How to please teachers in a new school. What to do if a student falls in love with a teacher? How not to act

Student years are the best period in life. You are young, you have a lot of energy and strength, and you have a minimum of duties and problems. However, do not forget about the “session-stressful” time, when it seems that the chances of passing the exam or getting credit are minimal. According to some students, it becomes clear that the main obstacle on their way to the successful closing of the session is the teacher, who "will definitely fail, for some reason does not like me."

Teachers can be divided into two types: conservatives and innovators. But how do you know which type you are dealing with?


This is a person who has established views on life and does not like it when they do not agree with his opinion. Such teachers are suspicious of alternative sources of information and want students to sit in the library for hours. They remember people well, so if you made noise and interfered with the lecture, get ready for the consequences on the exam. Conservatives are NOT late for classes, they prepare thoroughly for classes and know what they are talking about. Such teachers are very demanding both to themselves and to others. That is why, if such a person is the supervisor when writing a term paper or diploma, it is better to seek help from specialists who will write the work correctly, for example,, or use the services: Author24 or Studwork.

Innovator, or Friend-adviser

It has modern and very flexible looks. Such a teacher is not afraid to learn from students, to learn something new. The innovator assumes that he may be wrong and submits his thoughts carefully. He will not be surprised if you come along with a laptop, he will be delighted with a non-standard task or creative approach. From such teachers, you will never hear complaints about their appearance - they are not embarrassed by painted lips, bright hair color or informal clothes. Innovators try to be “on the same wavelength” with young people, they want students to perceive them as older friends who can be turned to for advice or with a problem.

Of course, such a division is very conditional, because much depends on the nature of the person.

How to please different teachers?

First you need to understand a simple truth - people in general are hard to please. Some have an innate talent, but this can be learned - you just need to observe and analyze. So, when you have a new teacher, follow his behavior, draw conclusions - and into battle.

For example, a conservative will really like it if you sit on the first desk, conscientiously prepare for couples, look modest. With such teachers, you should not start heated disputes that will not lead to good.

The innovator, of course, also wants to be taught his subject. But with such a teacher, you do not need to cram a textbook, but it is better to demonstrate the ability to think and navigate the material. Show individuality, but do not flirt with friendship: it is possible that the teacher will take it the wrong way.

It is worth adding that not a single person likes insolence, rudeness, laziness. But politeness and conscientiousness will never be superfluous. And remember: sympathy is usually mutual.

Do you want your teacher to have a high opinion of you? If you like the teacher, it is likely that he will help you study better. Perhaps you would like to receive more benefits? To please him with your knowledge, but not to turn into a pet? Just to draw attention to yourself? One way or another, our tips will help you win the favor of the teacher!


Part 1

How to become a model student

    Make an impression with your diligence and desire for good grades, especially in those subjects that are not easy for you. Never give up and help others. The teacher will definitely notice this attitude. A positive attitude will show your respect for everyone around you and your willingness to lend a helping hand. If something is not clear to your classmates, then you can explain the topic when the teacher is tired or busy. This will demonstrate your character as well as your desire to learn and share knowledge. Any teacher will appreciate such zeal.

    Understand the teacher's preferences. Some teachers like it when students are quiet and only ask questions when necessary. Others prefer that students freely ask questions, demonstrate their interest in the lesson. Watch the teacher's reactions in class to understand their preferences and behave accordingly.

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The semester has just begun. It would seem too early to think about the summer session. But, as they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer. Do you want to get a pass the first time, not go to exams with your fingers crossed, with pockets full of spurs?

Unfortunately, the ideal examiner exists only in your imagination. Sometimes the assessment does not depend on the knowledge of the student, but on how the teacher treats him (whether he succeeded in to please the teacher, or not). Remember, the exam does not begin when you reached for a ticket, but at the first meeting with the teacher. What is important is not how the student knows the subject, but how well he knows it, according to the examiner. If the examiner is not disposed towards you, then you and only you made him so.

Ruined your reputation? Teachers shy away from you like hell from incense? And if you were only in the classroom ... hmm, once ... Do you think the train has already left? Nothing like that, there are ways to fix it all and to please the teacher. Teachers are variable, they change almost every semester. So you can always start over. Build yourself the right reputation, one that will ensure your success in the exam.

Try to present yourself correctly. When greeting a teacher, be sure to address him by his first name and patronymic. Make a neat hairstyle, remove the earring from the tongue, spit out the chewing gum.

To to please the teacher, don't be late for classes, don't go to a lecture in a tracksuit and a shirt unbuttoned to the navel. If the teacher made a remark to you, go up to him after the lecture and apologize.

Turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate. No aces, mail ru agents and other messengers even at the most boring seminars. But a laptop at a lecture is cool! (Although, again, not everyone teacher This like it).

It is advisable not to sit on the very last desk. Watch the teacher. Determine which students he likes. Most educators like collected students. So why not play it? Ask the teacher about anything you don't understand. Many teachers like it when students are interested in a topic and ask questions. This will establish you in the eyes of the lecturer as a student interested in the subject. It is desirable to show that your knowledge goes far beyond the program, but do not overdo it. Not all teachers like smart people.

In general, do your best to to please the teacher, become a joy for him! And feel free to take the exam.

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Do you hope to draw the teacher's attention to your positive qualities? Are you counting on favors? Do you want to be forgiven for some passivity? You don't have to be a pet to do this.


Be positive and help others, and soon the teacher will like you. Your disposition will show him that you respect everyone and are always ready to lend a helping hand if necessary. This will expose you as a student who wants to learn. Teachers love this attitude.

Always treat people well. Praise the work of others and make good suggestions. Your support and understanding will show the ability to sympathize and willingness to help. Most teachers love to see this kind of attitude.

Don't be the so-called "teacher's pet" and don't try to help everyone all the time. In this way, you are asking for trouble (and can annoy your classmates). The next step, without a doubt, will be your constant help in extracurricular activities. Volunteer to help or participate in extracurricular projects periodically, not every activity. This will demonstrate your interest and responsibility without draining your strength or attracting undue fame.

Be calm in class. Avoid engaging in conversations as this will make the teacher think that you are fully involved in the conversation. Try to speak only when asked or doing group work. Arguing with the teacher will only get in the way and make the teacher angry.

Always be ready for the lesson. Do all your homework. Always respect the teacher, classmates, rules, school, etc. this attitude will help you be prepared for anything.

Keep your notes. Write down everything: when, where, what, who. Do not frequently ask the teacher about the basic facts that have already been mentioned. For example: do not ask 3 times which paragraph you need to read. You should always be able to take notes in class and be attentive. Show that you are really interested and want to learn.

Be creative. A good way to please a teacher is to make a handmade thank you card for him or her, they will be pleased. Exceed expectations on projects. Have fun doing tasks!

Find common interests. Perhaps you both like the same sports team, or you're both obsessed with animated films. It might be something you can talk about if you finish your work early and your teacher is not busy. If the teacher knows that you know that he has the same interests as you and your classmates, he will become more sympathetic to you.

Talk to them like normal people. Get to know them better, ask about them. Show that you like them and are interested in them by asking if they had a good weekend. Establishing friendly relations will help expressing an opinion about their appearance, or a simple conversation.

Get the job done as early as possible. When you have the opportunity, finish and turn in the assignment early. This implies that you are worried about learning. Do not forget to work at home on the day of submission of the material.

If you haven't done your homework, don't cheat. Offer to do additional exercises to catch up. Be honest. Most, if not all, teachers prefer sincerity to innocent lies.

Don't forget homework. Develop a system where homework will always be with you, for example, keep a binder or bag nearby while you are doing the exercises, and put everything there when you are done.

Find out what your teacher likes. Some of them like quiet students who only ask questions when necessary, while others are always waiting for your response, which will show interest in the subject. Determine this by observing the reactions to the actions of other students. Once the task is completed, do so as often as possible.

Participate in everything. You should not only look attentive in class, but also act interested. Ask questions if you don't understand something, and the teacher will be happy to answer them for you. If the teacher asks the class, answer questions that you know the answers to. This will show that you can absorb and remember information, which is exactly what teachers want. Speak loudly and clearly in class so your instructors will respect your attention and effort to memorize the material. If you don't understand the meaning of something, ask. If you disagree with something the teacher says, say so, but don't be rude, and if they defend their point, discard your opinion.

Be friendly. Be one step ahead by engaging in casual conversation with them after or before class. If they mentioned something specific about family, ask how things are going, especially if something stressful or difficult has happened. The teacher will feel that you respect him enough and perceive him as a person, and not just see him as an evil person. Also, if the teacher has a good sense of humor, joke with him from time to time.

Be respectful. At the very least, it means that you don't push, insult, or confront the teacher. It can be tough, especially with teachers who are obviously picky. But if you are polite to them, their attempts to be rude to you will look stupid. Also, do whatever the teacher says as quickly as possible. Normally following all directions can make a big difference. When meeting, say hello to the teacher, it is always welcome. Find out the date of birth and congratulate them. Respect teachers. Make sure you are always on time.

Be careful. Do not talk to your friends during the lecture. Don't send messages, don't constantly look at your watch, otherwise the teacher will think that you are not at all interested in what he or she is saying. Be polite and show motivation - even if the topic is very boring. There is nothing less loved by a teacher than a student who ignores him or her. When possible, make eye contact with the teacher - if he looks at you, smile back. Don't laugh or giggle. Laugh at your teacher's "jokes".

Carry out research outside of school. This does not mean that you have to write an essay or anything like that. This means that you learn what you are given in class and a little more, go one step ahead. Ask your instructor questions that may not be related to the specific subtopic you are studying, but that are relevant to the topic to which it relates. Thought-provoking questions or a question that has been on your mind for some time can be especially helpful. It could also mean that you learned more about the subject, something the teacher didn't mention, or a new perspective. Teachers like this very much, because this approach shows your anxiety about the topic, which pushes you to do extra work.

Complete additional tasks. This will help raise your rating and please the teacher even more. Try to do two or three of these medium-level tasks, by no means too hard that you don't understand, but not ridiculously easy, otherwise the teacher will think that you are not capable of doing something more difficult.

Don't speak out of turn. If you yell while a teacher or other student is talking, you will be perceived as rude and impolite.

Think before you speak. If you ask a stupid question or ask about what he or she just said, you will show your inattention!

Find common interests! On a special day for the teacher, bring him something that is the circle of his interests, for example, for his birthday. This will show what you think of him!

Submit work on time. If you don't, you may have to do it again and you'll be one step behind everyone in the class.

Don't interrupt the teacher. When the teacher explains something, let him finish. If you still do not understand something, you can ask a question, but if you wait a little longer, there is a good chance that the teacher himself will answer your not yet asked question. Teachers do not like to be interrupted because it is a sign of disrespect and can confuse the teacher.

  • Do not talk to your desk mate while the teacher is talking or leading a discussion. Always be careful in class and avoid chatting with other students.
  • Good manners and tact during lessons can help win the teacher's favor.
  • Do not cheat during test tasks. If you are convicted of this, the teacher will be disappointed and will no longer trust you.
  • Be nice.
  • Say "Thank you" and "Can I come out?" instead of a simple "may". It sounds more polite and teachers prefer proper grammar.
  • Teachers appreciate hard and high-quality work. Do your best to get high scores for each activity and during tests. By doing well even the most insignificant work, you will show that you have spent a lot of time and effort.
  • Always do your homework carefully.
  • Pay attention to lectures.
  • Try to make eye contact with him or her, but remember: if this contact lasts for a long time, do not be arrogant, instead smile and talk to the person who is nearby (for example, to a friend).
  • Don't interrupt the teacher.
  • Do not use profanity when you are around the teacher or in the classroom.
  • Always be kind to the teacher.
  • If the teacher says something wrong, such as making a mistake in a calculation, you can raise your hand and point out the mistake. Some people don't like being corrected, but the teacher can appreciate that your correct answer kept the class from getting confused and you were attentive.
  • Remember, sometimes your exit from the classroom to the bathroom can interfere with the teacher. Choose the right moment for this. This will show the teacher that you are mature enough to know when to leave.
  • Teachers like calm students, they tend to think that such students are quite attentive. Noisy students are usually annoying. In some really noisy classrooms, the teacher will only focus on quiet people.
  • If there is a teacher nearby, smile and greet him.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • When meeting, always greet your teacher, except in situations where your greeting will distract them from the business or conversation he is having.
  • Style your hair properly, wear clean clothes and shoes, and keep your desk in order.
  • Give your teacher a gift on Teacher's Day.
  • Try to develop a healthy sense of humor, and know when to joke. Avoid dirty humor and jokes that may offend or offend others.
  • Tell the teacher that her blouse/his shirt looks good today, but be careful with compliments (see cautions).
  • No text messages. Use iPhone apps, or use personal electronic devices in class.
  • Ask questions when necessary, and add information when appropriate to show your interest.
  • If you want to discuss something that is not directly related to the class discussion, wait for recess. If you talk in class, the teacher may feel interrupted, and the class will think that you are bragging or just swallowing information.


  • Never insult a teacher.
  • Don't ask questions after class: they will hate you forever.
  • Do not cheat during tests and exams.
  • Always make sure you don't say "You look good" to the teacher, especially if they are of the opposite sex. This will make your friends and teacher think you're weird, and possibly get you into trouble for being accused of sexual harassment.
  • Don't be rude to the teacher.
  • Don't talk in class.
  • Don't do homework in class when you should be participating and listening.
  • Don't ask questions if you missed something because you missed a lesson. Of course you don't know something! To assume that nothing is lost by missing a lesson is insulting.
  • Compliment your teacher occasionally. Tell her or him they look great! If it's a lady, comment on her hair or shoes. (Mostly this applies to girls, not boys, otherwise it will look strange.)
  • Don't play when the teacher is talking.
  • Don't overdo it with casual chatter. The teacher and the children will most likely think that you are the teacher's pet.
  • Do not play with school supplies that are on the table.
  • Never act like a clown and don't interrupt or ask stupid questions.
  • Don't laugh when a teacher makes a mistake.

Attention, only TODAY!

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This question is asked by many women. How to make a good impression on a man so that he wants to meet you again and again?

In view of the fact that all men (and women) are different, there is no definite approach to this problem.

There are several methods, and each works differently for different men:

  1. Classical method or "grandmother's school"
    Be humble, discreet, like a real lady.
    Do not take the initiative, let the man make the first move. Many men, despite emancipation and the triumph of feminism, like to take the lead in relationships. But do not be too restrained, otherwise you can sow in a man the fear of being rejected.
    In communication, give certain signals that will cheer up the modest: a smile, a slightly delayed look, or an accidental touch of hands are unobtrusive, but encouraging signs.
  2. Gesture Method
    Our body language can say more about us than mere words. These are signs that we send unconsciously to the interlocutor. The essence of the method of gestures is the transformation of the unconscious into the conscious.
    An important role is played by eye contact, which takes place in three stages: first, you throw a flirtatious, slightly sly look at your interlocutor, then a mysterious, long one, and, finally, a deep and interested look.
    In no case do not cross your arms over your chest - this is a sign of closeness. Play repeat games with a man, copying his gestures and facial expressions. In a conversation, show interest, while tilting your head slightly to the side. Men like to be listened to.
  3. The New Amazon Method
    A modern woman is a self-confident, purposeful lady. She knows what she wants, without fear and reproach, she is ready to take the first step. This woman is a conqueror - an Amazon. If you belong to this type of women, act.
    First start a conversation with a man, smile at him, do not hesitate to touch him. Physical contact is very important. However, do not be too cheeky and assertive. There must be a sense of proportion in everything.
    Therefore, before embarking on active actions, study the man, try to understand what he expects from a relationship with you.
  4. Virtual contact method
    Today, most dating occurs through social networks. Hiding behind a computer screen, any of us, without embarrassment and fear, can flirt and discuss the most frank topics with an unfamiliar man.
    Acquaintance with a virtual interlocutor should start from afar: find relevant topics for communication, common interests. So you determine his intellectual level. If the interlocutor is of interest, you can compliment him, for example: "I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time." This will add a touch of flirting to your relationship.
    This may be followed by a proposal for a meeting. Well, then act with real methods!

That's all the simple secrets of seducing a man. However, remember, you should not get carried away with these methods, training and practicing skills.