How to choose the right girl. What women are not suitable for family and relationships A girl for a family what she is

Relationship with a girl is a lot of pluses. Therefore, many guys strive to achieve such a result. But modern realities are such that girls in our time are far from always suitable for a serious relationship. How to make the right choice? Where can be an error? Is it important for you at this stage to start a serious relationship? How to choose a girl for a relationship? Which girl to choose for a serious relationship? Let's look into these issues.

Begin with yourself. What do you want?

What kind of girl should be next to you? Adventurer or calm and homely? What should she be like in bed, in the kitchen, what place should she take in your life? The answers to these questions will determine which particular girl you choose. For example, if you love the life of a night city, clubs and parties, then a home girl is not for long. In accordance with the approximate type of girl, you need to meet in the right places.

A smart girl, well-mannered, a good hostess and all straight smart? Go to exhibitions, theater, museum or library. Such girls are unlikely to get acquainted on the street willingly. Here you have a much better chance. Just do not forget to stock up on at least some knowledge about the place where you are going in order to have an additional trump card when meeting.

Active girls are often found among volunteers, tourists, as well as at holidays and social events. When is the next city day? Or Maslenitsa, New Year, March 8, etc. As soon as the date comes, go for a walk and get to know each other. An almost perfect date for dating is February 14th.

To find a girl who loves the nightlife, go to the clubs. Here you will quickly find a companion. However, I believe that such girls are not suitable for long-term relationships. An exception is the case when you completely coincide with her in interests and hobbies.

And now the most important trick. It is very difficult to immediately find exactly the girl who will become your permanent one. Therefore, do not hesitate to make acquaintances with several and test them for certain qualities. Later you will choose the best option for yourself. This is where the knowledge from my article “Getting to know a woman is easy” will come in handy.

For a serious relationship - age is important!

Of course, we all would like to find a younger and prettier girl. But in the case of long-term relationships, this path rarely ends in success. Practice shows that girls from 17 to 25 are very poorly adapted for building a family and for long-term relationships, in particular.

At this time, their hormonal background is constantly jumping, she has a very modest experience with men, so she cannot give you what you need and what you want. At this time, girls consider themselves goddesses, so guys should woo them.. They also believe that guys only need sex, although, in fact, they cannot give anything but sex.

Of course, there are exceptions, but after 25 there is a real transformation:

  • now the girl knows the value of money and does not require fashionable gifts from you;
  • she already has enough experience in communicating with men, so we imagine what a guy needs for happiness and can give it;
  • as a rule, by the age of 25, a girl acquires her own housing, there will be no problems with real estate;
  • she already has her own income, it is easier to agree that in a cafe everyone pays for himself;
  • the character becomes more calm, she already takes out the brains of the guys less;
  • gradually, the realization comes to her that 25 is already quite a lot, so you need to look for a man and hold on to him;
  • it is more direct and understandable.
That is why experienced pick-up artists are advised to start long-term relationships with such girls. They are already more drawn to creating a family, so they become much more accommodating and understandable. It's really easier with them.

On their own people are not judged!

I follow the statistics and I don't like them. Physical beauty is very important for girls. At the same time, the significance of the attractiveness of a man is deliberately downplayed. And it plays into the hands of pick-up artists! I don't like the fact that guys try to pick up a girl to match. That is, if a guy has a mediocre appearance, then the girl should too.

This phenomenon is caused by the fear of rejection by the guys. And you should not be afraid of failures, you must go through failures to your goal. Gradually, you will improve your communication skills with girls and you will be able to reach the result when there will be a minimum number of failures. Meet only beautiful girls!

How to choose?

I am of the opinion that a guy and a girl in a relationship should be compatible on three points: sex, life and money. Is there an inconsistency in one of the points? Break up right there and look for another half. Let's explore these aspects.

Compatibility in sex. Everything is quite simple here. Answer yourself, how often do you need sex? This can be once a week or every day for 3-4. The girls are exactly the same. You will have to check within a few weeks whether it suits you according to this criterion. Why so long? Because in the first week, any couple does not get out of bed at all, and then everything becomes clear.

Domestic compatibility lies, for the most part, in your cleanliness. Do you like to scatter things and are not bothered by a cluttered room? The girl should treat the order in the same way and vice versa. It's better for you to litter and grunt together than for one of you to constantly clean up after the other. Or together keep the house sterile. This factor is also checked for several weeks. At first, the girl will most likely clean your house all the time. Only then will she show her true nature.

Monetary compatibility is the most important point. Yes, girls are mercantile, and each has its own degree of this “ailment”. You need to find out how much your girlfriend sees you as a "bag of money." Asking for gifts? Immediately in refusal, if you do not like to spend money. If she saves every penny, see if she goes to extremes. Otherwise, one day you will find expired products, "because there were discounts on them."

Each of these aspects is important. Do you observe incompatibility in at least one of them? The relationship ends immediately.

Are you ready?

Why do you need a long-term serious relationship? Are you sure this is exactly what you would like to have? Consider the pros and cons of a long-term relationship. Let's start with the positives, I'm all for the positive.
  1. Constant, regular sex.
  2. Mutual assistance.
  3. Care.
  4. Opportunity to have children.
No matter how we treat love as a phenomenon, all these pluses are broken into facts. They are all available without relationship. Do you want regular sex? Build an open relationship. Mutual assistance is characteristic of friends. Caring is something that you will receive from parents or different girls at almost any time. Having children is yes, but even here the issue is debatable, you need to think a lot and weigh all the pros and cons.

And now the cons:

If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Many guys, after bitter experience, eventually begin to think about how they can choose the only one from the girls who will become a wife. But not everyone knows how to do it. In this thread, we will try to help you solve this problem. We will also tell you what you need to pay attention to when choosing a girl. What qualities and shortcomings you need to pay attention to, and what not.

And so, before starting a relationship and searching for your ideal, you need to ask yourself the question: “Am I ideal?”. In fact, if you are not overpriced, then the answer to this question is no. And it's true there are no perfect girls and no perfect guys. But there are people who have achieved something in this regard, there are those who strive for excellence, and there are those who go with the flow in life.

In fact, a person is judged by his actions. Because an act is a fact, and what else to believe if not facts. Therefore, let's actually talk about female nature. Namely, let's talk about the qualities of girls that they must have in order for them to make good wives. But before that, I want to say that at the beginning of every relationship between you and a girl, a spark must run. After all, the fire of love will flare up from it in the future. And without love, building relationships is like building a house without a foundation.

And so what are the qualities of a girl, as well as what you need to pay attention to in a relationship:

  • Pay attention to her friends - you can understand a lot from the one with whom you communicate. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a saying: "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are." So chat with her friends and learn more about them and you will learn a lot about the girl. By the way, in the future they can become your allies in the fight for the girl's heart.

  • Chastity (fidelity) - in fact, it is hard to imagine a future wife without this quality. A woman is by nature the keeper of the family hearth. This is her main advantage. She must be reliable and faithful to her husband. If you want just such a wife, then you immediately need to discard girls who do not have this quality.

  • The ability to cook is also an important quality for us men. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Yes, you can get by if your finances allow restaurants, etc. But if you are from an average wealthy family, then it’s hard to imagine a relationship without this quality. After all, when a husband comes home hungry, and there is nothing to eat, then what kind of love can we talk about. It is unlikely that everything will do without a quarrel. Someone might argue by saying that, a girl learn. Perhaps, but do not be naive, because if a girl has not been taught this since childhood, then the likelihood that she will want to learn how to cook in the family is very small.

  • Keeping order is actually also an important quality. Again, it's hard to imagine a future wife who will sit at home up to her neck in dust with dirty dishes in the kitchen. Maybe you as a man do not care, but you have a masculine nature, and she has a feminine one. Women are born with this quality. Men are not always given, and if given, then in smaller quantities. Also, as the owner of the family, you will from time to time want to invite friends or relatives home. What will they think and then say about you when they see such a mess.

  • You need to pay attention to the parents of your future wife - after all, in fact, they have overestimated a lot of things and will overestimate them in the life of your chosen one. In the girl's parents, one can consider the model of the family that she imagines. After all, she basically takes this model from the example of her parents. If the mother is the main one in the family, then she will most likely want to command in the family. If in a family, then at her psychological level it is laid to quarrel. So be sure to pay attention to it.

  • The relationship of a girl to children is so inherent in nature that one of the main physical advantages of girls is the opportunity to become a mother in the future. And if you want receivers who will be adequately brought up, then look at how your chosen one treats children. Try to understand. Perhaps she and the children are incompatible.

I advise you to pay attention to all these qualities. And I also advise you not to forget that we are all imperfect and you should not demand more from your soul mate than she can give you. You can't jump above your head. But she must have the basic qualities. I wish you success in your personal life.

In this article I will tell you how to choose a girl for life and relationships. I must say that this is not an easy task, especially if you have many girls or have access to different girls, and all of them are good and wonderful. It is much easier if you are rare at all and you have no choice, and you got one girl and you don’t have to rack your brains, you have to take what you have. By the way, ninety percent of men live like this. But, if there are a lot of them, then here the easiest option is just to fall in love, and then you will stop paying attention to her shortcomings and you will be happy that she is with you, the way she is.

Here is the first step to how to choose a woman, how to find her, your ideal woman - as in all cases - you must clearly know what you want, or in this case, who you want. Then it will be easier for the Universe to give you what you want. You take a large sheet of paper and write, or rather describe your ideal woman.

The criteria are as follows:

  1. Appearance;
  2. Character;
  3. Her attitude towards you;
  4. Your joint pastime.

Describe as if you have the opportunity to choose whatever you want in a large Universal catalog, and whatever you order will certainly come true. Write there everything that you would like what should be in your ideal woman, from whether her pubis is smooth and to how she hugs you herself when you go shopping.

You must know and represent who you are looking for. The most interesting thing about all this is that such or almost such a girl will appear in your life soon. My former students called me more than once after, someone a month later, someone six months later and they said - “You won’t believe it, but I found almost such a girl! I'm just pissing with boiling water from happiness! It works.

If you cannot formulate with which girl you want to connect your life and you are tormented by the question of how to choose a wife, then you will surely be able to formulate - which girl you do NOT need exactly. And, if you see these qualities in a girl, then you should not continue to communicate with her.

By the way, I have several excellent training videos on this topic on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking over here. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

For example, I know for sure that I don’t like too strong girls, because a man needs to feel strong next to a woman and those who can take care, help, regret, and so on, show tenderness in the end. And too strong women, as a rule, are generally not able to express weakness and fragility. They do not want to be pitied and supported. I don't like those.

Here is a girl who I immediately liked, she was so sincere and feminine ...

How to choose a girl

  1. She must like you outwardly! Although they say that you shouldn’t drink water from your face, and that beauty will take a closer look, and the mind will come in handy, you still want to see a beauty next to you, with whom it’s nice to wake up. Therefore, if you are already approaching girls, then approach only the most beautiful. Yes, and if they send, then at least it will not be so insulting.
  2. It should suit your character. You can even write down all the pros and cons on a piece of paper and see what more. It is desirable that you are on the same wavelength, that is, that you have common interests in life and common values ​​​​and goals.
  3. It definitely should suit you completely. She should not dominate, even in pastels. Sex is what keeps seventy percent of relationships.
  4. She should take care of you, want to support you, feed, caress, hug and kiss you. If she cares, then at least she cares about you.
  5. Try to live with her just for a couple of weeks in the same apartment, or better yet, a month and see how she will behave in general, do you like that she flickers before your eyes every day, are you ready to see her all your life ...

That's the problem I personally have - I have no problems with women, on the contrary, there are a lot of them, sometimes even too many, and it was before and now. And in every woman with whom you once communicated or communicate now, there is some good feature, or quality, or something of appearance. But the problem is that you want to find exactly the most ideal woman, you want to take the best from each and combine it all into one! To put it mildly, I snickered, but I believe that she is walking somewhere, that I will definitely meet her, and soon.

In this article, we talked with you about how to choose a woman for life. This is a rather difficult process, but what I can say for sure is that in order for you to choose with your brain and heart, and not with your penis, you must have a choice of many or at least a few girls. Therefore, a pickup truck in this case and which we carry out is the best solution for you. Moreover, each pick-up artist is such only until he finds HER..

How do girls choose guys? We don't care about women's opinion! You have to choose your own girl. It's time to start choosing a girl for yourself, and not take what came to hand.

Girls are different: smart, beautiful, funny, slim, kind, funny, positive. This is only part of the positive qualities of the fair sex. There are still negative and controversial sides.

“The most reliable test is the pool. By the pool it is clear who is who: an intellectual will bury her head in a book in a bathing cap, an athlete will arrange a water polo match, those prone to narcissism will take care of the tan, those prone to hypochondria will smear themselves with protective cream ... If a woman at the pool is afraid to wet her hair so as not to ruin her hair, - run away. If she jumps into the water with laughter, jump after her.” The film “Love Lives for Three Years”

The formula for the perfect girlfriend looks like this: hot + smart + funny. But these are too general requirements. How to choose a girl? How to approach a love relationship?

Which girl to choose?

1. Choose a fun girl!

Perhaps someone likes sad, gloomy and muslin young ladies. They have a changeable mood, but most often a bad one. Such a girl is often unhappy with something. She constantly needs to be appeased, entertained and tried to stir up. Do you need it? Why look at a constantly sour and dissatisfied face if there are funny girls?

Choose a girl with a cheerful and easy character. They are easily recognizable by their constant smile. They love to laugh and have fun. They are not driven over trifles and rarely drip on the brain. Funny girls are happy to laugh at jokes and even at themselves. They do not turn every little thing into a tragedy, but treat life with humor. Which girl to choose? Do you want to look at a girl with an eternally sour face? No! Let him sour alone. Life should be spent only with cheerful and positive girls!

Photo: Vincent Boiteau

2. Choose an age-appropriate girl

Youngsters or adult women are only good for experiments in bed. Young people do not yet know what they want, and adults are already psychologically spoiled. Too much age difference will not bring anything good. Choose a girl of the right age. That way you avoid a lot of problems. Do you remember the story of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore well? Or Hugh Hefner and his many girlfriends? They had a lot of money, but even this did not save their relationship. Choose a girl of the right age!

Photo: By Lies Thru a Lens

3. Choose a smart girl

We avoid the word "smart". Enough for the girl to be smart. With stupid girls, only one evening is good, but no more. Then they start to enrage with their stupidity. Smart girls are easier to communicate with. They are relevant and interesting.

If the girl is smarter than you, that's fine too. Even good. But, most likely, you will not know this, she is smart.

Education is also desirable.

4. Choose an athletic girl

According to studies, the proportion of men who are fond of and involved in sports is almost 1.5 times more than women. 54% of women are overweight, which is 2 times more than men.

Some girls last went in for sports at school. In modern society, the last 10 years, a sports lifestyle is popular. Taking care of your body allows you to live and compete in any conditions. Anyone who does not play sports becomes uncompetitive by the age of 30. If a girl does not go in for sports and does not see the point in it, then it is worth considering.

Which girl to choose? An athlete or an ordinary girl? Here the choice is obvious. Women's beauty is more fleeting. You don't want to see your girlfriend turn into a fat or a wreck, do you? Do you want to have healthy offspring? Look now and you won't have to bite your elbows after 5 years of relationship.

Photo: Wojtek Pruchnicki

5. Choose a temperamental girl

Even the breathtaking figure of a girl does not guarantee good sex. She does not show emotions, and your relationship is based on your passion? She doesn't really like having sex? Is she not too active in bed even after a year of relationship? During sex, the girl lies and groans, sometimes showing signs of life? Is this the end of her participation in sex? Crap. You've hit a rock.

Sex with a hot, temperamental girl is better than sex with a dozen logs. Hot chicks are easy to recognize by their initiative. They themselves thrive on sex and want to try something new. They have an enviable imagination. Temperamental girls love to enjoy life, and sex is important to them. Which girl to choose? Only hot!

Do not allow yourself to be careless in choosing a girlfriend. You have to choose your own girl. This way you will avoid disappointment in relationships. Girls should inspire and excite the blood. Otherwise, why live?

Now every guy would like to know how to choose a girl for a relationship or creation families. But the problem of most guys is precisely in the absence of specific goals on this occasion and knowledge of how choose a girl for relationships. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving you not only specific recommendations and advice on how to choose a girl for a relationship, but also for your other goals.

Why do you need a girl?

The first question every guy should ask before choosing girl for relationship, this, why and why do you need a girl. Decide what you want to achieve by choosing a girl. Do you want a family, relationships, love, simple meetings, loneliness. The goal is individually set by each guy, but there are some basics that connect all the goals that you set in order to choose a girl, we will give them below.

Places for dating

First of all, in order to choose a girl, you first need to decide on the place where you will start meeting girls. For this, it is useful to read:, there they will tell you how not to make a mistake with the right place for dating and choose a girl that you yourself will love.


First of all, in order to choose a girl for a relationship, you need to decide which girl's appearance suits you best. Of course, everyone will say that he likes all beautiful girls, but it is best to decide on those that you like more and write down on a piece of paper some description of the appearance of the girl that you will soon start looking for. Thus, you will save a lot of time searching, as you already know the appearance of the girl you are looking for. First of all, all the guys look first at the appearance of the girl and it is unnecessary to hide it, and it will be determined which girls you like more. This usually takes less than an hour.

Girl character

To choose a girl for a serious relationship, you also, in addition to appearance, need to decide which character you like best, and which one you cannot stand. Describe the full character of the girl you want to find, this will save a lot of time. Of course, in order to determine the character of a girl, appearance is of little help here. To do this, you need to communicate and ask questions that will determine the whole character of the girl, and you can understand whether he fits with your list or not. Then you decide for yourself whether to build a relationship with this girl or find another girl.


To understand and choose the girl with whom you want to build a relationship or start a family, you need to trust only your heart and soul. Since the brain will not help here, and with the slightest passion or affection, you will quickly want to start a family and fail. Love does not like this, and comes to really happy people and gives even more happiness.

But there is only one way to know for sure whether you love each other or not, and that is to live together for at least 3 years before marriage. During this period, passion and emotions usually subside, and then you can see if there is love or simple emptiness. But not everyone follows this method and create families without even having lived together for a year, due to this, almost every family falls apart, both children and you suffer. Therefore, take your time and do not be afraid that the girl may leave you, since you did not propose to her. If she truly loves you, then no one will destroy your relationship, even if you just live together all your life and never get married.

To create a family

Just the guys are looking for and want to choose girl not only for relationships but also in the future create a family. This is of course very good and wonderful if there is a common goal to create and raise healthy and happy children. But for this you need to remember the method written above, that it is unnecessary to rush to create a family, wait 3 years and everything will be fine. Before creating a family and children, read: and decide if you love children and what you can teach them. Take care of yourself to set the right example for your children, and you will become very happy.

That's all what we were going to sort out with you about how to choose a girl for irrigation. By putting into practice all the knowledge gained, you will be able to see for yourself in their effectiveness, without wasting time on unnecessary doubts and fears. Thus, you can not easily choose a girl, but also become even happier and more successful with her, since true love works wonders.