Hand writing in pen about love. Men's tattoo lettering on the hands: the best phrases and quotes

One of the most popular types of tattoos are phrases, sayings and aphorisms in English. For your attention - a large selection of phrases: a list of popular quotes and photos of tattoos with translation.


All people are identical differently. - All people are the same in different ways.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. - Our destiny is not in the stars, but in ourselves.

Make your own destiny. - Master your destiny.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. - Love everyone, trust a few, do no harm to anyone.

When a loved one becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. - When a loved one becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop. - I can’t stop and won’t stop.

She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laugh without fear of the future. - She is dressed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.

Beyond fear lies freedom. - Behind fear lies freedom.

No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky. - No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.

Make love not war. - Make love Not War!

Order is Heaven`s first law.- Order is the first law of heaven.

Relax! Take it easy! - Relax, look at life more simply!

Stay strong. - Stay strong.

Sunlight over me no matter what I do. - Sunlight over me no matter what I do.

The world gives way to the one who knows where he is going! - The world makes way for those who know where they are going!

Life goes on. - Life goes on.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Do what you can with what you have where you are.

Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. - Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

Imperfection is beauty. - Imperfection is beauty.

Sweet is revenge. - Sweet revenge.

Sometimes, for happiness you have to fight even with yourself. - Sometimes, for happiness have to struggle even to himself.

Help yourself. - Help yourself.

Never say never. - Never say never.

You - my poison, my air. You - my pain, my happiness. - You are my poison, my air. You are my pain and happiness.

We do not remember days, we remember moments. - We don't remember days, we remember moments.

All Begins With Love. - It all starts with love.

I am the architect of my own destruction. I am the architect of my own destruction.

I love your breath, I love you until you lose consciousness. - I love your breath, love until he lost consciousness.

Free yourself. - Free yourself.

If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself. - If you want to be someone, someone really special, be yourself.

Forever young. - Forever Young.

Trying about happiness of others, we find our own happiness. By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own.

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. Sophocles. One word frees us from all the hardships and pains of life: this word is love. Sophocles

I'll get everything I want. Translation - I'll get whatever I want.

Only God Can Judge Me. - Only God can judge me.

Heart decide who to love… Fate decides who to be with… - The heart decides who to love. Fate decides who to be with.

Music is the soul of language. Max Heindel - Music is the soul of language. Max Handel

Does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. - He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

Now or never. Translation - Now or never.

In every silence its hysterical. - Every silence has its own hysteria.

It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters. Aesop. Translation - Our passions are like fire and water - they are good servants, but bad masters. Aesop

Beauty is power. Beauty is power.

"Success is the child of audacity." Benjamin Disraeli - Translation: Success is the child of courage. Benjamin Disraeli

How many of those who made us stronger... How little those who have made us happier... How many of those who made us stronger... How few of those who made us happier...

You Choose Who You Want To Be - You choose who you want to be.

Illusion is the first of all pleasures. Oscar Wilde. Translation - Illusion is the highest pleasure. Oscar Wilde.

Hope Dies Last. - Hope dies last.

He, who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. Translation - He who becomes a beast gets rid of human pain.

Love and peace are eternal. John Lennon - Love and peace are forever. John Lennon

Tolerance is more powerful than force. - Patience has more power than strength.

I shall not live in vain. Translation - I will not live in vain.

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. Sigmund Freud. Translation - Being completely honest with yourself is not an easy task. Sigmund Freud

I remember everything that I ‘ve forgotten… Translation - I remember everything that I forgot…

The best thing in our life is love. Translation - The best thing in our life is love.

Life is Beautiful. - Life is beautiful.

People rejoice at the Sun, and I’m dreaming of the Moon. - Translation - People rejoice in the sun, but I dream of the moon.

Be cheerful and smiling under all circumstances. - Rejoice and smile in the face of any circumstances.

If I ever surrender, it’ll happen only in mercy to the winner. - If I ever give up, it will be only out of mercy to the winner.

My dreams come true. Translation - My dreams come true.

All we need is love. Translation - All we need is love.

Music creates the feelings which you can’t find in life. - Music creates feelings that do not exist in life.

That be or not to be. Translation - To be or not to be.

Live without regrets. - Live without regrets.

My life is music. - My life is music.

Clear your mind. - Clear your mind, get it out of your head.

The love of my life. - Love of my life.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. - Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Out of sight, out of mind! - Out of sight, out of mind!

My guardian is always with me. - My guardian is always with me.

To live forever. - Live forever.

Never give up. - Never give up.

The earth is my body. My head is in the stars. Translation - The earth is my body. My head is in the stars.

Follow your heart. - Follow your heart.

Illusion is the highest pleasure. Illusion is the first of all pleasures.

Battle of life. - Fight for life.

Love is the movement. Love is a movement.

Be strong girl. - Be a strong girl.

I'll get everything I want. I'll get everything I want.

Remember who you are. - Remember who you are.

One lifelong love - One love for life.

Enjoy every moment. - Enjoy every moment.

Love is my religion - Love is my religion.

Family forever. - Forever family.

Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate. Translation - Everyone is the creator of their own destiny.

Everyone experienced something that changed him. Translation - Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.

Fall seven times and stand up eight. - Fall seven times, get up eight.

Never look back. - Never look back.

Everybody lies.- Everyone lies.

That be or not to be. - To be or not to be.

My life, my rules - My life. My rules.

Endless love. - Endless love.

Self-conquest is the greatest of victories. - Victory over oneself is the greatest of victories.

When deciding to get even a small tattoo, it is important not only to think a hundred times whether you will regret it in a few years, but also to decide on “that” inscription.

One for life, because the main rule is to decorate and change your body consciously.

It is best when this inscription is suffered and lived personally - then the love for it and its understanding will not weaken over time.

In this article we have collected 50+ of the best photos and sketches of tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation about, in Latin, English and French.

Of course, you shouldn’t repeat after others, because the main thing in an image or a phrase is its originality and uniqueness, but perhaps our ideas will help you create your own.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches, how to choose

Hand tattoos can confidently be called the most popular.

“Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live” (English)

As a rule, girls choose the shoulder, hand, and wrist to apply a design or expression.

According to the artists themselves, the palms and side surfaces of the finger are not the best option for tattoos, since there are a lot of sweat glands in these places and the inscriptions quickly become unusable.

The most popular lettering tattoos are on the hands

Miniature details and short sentences that carry meaning look great on these parts of the body.

The tattoo can consist of one word that expresses your essence, your own name or the name of a loved one

However, any good artist will honestly say that tattoos on the wrists also wear much worse, so you should give preference to other parts of the hand.

Tattoos with names

When going to a salon, it is important not to just “want to get a tattoo.”

It is important to take a closer look at the font options in advance, choose sketches in order to understand what you want - today this can be done on salon websites.

"This too shall pass…"

As a rule, girls prefer tattoos in English, French and Latin, so the choice of such fonts is much wider.

“Mom is God in the eyes of a child” (English)

Latin, although it is a dead language and is used only in the Vatican, takes first place in tattoo inscriptions.

“Forever” (Italian)

The greatest philosophers and scientists in the history of mankind spoke this language.

“Through thorns to the stars” (lat.)

Thanks to them, tens of thousands of popular expressions have appeared that can convey our feelings from love and devotion to decadent moods.

“My life - my rules” (English)

In addition, if the meaning of tattoos written in English is clear to many, then Latin will reveal the true meaning only to a few.

“Let us lift up our hearts” (lat.)

In any inscription, no matter what language you choose, the main thing is the meaning.

By the way, color tattoos need to be updated every 10-12 years

The inscription should convey your life priorities - for example, family and love, worldview, main goals and desires.

“I fly on my own wings” (lat.)

Advice: as a rule, the desire to get a tattoo overcomes us in moments. Don't be led by emotions - give yourself a few days to think. If the desire to get a tattoo does not pass, then go to the salon.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches about love

“Seize the moment” (lat.)

This could be the name of a loved one, children or parents, the date of a wedding, first date or kiss, expressions about the importance of feelings in our lives.

Tattoos with names

Some variants of phrases for tattoos:

In Latin:

  1. Magna res est amor- “Love is a great thing.”
  2. Amor Vincit Omnia- “Love conquers all.”
  3. Amor et honor- “Love and honor.”
  4. Si vis amari ama- “If you want to be loved, love yourself.”
  5. Dum spiro, amo atque credo- “I love and believe while I breathe.”
  6. Finis vitae, sed non amoris- “Life ends, but not love.”

Paired tattoos “One life, one love” (English)

In English:

  1. One lifelong love- “One love for life.”
  2. The best thing in our life is love- “The best thing in our life is love.”
  3. Endless love- "Endless love".
  4. The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart- “Rose speaks of love without a sound, in a language known only to the heart.”
  5. The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost- “The only true way to love is to understand that you can lose it.”
  6. Hile I’m breathing - I love and believe- “As long as I breathe, I love and believe.”
  7. The love of my life- "Love of my life".

“You are in my heart” (Spanish)

In French:

  1. C'est l'amour que vous faut- “Love is all you need.”
  2. L'amour fou- "Crazy Love".
  3. La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours- “Family is always in my heart.”
  4. L'amour qui ne ravage pas n'est pas l'amour- “Love that does not devastate is not love.”
  5. Un amour, une vie- "One Love - one Life".
  6. Vivre et aimer- "To live and love".
  7. L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la déraison du sage- “Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.”
  8. De l'amour à la haine, il n'y a qu'un pas- “From love to hate there is only one step.”

“Every day is like a little life, seize every moment” (French)
“Adventure” (Irish)
“Love is everything” (English)

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches in Latin

Below we provide a list of the most interesting, in our opinion, phrases in Latin with translation into Russian, which are perfect for tattoos.

You should take your choice of phrase especially seriously.

Perhaps they will give you ideas of your own.

There are tens of thousands of inscription options, find the one that expresses your thoughts

However, the best thing to do if you want a tattoo in a great, forgotten language is to open a dictionary of Latin phrases and expressions and delve into its study.

“Remember to live!” (lat.)

Latin phrases for tattoos:

  1. Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur- “No one is obliged to do the impossible.”
  2. Amor omnibus idem- “Love is the same for everyone”
  3. Ad meliora tempore- "Until better times".
  4. Advocatus dei- "God's Advocate."
  5. Agnus dei- “Lamb of God.”
  6. Amantium irae amoris integratio- “The wrath of lovers is the renewal of love.”
  7. Ad vitam out culpam- “For life or until the first guilt.”
  8. Out bibat, out a beat- “Either let him drink, or leave.”
  9. Caritas et pax- “Respect and peace.”
  10. Castis omnia casta- “When clean, everything seems clean. Or: To him who is blameless, all things are pure.”
  11. Debes, ergo potes- “You must, therefore you can.”
  12. Dictum factum- "No sooner said than done".
  13. Ex aequo et.bono- “According to justice and goodness” (and not according to formal law).
  14. Fac fideli sis fidelis- “Be faithful to those who are faithful.”
  15. Gaudeamus igitur!- “Let's have fun!”
  16. Hic et nunc!- "Here and now!"
  17. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est. - “Power over oneself is the highest power.”
  18. Juvenes dum sumus- "While we are young".
  19. Lux in tenebris- “Light in the darkness.”
  20. Naturae convenienter live- “Live according to nature.”
  21. Nihil habeo, nihil timeo (curo)- “I have nothing, I’m not afraid of anything” (I don’t care about anything).
  22. Quot homines tot sententiae- “How many people, so many opinions.”
  23. Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis- “Times change, and we change with them” (in them).

“Love conquers all!” (lat.)
“Tireless” (lat.) “With God's help!” (lat.)

Advice: if you want to get a tattoo, but don’t have the courage to get a permanent one, pay attention to the technique.

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for girls with translation - photos and sketches with meaning, the most famous star tattoos

As you can see, there are as many tattoo options as you and your artist can put into it.

Some, for example, print portraits of their cats with dates of birth:

Tattoo with cats

Someone declares their love using a combination of names and the infinity symbol:

Laconic tattoo with names and infinity symbol

And someone gets tattoos in memory of their sister:

“Sister” (English)

Some, once carried away, can no longer stop:

Having made one tattoo, it is quite possible that you will want to continue it

The most unusual tattoos can be found on the bodies of stellar representatives of the fair sex.

And their choice sometimes leads to a dead end. So, for example, rebel Kelly Osbourne had angel wings tattooed on her back with the inscription “I love mommy.”

Kelly has a tattoo on her head

American supermodel Chanel Iman - her name and a hanger under it.

Tattoo of supermodel Chanel Iman

Penelope Cruz has the numbers “883” on her calf, the secret of whose appearance she promised to take with her to the grave.

In addition to the numbers on her leg, Penelope has a star on her wrist

Actress Nikki Reed also distinguished herself. We don’t know if Nikki understands Russian, but under her arm the inscription “There must be something more."It is written in this way without a hyphen and a space.

Obviously, Master Nikki was not friends with the Russian either

Cara Delevingne tattooed the word “bacon” on her foot out of love for it, and Katie Price decided not to remove the tattoo with her ex-husband’s name. She just crossed it out...

Cara Delevingne also has a tattoo on her finger

And I can talk about all Angelina Jolie’s tattoos for a very long time.

Among them there is a prayer in Sanskrit, and the Roman numeral XIII, and the coordinates of the birthplaces of children and Brad Pitt...

It’s impossible to count all of Angelina’s tattoos at once

In general, first think through all the arguments for and against tattoos a thousand times, and only then go to the salon.

Some interesting facts about tattoos and how to decide where to place them, see the video below:

A tattoo on the hand is a way for girls and boys to express their position, reflect inner feelings, or simply decorate their body and attract attention. Previously, images of amulets and amulets were placed on the hands (on the fists - to increase strength). In this way, ancient people protected themselves from evil spirits.

If a person is modest, secretive, completely non-conflict, and also has a low pain threshold, then it’s not worth it. The fact is that such decoration entails a number of difficulties. A person who decides to place a picture here should be prepared not only for compliments addressed to him, but also for criticism and dissatisfaction.

Features of a tattoo on the hand

This type of tattoo requires careful care. We must remember that healing will occur slowly, since the hands are constantly in motion.


  • Since this is an open area of ​​the body, constant attention is focused on it. You need to be prepared for curious glances directed at your hands.
  • The condition of the tattoo must be monitored continuously for 1 week. The skin is delicate, so painful sensations will accompany you all this time.
  • Tattoos on the hand are unlikely to retain their “juiciness” for many years. Hands are exposed to constant external influences - sun rays, frost, wind, water. Therefore, the picture will quickly lose its original appearance, but it is not a fact that this will ruin it.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros Minuses
Attracts attention.This is a painful procedure. Read more about why below.
Declares the independence and courage of the owner.This tattoo will always be visible. It will be extremely difficult to hide it for getting an official job or going to an event of a similar nature.
The tattoo perfectly covers scars or burns. They are found quite often on the hands.Since the hands are constantly exposed to water and sun, a tattoo made here will quickly lose its brightness.
It can serve as a talisman, just as it did in ancient times.The pattern can quickly become deformed, since the skin here is thin.
A tattoo on the hand is suitable for both women and men.A tattoo in a prominent place may soon become boring to its owner.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your hand?

Rather yes than no. It’s impossible to say unequivocally - all people are individual, and no one has canceled the concept of a pain threshold. But factors that contribute to the appearance of pain in this area of ​​the body still remain.

These include:

  • soft skin;
  • minimal layer of fat;
  • many nerve endings;
  • proximity of bones.

It turns out that the potential owner of a tattoo on the hand should first think carefully about his decision.

How to choose a sketch

The vast majority of modern people choose their favorite sketch on the Internet. There are plenty of collections with pictures or photographs of real works on social networks or on tattoo parlor websites. You can get inspiration or choose something specific here.

The selected sketch can be sent to the master, consult with him about the reality of the work and discuss the issue of price.

Another option for choosing a sketch is to directly visit the tattoo parlor. Here the master himself will provide assistance. He will orient an inexperienced client, provide him with all possible options, and warn him about possible risks (for example, some colors are very painful to fill).

There are also people who are able to create tattoo designs on their own. They can develop their own unique design and send it to the artist. The latter will determine how much it will cost to complete this work, and whether it is possible to do it at all (perhaps his qualifications will not correspond to the complexity of the drawing).

Themes and colors of images on the brush

Most often, brushes are used to paint something catchy, bright and eye-catching. Placing such a tattoo is a kind of challenge to society. The theme and color scheme do not matter - the choice here is from the classics of black and white to any color of the rainbow.

You can get a tattoo on your hand in a geometric, classic, or minimalist style. It is better to leave the boundaries clear - this way the tattoo will last longer.

Only people with “iron” nerves can afford to place something provocative on their hands. completely free from the influence of others. They don't care what others say (and they will strive to express their opinions directly to their faces). For those who do not want to get involved in daily conflicts, it is better to choose a more neutral design for such an open space.

Rose tattoo on hand

A rose tattoo looks equally good on both women's and men's bodies.

You can place it on your brush in one of the following ways:

  1. On the area under the thumb. A small image of a flower along with its stem will decorate both an elegant female hand and a large male hand. The main thing here is to choose a style (watercolor, sketch, blur, minimalism) and color scheme. You can decorate the tattoo with an inscription or ribbon.
  2. On the entire back of the hand. There may not be just one rose - often entire “bouquets” or “garlands” are created, which smoothly flow onto the forearms. Black and white options turn out to be more popular than color options.
  3. On the finger, along its entire length. This graceful picture is suitable for girls. Very often people start with such tattoos. They are small and not immediately noticeable - just what modest people need as a first try. However, a rose on a finger looks beautiful and neat.
  4. On the wrist. It can be either an original flower bracelet, very delicate and cute, or a brutal decoration with thorns and thorns. Scarlet roses will add drama to the sketch.


Images of wild predators are designed to scare away enemies. In ancient times, people used to frighten their enemies and show their fortitude. It was believed that lions and tigers that settled on the body would help in the hunt. Tattoos look interesting, in which the main part is made in black and white, and the color accent is placed only on the eyes of the predator.

The tiger's head looks very catchy. It symbolizes the strong-willed spirit and independence of the owner. Usually men choose this tattoo.

A tattoo on the hand is a unique opportunity for a man to express his personality. individuality

tattoos can be made in any range - from realism to surrealism.

a lion

Leo is the sign of the leader. It is tattooed on their bodies by people who are independent and self-confident. A person who has placed an image of a lion on his brush declares to others his greatness and inner strength. The head of a lion with an open mouth placed on the arm is a rather aggressive tattoo. It will look a little strange on petite girls.

Video selection of colorful lion tattoos on the hand:

Although, if a fragile lady dares to get a lion tattoo, it means that her internal state differs from her external appearance.


A hand tattoo for fans of rocker culture is definitely a skull. Don’t think that this is a purely male sketch: girls also enjoy stuffing bones on their hands. As a rule, the skull is placed on the outside of the hand. A less crude version of the skull is its execution in the Mexican style.

Decorating with flowers, a floral wreath, and colorful patterns will transform the tattoo from gothic to positive.


The wolf, like the lion, symbolizes courage and strength. The wolf is also a symbol of absolute freedom. This is a wild animal; warriors and hunters used to place its image on their hands. Today, the head of a wolf can also be found on women’s hands. For a long time now, this image has turned from rude and aggressive to romantic.

The picture is usually complemented by a full moon or a month.


An interesting solution for those who are not afraid to look strange and even scary is an x-ray tattoo. It implies a subtle anatomically correct drawing of the human bones that are actually located in these places.

For hand tattoos for real “freaks,” there are various additions:

  • tattoo in color;
  • with the addition of Mexican patterns (flowers);
  • tattoo imitating an open wound.

In general, these tattoos fall into the “not for the faint of heart” category.


Ornaments are chosen by lovers of secrets and mysticism. The bizarre repetition of identical motifs makes up a unique pattern in which the author hides some sacred meaning, known only to him. For many, such tattoos inspire creativity, for others they bring peace.

There are people who calm down by looking at a repeating pattern. That is why it is placed on the hands - it is easier to view it this way. Often, ornaments hide a religious background. An image of Buddha or another deity is placed next to them.


A hand tattoo for couples in love is another way to confess their feelings. To write “I love...” on your body to the delight of your beloved - what could be more romantic? This phrase is usually placed on the wrist, like a bracelet. Another couples write each other's names (or nicknames) on the area between their fingers.

It is difficult to get such a tattoo, but this way it will truly remain personal.

Instead of names, you can place an aphorism or quote on your fingers or wrist. A certain motto or reminder that is dear to the owner of the tattoo. They say that from one glance at such an inscription one feels a surge of strength and motivation to action. But the caricature of writing letters on the fingers that form a word or name has long been abandoned.

Now it seems strange and rude. The same situation is with knuckles. It is believed that this is not the best place to place a tattoo.

Small tattoos

In recent years, small tattoos have become especially popular among young people. They are placed in fairly secluded places (under the ribs, on the wrist, on the neck) and usually only delight the owners with their appearance. Placing a small tattoo on your hand is a great way to keep something memorable and especially important for yourself.

Some lovers, for example, immortalize their feelings in this way - they draw wedding rings on their ring fingers.

Less romantic natures choose something more classic. Floral motifs, tiny images of planets and stars - all this is placed either on the fingers or in the center of the hand. It is also very common to get tattoos on the wrist. Here the imagination of the masters is directed towards minimalism.

These are often sketches, simple geometric shapes, symbols, or punctuation marks.

Wrist tattoos for men

Tattoos on the hand for men are not uncommon. They were popularized by representatives of the stronger sex, distinguished by their internal freedom and independence from society. They were bikers, rock musicians, bartenders and street partygoers. Entire paintings appeared on their hands and wrists. The tattoos were large and bright so that everyone would pay attention.

Not much has changed since then. Men still prefer to get huge tattoos of rather harsh content on their hands - skulls, animal heads. There are also flowers among them - a tribute to the biker past. Inscriptions with freedom-loving or philosophical appeals are also not uncommon.

But small romantic tattoos on brutal men’s hands will look ridiculous. They'll just get lost here.

Wrist tattoos for women

Women, more often than men, prefer sketches in the form of flowers. Roses or peonies are usually placed on the brushes. Large, bright designs look like unusual gloves from afar. Small, barely noticeable tattoos are chosen by rather modest girls or those who are just starting their journey in this world. Drawings can be of completely different styles and themes.

Examples include:

  • image of a cartoon character (one of the most popular is the Disney character Mickey Mouse, namely his ears);
  • image of an animal;
  • a light picture without meaning - a pattern of hearts, butterflies, a smiley face;
  • fruit or berry – also something light and cheerful;
  • a delicate picture with flowers (roses, peonies);
  • a complex composition in the form of a gloomy forest/tree (it’s convenient to draw on the hand; you can use your fingers and forearm);
  • inscription on the wrist.

Couple tattoos are also popular among girls. These are the same images or inscriptions made for different people. It is generally accepted that such drawings personify a strong invisible connection between partners. They are usually stuffed on the area under the thumb or wrist.

Price of tattoo on hand

The cost of such a tattoo in professional tattoo studios in large cities starts from 3,000 rubles.

This includes:

  • consultation with the master, discussion of the sketch;
  • drafting;
  • fee for consumables (paint);
  • tattoo execution.

Naturally, the price will directly depend on the scale of the work and the professionalism of the master. You can find cheaper options at home, but in this case safety will not be guaranteed, sterility and accuracy of execution.

Features of care

A tattoo is a damage to the skin, in its own way, also a wound. Therefore, it is very important to monitor her condition and care for her during the first days. The artist will apply a film to the fresh tattoo and secure everything on top with a bandage. It must be removed no later than after 8 hours.

The picture should be washed with water and lubricated with wound-healing ointment (especially for caring for tattoos). It is sold in a tattoo parlor. After applying the cream, you need to wrap your hand again with film or a disposable baby diaper (according to the recommendations of the specialists). The dressing needs to be changed every 8-10 hours for 4 days.

After this, you will no longer need to cover your hand with film, but you must continue to smear it for at least another 3 days.

A tattoo on the hand is a breakthrough and overcoming oneself for some people. It brings them a feeling of freedom and independence. Often important phrases or dates dear to the heart are placed on the brushes. This way they will always be before your eyes and serve as a pleasant reminder.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about tattoos on the hand

Video about proper tattoo care:

An inscription tattoo is a great way for girls to decorate their body with meaning. In addition, getting an inscription for a tattoo is much faster and more economical than a large artistic image. It is these factors that attract many ladies who decide to get their first tattoo. Below we will look at sketches of tattoos on different parts of the body, as well as inscriptions with translations from Latin and other languages.

Wrist tattoo for girls

Inscriptions on the wrist are the most popular tattoos among girls of all ages, as they look laconic and stylish. You can have a short but meaningful phrase or word tattooed on your wrist. These can be life mottos, words of motivation, philosophical sayings, etc.

It’s quite convenient that such a tattoo can be easily hidden from strangers by covering it with a watch, bracelet or long sleeve. Thus, she will not be able to interfere with professional activities, where tattoos may be viewed with skepticism.

Lettering tattoos for girls on the arm

Tattoos of inscriptions on the hand for girls are a great way to demonstrate to others your views on life, character, preferences or your own style.

If a girl values ​​her family, creates home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth, then phrases for tattoos about parents, names of children or spouse, etc. will look good on her hand.

If this direction is not suitable, you can get a tattoo on your arm with a meaning that has a philosophical meaning. Such tattoos are considered more universal and do not lose their relevance over time.

Lettering tattoos on the neck for girls

A tattoo on the neck for girls looks elegant, as it can be used to brighten up even an everyday look. But it is worth remembering that due to the presence of protruding vertebrae on the neck, getting a tattoo can be very painful.

Women's tattoo inscriptions on ribs

Tattoo phrases for girls are perfectly placed on the body in the ribs area. The large area allows you to write fairly long texts: excerpts from a book, phrases from a movie or words from a song. But small tattoos made in a minimalist style also look no less interesting.

Since this part of the body, like the chest area, is hidden and intimate (since it is not visible to everyone), the inscriptions for a tattoo can have absolutely any meaning that is closest to you, for example, a declaration of love.

Women's tattoo lettering on the back

The back is an elegant part of the body, so a tattoo in the form of an inscription looks very feminine, attractive and elegant on it.

However, this area is quite painful due to the close proximity to the skin of the vertebrae and shoulder blades. This fact must be taken into account if you intend to get a tattoo along the spine.

Women's inscriptions for tattoos on the collarbone

A tattoo on the collarbone is an excellent choice for fashionable girls: it always looks very impressive.

Words about love or the meaning of life are best suited to be applied to this place. In addition, a tattoo inscription on the collarbone can always be supplemented with a heart, feather or pattern, thereby giving it even more meaning.

Lettering tattoo on leg

Leg tattoos can be placed in several places: the thigh, ankle, or the outer part of the foot. Women's thigh tattoos are attractive, original, and, moreover, easily hidden from prying eyes.

The most beautiful ankle tattoos are short inscriptions or a single word that has a deep meaning. Below you can see good ideas for tattoos.

A great place for a tattoo with an inscription is the foot. Phrases printed in this area look stylish, especially in open sandals.

Inscription for tattoo with translation for girls

Choosing an inscription for a tattoo is sometimes a long and difficult process. After all, there are a lot of popular expressions in different languages ​​that you really want to tattoo on your body. We invite you to familiarize yourself with original and meaningful phrases in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin, which can be successfully placed on the body in the form of a future tattoo.

Tattoo inscription in English with translation

  • Even angels fall. Even angels fall.
  • My life is my art, my art is my life. My life is my art, my art is my life.
  • Live by faith, not by sight. Live by faith, not by sight.
  • Love me for who I am. Love me as I am.
  • Too wild to live, too rare to die. Too wild to live, too rare to die.
  • Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love bears a memory no one can steal. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Love carries a memory that no one can steal.
  • Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. Life's fiercest storms prove the power of our anchors.
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Fluttering like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
  • Have faith. Have faith.
  • How sweet the sound. How sweet the sound.

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

  • Pensive positivity. Think positive.
  • Croire en soi. Believe in yourself.
  • Comme le vent, je suis libre. I'm free like the wind.
  • Aime ce que tu fais. Love what you do.
  • Les héros sont retenus – les légendes ne meurent jamais. Heroes are remembered - legends never die.
  • Agis sans attente. Act without expectation.
  • L'enfer est vide et tous les démons sont ici. Hell is empty - all the demons are here.
  • Parfois tu as besoin de laisser les choses partir. Sometimes you need to let go.
  • Suis ton propre chemin. Follow your own path.
  • Jamais une blessure, toujours une leçon. Never an injury, always a lesson.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation into Russian

  • La vida no es un problema para resolver, sino un enigma para ser vivido. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.
  • No recordamos días, recordamos momentos. We don't remember days, we remember moments.
  • La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es crearlo. The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Los mejores sueños ocurren cuando estas despierto. The best dreams happen when you're awake.
  • Solo se vive una vez. You only live once.
  • Mejor estar solo que con nadie. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Con dolor viene la fuerza. With pain comes strength.
  • Siempre hay esperanza. There is always hope.
  • Inhala el futuro... exhala el pasado. Breathe in the future...breathe out the past.
  • No te dejes caer jamás. Never let yourself fall.

Inscription for tattoo in Italian with translation

  • Insieme per sempre. Together forever.
  • Sei nel mio cuore. You are in my heart.
  • L'amore domina senza regole. Love rules without rules.
  • La calme è la virtù dei forti. Calmness is the virtue of the strong.
  • La Vita and Bella. Life is Beautiful.
  • Che sarà sarà. What will be will be.
  • I frutti proibiti sono i più dolci. The forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
  • Non c'è niente di meglio nella vita di una famiglia amichevole. There is nothing better in life than a close-knit family.
  • Se vivo nella tua memoria, non sarò solo. If I live in your memory, I won't be alone.
  • Tempo di fiducia. Trust time.

Inscription for tattoo in Latin with translation

  • Carpe Diem. Live the moment.
  • Fatum meum es tu. You are my Destiny.
  • Frigus calculation. Cold calculation.
  • Nosce te ipsum. Know yourself.
  • Amor vincit omnia. Love overcomes everything.
  • Libertas inaestimabilis Res. Freedom is beyond any price.
  • Agnosco te. Value yourself.
  • Amor mutat populo. Love changes people.
  • Tempus fugit. Time flies.
  • Nil manet aeternum. Nothing is eternal.

In the article you will learn about what are the most advantageous places on the human body for inscription tattoos, and also see examples of finished works and sketch ideas.

Tattoos with words and phrases have become very popular recently. Now it is fashionable to wear not only the names of loved ones or sayings in ancient Latin, but also words of gratitude, quotes from films or songs, poems, works.

Such tattoos can be on the body of men and women on different parts of the body. As a rule, there are two reasons why a person chooses this particular type of tattoo:

  • For myself. Then the tattoo is placed in an inaccessible and invisible place to others. This tattoo has a “secret meaning” for its owner.
  • For others. In this case, there is a desire to prove or show something to someone, to bring it to the knowledge.

Before making such a drawing, each person should clearly formulate their thoughts and desires. Such an inscription will remain on your body for the rest of your life, which means it should be truly meaningful and important to you.

IMPORTANT: In this article you will find a list of the most popular and beautiful words, phrases and expressions that can be used as a sketch for a tattoo, as well as their interpretation.

Phrases and words for tattoos:

Russian inscriptions-tattoos, photos of finished works:

Tattoo inscriptions on the back: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

The back is like a blank canvas and is a great place to get a tattoo. Of course, you yourself will not see the tattoo (except in the mirror). So expect others to see it.

The back allows you to get a fairly extensive tattoo, but keep in mind that there are many protrusions on this part of the body: vertebrae, shoulder blades. This means that you will have to ask the master to be more attentive and careful, or rely on his professionalism.

INTERESTING: Tattoo inscriptions can also be located on the lower back, but in this place it is customary to get tattoos only for women.

Photos of tattoos on the back with phrases and words:

Names - tattoos on the shoulder blade

Tattoo inscriptions on the stomach: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

This is not the most “popular” place to get a tattoo. Most often, of course, such a tattoo can be found on women. The locations of the inscriptions can be as follows:

  • Above the navel
  • Below the navel
  • On the side
  • Under the ribs
  • Lower belly
  • Around the navel
  • Just above the hip bones
  • Like covering a scar from appendicitis or after a cesarean section.

INTERESTING: At the same time, some men can also get tattoo inscriptions on their stomachs that have a special meaning. Such tattoos look especially beautiful on an athletic body.

Photo of tattoo inscriptions on the stomach:

Tattoo inscriptions on the hand: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

The hand is the most popular place for tattooing. Such a tattoo is always visible, both for its owner and for the people around him. That is why she should be beautiful, neat, even and significant.

The tattoo can be located on any part of the arm:

  • On the forearm
  • On the elbow (around, above and below the elbow joint)
  • On the brush
  • On the back of the palm
  • On the finger
  • Around the arm
  • Along the arm

IMPORTANT: Of course, if you work for a government enterprise or hope to gain a respected profession, you should get the tattoo in a place where it will not be visible (or it will be possible to hide it with clothing).

Options for inscriptions on hands:

"Everything is in my hands"

"Through hardship to the stars"

Tattoo inscriptions on the wrist: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

Modern youth get a tattoo on their wrist, since this part of the body is always open and any design or inscription will be visible. The place on the inside of the hand is especially popular, because it is more or less hidden and, if desired, you can always cover up the inscription with a watch strap or bracelet.

This area on the hand is usually reserved for very personal signs and words, such as "family" or the names of loved ones. They always catch the eye and their owner remembers the stuffed words.

IMPORTANT: A tattoo on the wrist should not be massive or overly large. The smaller and thinner the font, the better the tattoo.

Photos of works on the wrist:

Incentive to the stars

“Luck” is a stimulus for a person or a symbol that protects from evil

Life slogan “never give up”

"Honor" is an incentive

Tattoo inscriptions on the finger: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

Those who do not want to have very extensive designs on their body get a tattoo on their finger. As a rule, miniature signs, symbols and 1-3 significant words can be located here.

The tattoo is placed on the side of the finger, since it is not always noticeable there, but only if desired. Recently, Hindi-style hand and finger painting, or a small pattern covering the wrist, hand and 1-2 fingers, has also become popular.

Photos of works on fingers:

Tattoo inscriptions on the leg: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

Both men and women get tattoos with inscriptions on their legs. It is only important to choose the right place, for example, on the thigh it is customary to leave drawings and inscriptions “for the beautiful half of humanity”, and on the lower leg - “strong”.

But there are no strict restrictions, the main thing is that you enjoy looking at it. It is not uncommon for women and men to choose a place on the side of the foot.

INTERESTING: You can get a tattoo on your leg, either of a few words or long sentences.

Photos of work on legs and ankles:

Tattoo inscriptions on the neck: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

Of course, not everyone will decide to get a tattoo on their neck, because it is always very noticeable and can often completely change the first impression of a person.

However, this is a popular trend among modern youth and increasingly in big cities no one even pays attention to such drawings. Such a tattoo is not just a feature of a person’s style, but his feature and character.

Photos of work on the neck:

Tattoo inscriptions on the collarbone: ideas, sketches, photos of finished works

A single or double tattoo on the collarbone will look very impressive and unusual. In this place with open clothing, it will of course be very visible or completely hidden. This is its advantage. The downside is that women will not be able to hide it in evening wear. Inscription in English

Tattoo inscriptions about love: words, phrases, quotes

To leave memories of a loved one on your body or to express all your devotion to your loved ones, you can write a few words about your feelings. Here you are offered a wide range of options for inscriptions and quotes.

Tattoo inscriptions about life: words, phrases, quotes

A person who is in search of his “true” path or constantly thinks about life can leave a tattoo inscription with significant philosophical words on his body. They should regularly push him to take certain actions, give him advice or a chance not to make mistakes.

Words about family for tattoos

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions: words, phrases, quotes

You can always choose an inscription for a tattoo, focusing on your preferences, interests and experiences that you have lived. Or maybe you once saw something that impressed you? These memories, feelings, dreams and daydreams can always be captured with a tattoo and strive towards any goals with confidence.

Video: Tattoo lettering