Small tattoos for men on the sternum. Men's and women's chest tattoos: the best ideas and the most fashionable sketches

Men's chest tattoos are chosen by those who like large sketches or symbolic inscriptions. The drawing, which is located in the area of ​​the heart since ancient times, symbolizes a shield and amulet for its owner. Tattoos on the chest are hidden from people's eyes most of the time, but at the same time, a large tattoo always instills confidence in its owner and is his personal talisman. Men's chest tattoos are the choice of brave men.

Men often begin their journey into the world of tattoos not with small, inconspicuous sketches, but with large drawings. A tattoo on the chest is a tattoo option that will not be too flashy and can easily be hidden by clothing.

In ancient times, tattoos on the chest had the property of protection on the battlefield and were supposed to ward off danger from their owner. Today, men get tattoos on their chests because of their meaning and aesthetics; in the modern world, a tattoo primarily expresses style and life position. But the property of protection and amulet also remains relevant for many.

Popular Subjects of Men's Chest Tattoos

Men's Chest Tattoos

The easiest way to get a meaningful tattoo is to choose an inscription. Words woven into one plot in calligraphic font look very harmonious on the chest. Mostly men choose life-affirming and motivating phrases. For example, “Life Is a Lesson” (Life is a lesson), “Believe in yourself” (Believe in yourself).

Men's Abstraction Tattoos on the Chest

Abstraction tattoos in a variety of manifestations are often located on the chest. These can be geometric patterns or trash polka tattoos. You can put any meaning into abstract tattoos, encrypt a message that is important to the owner of the tattoo. At the same time, such tattoos are aesthetic and stylish, they attract attention and force you to unravel the meaning of the design.

Men's Chest Tattoos with Animals and Birds

Representatives of the animal world often become the subject of men's chest tattoos. Almost every animal has its own symbolism.

For example, they mean secret knowledge, a craving for the unknown, wisdom and going beyond the usual everyday consciousness.

And the Tiger is a symbol of courage, nobility, courage. These royal and powerful wild animals in all cultures symbolize the greatness and strength that people value in rulers and leaders.

Means strength, power, calm and nobility. In many cultures, such as Buddhist, the elephant is associated with deities and is revered by people.

Deer tattoo is the embodiment of spirituality and creativity. Deer is associated with sunlight, rebirth, warmth. His horns are a symbol of the world tree.

Men's Heart Tattoos on Chest

Heart tattoo can have several interpretations. For some it is a symbol of life, vitality. According to another popular interpretation, the heart is the embodiment of feelings, emotions, and love. This pattern will be chosen by people who rely on their feelings and trust their emotions.

Men's Tribal Chest Tattoos

Classic ethnic is popular for chest tattoos. In ancient times, tribal tattoos were supposed to control the fate of their owner, protect him from troubles and mistakes, add strength and courage to him, and relieve him of fears.

Among the Maori people, a tattoo (Maori tribal tattoo) was an indicator of courage and endurance, because not everyone decided to get such a tattoo because of the pain when applying it.

Men's Tattoos Minimalism on the Chest

Minimalistic chest tattoos are popular among men. It is generally accepted that a large pattern should be located on a large area of ​​skin. But a small tattoo can be placed harmoniously and then it will not get lost and will look decent. For example, a tattoo with the date of birth of a loved one or an element from a painting by a favorite artist.

Black and White Men's Chest Tattoos

Black and white tattoos are an unchanging classic. Monochrome large designs in different styles look great on the chest. Black and white tattoos can be done in the style of realism, and in the style of old school or ethnic.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the chest?

A tattoo on the chest is a tattoo with high pain sensations. The most sensitive area is the area around the nipple - on the pain scale this is one of the most painful areas.




Tattoos on the chest of girls always cause conflicting emotions among others. Some believe that the purpose of any representative of the fair sex is, first of all, motherhood, so there is no need to destroy natural beauty and expose yourself to danger. Moreover, if the placement is incorrectly chosen, even the most innocent and sweet sketch looks quite vulgar. Others believe that such conservative views are long outdated, so shocking others is possible and even necessary. And although chest tattoos for girls have not yet become mainstream, there are all the prerequisites for this.

Pros and cons

Before listing all the positive and negative aspects of chest tattoos for girls, you should focus on the dangers of this procedure. Drawings directly on the chest are not recommended for those with mastopathy or hormonal disorders, since there is a direct threat to health. In addition, the tissue in this place is so thin and delicate that there is a high risk of infection in the body.

Experts do not advise going to a tattoo parlor during menstruation, since during this period the pain threshold is significantly reduced, so the session can turn into painful torture.

What are the advantages of a chest tattoo?

  • Tattoos on the chest will help hide stretch marks and even correct the shape of the bust with the right design. Girls who have, in their opinion, special flaws resort to such a trick. Beautiful drawings will give confidence in their own abilities and raise the self-esteem of their owner. By the way, in some subcultures it is very fashionable to get a tattoo on a woman’s chest in the form of a patterned bra. Such drawings are suitable for liberated, extravagant girls who focus on their sexuality and visual attractiveness.
  • Small tattoos for girls on the chest, located in the right place, can be easily hidden under clothing. Colleagues, friends and parents will not even suspect the existence of body art. Only the chosen one will be able to see the tattoo.
  • Due to the sufficient number of fat cells, the application procedure is painless, and some representatives of the fair sex even claim that the sensations during the session are pleasant.

Tattoos in the neckline area also have disadvantages.

  • Tattoos here can cause certain difficulties in finding a job and become a real burden in later life. Girls are strongly discouraged from drawing in a fit of emotion, especially for young ladies. You should carefully consider your decision so as not to regret what happened.
  • Tattoos on the chest can undergo various deformations after childbirth, as well as due to sudden fluctuations in weight. During pregnancy, the bust may increase by 1-3 sizes, which will negatively affect the quality of the figure. In addition, even menstruation is accompanied by breast swelling, so beautiful small tattoos can lose their former attractiveness, become distorted and stretch. It will be difficult to correct the situation in this case.
  • The procedure for applying a pattern under the breast is accompanied by more severe pain, since the ribs are in close proximity to the skin. No self-respecting master will touch the nipple area, since there are a large number of nerve endings here, and the paint cannot be distributed evenly.

Best Sketch Ideas

Women's designs for tattoos on the chest can be divided into two categories: exquisite body jewelry that performs a purely decorative function, and an intimate design that has special meaning for its owner. It is in the area of ​​the heart that significant events can be immortalized (for example, the date of birth of a child or the initials of a loved one).

However, after looking at the photos in the gallery after the article and talking with experienced tattooists, we can conclude that inscriptions on the chest of the fair sex are the least common.


Graceful patterns in the Baroque style take the lead. Thin and neat lines, combined into an openwork pattern, look very feminine and stylish on a woman’s chest. This is usually a monochrome image that occupies a large area of ​​the body. Although there are exceptions (for example, imitation jewelry like a chain in the neckline).

Floral theme

Such sketches should be approached with extreme caution, as some compositions may look tasteless and vulgar. A small rose on a girl’s chest will add a touch of piquancy and sophistication, while a colorful bouquet above the bust can ruin the look.

Egyptian motifs

After singer Rihanna got a tattoo under her chest in the form of the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility Isis, a real boom began among fans of body art. Girls began en masse to stuff ancient symbols, designed to improve life and become a powerful amulet. The most commonly chosen are the scarab beetle, which symbolizes rebirth and helps achieve goals, as well as the ankh key, which gives secret knowledge.


Wing tattoos can be seen not only on the back, but also on the chest. They symbolize freedom, spirituality, purity, sublimity.

Photo gallery of tattoos

Selection of sketches

In ancient times, men used tattoos on their chests as amulets. They were compared with a shield that protected a warrior’s heart from defeat. Today, tattoos for men on the chest are an opportunity to emphasize the relief of muscles and show their special style. The best ideas for this place in 2019 are a wise owl, a zodiac sign, a ship with sails, abstraction and a soaring eagle.

When choosing an idea, a man needs to decide on the theme of the picture, be it inscriptions, hieroglyphs, animals and birds, plants, symbols, brutal or beautiful images, mini tattoos, colored or in 3D format. Next, following simple tips on selection and application, as well as avoiding examples of typical mistakes in selection, you can get a cool result.

There is supposed to be enough free space on the chest, so it will be difficult to immediately decide on a sketch. The experts name the top 5 ideas of 2019:

Owl– this bird personifies a man’s secret knowledge, the desire for freedom and independence, mysticism and life wisdom, going beyond the usual consciousness. In addition, you can learn from the character balance, calmness, prudence and self-confidence.

Zodiac sign– in this place, a correctly selected symbol, totem animal or zodiac constellation will work as an amulet. Its task is to enhance the best qualities in the character and talents of the owner.

Ship with sails- a symbol of success and good luck in a man’s life path, which will help transform life for the better. It is also an indicator of hope and optimism, striving forward to achieve your goals.

Abstraction– these can be geometric patterns, Celtic or Polynesian ornaments, within which you can encrypt your own special meaning. Most often these are amulets and charms that work for the benefit of the owner.

Soaring eagle- means the desire for career growth, the realization of set goals and global dreams. The drawing suggests that this is an ambitious and passionate person who does not give in to difficulties.

Advantages and disadvantages of chest tattoos for men

To make a choice, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of getting a tattoo in the chest area. The main advantages include:

  1. Aesthetics– large space allows you to paint large-scale, monochrome and multi-colored, realistic scenes, as well as entire artistic compositions. Such creativity will undoubtedly attract admiring glances.
  2. Practicality– a large area, an even and smooth surface of the skin and the ability to hide the tattoo with clothing allow you to turn any experiments and desires into reality. This means that any sketches and execution styles are appropriate here.
  3. Painless– the procedure is painless, and the specialist can easily cope with any style of performance due to the excellent characteristics of the skin here.
  4. Unpretentious care– healing is quick and not problematic, first the guy wears a protective film, applies healing agents, covering the area with clothes.
  5. Camouflage– in any inappropriate situation, a tattoo can be easily hidden with clothing, be it work or an official event.

For reference! There will be fewer disadvantages in this case - this is a high price if we are talking about a large complex sketch, as well as the duration of the work, which can stretch over several stages.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your chest?

The most painful places for tattooing are located on the chest in the area of ​​the ribs, since there is no fat layer and muscles to absorb needle punctures. A solid tattoo on the sternum will not be so uncomfortable for a man, especially if he has developed muscles.

The same can be said about working on the pectoral muscle, which protects against discomfort and pain. Drawings on the left chest, under the heart, on the shoulder and sternum will also not be so painful for a strong, physically developed guy. But a lot also depends on individual characteristics and pain threshold.

If the tattoo is on the chest, is it large (B) or small (M)?


Styles and colors for chest tattoos for men

How are men's tattoos different? These are impressive drawings of a brutal, daring and strict format, as well as laconic and simple images for classics and conservatives. These criteria correspond to different styles of tattoos:

blackwork– only black paint and high contrast are applicable;

finishing touches– dot technique of applying paint;

trash polka– aggressive color pictures;

biomechanics– imitation of tearing flesh with mechanisms and metal objects;

3d– impressive three-dimensional drawings with optical illusion;

chikano– gangster drawings that depict weapons, bones and cards, coins, girls, religious subjects;

old school– classics of the genre, bright contrasting drawings from the last century.

In addition to style, it is worth considering the color scheme of the future work. This can be a monochrome version in dark colors or a color sketch with basic colors and their similar shades.

Inscriptions with meaning

In most cases, inscriptions are the first experience, as well as an additional element to existing pictures. Most often they are performed in ancient languages ​​- Latin, Hebrew or Arabic script. Modern options are no less relevant - English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

What are these tattoos most often about:

  • about feelings and matters of the heart;
  • about friendship;
  • about children and relatives;
  • about family;
  • Quotes of great men;
  • philosophical inscriptions;
  • motivating phrases;
  • words with religious overtones.

Not only the phrase itself is an important criterion for a cool tattoo, a man must choose the appropriate font. Most often, craftsmen today use 3 methods of depicting inscriptions - handwritten, calligraphic and Gothic font.


The Land of the Rising Sun uses the most mysterious and beautiful symbols - hieroglyphs - as writing. Such tattoos are relevant if only because most often they are understandable only to the owner. And the aesthetics of such inscriptions is beyond praise. Different words about love, faith, life will look harmonious on the chest, for example:

  • 每个人都有自己的方式 - everyone has their own path;
  • 出生快乐 – born to be happy;
  • 我的天使总是与我同在 - my angel is always with me;
  • 与神同在 – with God in the heart;
  • 保存和保存 - bless and save.

Due to the many functioning dialects, it is important not to make a mistake with the choice of hieroglyphs, since the same character can be interpreted differently.


animals– identification of one’s character traits and behavior with the character, imitation of his strength, courage and wisdom (bear, wolf, deer, cats, elephant);

plants– beautiful subjects, as an emphasis on a subtle and creative nature, a rich inner world (tree, peony, rose, orchid, dandelion, etc.);

birds– the guy’s desire for freedom, flight, lightness, his determination, sharp mind, quick wit, speed (eagle, falcon, hummingbird, raven, owl);

insects- a talisman and amulet that attracts good luck, promotes spiritual and physical growth, a source of happiness and positivity (beetle, ladybug, moth, grasshopper);

arthropods– danger and mystery, a unique view of things, creative thinking (spider, scorpio);

sea ​​inhabitants– a philosophical meaning or a talisman that helps to reveal new facets and talents in a person (carp, shark, dolphin, whale, octopus, turtle)

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Any sketches located on the chest address a message to the spirit line, and most importantly, enhance one or more facets of the owner. It is the choice of animal or bird that determines what exactly the tattoo will “work” on.

Memorable tattoos

Memorable tattoos are a kind of desire to imprint on your body any turning points, emphasizing a special relationship. They can be on different topics, for example:

  • name of an important person;
  • children's names;
  • periods of military service, study, marriage and birth of children;
  • scarification to highlight scars and injuries after serious incidents;
  • inscriptions regarding hobbies or professional activities.


  • YinYan - the desire to achieve spiritual harmony and balance;
  • Zodiac sign - a talisman that develops the talents and abilities of the owner;
  • Hamsa – amulet, hand of God, luck, kindness, strong intuition;
  • cross– a sign of religiosity, a desire to get closer to God;
  • eye of Horus- a mystical sign of the divine world order, protecting against evil and failure.


You can emphasize your strength and brutality with the help of daring monochrome designs on your body. The following proposals went into the tattoo category for real men:

  • tiger and dragon - works as a Yin-Yang symbol, personifying the confrontation between good and evil;
  • buffalo– aggression and unbridledness, sexual energy, as well as a sign of emotional maturity;
  • wolf– loneliness, firm position, devotion to one’s choice, courage;
  • grin of a predator– readiness to defend oneself, courage, strength, danger and aggression;
  • ornament– protects from evil, failures, personifies the cyclicality and infinity of existence.

Mini tattoo

Small tattoos are not only quick to perform and pain-free, but also look laconic and discreet on the body. Most often, the following options are stuffed in such a place:

  • heart - a symbol of the presence of feelings and devotion to the chosen one;
  • cross - definition of religion;
  • crown - self-esteem, leadership, desire to prevail over others;
  • lotus – spirituality, peace;
  • anchor- certainty and devotion, desire for stability, a solid core inside.

Beautiful and cool tattoos

For those who want to be different, stand out from the crowd, and show individuality, there is a whole collection of cool and beautiful sketches for the chest. You can see the following ideas in it:

  • wings– freedom and independence, purity, kindness, desire to be closer to your guardian angel;
  • eastern dragon– irresistible force and passion, secret knowledge and mysticism;
  • owl– an ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom, having your own view on any things;
  • deer– self-confidence and one’s strengths, purity of soul and thoughts;
  • fallen Angel- a creature in a sitting position, conveying dejection, mental pain and disappointment.


You can create absolutely any picture in color, but the following examples will look coolest:

  • space– realistic drawings of galaxies and planets, as the personification of creative nature, the desire to get rid of boundaries, to be free and independent;
  • plot from a film or fantasy– a colorful sketch that simply acts as a decorative element and a manifestation of love for creativity;
  • mythical character– comparing yourself and your character, strengths and qualities with the hero;
  • dream Catcher– a beautiful symbol in color that wards away dark forces and spirits from the soul;
  • eagle soaring in the sky– a beautiful picture symbolizing freedom, flight of the soul, fantasy, desire for independence.

3D tattoo

3D tattoos are a real hit of 2019, and the bravest guys prefer to apply the following options:

  • biomechanics– a creepy imitation of metal mechanisms cutting into the skin;
  • portrait of a girl– sensuality, passionate nature, heterosexuality;
  • Jesus Christ– spirituality, religiosity, desire to be under the protection of higher powers;
  • patterns (abstraction and geometry)– a decorative element that creates an optical illusion of perception of space;
  • compass– persistence of life priorities, passion for adventure and adventurousness.

To ensure that the decision to get a tattoo on your chest does not become a mistake, it is important to consider the following criteria in advance:

  • sketch– the drawing must be the author’s and not plagiarized;
  • meaning– each element requires interpretation, what sacred meaning it provides;
  • place on the chest– the sketch can be voluminous over the entire chest or located on one of its parts;
  • size– how many percent of the chest will be occupied by the drawing;
  • style and colors– free choice, depending on the client’s preferences.

Important! Find out in advance from the master how much the work will cost, how much time and stages it will take to complete it.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To have guarantees of safe and high-quality work, you should find a salon in your city where experienced and highly qualified craftsmen work, newfangled equipment and professional paints are used, and sterility is maintained.

There are several ideas for tattoos, which, according to experienced tattoo artists, are unsuccessful. What you should definitely avoid:

  • love theme, since this is a temporary impulse of the soul;
  • subcultural symbols, since they are negative to a greater extent and are relevant for a certain period of life;
  • prison tattoo, due to which conflicts may arise;
  • cartoon and fantasy stories, which will eventually become irrelevant.

The main condition for choosing the right sketch is that it will always be relevant, harmoniously fitting into the image and lifestyle of the owner.


In the chest area you can fill both miniature and monochrome pictures, as well as large-scale and spectacular 3D ideas in color. The main categories to choose from are inscriptions, animals, birds, plants, symbols, subjects from religion, fantasy, and mythology. It is imperative to evaluate the sketch visually in the photo and clarify in advance the meaning of each element in the composition so that the tattoo does not cause problems and failures.

In modern times, a tattoo on the chest is considered a fashionable decoration among men who want to emphasize their individuality.

Applying drawn symbols to this part of the body is a fairly ancient tradition that dates back to the times when warriors fought in battles.

Men's chest tattoos served as a kind of amulet and shield that protected the most important organ - the heart - during the war.

If previously tattoos were applied on one half of the chest, today they are most often placed across the entire width of the chest, in the area of ​​the collarbone or shoulder.

At the same time, ordinary men's chest tattoos are done in color.

Black and white or dark blue images are often associated with places of detention, so this style is usually chosen by daring and open people.

A lighter tattoo color indicates a man’s friendly and peace-loving character.

What tattoo theme do men choose?

Since men's tattoos serve as a means of self-expression through which the environment can obtain information about a person's habits, it is important to choose the right theme for the design.

It is no secret that such ornaments on the body are admired by many girls.

Even in primitive times, it was believed that if a man wears a tattoo, then he is the most worthy of the worthy; these were the ones chosen as husbands and fathers of future children.

Do not forget that in our country the main function of tattoos is to transmit data from prisoner to prisoner about the terms of imprisonment and the type of crime.

Therefore, in order to choose the right design, you should contact a quality salon, where the master will show you various photos and correctly describe the symbolism of each tattoo you like.

Most often, men today choose tattoos in the form of:

  • Decorations, it can be a cross, a chain, a wave;
  • The dragon, especially such ornaments, is often chosen by fans of the fantasy genre;
  • Angel and Demon, there are many beautiful options on a similar theme, among which the main ornaments are wings;
  • Weapons that symbolize courage;
  • Predators, it could be a bear or a tattoo with the image of a wolf;
  • Inscriptions that report what has become important for a person in this life.

An original option could be men's tattoos of an intimate nature in the form of half-naked women or explicit inscriptions.

The meaning of tattoos

Any men's tattoos carry a certain meaning, which is important to consider when applying a design to the body.

Very often, men choose the image of a wolf - a strong, intelligent and swift animal, which is treated with respect. Such a symbol is suitable only for a strong, faithful and fair person.

A wolf tattoo can have several meanings, which is worth checking with the artist. The most mysterious symbol is the appearance of a red wolf, which combines the strength and audacity of a wolf, the cunning of a fox and the caution of a jackal.

The bear on the ornament symbolizes resurrection and the beginning of a new life, power, fertility and motherhood, courage and power, charity and peace, courage and confidence.

By the way, British scientists are sure that.

Meanwhile, you need to know that the bear has its own meaning among different peoples.

Thus, among the Indians, a bear is a peace-loving and kind animal, among the Celts it is a symbol of the power of the Moon as a feminine principle. The Chinese believe that the bear is a masculine principle, symbolizing strength and dominance.

The Christian cross reports on the spiritual development of the individual. Tattoos that depict a Celtic cross in the form of a complex endless knot are very popular among men.

The Gothic cross also usually takes center stage among the photos offered in a tattoo parlor.

Stars can be safely called a universal symbol that can be applied to the body by people of any religion or culture.

They symbolize prosperity and success, and stars are also believed to make wishes come true. Starfish tattoos are usually inked by sailors as a symbol of protection.

Six-pointed stars represent the five basic senses and bring health.

The wings on the chest symbolize innocence and divine beauty.

Angels' wings represent protection, wisdom, love and spiritual purity.

Often, a symbol such as wings is placed next to the name of a loved one, which speaks of a special feeling and tenderness.

Most often, the wings are decorated with various colors to add beauty and personality.

Features of men's chest tattoos

Men often choose the chest as the place to get a tattoo, as this is the most convenient place where you can place an image of any size, including a photo.

Especially male tattoos on the right or left pectoral muscle look attractive on an athletic, pumped-up body.

A bear looks impressive on the chest, as well as a large tattoo in the form of a wolf or other animal.

A cross, stars or wings are often surrounded by additional ornaments and can cover not only the chest, but also the shoulder, gradually moving onto the arm.

However, in the future, altering such a tattoo will cost the owner very much.

Thanks to the convex shape of the pectoral muscle, a complex ornament can be complemented with an unusual volume effect.

A symmetrically applied image in the area below the collarbones will look especially original. It is in these places that wings, names, stars, a cross and other small ornaments are often depicted.

Also, men's tattoos are often applied to the chest, since this part of the body is less painful. At the same time, after several years, the pattern on the pectoral muscles does not lose its attractiveness.

Since tattoos came into fashion, they increasingly decorate the human body, and especially the chest. Wearing a tattoo on the chest is an ancient tradition. Previously, a warrior went to battle with prayer and amulets. And the tattoos on the chest symbolized a shield and covered the most important organ – the heart – from damage.

You can place a large image or complex ornament on the chest. Due to the convexity of the pectoral muscles, the design can be given a volume effect. Another feature is that below the collarbones you can apply a symmetrical pattern, which looks catchy and very original.

The “advantage” of a tattoo on the chest is that it is painless. When applying the drawing, pain is felt, but not as much as in other parts of the body. In addition, the chest muscles are strong, and the image will not lose its attractiveness over the years.

Men's chest tattoos

Men's chest tattoos amaze with the inventiveness of their plot. Traditionally, tattoos were common on only one side of the chest. These days, designs near the shoulder or collarbone, across the entire width of the chest, are more fashionable.

A tradition that came from the West is the image of wings. It symbolizes strength and courage, the “scale” of the owner. Romantics choose a tattoo with a ship with swollen sails. A man in love can pin a portrait of his beloved.

Women's chest tattoos

Tattoos on women's breasts are more varied, because they can be placed under the breasts too. This is an intimate place that is not intended for strangers. Girls prefer bright tattoos that can easily be mistaken for decoration: a necklace around the neck, a flower garland. Among girls there are many lovers of small, neat tattoos: a flirty bow, a swallow or a fox, a cross.

Representatives of the fairer sex are also very romantic, which is why tattoos with flowers (especially roses) are popular. At one time, a heart tattoo was fashionable. Now it has been replaced by a similar one - a heart made in the steampunk style. This is a winged heart with metal wings, chained.

Often the image is applied around the nipple (for example, a flower, hearts). Another original tattoo is a web with a nipple in the center. Sometimes girls decorate their chests with a bra tattoo. Loving mothers can symmetrically pin images of their children.

A tattoo on the chest is a beautiful and original image that always attracts the attention of others. Below are photos of chest tattoos from different tattoo artists.