are not happy with. You shouldn’t do this, because if you read fortunes again, the deck may lie, or even refuse to work with you on such issues.

Working with Tarot requires a lot of patience - this should not be forgotten. If the Tarot forecast is “Will we be together?” you are not satisfied, wait at least a couple of weeks. During this time, something may change in the life of your chosen one, and therefore, his attitude towards you may change. Before this period, repeating the fortune telling is allowed only if the circumstances have changed. For example, you met and talked with your loved one in private, or you met a new man for whom you began to like - then, indeed, you can repeat the fortune-telling to understand what to do: wait until the old gentleman becomes inflamed with feelings and takes the first step, or try to start a relationship with a new attractive acquaintance who shows signs of attention to you.

Tarot spread “Will we be together?”

The easiest way to find out from the Tarot whether we will be together with our loved one is to simply think about your chosen one, mix the cards and pull six cards out of the deck at random, laying them out in a horizontal row. This fortune telling does not have a special scheme, so the reading can be carried out in any conditions.

What will the dropped cards mean?

  1. The first card will describe what connects the questioner with his beloved person at a given moment in time
  2. The second will tell about his true feelings
  3. The third will describe the image of a fortuneteller that has formed in the head of the intended man
  4. From the fourth position you will find out what can connect these people in the near future
  5. What the questioner should expect from this relationship
  6. What you shouldn't expect

Tarot spread "Will we be together?" - option 2

The “Shall We Be Together” Tarot layout, the diagram of which you see in the figure, will allow you to learn in as much detail as possible everything about the feelings of your beloved person, as well as understand what the chances of becoming a couple are. We tell fortunes using the traditional method: we ask a question, shuffle the deck, take out seven cards and lay them out in a pattern resembling a heart.

Position meaning

  1. Significator of the relationship between two people now
  2. The foundation, the basis of relationships, what they are based on
  3. Secret, hidden nuances
  4. What brings people together
  5. What separates them from each other
  6. The possibility of becoming a couple, the likelihood of starting a romance
  7. Advice from a fortuneteller on how to strengthen relationships with the person you are interested in

Tarot fortune telling “Break and connect”

Very often people break up, but then one of the couple begins to regret the breakup and thinks about whether it is possible to reunite with the ex-partner again. It will help to find out from the Tarot whether we will be together, the layout of seven cards “Break and Connection”. Fortune telling is relevant for all quarreling couples when the reason for the separation was some kind of conflict. The technique is similar to the previous fortune telling.

What do the positions of the dropped Arcana mean?

  1. Hidden, implicit reasons for the conflict that occurred, which the fortuneteller might not be aware of
  2. The obvious reason for the separation, so to speak, the “official version” why the couple separated
  3. Relationships between ex-lovers here and now
  4. The situation in the near future. Using this map you can assess whether something will change dramatically
  5. A hint to the person asking about what can be done to re-establish relationships, how to get closer to an ex-lover
  6. Caution, what not to do
  7. Possibility of a future together for a couple

Schedule for clarifying relationships

If there is confusion in your relationship, we suggest you try another informative and simple fortune telling. What this Tarot layout will tell you: will we be together, what is preventing the reunion, what will our joint future most likely be like. The layout technique is classic.

The meaning of the positions of the dropped cards

  1. The true attitude of the fortuneteller to the object of sympathy
  2. The attitude of the person of interest to the person asking
  3. Factors that prevent a fortuneteller from being with a loved one: what stops you, confuses you, what you don’t like
  4. Factors preventing the object of sympathy from reuniting with the fortuneteller
  5. Possible future together
  6. Advice or explanation, addition to the previous card

As you can see, finding out about the prospects of reuniting with your loved one is not at all difficult. It is enough to have a magical deck of cards on hand.

Despite its apparent simplicity, fortune telling is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. The online version of any fortune telling is certainly a less serious procedure than, say, real fortune telling with Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most accurate result, we suggest you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune telling process:

1. Before starting fortune telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one disturbs you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think ahead about the time after which you want the fortune-telling to come true.

5. You should not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another fortune telling and change or clarify the question a little!

6. Even a negative answer from fortune telling should be perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is all for the better!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be like! You have received a forecast, and how to act depends only on you.

Good luck with your fortune telling!

As a rule, tarot layouts for the question of whether we will be together are a fortune-telling for compatibility and for viewing the common future of partners. Also, such layouts help to understand existing relationships, find the causes of quarrels and eliminate omissions and misunderstandings.

Such layouts include the following options:

  • - the classic version of the layout - whether we will be together on six or seven cards.
  • - "The Current Union"
  • - “Reunion”.

Also, for predictions related to interpersonal relationships, you can use not only classic decks, but also decks specifically designed to view not only interpersonal relationships, but also with an erotic component.

"Will we be together" layout.

Fortune telling is used to view any interpersonal relationships (business partners, couples in love, colleagues, girlfriends, friends) in order to better understand the partner and analyze the current situation. The layout also helps you get to know yourself better and understand your mistakes. In the first version, the layout involves six cards, which are laid out as follows:

1 – general characteristics of the relationship and the current state of affairs.

2 – your partner’s feelings for you, his emotions and experiences.

3 – the card describes how your partner sees you, what associations he has with you, in what image you are present in his thoughts.

4 – what will connect partners in the future and whether this will be the future. This is the key point of the layout - the answer to the question asked.

5 - what to expect from a relationship - this is what you can get in a relationship or count on something. This describes not only the material or financial benefits from a relationship with a given partner, but also the experience and knowledge that you can gain from communicating with a partner.

6 – what you shouldn’t expect from a relationship – unjustified hopes, you’re not destined to get it, and in some cases you’ll even have to give up something.

The second option involves seven cards, arranged in the following order:

1 – description of the existing connection or relationship for a given period of time.

2 – the basis of the relationship, what the relationship is built on and what it is based on.

3 – what is hidden, nuances and points that are worth paying attention to. Until this moment, these aspects of the relationship were inaccessible or invisible to you due to the prevailing circumstances, excessive emotionality or violent manifestation of feelings.

4 – what brings you together, your common interests, character traits. Hope for a happy future.

5 – something that distances you and interferes with relationships, unique obstacles. This is something worth exploring and learning how to compromise on conflicting topics or views.

6 – key of the layout – answer to the question asked.

7 – advice that cards give to strengthen relationships and correct mistakes.

"Current Union" layout.

This alignment can be used for current relationships to find answers to troubling questions and get to know yourself and your partner better, and understand what is really happening. The layout involves five cards plus the S card – the significator. Before the layout, the deck is shuffled and the first card drawn is the S significator card, which characterizes you and your position in the relationship for a given period of time.

1 – your vision of relationships, how you feel in relationships and how you see yourself in these relationships, what they mean to you.

The significator card and position 1 can be considered as cards interconnected with each other, since they relate directly to you and your condition, describing in detail what this relationship and the specific person in question mean to you.

2 – description of your soulmate, your vision of your partner.

3 – what unites you with your partner and what connected you in the past.

4 – description of the current situation, characteristics of the relationship, what is happening at the moment and what keeps you together.

5 – the answer to the question of what awaits your relationship in the future, whether you should hope to continue the connection.

If there is a discord or quarrel in your relationship with your partner, and you don’t know what to expect from this relationship and how to act, you can use the “Reunion” layout to clarify the situation. This alignment will tell you what awaits the couple in the near future.

The prediction uses nine cards plus the significator card.

S – Characteristics of the person who asks the question, general mood and emotional state, the person’s state at the time of the situation and attitude towards what happened.

1 – hidden reasons for the discord and the current situation, something that you did not notice or overlooked. Information for analysis of why the discord occurred.

2 – the true reasons for the conflict that occurred, a description of the conflict itself, disagreements or misunderstandings.

3 – description of the situation at a given moment in time, in what position both partners find themselves.

4 – development of the situation in the near future – what should be expected from what happened, the consequences of the conflict.

5 – advice from cards on what to do and what to do to resolve a controversial situation. This card will help smooth out rough moments and improve the situation.

7 and 8 – compatibility of partners, common features, what connects and can strengthen the union, strengths that are worth paying attention to.

9 – final card – the answer to the key question: “Will we be together?”

Regardless of the type of layout, the final card, which characterizes the answer to the question “Will we be together?” is assessed relative to its meaning - positive or negative, after which an interpretation of the card is made. If the whole alignment indicates good compatibility or that the problem will be resolved, and the result predicts the collapse of the relationship, then it’s worth thinking about at what point and what went wrong, perhaps you didn’t work out something on your part or didn’t address it attention to factors that directly or indirectly affect your relationship. These factors need to be found.

If the alignment is negative, but the outcome is favorable, it means you have a lot to work through and go through with this person. The only question remains is whether you have enough strength for this.

If you want to track the dynamics of changes in your relationship with your partner, then it is better to write down the result of the alignment; it is also worth writing down the original wording of the question. The alignment looks at the near future - about a month and a half, therefore, it will be possible to repeat the alignment after approximately this period.